Surah Al-'Aĥqāf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills) - سورة الأحقاف



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ حم } الله أعلم بمراده به .
Sahih International
Ha, Meem.
Haa, Miim.
{ تنزيل الكتاب } القرآن مبتدأ { من الله } خبره { العزيز } في ملكه { الحكيم } في صنعه .
Tanzeelu alkitabi mina AllahialAAazeezi alhakeem
Sahih International
The revelation of the Book is from Allah , the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
Diturunkan Al-Quran ini, dari Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ ما خلقنا السماوات والأرض وما بينهما إلا } خلقا { بالحق } ليدل على قدرتنا ووحدانيتنا { وأجل مسمى } إلى فنائهما يوم القيامة { والذين كفروا عما أنذروا } خوفوا به من العذاب { معرضون } .
Ma khalaqna assamawatiwal-arda wama baynahuma illabilhaqqi waajalin musamman wallatheenakafaroo AAamma onthiroo muAAridoon
Sahih International
We did not create the heavens and earth and what is between them except in truth and [for] a specified term. But those who disbelieve, from that of which they are warned, are turning away.
(Ingatlah), tidaklah Kami menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya melainkan dengan ada gunanya yang benar dan dengan ada masa penghujungnya yang tertentu (yang padanya dijalankan pembalasan); dan orang-orang yang kafir berpaling dari menerima peringatan yang diberikan kepada mereka mengenainya.
{ قل أرأيتم } أخبروني { ما تدعون } تعبدون { من دون الله } أي الأصنام مفعول أول { أروني } أخبروني ما تأكيد { ماذا خلقوا } مفعول ثان { من الأرض } بيان ما { أم لهم شرك } مشاركة { في } خلق { السماوات } مع الله وأم بمعنى همزة الإنكار { ائتوني بكتاب } منزل { من قبل هذا } القرآن { أو أثارة } بقية { من علم } يؤثر عن الأولين بصحة دعواكم في عبادة الأصنام أنها تقربكم إلى الله { إن كنتم صادقين } في دعواكم .
Qul araaytum ma tadAAoona min dooniAllahi aroonee matha khalaqoo mina al-ardiam lahum shirkun fee assamawati eetooneebikitabin min qabli hatha aw atharatin minAAilmin in kuntum sadiqeen
Sahih International
Say, [O Muhammad], "Have you considered that which you invoke besides Allah ? Show me what they have created of the earth; or did they have partnership in [creation of] the heavens? Bring me a scripture [revealed] before this or a [remaining] trace of knowledge, if you should be truthful."
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad kepada orang-orang musyrik yang menentangmu): "Sudahkah kamu mengetahui kekuasaan dan kelayakan makhluk - makhluk yang kamu seru dan sembah yang lain dari Allah? Tunjukkanlah kepadaku apakah yang mereka ciptakan dari bahagian bumi ini? Atau adakah mereka mempunyai sebarang perkongsian (dengan Allah) dalam mencipta dan menguruskan langit? Bawalah kamu kepadaku sebuah Kitab (dari Allah) yang lain dari Al-Quran ini, atau sebarang keterangan yang berdasarkan ilmu (peninggalan orang-orang yang telah lalu) kalau betul kamu orang-orang yang benar (tentang dakwaan kamu itu)!"
{ ومن } استفهام بمعنى النفي، أي لا أحد { أضل ممن يدعو } يعبد { من دون الله } أي غيره { من لا يستجيب له إلى يوم القيامة } وهم الأصنام لا يجيبون عابديهم إلى شيء يسألونه أبدا { وهم عن دعائهم } عبادتهم { غافلون } لأنهم جماد لا يعقلون .
Waman adallu mimman yadAAoo min dooniAllahi man la yastajeebu lahu ila yawmialqiyamati wahum AAan duAAa-ihim ghafiloon
Sahih International
And who is more astray than he who invokes besides Allah those who will not respond to him until the Day of Resurrection, and they, of their invocation, are unaware.
Dan tidak ada yang lebih sesat daripada orang yang menyembah sesuatu yang lain dari Allah, yang tidak dapat menyahut atau memberikan sebarang pertolongan kepadanya (dari dunia) hinggalah ke hari kiamat, sedang makhluk-makhluk yang mereka sembah itu tidak dapat menyedari atau memberi layanan baik kepada permohonan mereka.
{ وإذا حشر الناس كانوا } أي الأصنام { لهم } لعابديهم { أعداءً وكانوا بعبادتهم } بعبادة عابديهم { كافرين } جاحدين .
Wa-itha hushira annasukanoo lahum aAAdaan wakanoo biAAibadatihimkafireen
Sahih International
And when the people are gathered [that Day], they [who were invoked] will be enemies to them, and they will be deniers of their worship.
Dan apabila manusia dihimpunkan (untuk dihitung amalnya pada hari akhirat), menjadilah segala yang disembah itu musuh kepada orang-orang yang menyembahnya, dan segala yang disembah itu juga tidak mengakui serta mendustakan penyembahan mereka kepadanya.
{ وإذا تتلى عليهم } أي أهل مكة { آياتنا } القرآن { بينات } ظاهرات حال { قال الذين كفروا } منهم { للحق } أي القرآن { لما جاءهم هذا سحر مبين } بيّن ظاهر .
Wa-itha tutla AAalayhim ayatunabayyinatin qala allatheena kafaroo lilhaqqilamma jaahum hatha sihrun mubeen
Sahih International
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, those who disbelieve say of the truth when it has come to them, "This is obvious magic."
Dan apabila dibacakan kepada mereka (yang kafir) ayat-ayat Quran kami yang jelas nyata, berkatalah mereka terhadap kebenaran (Al-Quran) bila sahaja disampaikan kepada mereka: "Ini ialah sihir yang nyata!".
{ أم } بمعني بل وهمزة الإنكار { يقولون افتراه } أي القرآن { قل إن افتريته } فرضا { فلا تملكون لي من الله } أي من عذابه { شيئا } أي لا تقدرون على دفعه عنى إذا عذبني الله { هو أعلم بما تفيضون فيه } يقولون في القرآن { كفى به } تعالى { شهيدا بيني وبينكم وهو الغفور } لمن تاب { الرحيم } به فلم يعاجلكم بالعقوبة .
Am yaqooloona iftarahu qul iniiftaraytuhu fala tamlikoona lee mina Allahi shay-anhuwa aAAlamu bima tufeedoona feehi kafa bihishaheedan baynee wabaynakum wahuwa alghafooru arraheem
Sahih International
Or do they say, "He has invented it?" Say, "If I have invented it, you will not possess for me [the power of protection] from Allah at all. He is most knowing of that in which you are involved. Sufficient is He as Witness between me and you, and He is the Forgiving the Merciful."
(Bukan setakat itu sahaja mereka katakan) bahkan mereka menuduh dengan berkata: "Muhammad telah merekakan Al-Quran itu." Katakanlah (Wahai Muhammad): "Kalau aku merekakan Al-Quran itu (maka tentulah aku tidak terlepas dari azab kesalahan itu) kerana kamu (dan juga yang lain dari kamu) tidak berkuasa memberikan daku sebarang perlindungan dari (azab) Allah. Allah lebih mengetahui akan (tuduhan-tuduhan yang tidak berasas) yang kamu perkatakan itu; cukuplah Allah menjadi saksi antaraku dengan kamu, dan Dia lah jua Yang Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."
{ قل ما كنت بدعا } بديعا { من الرسل } أي أول مرسل، قد سبق قبلي كثيرون منهم، فكيف تكذبوني { وما أدري ما يفعل بي ولا بكم } في الدنيا أأخرج من بلدي أم أقتل كما فعل بالأنبياء قبلي، أو ترموني بالحجارة أم يخسف بكم كالمكذبين قبلكم { إن } ما { أتبع إلا ما يوحى إليَّ } أي القرآن ولا أبتدع من عندي شيئا { وما أنا إلا نذير مبين } بيّن الإنذار .
Qul ma kuntu bidAAan mina arrusuliwama adree ma yufAAalu bee wala bikum inattabiAAu illa ma yooha ilayya wamaana illa natheerun mubeen
Sahih International
Say, "I am not something original among the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner."
Katakanlah lagi: "Bukanlah aku seorang Rasul pembawa ugama yang berlainan dari ugama yang dibawa oleh Rasul-rasul (yang telah lalu), dan aku tidak mengetahui apa yang akan dilakukan kepadaku dan kepada kamu. Aku tidak melakukan sesuatu melainkan menurut apa yang diwahyukan kepadaku, dan aku tidak lain hanyalah seorang Rasul pemberi amaran yang jelas nyata"
{ قل أرأيتم } أخبروني ماذا حالكم { إن كان } أي القرآن { من عند الله وكفرتم به } جملة حالية { وشهد شاهد من بني إسرائيل } هو عبد الله بن سلام { على مثله } أي عليه أنه من عند الله { فآمن } الشاهد { واستكبرتم } تكبرتم عن الإيمان وجواب الشرط بما عطف عليه: ألستم ظالمين دل عليه { إن الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين } .
Qul araaytum in kana min AAindi Allahiwakafartum bihi washahida shahidun min banee isra-eelaAAala mithlihi faamana wastakbartum innaAllaha la yahdee alqawma aththalimeen
Sahih International
Say, "Have you considered: if the Qur'an was from Allah , and you disbelieved in it while a witness from the Children of Israel has testified to something similar and believed while you were arrogant... ?" Indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
Katakanlah lagi: "Bagaimana fikiran kamu jika Al-Quran ini (yang datangnya) dari Allah dan kamu mengingkarinya, pada hal ada seorang saksi dari Bani Israil memberi keterangan mengakui (sahnya Kitab) yang sama seperti Al-Quran ini, lalu ia percayakan (Al-Quran ini dari Allah), sedang kamu dengan sombong angkuh mengingkarinya? (Tidakkah dengan yang demikian kamu bersifat zalim)? Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang zalim (yang degil dalam kekufurannya)".
{ وقال الذين كفروا للذين آمنوا } أي في حقهم { لو كان } الإيمان { خيرا ما سبقونا إليه وإذ لم يهتدوا } أي القائلون { به } أي القرآن { فسيقولون هذا } أي القرآن { إفك } كذب { قديم } .
Waqala allatheena kafaroolillatheena amanoo law kana khayran masabaqoona ilayhi wa-ith lam yahtadoo bihifasayaqooloona hatha ifkun qadeem
Sahih International
And those who disbelieve say of those who believe, "If it had [truly] been good, they would not have preceded us to it." And when they are not guided by it, they will say, "This is an ancient falsehood."
Dan (kerana sombong angkuhnya orang-orang kafir itu) mereka berkata tentang kepercayaan orang-orang yang beriman: "Kalaulah (apa yang dibawa oleh Muhammad) itu perkara yang baik tentulah mereka tidak mendahului kami mempercayainya (kerana kamilah yang sepatutnya menerima segala kebaikan)!" Dan setelah mereka tidak dapat menerima petunjuk Al-Quran itu, (mereka memusuhinya) lalu mereka mencacinya dengan berkata: "Al-Quran ini ialah rekaan dusta yang sudah lama".
{ ومن قبله } أي القرآن { كتاب موسى } أي التوراة { إماما ورحمة } للمؤمنين به حالان { وهذا } أي القرآن { كتاب مصدق } للكتب قبله { لسانا عربيا } قال لمن الضمير في مصدق { لينذر الذين ظلموا } مشركي مكة { و } هو { بشرى للمحسنين } المؤمنين .
Wamin qablihi kitabu moosa imamanwarahmatan wahatha kitabun musaddiqunlisanan AAarabiyyan liyunthira allatheena thalamoowabushra lilmuhsineen
Sahih International
And before it was the scripture of Moses to lead and as a mercy. And this is a confirming Book in an Arabic tongue to warn those who have wronged and as good tidings to the doers of good.
(Bagaimana mereka tergamak mengatakan Al-Quran ini rekaan dusta yang telah lama?) Pada hal telah ada sebelumnya Kitab Nabi Musa yang menjadi ikutan dan rahmat (kepada umatnya); dan Al-Quran pula sebuah Kitab - yang mengesahkan kebenaran (kitab-kitab yang telah lalu), - diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab untuk memberi amaran kepada orang-orang yang zalim, dan berita gembira bagi orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
{ إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا } على الطاعة { فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون } .
Inna allatheena qaloo rabbunaAllahu thumma istaqamoo fala khawfunAAalayhim wala hum yahzanoon
Sahih International
Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is Allah ," and then remained on a right course - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menegaskan keyakinannya dengan berkata: "Tuhan kami ialah Allah", kemudian mereka tetap teguh di atas jalan yang betul (dengan pengakuan iman dan tauhidnya itu), maka tidak ada kebimbangan (dari sesuatu yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka, dan mereka pula tidak akan berdukacita.
{ أولئك أصحاب الجنة خالدين فيها } حال { جزاءً } منصوب على المصدر بفعله المقدر، أي يجزون { بما كانوا يعملون } .
Ola-ika as-habualjannati khalideena feeha jazaan bimakanoo yaAAmaloon
Sahih International
Those are the companions of Paradise, abiding eternally therein as reward for what they used to do.
Merekalah ahli Syurga, tetap kekalah mereka di dalamnya, sebagai balasan bagi amal-amal soleh yang mereka telah kerjakan.
{ ووصَّينا الإنسان بوالديه حُسنا } وفي قراءة إحسانا، أي أمرناه أن يحسن إليهما فنصب إحسانا على المصدر بفعله المقدر ومثله حسنا { حملته أمه كرها ووضعته كرها } أي على مشقة { وحمله وفصاله } من الرضاع { ثلاثون شهرا } ستة أشهر أقل مدة الحمل والباقي أكثر مدة الرضاع، وقيل إن حملت به ستة أو تسعة أرضعته الباقي { حتى } غاية لجملة مقدرة، أي وعاش حتى { إذا بلغ أشده } هو كمال قوته وعقله ورأيه أقله ثلاث وثلاثون سنة أو ثلاثون { وبلغ أربعين سنة } أي تمامها وهو أكثر الأشد { قال رب } إلخ، نزل في أبي بكر الصديق لما بلغ أربعين سنة بعد سنتين من مبعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم آمن به ثم آمن أبواه ثم ابنه عبد الرحمن وابن عبد الرحمن أبو عتيق { أوزعني } ألهمني { أن أشكر نعمتك التي أنعمت } بها { عليَّ وعلى والديَّ } وهي التوحيد { وأن أعمل صالحا ترضاه } فأعتق تسعة من المؤمنين يعذبون في الله { وأصلح لي في ذريتي } فكلهم مؤمنون { إني تبت إليك وإني من المسلمين } .
Wawassayna al-insanabiwalidayhi ihsanan hamalat-hu ommuhukurhan wawadaAAat-hu kurhan wahamluhu wafisaluhuthalathoona shahran hatta ithabalagha ashuddahu wabalagha arbaAAeena sanatan qala rabbiawziAAnee an ashkura niAAmataka allatee anAAamta AAalayya waAAalawalidayya waan aAAmala salihan tardahuwaaslih lee fee thurriyyatee innee tubtuilayka wa-innee mina almuslimeen
Sahih International
And We have enjoined upon man, to his parents, good treatment. His mother carried him with hardship and gave birth to him with hardship, and his gestation and weaning [period] is thirty months. [He grows] until, when he reaches maturity and reaches [the age of] forty years, he says, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am of the Muslims."
Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung susah payah dan telah melahirkannya dengan menanggung susah payah. Sedang tempoh mengandungnya beserta dengan tempoh menceraikan susunya ialah dalam masa tiga puluh bulan. Setelah ia besar sampai ke peringkat dewasa yang sempurna kekuatannya dan sampai ke peringkat umur empat puluh tahun, berdoalah ia dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatmu yang engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan jadikanlah sifat-sifat kebaikan meresap masuk ke dalam jiwa zuriat keturunanku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepadamu, dan sesungguhnya aku dari orang-orang Islam (yang tunduk patuh kepadamu)".
( أولئك ) أي قائلوا هذا القول أبو بكر وغيره ( الذين نتقبل عنهم أحسن ) بمعنى حسن ( ما عملوا ونتجاوز عن سيئاتهم في أصحاب الجنة ) حال ، أي كائنين في جملتهم ( وعد الصدق الذي كانوا يوعدون ) في قوله تعالى "" وعد الله المؤمنين والمؤمنات جنات "" .
Ola-ika allatheena nataqabbaluAAanhum ahsana ma AAamiloo wanatajawazu AAansayyi-atihim fee as-habi aljannati waAAda assidqiallathee kanoo yooAAadoon
Sahih International
Those are the ones from whom We will accept the best of what they did and overlook their misdeeds, [their being] among the companions of Paradise. [That is] the promise of truth which they had been promised.
Mereka (yang bersifat dengan sifat-sifat yang terpuji seperti itu) ialah orang-orang yang Kami terima dari mereka amalnya yang baik yang mereka telah kerjakan, dan Kami ampunkan kesalahan-kesalahannya; (mereka akan dimasukkan) dalam kumpulan ahli Syurga, sebagai memenuhi janji yang benar, yang telah dijanjikan kepada mereka.
{ والذي قال لوالديه } وفي قراءة بالإدغام أريد به الجنس { أفَِ } بكسر الفاء وفتحها بمعنى مصدر، أي نتنا وقبحا { لكما } أتضجر منكما { أتعدانني } وفي قراءة بالإدغام { أن أخرج } من القبر { وقد خلت القرون } الأمم { من قبلي } ولم تخرج من القبور { وهما يستغيثان الله } يسألانه الغوث برجوعه ويقولان إن لم ترجع { ويلك } أي هلاكك بمعنى هلكت { آمن } بالبعث { إن وعد الله حق فيقول ما هذا } أي القول بالبعث { إلا أساطير الأولين } أكاذيبهم .
Wallathee qala liwalidayhioffin lakuma ataAAidaninee an okhraja waqad khalatialquroonu min qablee wahuma yastagheethani Allahawaylaka amin inna waAAda Allahi haqqunfayaqoolu ma hatha illa asateerual-awwaleen
Sahih International
But one who says to his parents, "Uff to you; do you promise me that I will be brought forth [from the earth] when generations before me have already passed on [into oblivion]?" while they call to Allah for help [and to their son], "Woe to you! Believe! Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth." But he says, "This is not but legends of the former people" -
Dan (sebaliknya amatlah derhakanya) orang yang berkata kepada kedua ibu bapanya (ketika mereka mengajaknya beriman): "Ah! Bosan perasaanku terhadap kamu berdua! Patutkah kamu menjanjikan kepadaku bahawa aku akan dibangkitkan keluar dari kubur, padahal berbagai umat sebelumku telah berlalu (masih lagi belum kembali)? " Sambil mendengar kata-katanya itu - ibu bapanya merayu memohon pertolongan Allah (menyelamatkan anak mereka) serta berkata (kepada anaknya yang ingkar itu): "Selamatkanlah dirimu! Berimanlah (tentang hidup semula menerima balasan amal)! Sesungguhnya janji Allah tetap benar". Lalu ia menjawab (dengan angkuhnya): "Semuanya itu hanyalah cerita-cerita dongeng orang-orang dahulu kala!"
{ أولئك الذين حق } وجب { عليهم القول } بالعذاب { في أمم قد خلت من قبلهم من الجن والإنس إنهم كانوا خاسرين } .
Ola-ika allatheena haqqaAAalayhimu alqawlu fee umamin qad khalat min qablihim minaaljinni wal-insi innahum kanoo khasireen
Sahih International
Those are the ones upon whom the word has come into effect, [who will be] among nations which had passed on before them of jinn and men. Indeed, they [all] were losers.
Mereka (yang ingkar derhaka seperti itu) ialah orang-orang yang tetap menerima hukuman (azab) bersama-sama dengan umat-umat yang terdahulu daripada mereka - dari kalangan jin dan manusia; kerana sesungguhnya mereka telah menyebabkan diri mereka menjadi orang-orang yang rugi.
{ ولكل } من جنس المؤمن والكافر { درجات } فدرجات المؤمنين في الجنة عالية ودرجات الكافرين في النار سافلة { مما عملوا } أي المؤمنون من الطاعات والكافرون من المعاصي { وليوفيهم } أي الله، وفي قراءة بالنون { أعمالهم } أي جزاءها { وهم لا يظلمون } شيئا ينقص للمؤمنين ويزاد للكفار .
Walikullin darajatun mimmaAAamiloo waliyuwaffiyahum aAAmalahum wahum la yuthlamoon
Sahih International
And for all there are degrees [of reward and punishment] for what they have done, and [it is] so that He may fully compensate them for their deeds, and they will not be wronged.
Dan bagi mereka masing-masing (dari puak jin dan manusia - yang berbuat baik dan yang berbuat jahat) disediakan berbagai peringkat (balasan) yang sesuai dengan apa yang mereka telah kerjakan, dan (ketetapan yang demikian ialah) supaya Allah menyempurnakan bagi mereka balasan amal-amal mereka, sedang mereka tidak dirugikan (sedikitpun).
{ ويوم يُعرض الذي كفروا على النار } بأن تكشف لهم يقال لهم { أذهبتم } بهمزة وبهمزتين وبهمزة ومدة وبهما وتسهيل الثانية { طيباتكم } باشتغالكم بلذاتكم { في حياتكم الدنيا واستمتعتم } تمتعتم { بها فاليوم تجزون عذاب الهُون } أي الهوان { بما كنتم تستكبرون } تتكبرون { في الأرض بغير الحق وبما كنتم تفسقون } به وتعذبون بها .
Wayawma yuAAradu allatheenakafaroo AAala annari athhabtum tayyibatikumfee hayatikumu addunya wastamtaAAtumbiha falyawma tujzawna AAathaba alhooni bimakuntum tastakbiroona fee al-ardi bighayri alhaqqiwabima kuntum tafsuqoon
Sahih International
And the Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire [it will be said], "You exhausted your pleasures during your worldly life and enjoyed them, so this Day you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation because you were arrogant upon the earth without right and because you were defiantly disobedient."
Dan (ingatlah), semasa orang-orang kafir didedahkan kepada neraka (serta dikatakan kepada mereka): "Kamu telah habiskan nikmat-nikmat kesenangan kamu dalam kehidupan dunia kamu, dan kamu telah bersenang-senang menikmatinya; maka pada hari ini kamu dibalas dengan azab yang menghina kerana kamu berlaku sombong takbur di muka bumi dengan tidak berdasarkan alasan yang benar, dan kerana kamu sentiasa berlaku fasik"
{ واذكر أخا عاد } هود عليه السلام { إذ } إلخ بدل اشتمال { أنذر قومه } خوَّفهم { بالأحقاف } واد باليمن به منازلهم { وقد خلت النذر } مضت الرسل { من بين يديه ومن خلفه } أي من قبل هود ومن بعده إلى أقوامهم { أن }، أي بأن قال { لا تعبدوا إلا الله } وجملة وقد خلت معترضة { إني أخاف عليكم } إن عبدتم غير الله { عذاب يوم عظيم } .
Wathkur akha AAadinith anthara qawmahu bil-ahqafiwaqad khalati annuthuru min bayni yadayhi waminkhalfihi alla taAAbudoo illa Allaha inneeakhafu AAalaykum AAathaba yawmin AAatheem
Sahih International
And mention, [O Muhammad], the brother of 'Aad, when he warned his people in the [region of] al-Ahqaf - and warners had already passed on before him and after him - [saying], "Do not worship except Allah . Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day."
Dan ingatlah peristiwa (Nabi Hud) saudara kaum Aad, ketika ia memberi amaran kepada kaumnya yang tinggal di lembah "Al-Ahqaaf", - sedang (amarannya itu samalah seperti) amaran-amaran yang telah diberikan oleh Rasul-rasul yang terdahulu daripadanya dan yang datang sesudahnya - (dengan berkata): "Janganlah kamu menyembah melainkan Allah, sesungguhnya aku bimbang kamu akan beroleh azab hari yang besar (huru-haranya)".
{ قالوا أجئتنا لتأفكنا عن آلهتنا } لتصرفنا عن عبادتها { فأتنا بما تعدنا } من العذاب على عبادتها { إن كنت من الصادقين } في أنه يأتينا .
Qaloo aji/tana lita/fikanaAAan alihatina fa/tina bima taAAidunain kunta mina assadiqeen
Sahih International
They said, "Have you come to delude us away from our gods? Then bring us what you promise us, if you should be of the truthful."
Mereka menjawab: "Adakah engkau datang kepada kami untuk memesongkan kami dari menyembah tuhan-tuhan kami? Maka bawalah azab seksa yang engkau janjikan kepada kami itu jika betul engkau dari orang-orang yang benar!"
{ قال } هود { إنما العلم عند الله } هو الذي يعلم متى يأتيكم العذاب { وأبلغكم ما أرسلت به } إليكم { ولكني أراكم قوما تجهلون } باستعجالكم العذاب .
Qala innama alAAilmu AAindaAllahi waoballighukum ma orsiltu bihi walakinneearakum qawman tajhaloon
Sahih International
He said, "Knowledge [of its time] is only with Allah , and I convey to you that with which I was sent; but I see you [to be] a people behaving ignorantly."
Nabi Hud berkata: "Sesungguhnya ilmu pengetahuan (tentang kedatangan azab itu) hanya ada di sisi Allah, dan (tugasku hanya) menyampaikan kepada kamu apa yang aku diutuskan membawanya, tetapi aku lihat kamu satu kaum yang jahil (akan tugas Rasul)!"
{ فلما رأوه } أي ما هو العذاب { عارضا } سحابا عرض في أفق السماء { مستقبل أوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا } أي ممطر إيانا، قال تعالى: { بل هو ما استعجلتم به } من العذاب { ريح } بدل من ما { فيها عذاب أليم } مؤلم .
Falamma raawhu AAaridanmustaqbila awdiyatihim qaloo hatha AAaridunmumtiruna bal huwa ma istaAAjaltum bihi reehunfeeha AAathabun aleem
Sahih International
And when they saw it as a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, "This is a cloud bringing us rain!" Rather, it is that for which you were impatient: a wind, within it a painful punishment,
Maka apabila mereka melihat azab itu sebagai awan yang menghala ke lembah-lembah mereka, mereka berkata: "Ini ialah awan yang akan membawa hujan kepada kita!" (Mendengarkan kata-kata yang demikian, Nabi Hud berkata): "Tidak! Bahkan itulah (azab) yang kamu minta disegerakan kedatangannya, iaitu angin yang membawa azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya;
{ تُدَمِّر } تهلك { كل شيء } مرت عليه { بأمر ربها } بإرادته، أي كل شيء أراد إهلاكه بها، فأهلكت رجالهم ونساءهم وصغارهم وأموالهم بأن طارت بذلك بين السماء والأرض ومزقته وبقي هود ومن آمن معه { فأصبحوا لايُرى إلا مساكنهم كذلك } كما جزيناهم { نجزي القوم المجرمين } غيرهم .
Tudammiru kulla shay-in bi-amri rabbihafaasbahoo la yura illa masakinuhumkathalika najzee alqawma almujrimeen
Sahih International
Destroying everything by command of its Lord. And they became so that nothing was seen [of them] except their dwellings. Thus do We recompense the criminal people.
"Yang menghancur leburkan segala-galanya dengan izin Tuhannya". (Setelah azab itu menimpa mereka) maka menjadilah mereka (punah ranah) - tidak ada yang kelihatan melainkan tempat-tempat tinggal mereka. Demikianlah Kami membalas kaum yang berdosa.
{ ولقد مكناهم فيما } في الذي { إن } نافية أو زائدة { مكناكم } يا أهل مكة { فيه } من القوة والمال { وجعلنا لهم سمعا } بمعنى أسماعا { وأبصارا وأفئدة } قلوبا { فما أغنى عنهم سمعهم ولا أبصارهم ولا أفئدتهم من شيء } أي شيئا من الإغناء ومن زائدة { إذ } معمولة لأغنى وأشربت معنى التعليل { كانوا يجحدون بآيات الله } بحججه البينة { وحاق } نزل { بهم ما كانوا به يستهزءُون } أي العذاب .
Walaqad makkannahum feema inmakkannakum feehi wajaAAalna lahum samAAan waabsaranwaaf-idatan fama aghna AAanhum samAAuhum walaabsaruhum wala af-idatuhum min shay-in ith kanooyajhadoona bi-ayati Allahi wahaqabihim ma kanoo bihi yastahzi-oon
Sahih International
And We had certainly established them in such as We have not established you, and We made for them hearing and vision and hearts. But their hearing and vision and hearts availed them not from anything [of the punishment] when they were [continually] rejecting the signs of Allah ; and they were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah meneguhkan kedudukan mereka (dengan kekuasaan dan kemewahan) yang tidak Kami berikan kamu menguasainya (wahai kaum musyrik Makkah), dan Kami telah jadikan bagi mereka pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati; dalam pada itu, pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati mereka tidak memberikan faedah sedikitpun kepada mereka, kerana mereka sentiasa mengingkari ayat-ayat keterangan Allah; dan (dengan yang demikian) mereka diliputi oleh azab yang mereka telah ejek-ejek itu.
{ ولقد أهلكنا ما حولكم من القرى } أي من أهلها كثمود وعاد وقوم لوط { وصرفنا الآيات } كررنا الحجج البينات { لعلهم يرجعون } .
Walaqad ahlakna ma hawlakummina alqura wasarrafna al-ayatilaAAallahum yarjiAAoon
Sahih International
And We have already destroyed what surrounds you of [those] cities, and We have diversified the signs [or verses] that perhaps they might return [from disbelief].
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah binasakan negeri-negeri yang ada di sekeliling (negeri) kamu (wahai kaum musyrik Makkah), dan Kami telah menerangkan tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Kami) dengan berbagai cara, supaya mereka kembali (bertaubat).
{ فلولا } هلا { نصرهم } بدفع العذاب عنهم { الذين اتخذوا من دون الله } أي غيره { قربانا } متقربا بهم إلى الله { آلهة } معه وهم الأصنام ومفعول اتخذ الأول ضمير محذوف يعود على الموصول أي هم، وقربانا الثاني وآلهة بدل منه { بل ضلوا } غابوا { عنهم } عند نزول العذاب { وذلك } أي اتخاذهم الأصنام آلهة قربانا { إفكهم } كذبهم { وما كانوا يفترون } يكذبون، وما مصدرية أو موصولة والعائد محذوف، أي فيه .
Falawla nasarahumu allatheenaittakhathoo min dooni Allahi qurbanan alihatanbal dalloo AAanhum wathalika ifkuhum wama kanooyaftaroon
Sahih International
Then why did those they took besides Allah as deities by which to approach [Him] not aid them? But they had strayed from them. And that was their falsehood and what they were inventing.
Maka sepatutnya mereka dibela oleh segala yang mereka sembah yang lain dari Allah sebagai penyembahan untuk mendekatkan diri (kepada Allah)? (Tetapi tidak), bahkan segala yang mereka sembah itu telah hilang lenyap dari mereka. Dan demikianlah akibat penyelewengan mereka dan kepercayaan yang mereka telah ada-adakan.
( و ) اذكر ( إذ صرفنا ) أملنا ( إليك نفرا من الجن ) جن نصيبين باليمن أو جن نينوى وكانوا سبعة أو تسعة "" وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم ببطن نخل يصلي بأصحابه الفجر "" رواه الشيخان ( يستمعون القرآن فلما حضروه قالوا ) أي قال بعضهم لبعض ( أنصتوا ) أصغوا لاستماعه ( فلما قضي ) فرغ من قراءته ( ولوا ) رجعوا ( إلى قومهم منذرين ) مخوفين قومهم العذاب إن لم يؤمنوا وكانوا يهودا وقد أسلموا .
Wa-ith sarafna ilaykanafaran mina aljinni yastamiAAoona alqur-ana falammahadaroohu qaloo ansitoo falammaqudiya wallaw ila qawmihim munthireen
Sahih International
And [mention, O Muhammad], when We directed to you a few of the jinn, listening to the Qur'an. And when they attended it, they said, "Listen quietly." And when it was concluded, they went back to their people as warners.
Dan (ingatkanlah peristiwa) semasa Kami menghalakan satu rombongan jin datang kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) untuk mendengar Al-Quran; setelah mereka menghadiri bacaannya, berkatalah (setengahnya kepada yang lain): "Diamlah kamu dengan sebulat-bulat ingatan untuk mendengarnya!" Kemudian setelah selesai bacaan itu, kembalilah mereka kepada kaumnya (menyiarkan ajaran Al-Quran itu dengan) memberi peringatan dan amaran.
{ قالوا يا قومنا إنا سمعنا كتابا } هو القرآن { أنزل من بعد موسى مصدقا لما بين يديه } أي تقدمه كالتوراة { يهدي إلى الحق } الإسلام { وإلى طريق مستقيم } أي طريقه .
Qaloo ya qawmana innasamiAAna kitaban onzila min baAAdi moosa musaddiqanlima bayna yadayhi yahdee ila alhaqqi wa-ilatareeqin mustaqeem
Sahih International
They said, "O our people, indeed we have heard a [recited] Book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it which guides to the truth and to a straight path.
Mereka berkata: "Wahai kaum kami! Sesungguhnya kami telah mendengar Kitab (Al-Quran) yang diturunkan (oleh Allah) sesudah Nabi Musa, yang menegaskan kebenaran Kitab-kitab Suci yang terdahulu daripadanya, lagi, memandu kepada kebenaran (tauhid) dan ke jalan yang lurus (ugama Islam)
{ يا قومنا أجيبوا داعي الله } محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى الإيمان { وآمنوا به يغفر } الله { لكم من ذنوبكم } أي بعضها لأن منها المظالم ولا تغفر إلا برضا أصاحبها { ويجركم من عذاب أليم } مؤلم .
Ya qawmana ajeeboo daAAiyaAllahi waaminoo bihi yaghfir lakum min thunoobikumwayujirkum min AAathabin aleem
Sahih International
O our people, respond to the Messenger of Allah and believe in him; Allah will forgive for you your sins and protect you from a painful punishment.
"Wahai kaum kami! Sahutlah (seruan) Rasul (Nabi Muhammad) yang mengajak ke jalan Allah, serta berimanlah kamu kepadanya, supaya Allah mengampunkan sebahagian dari dosa-dosa kamu, dan menyelamatkan kamu dari azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
{ ومن لا يجب داعي الله فليس بمعجز في الأرض } أي لا يعجز الله بالهرب منه فيفوته { وليس له } لمن لا يجب { من دونه } أي الله { أولئك } الذين لم يجيبوا { في ضلال مبين } بيَّن ظاهر .
Waman la yujib daAAiya Allahifalaysa bimuAAjizin fee al-ardi walaysa lahu min doonihiawliyaa ola-ika fee dalalin mubeen
Sahih International
But he who does not respond to the Caller of Allah will not cause failure [to Him] upon earth, and he will not have besides Him any protectors. Those are in manifest error."
"Dan sesiapa tidak menyahut (seruan) Rasul yang mengajaknya ke jalan Allah, maka ia tidak akan dapat melepaskan diri (dari balasan azab walau ke mana sahaja ia melarikan diri) di bumi, dan ia tidak akan beroleh sesiapapun - yang lain dari Allah - sebagai pelindung-pelindung yang membelanya; mereka (yang demikian sifatnya) adalah dalam kesesatan yang nyata".
{ أولم يروْا } يعلموا، أي منكرو البعث { أن الله الذي خلق السماوات والأرض ولم يَعْيَ بخلقهن } لم يعجز عنه { بقادر } خبر أن وزيدت الباء فيه لأن الكلام في قوة أليس الله بقادر { على أن يحيي الموتى بلى } هو قادر على إحياء الموتى { إنه على كل شيءٍ قدير } .
Awa lam yaraw anna Allaha allatheekhalaqa assamawati wal-ardawalam yaAAya bikhalqihinna biqadirin AAala an yuhyiyaalmawta bala innahu AAala kulli shay-inqadeer
Sahih International
Do they not see that Allah , who created the heavens and earth and did not fail in their creation, is able to give life to the dead? Yes. Indeed, He is over all things competent.
Masihkah mereka ingkar dan tidak mahu memikir serta mengetahui bahawa sesungguhnya Allah yang telah menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan tidak mengalami kesukaran dalam menciptakannya - berkuasa menghidupkan makhluk-makhluk yang telah mati? Sudah tentu berkuasa! Sesungguhnya Ia Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
{ ويوم يعرض الذين كفروا على النار } بأن يعذبوا بها يقال لهم { أليس هذا } التعذيب { بالحق قالوا بلى وربنا قال فذوقوا العذاب بما كنتم تكفرون } .
Wayawma yuAAradu allatheenakafaroo AAala annari alaysa hatha bilhaqqiqaloo bala warabbina qala fathooqooalAAathaba bima kuntum takfuroon
Sahih International
And the Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire [it will be said], "Is this not the truth?" They will say, "Yes, by our Lord." He will say, "Then taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve."
Dan (ingatlah) hari orang-orang yang kafir didedahkan kepada neraka, (lalu dikatakan kepada mereka): "Bukankah (azab) neraka ini benar?" Mereka menjawab: "Ya, benar, demi Tuhan kami!" (Setelah itu) dikatakan lagi (kepada mereka): "Maka sekarang rasalah azab seksa dengan sebab kamu kufur ingkar di dunia dahulu. "
( فاصبر ) على أذى قومك ( كما صبر أولو العزم ) ذوو الثبات والصبر على الشدائد ( من الرسل ) قبلك فتكون ذا عزم ، ومن للبيان فكلهم ذوو عزم وقيل للتبعيض فليس منهم آدم لقوله تعالى "" ولم نجد له عزما "" ولا يونس لقوله تعالى "" ولا تكن كصاحب الحوت "" ( ولا تستعجل لهم ) لقومك نزول العذاب بهم ، قيل كأنه ضجر منهم فأحب نزول العذاب بهم ، فأمر بالصبر وترك الاستعجال للعذاب فإنه نازل لا محالة ( كأنهم يوم يرون ما يوعدون ) من العذاب في الآخرة لطوله ( لم يلبثوا ) في الدنيا في ظنهم ( إلا ساعة من نهار ) هذا القرآن ( بلاغ ) تبليغ من الله إليكم ( فهل ) أي لا ( يهلك ) عند رؤية العذاب ( إلا القوم الفاسقون ) أي الكافرون .
Fasbir kama sabaraoloo alAAazmi mina arrusuli wala tastaAAjil lahumkaannahum yawma yarawna ma yooAAadoona lam yalbathoo illasaAAatan min naharin balaghun fahal yuhlakuilla alqawmu alfasiqoon
Sahih International
So be patient, [O Muhammad], as were those of determination among the messengers and do not be impatient for them. It will be - on the Day they see that which they are promised - as though they had not remained [in the world] except an hour of a day. [This is] notification. And will [any] be destroyed except the defiantly disobedient people?
(Jika demikian akibat orang-orang kafir yang menentangmu wahai Muhammad) maka bersabarlah engkau sebagaimana sabarnya Rasul-rasul "Ulil-Azmi" (yang mempunyai keazaman dan ketabahan hati) dari kalangan Rasul-rasul (yang terdahulu daripadamu); dan janganlah engkau meminta disegerakan azab untuk mereka (yang menentangmu itu). Sesungguhnya keadaan mereka semasa melihat azab yang dijanjikan kepada mereka, merasai seolah-olah mereka tidak tinggal (di dunia) melainkan sekadar satu saat sahaja dari siang hari. (Penerangan yang demikian) cukuplah menjadi pelajaran (bagi orang-orang yang mahu insaf). Maka (ingatlah) tidak dibinasakan melainkan kaum yang fasik - derhaka.
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Semoga Allah Subha-nahu-wa-taala memberkati kita semua.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
46. Al-Ahqaf Introduction
It is derived from the sentence idh andhara qauma-hu bil Ahqaf-i of verse 21.
Period of Revelation
It is determined by an historical event that has been mentioned in vv. 29-32. This incident of the visit of the jinn and their going back after listening to the Qur’an had occurred, according to agreed traditions of the Hadith and biographical literature, at the time when the Holy Prophet had halted at Makkah during his return journey from Ta’if to Makkah.
And according to all authentic historical traditions he had gone to Ta’if three years before the Hijrah; therefore it is determined that this Surah was sent down towards the end of the 10th year or in the early part of the 11th year of the Prophethood.
And according to all authentic historical traditions he had gone to Ta’if three years before the Hijrah; therefore it is determined that this Surah was sent down towards the end of the 10th year or in the early part of the 11th year of the Prophethood.
Historical Background
The 10th year of the Prophethood was a year of extreme persecution and distress in the Holy prophet’s life. The Quraish and the other tribes had continued their boycott of the Bani Hashim and the Muslims for three years and the Holy Prophet and the people of his family and Companions lay besieged in Shi’b Abi Talib.
The Quraish had blocked up this locality from every side so that no supplies of any kind could reach the besieged people. Only during the Hajj season they were allowed to come out and buy some articles of necessity.
But even at that time whenever Abu Lahab noticed any of them approaching the market place or a trading caravan he would call out to the merchants exhorting them to announce forbidding rates of their articles for them, and would pledge that he himself would buy those articles so that they did not suffer any loss.
This boycott which continued uninterrupted for three years had broken the back of the Muslims and the Bani Hashim; so much so that at times they were even forced to eat grass and the leaves of trees.
The Quraish had blocked up this locality from every side so that no supplies of any kind could reach the besieged people. Only during the Hajj season they were allowed to come out and buy some articles of necessity.
But even at that time whenever Abu Lahab noticed any of them approaching the market place or a trading caravan he would call out to the merchants exhorting them to announce forbidding rates of their articles for them, and would pledge that he himself would buy those articles so that they did not suffer any loss.
This boycott which continued uninterrupted for three years had broken the back of the Muslims and the Bani Hashim; so much so that at times they were even forced to eat grass and the leaves of trees.
At last, when the siege was lifted this year, Abu Talib, the Holy Prophet’s uncle, who had been shielding him for ten long years, died, and hardly a month later his wife, Hadrat Khadijah, who had been a source of peace and consolation for him ever since the beginning of the call, also passed away. Because of these tragic incidents, which closely followed each other, the Holy Prophet used to refer to this year as the year of sorrow and grief.
After the death of Hadart Khadijah and Abu Talib the disbelievers of Makkah became even bolder against the Holy Prophet. They started treating him even more harshly. So much so that it became difficult for him to step out of his house. Of these days Ibn Hisham has related the incident that a Quraish scoundrel one day threw dust at him openly in the street.
At last, the Holy Prophet left for Ta’if with the intention that he should invite the Bani Thaqif to Islam, for even if they did not accept Islam, they might at least be persuaded to allow him to work for his mission peacefully. He did not have the facility of any conveyance at that time, and traveled all the way to Ta’if on foot.
According to some traditions, he had gone there alone, but according to others, he was accompanied by Zaid bin Harithah. He stayed at Ta’if for a few days, and approached each of the chiefs and nobles of the Bani Thaqif and talked to him about his mission. But not only they refused to listen to him, but plainly gave him the notice that he should leave their city, for they feared that his preaching might “spoil” their younger generation. Thus, he was compelled to leave Ta’if.
When he was leaving the city, the chiefs of Thaqif set their slaves and scoundrels behind him, who went on crying at him, abusing him and petting him with stones for a long way from either side of the road till he became broken down with wounds and his shoes were filled with blood. Wearied and exhausted he took shelter in the shade of the wall of a garden outside Ta’if, and prayed:
According to some traditions, he had gone there alone, but according to others, he was accompanied by Zaid bin Harithah. He stayed at Ta’if for a few days, and approached each of the chiefs and nobles of the Bani Thaqif and talked to him about his mission. But not only they refused to listen to him, but plainly gave him the notice that he should leave their city, for they feared that his preaching might “spoil” their younger generation. Thus, he was compelled to leave Ta’if.
When he was leaving the city, the chiefs of Thaqif set their slaves and scoundrels behind him, who went on crying at him, abusing him and petting him with stones for a long way from either side of the road till he became broken down with wounds and his shoes were filled with blood. Wearied and exhausted he took shelter in the shade of the wall of a garden outside Ta’if, and prayed:
“O God, to Thee I complain of my weakness, little resource, and lowliness before men. O Most Merciful, Thou art the Lord of the weak, and Thou art my Lord. To whom wilt Thou confide me? To one afar who will misuse me?Or to an enemy to whom Thou hast given power over me?If Thou art not angry with me I care not.
Thy favor is more wide for me. I take refuge in the light of Thy countenance by which the darkness is illumined, and the things of this world and the next are rightly ordered, lest Thy anger descend upon me or Thy wrath light upon me. It is for Thee to be satisfied until Thou art well pleased. There is no power and no might save in Thee.” (Ibn Hisham:A. Guillaume’s Translation, p. 193).
Thy favor is more wide for me. I take refuge in the light of Thy countenance by which the darkness is illumined, and the things of this world and the next are rightly ordered, lest Thy anger descend upon me or Thy wrath light upon me. It is for Thee to be satisfied until Thou art well pleased. There is no power and no might save in Thee.” (Ibn Hisham:A. Guillaume’s Translation, p. 193).
Grieved and heart broken when he returned and reached near Qarn al-Manazil, he felt as though the sky was overcast by clouds. He looked up and saw Gabriel in front of him, who called out:”Allah has heard the way your people have responded. He has, therefore, sent this angel incharge of the mountains.
You may command him as you please.” Then the angel of the mountains greeted him and submitted :”If you like I would overturn the mountains from either side upon these people.” The Holy Prophet replied : “No, but I expect that Allah will create from their seed those who will worship none but Allah, the One.” (Bukhari, Dhikr al Mala’ikah; Muslim: Kitab al-Maghazi; Nasa’i :Al-Bauth).
You may command him as you please.” Then the angel of the mountains greeted him and submitted :”If you like I would overturn the mountains from either side upon these people.” The Holy Prophet replied : “No, but I expect that Allah will create from their seed those who will worship none but Allah, the One.” (Bukhari, Dhikr al Mala’ikah; Muslim: Kitab al-Maghazi; Nasa’i :Al-Bauth).
After this he went to stay for a few days at Makkah, perplexed as to how he would face the people of Makkah, who, he thought, would be still further emboldened against him after hearing what had happened at Ta’if.
It was here that one night when he was reciting the Qur’an in the Prayer, a group of the jinn happened to pass by and listened to the Qur’an, believed in it, and returned to their people to preach Islam. Thus, Allah gave His Prophet the good news that if the men were running away from his invitation, there were many of the jinn, who had become its believers, and they were spreading his message among their own kind.
It was here that one night when he was reciting the Qur’an in the Prayer, a group of the jinn happened to pass by and listened to the Qur’an, believed in it, and returned to their people to preach Islam. Thus, Allah gave His Prophet the good news that if the men were running away from his invitation, there were many of the jinn, who had become its believers, and they were spreading his message among their own kind.
Subject Matter and Topics
Such were the conditions when this Surah was sent down. Anyone who keeps this background in view, on the one hand, and studies this Surah, on the other, will have no doubt left in his mind that this is not at all the composition of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace), but “a Revelation from the All Mighty, All Wise Allah.”
For nowhere in this Surah, from the beginning to the end, does one find even a tinge of the human feelings and reactions, which are naturally produced in a man who is passing through such hard conditions.
Had it been the word of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace) whom the occurrence of personal griefs one after the other and the countless and the recent bitter experience at Ta’if had caused extreme anguish and distress, it would have reflected in some degree the state of the mind of the man who was the subject of these afflictions and griefs.
Consider the prayer that we have cited above: it contains his own language its every word is saturated with the feelings that he had at the time. But this Surah which was sent down precisely in the same period and was recited even by him under the same conditions, is absolutely free from every sign or trace of the time.
For nowhere in this Surah, from the beginning to the end, does one find even a tinge of the human feelings and reactions, which are naturally produced in a man who is passing through such hard conditions.
Had it been the word of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace) whom the occurrence of personal griefs one after the other and the countless and the recent bitter experience at Ta’if had caused extreme anguish and distress, it would have reflected in some degree the state of the mind of the man who was the subject of these afflictions and griefs.
Consider the prayer that we have cited above: it contains his own language its every word is saturated with the feelings that he had at the time. But this Surah which was sent down precisely in the same period and was recited even by him under the same conditions, is absolutely free from every sign or trace of the time.
The subject matter of the Surah is to warn the disbelievers of the errors in which they were involved, and also resisted arrogantly, and were condemning the man who was trying to redeem them.
They regarded the world as a useless and purposeless place where they were not answerable to anyone. They thought that invitation to Tauhid was false and stuck to the belief that their own deities were actually the associates of Allah. They were not inclined to believe that the Qur’an was the Word of the Lord of the worlds.
They had a strange erroneous concept of apostleship on the basis of which they were proposing strange criteria of judging the Holy Prophet’s claim to it. In their estimation one great proof of Islam’s not being based on the truth was that their elders and important chiefs of the tribes and so called leaders of their nation were not accepting it and only a few young men, and some poor folks and some slaves had affirmed faith in it.
They thought that Resurrection and life after death and the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter were fabrications whose occurrence was absolutely out of the question.
They regarded the world as a useless and purposeless place where they were not answerable to anyone. They thought that invitation to Tauhid was false and stuck to the belief that their own deities were actually the associates of Allah. They were not inclined to believe that the Qur’an was the Word of the Lord of the worlds.
They had a strange erroneous concept of apostleship on the basis of which they were proposing strange criteria of judging the Holy Prophet’s claim to it. In their estimation one great proof of Islam’s not being based on the truth was that their elders and important chiefs of the tribes and so called leaders of their nation were not accepting it and only a few young men, and some poor folks and some slaves had affirmed faith in it.
They thought that Resurrection and life after death and the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter were fabrications whose occurrence was absolutely out of the question.
In this Surah each of these misconceptions has been refuted in a brief but rational way, and the disbelievers have been warned that if they would reject the invitation of the Qur’an and the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace) by prejudice and stubbornness instead of trying to understand its truth rationally, they would only be preparing for their own doom.
Tags: Al Ahqaf