Surah Ad-Dukhān (The Smoke) - سورة الدخان



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ حم } الله أعلم بمراده به .
Sahih International
Ha, Meem.
Haa, Miim.
{ والكتاب } القرآن { المبين } المظهر الحلال من الحرام .
Walkitabi almubeen
Sahih International
By the clear Book,
Demi Al-Quran Kitab yang menerangkan kebenaran.
{ إنا أنزلناه في ليلة مباركة } هي ليلة القدر أو ليلة النصف من شعبان، نزل فيها من أم الكتاب من السماء السابعة إلى سماء الدنيا { إنا كنا منذرين } مخوِّفين به .
Inna anzalnahu fee laylatin mubarakatininna kunna munthireen
Sahih International
Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind].
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Al-Quran itu pada malam yang berkat; (Kami berbuat demikian) kerana sesungguhnya Kami sentiasa memberi peringatan dan amaran (jangan hamba-hamba Kami ditimpa azab).
{ فيها } أي في ليلة القدر أو ليلة النصف من شعبان { يفرق } يفصل { كل أمر حكيم } محكم من الأرزاق والآجال وغيرهما التي تكون في السنة إلى مثل تلك الليلة .
Feeha yufraqu kullu amrin hakeem
Sahih International
On that night is made distinct every precise matter -
(Kami menurunkan Al-Quran pada malam yang tersebut, kerana) pada malam yang berkat itu, dijelaskan (kepada malaikat) tiap-tiap perkara yang mengandungi hikmat serta tetap berlaku, (tidak berubah atau bertukar).
{ أمراً } فرقاً { من عندنا إنا كنا مرسلين } الرسل محمداً ومن قبله .
Amran min AAindina inna kunnamursileen
Sahih International
[Every] matter [proceeding] from Us. Indeed, We were to send [a messenger]
Iaitu perkara-perkara yang terbitnya dari hikmat kebijaksanaan Kami; sesungguhnya telah menjadi adat Kami mengutus Rasul.
{ رحمة } رأفة بالمرسل إليهم { من ربك إنه هو السميع } لأقوالهم { العليم } بأفعالهم .
Rahmatan min rabbika innahu huwa assameeAAualAAaleem
Sahih International
As mercy from your Lord. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
(Untuk menyampaikan) rahmat dari Tuhanmu (kepada umat manusia); sesungguhnya Allah Jualah Yang Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui (akan segala keadaan hamba-hambaNya).
{ رب السماوات والأرض وما بينهما } برفع رب خبر ثالث وبجره بدل من ربك { إن كنتم } يا أهل مكة { موقنين } بأنه تعالى رب السماوات والأرض فأيقنوا بأن محمداً رسوله .
Rabbi assamawati wal-ardiwama baynahuma in kuntum mooqineen
Sahih International
Lord of the heavens and the earth and that between them, if you would be certain.
Tuhan (yang mencipta dan mentadbirkan keadaan) langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya; kalau betul kamu orang-orang yang yakin (akan hakikat itu, maka terimalah sahaja apa yang diutuskan kepada kamu).
{ لا إله إلا هو يحيي ويميت ربكم ورب آبائكم الأولين } .
La ilaha illa huwa yuhyeewayumeetu rabbukum warabbu aba-ikumu al-awwaleen
Sahih International
There is no deity except Him; He gives life and causes death. [He is] your Lord and the Lord of your first forefathers.
Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Dia; Dia lah Yang menghidupkan dan Yang mematikan; (Dia lah jua) Tuhan kamu dan Tuhan datuk nenek kamu yang telah lalu.
( بل هم في شك ) من البعث ( يلعبون ) استهزاء بك يا محمد ، فقال : "" اللهم أعني عليهم بسبع كسبع يوسف "" .
Bal hum fee shakkin yalAAaboon
Sahih International
But they are in doubt, amusing themselves.
(Mereka tidak meyakini kebenaran yang dijelaskan kepada mereka), bahkan mereka masih tenggelam dalam keraguan sambil bermain-main dengan perkara ugama.
قال تعالى: { فارتقب يوم تأتي السماء بدخان مبين } فأجدبت الأرض واشتد بهم الجوع إلى أن رأوا من شدته كهيئة الدخان بين السماء والأرض .
Fartaqib yawma ta/tee assamaobidukhanin mubeen
Sahih International
Then watch for the Day when the sky will bring a visible smoke.
Oleh itu tunggulah (wahai Muhammad) semasa langit membawa asap kemarau yang jelas nyata (yang menyebabkan kebuluran yang dahsyat),
{ يغشى الناس } فقالوا { هذا عذاب أليم } .
Yaghsha annasa hathaAAathabun aleem
Sahih International
Covering the people; this is a painful torment.
Yang akan menimpa seluruh keadaan manusia (yang kafir itu, sehingga mereka akan berkata: "Ini adalah azab yang sungguh menyakitkan".
{ ربنا اكشف عنا العذاب إنا مؤمنون } مصدقون نبيك .
Rabbana ikshif AAanna alAAathabainna mu/minoon
Sahih International
[They will say], "Our Lord, remove from us the torment; indeed, we are believers."
(Pada saat itu mereka akan merayu dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Hapuskanlah azab ini dari kami, sesungguhnya kami akan beriman!".
قال تعالى: { أنَّى لهم الذكرى } أي لا ينفعهم الإيمان عند نزول العذاب { وقد جاءهم رسول مبين } بين الرسالة .
Anna lahumu aththikrawaqad jaahum rasoolun mubeen
Sahih International
How will there be for them a reminder [at that time]? And there had come to them a clear Messenger.
Bagaimana mereka dapat beringat (menyempurnakan janji mereka hendak beriman itu)? Pada hal mereka telah pun didatangi seorang Rasul yang memberi keterangan-keterangan (yang cukup untuk mereka beriman)!
{ ثم تولوْا عنه وقالوا معلم } أي يعلمه القرآن بشر { مجنون } .
Thumma tawallaw AAanhu waqaloomuAAallamun majnoon
Sahih International
Then they turned away from him and said, "[He was] taught [and is] a madman."
Sekalipun demikian, mereka juga berpaling ingkar daripada menerima keterangannya sambil berkata (sesama sendiri): "Dia seorang yang diajar (oleh bangsa asing), dia juga seorang yang gila!"
{ إنا كاشفو العذاب } أي الجوع عنكم زمناً { قليلا } فكشف عنهم { إنكم عائدون } إلى كفركم فعادوا إليه .
Inna kashifoo alAAathabiqaleelan innakum AAa-idoon
Sahih International
Indeed, We will remove the torment for a little. Indeed, you [disbelievers] will return [to disbelief].
Sesungguhnya (kalaulah) kami hapuskan azab itu barang sedikitpun, sudah tentu kamu akan kembali (kufur ingkar).
اذكر { يوم نبطش البطشة الكبرى } هو يوم بدر { إنا منتقمون } منهم والبطش الأخذ بقوة .
Yawma nabtishu albatshataalkubra inna muntaqimoon
Sahih International
The Day We will strike with the greatest assault, indeed, We will take retribution.
(Ingatlah! Kalau kamu ulangi keingkaran kamu, kamu akan dibinasakan) semasa Kami timpakan (kamu dengan) paluan yang besar (dari pihak lawan kamu); sesungguhnya Kami tetap akan menyeksa (dengan azab yang seberat-beratnya).
{ ولقد فتنا } بلونا { قبلهم قوم فرعون } معه { وجاءهم رسول } هو موسى عليه السلام { كريم } على الله تعالى .
Walaqad fatanna qablahum qawmafirAAawna wajaahum rasoolun kareem
Sahih International
And We had already tried before them the people of Pharaoh, and there came to them a noble messenger,
Dan demi Sesungguhnya! Sebelum mereka, Kami telah menguji kaum Firaun, dan merekapun telah didatangi oleh seorang Rasul (Nabi Musa) Yang mulia, -
{ أن } أي بأن { أدُّوا إليَّ } ما أدعوكم إليه من الإيمان، أي أظهروا إيمانكم لي يا { عباد الله إني لكم رسول أمين } على ما أُرسلت به .
An addoo ilayya AAibada Allahiinnee lakum rasoolun ameen
Sahih International
[Saying], "Render to me the servants of Allah . Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger,"
(Yang memberitahu kepada mereka dengan katanya): Berikanlah kepadaku wahai hamba-hamba Allah (apa-apa yang menandakan kamu menerima kerasulanku); sesungguhnya aku ini seorang Rasul yang amanah, yang diutuskan kepada kamu.
{ وأن لا تعلوا } تتجبروا { على الله } بترك طاعته { إني آتيكم بسلطان } برهان { مبين } بين على رسالتي فتوعَّدوه بالرجم .
Waan la taAAloo AAala Allahiinnee ateekum bisultanin mubeen
Sahih International
And [saying], "Be not haughty with Allah . Indeed, I have come to you with clear authority.
"Dan janganlah kamu berlaku sombong takbur terhadap Allah; sesungguhnya aku ada membawa kepada kamu mukjizat yang jelas nyata.
فقال { وإني عذت بربي وربكم أن ترجمون } بالحجارة .
Wa-innee AAuthtu birabbee warabbikuman tarjumoon
Sahih International
And indeed, I have sought refuge in my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me.
"Dan sesungguhnya aku telah memohon perlindungan kepada Tuhanku dan Tuhan kamu, daripada kamu merejam (atau menyakiti) daku.
{ وإن لم تؤمنوا لي } تصدقوني { فاعتزلون } فاتركوا أذاي فلم يتركوه .
Wa-in lam tu/minoo lee faAAtaziloon
Sahih International
But if you do not believe me, then leave me alone."
"Dan sekiranya kamu tidak juga mahu berimankan kerasulanku, maka putuskanlah perhubungan kamu denganku (janganlah mengganggu daku)."
{ فدعا ربه أن } أي بأن { هؤلاء قوم مجرمون } مشركون .
FadaAAa rabbahu anna haola-iqawmun mujrimoon
Sahih International
And [finally] he called to his Lord that these were a criminal people.
(Setelah Nabi Musa berputus asa daripada iman mereka), maka ia pun merayu kepada Tuhannya lalu berkata: "Sesungguhnya orang-orang ini adalah kaum yang berdosa, (yang telah sebati dengan kekufurannya, dan berhaklah mereka menerima balasan yang seburuk-buruknya)".
فقال تعالى: { فأسر } بقطع الهمزة ووصلها { بعبادي } بنى إسرائيل { ليلاً إنكم متبَعون } يتبعكم فرعون وقومه .
Faasri biAAibadee laylan innakummuttabaAAoon
Sahih International
[ Allah said], "Then set out with My servants by night. Indeed, you are to be pursued.
Lalu (diperintahkan kepadanya): "Bawalah hamba-hambaku (pengikut-pengikutmu) keluar pada waktu malam, kerana sesungguhnya kamu akan dikejar (oleh Firaun dan orang-orangnya).
{ واترك البحر } إذا قطعته أنت وأصحابك { رهواً } ساكناً منفرجاً حتى يدخله القبط { إنهم جند مغرقون } فاطمأن بذلك فأغرقوا .
Watruki albahra rahwaninnahum jundun mughraqoon
Sahih International
And leave the sea in stillness. Indeed, they are an army to be drowned."
"Dan tinggalkanlah laut itu dalam keadaan tenang - terbelah, kerana sesungguhnya mereka (yang mengejarmu itu) ialah tentera yang akan ditenggelamkan (sehingga binasa)".
{ كم تركوا من جنات } بساتين { وعيون } تجري .
Kam tarakoo min jannatin waAAuyoon
Sahih International
How much they left behind of gardens and springs
Banyak sungguh kebun-kebun dan matair, mereka tinggalkan,
{ وزروع ومقام كريم } مجلس حسن .
WazurooAAin wamaqamin kareem
Sahih International
And crops and noble sites
Dan juga berbagai jenis tanaman serta tempat-tempat kediaman yang indah - mulia,
{ ونعمة } متعة { كانوا فيها فاكهين } ناعمين .
WanaAAmatin kanoo feeha fakiheen
Sahih International
And comfort wherein they were amused.
Dan juga kemewahan hidup, yang mereka sekian lama menikmatinya.
{ كذلك } خبر مبتدأ، أي الأمر { وأورثناها } أي أموالهم { قوماً آخرين } أي بني إسرائيل .
Kathalika waawrathnahaqawman akhareen
Sahih International
Thus. And We caused to inherit it another people.
Demikianlah keadaannya (hukum Kami ke atas orang-orang yang derhaka); dan Kami jadikan semua peninggalan Firaun dan orang-orangnya: milik kaum yang lain (kaum Bani Israil).
{ فما بكت عليهم السماء والأرض } بخلاف المؤمنين يبكي عليهم بموتهم مصلاهم من الأرض ومصعد عملهم من السماء { وما كانوا منظرين } مؤخرين للتوبة .
Fama bakat AAalayhimu assamaowal-ardu wama kanoo munthareen
Sahih International
And the heaven and earth wept not for them, nor were they reprieved.
Mereka (ketika dibinasakan) itu tidak ditangisi oleh langit dan bumi (atau penduduk keduanya) dan mereka pula tidak diberi tempoh lagi.
{ ولقد نجينا بني إسرائيل من العذاب المهين } قتل الأبناء واستخدام النساء .
Walaqad najjayna banee isra-eelamina alAAathabi almuheen
Sahih International
And We certainly saved the Children of Israel from the humiliating torment -
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah selamatkan kaum Bani Israil, dari azab yang menghina, -
{ من فرعون } قيل بدل من العذاب بتقدير مضاف، أي عذاب، وقيل حال من العذاب { إنه كان عالياً من المسرفين } .
Min firAAawna innahu kana AAaliyanmina almusrifeen
Sahih International
From Pharaoh. Indeed, he was a haughty one among the transgressors.
Dari penindasan Firaun, sesungguhnya ia adalah seorang yang sombong takbur lagi terbilang dari orang-orang yang melampaui batas (dalam keganasan dan kekejamannya).
{ ولقد اخترناهم } أي بني إسرائيل { على علم } منا بحالهم { على العالمين } أي عالمي زمانهم أي العقلاء .
Walaqadi ikhtarnahum AAalaAAilmin AAala alAAalameen
Sahih International
And We certainly chose them by knowledge over [all] the worlds.
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah memilih mereka dengan berdasarkan pengetahuan (Kami) - menjadi lebih pangkatnya dari penduduk dunia (pada zaman itu),
{ وآتيانهم من الآيات ما فيه بلاء مبين } نعمة ظاهرة من فلق البحر والمن والسلوى وغيرها .
Waataynahum mina al-ayatima feehi balaon mubeen
Sahih International
And We gave them of signs that in which there was a clear trial.
Dan Kami berikan kepada mereka (melalui Nabi Musa) berbagai mukjizat yang mengandungi ujian yang jelas nyata (untuk melahirkan sikap mereka).
{ إن هؤلاء } أي كفار مكة { ليقولون } .
Inna haola-i layaqooloon
Sahih International
Indeed, these [disbelievers] are saying,
(Berbalik kepada kisah kaum musyrik penduduk Makkah, Allah berfirman): "Sesungguhnya mereka ini akan berkata (kepadamu - wahai Muhammad dan kepada pengikut-pengikutmu):
{ إن هي } ما الموتة التي بعدها الحياة { إلا موتتنا الأولى } أي وهم نطف { وما نحن بمنشرين } بمبعوثين أحياء بعد الثانية .
In hiya illa mawtatuna al-oolawama nahnu bimunshareen
Sahih International
"There is not but our first death, and we will not be resurrected.
"Mati, hanyalah mati kita yang pertama (di dunia), dan kita tidak sekali-kali akan dibangkitkan hidup lagi (sesudah itu);
{ فأتوا بآبائنا } أحياء { إن كنتم صادقين } أنا نبعث بعد موتنا، أي نحيا .
Fa/too bi-aba-ina inkuntum sadiqeen
Sahih International
Then bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful."
"(Jika tidak) maka bawakanlah datuk nenek kami (yang telah mati) kalau betul kamu orang-orang yang benar!"
قال تعالى: { أهم خير أم قوم تُبَّع } هو نبي أو رجل صالح { والذين من قبلهم } من الأمم { أهلكناهم } بكفرهم، والمعنى ليسوا أقوى منهم وأهلكوا { إنهم كانوا مجرمين } .
Ahum khayrun am qawmu tubbaAAin wallatheenamin qablihim ahlaknahum innahum kanoo mujrimeen
Sahih International
Are they better or the people of Tubba' and those before them? We destroyed them, [for] indeed, they were criminals.
(Mengapa mereka masih berdegil dalam kekufurannya?) Adakah mereka yang lebih kekuatan dan kehandalannya atau kaum "Tubba'" dan orang-orang yang terdahulu dari mereka? Orang-orang itu semuanya Kami telah binasakan, kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang berdosa.
{ وما خلقنا السماوات والأرض وما بينهما لاعبين } بخلق ذلك، حال .
Wama khalaqna assamawatiwal-arda wama baynahuma laAAibeen
Sahih International
And We did not create the heavens and earth and that between them in play.
Dan tidaklah Kami menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya, secara main-main;
{ ما خلقناهما } وما بينهما { إلا بالحق } أي محقين في ذلك ليستدل به قدرتنا ووحدانيتنا وغير ذلك { ولكن أكثرهم } أي كفرا مكة { لا يعلمون } .
Ma khalaqnahuma illabilhaqqi walakinna aktharahum layaAAlamoon
Sahih International
We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know.
Tidaklah Kami menciptakan keduanya (serta segala yang ada di antaranya) melainkan kerana menzahirkan perkara-perkara yang benar; akan tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui (hakikat itu).
{ إن يوم الفصل } يوم القيامة يفصل الله فيه بين العباد { ميقاتهم أجمعين } للعذاب الدائم .
Inna yawma alfasli meeqatuhumajmaAAeen
Sahih International
Indeed, the Day of Judgement is the appointed time for them all -
Sesungguhnya hari pemutusan hukum untuk memberi balasan, ialah masa untuk mereka semua berhimpun, -
{ يوم لا يغني مولى عن مولى } بقرابة أو صداقة، أي لا يدفع عنه { شيئاً } من العذاب { ولا هم ينصرون } يمنعون منه، ويوم بدل من يوم الفصل .
Yawma la yughnee mawlan AAan mawlanshay-an wala hum yunsaroon
Sahih International
The Day when no relation will avail a relation at all, nor will they be helped -
Iaitu hari seseorang kerabat atau sahabat karib tidak dapat memberikan sebarang perlindungan kepada seseorang kerabat atau sahabat karibnya, dan mereka pula tidak akan diberikan pertolongan (untuk menghapuskan azab itu),
{ إلا من رحم الله } وهم المؤمنون فإنه يشفع بعضهم لبعض بإذن الله { إنه هو العزيز } الغالب في انتقامه من الكفار { الرحيم } بالمؤمنين .
Illa man rahima Allahuinnahu huwa alAAazeezu arraheem
Sahih International
Except those [believers] on whom Allah has mercy. Indeed, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
Kecuali orang yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Allah; sesungguhnya Allah jualah yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
{ إن شجرة الزقوم } هي من أخبث الشجر المر بتهامة ينبتها الله تعالى في الجحيم .
Inna shajarata azzaqqoom
Sahih International
Indeed, the tree of zaqqum
(Ingatlah), sesungguhnya pokok Zaqqum, -
{ طعام الأثيم } أبي جهل وأصحابه ذوي الإثم الكبير .
TaAAamu al-atheem
Sahih International
Is food for the sinful.
(Buahnya) menjadi makanan bagi orang yang berdosa (dalam neraka).
{ كالمهل } أي كدردي الزيت الأسود خبر ثان { تغلي في البطون } بالفوقانية خبر ثالث وبالتحتانية حال من المهل .
Kalmuhli yaghlee fee albutoon
Sahih International
Like murky oil, it boils within bellies
(Makanan ini pula panas) seperti tembaga cair, mendidih dalam perut, -
{ كغلي الحميم } الماء الشديد الحرارة .
Kaghalyi alhameem
Sahih International
Like the boiling of scalding water.
Seperti mendidihnya air yang meluap-luap panasnya.
{ خذوه } يقال للزبانية: خذوا الأثيم { فاعتلوه } بكسر التاء وضمها جروه بغلظة وشدة { إلى سواء الجحيم } وسط النار .
Khuthoohu faAAtiloohu ilasawa-i aljaheem
Sahih International
[It will be commanded], "Seize him and drag him into the midst of the Hellfire,
(Lalu diperintahkan kepada malaikat penjaga neraka): "Renggutlah orang yang berdosa itu dan seretlah dia ke tengah-tengah neraka.
( ثم صبوا فوق رأسه من عذاب الحميم ) أي من الحميم الذي لا يفارقه العذاب فهو أبلغ مما في آية "" يصب من فوق رؤوسهم الحميم "" .
Thumma subboo fawqa ra/sihi min AAathabialhameem
Sahih International
Then pour over his head from the torment of scalding water."
"Kemudian curahkanlah di atas kepalanya - azab seksa - dari air panas yang menggelegak".
ويقال له: { ذق } أي العذاب { إنك أنت العزيز الكريم } بزعمك وقولك ما بين جبليها أعز وأكرم مني .
Thuq innaka anta alAAazeezu alkareem
Sahih International
[It will be said], "Taste! Indeed, you are the honored, the noble!
(Serta dikatakan kepadanya secara mengejek): "Rasalah azab seksa, sebenarnya engkau adalah orang yang berpengaruh dan terhormat (dalam kalangan masyarakatmu)"
وقال لهم: { إن هذا } الذي ترون من العذاب { ما كنتم به تمترون } فيه تشكون .
Inna hatha ma kuntum bihitamtaroon
Sahih International
Indeed, this is what you used to dispute."
(Kemudian dikatakan kepada ahli neraka umumnya): "Sesungguhnya inilah dia (azab seksa) yang kamu dahulu ragu-ragu terhadapnya!"
{ إن المتقين في مقام } مجلس { أمين } يؤمن فيه الخوف .
Inna almuttaqeena fee maqamin ameen
Sahih International
Indeed, the righteous will be in a secure place;
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertaqwa (akan ditempatkan) di tempat tinggal yang aman sentosa. -
{ في جنات } بساتين { وعيون } .
Fee jannatin waAAuyoon
Sahih International
Within gardens and springs,
Ia itu di dalam beberapa taman Syurga, dengan matair-matair terpancar padanya,
{ يلبسون من سندس وإستبرق } أي ما رقَّ من الديباج وما غلظ منه { متقابلين } حال، أي لا ينظر بعضهم إلى قفا بعض لدوران الأسرة بهم .
Yalbasoona min sundusin wa-istabraqin mutaqabileen
Sahih International
Wearing [garments of] fine silk and brocade, facing each other.
Mereka memakai pakaian dari kain sutera yang halus dan kain sutera tebal yang bersulam; (mereka duduk di tempat perhimpunan) sentiasa berhadap-hadapan (di atas pelamin masing-masing).
{ كذلك } يقدر قبله الأمر { وزوجناهم } من التزويج أو قرناهم { بحور عين } بنساء بيض واسعات الأعين حسانها .
Kathalika wazawwajnahum bihoorinAAeen
Sahih International
Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.
Demikianlah keadaannya; dan Kami jadikan kawan teman mereka bidadari-bidadari yang putih melepak, lagi luas cantik matanya.
{ يدعون } يطلبون الخدم { فيها } أي الجنة أن يأتوا { بكل فاكهة } منها { آمنين } من انقطاعها ومضرتها ومن كل مخوف حال .
YadAAoona feeha bikulli fakihatinamineen
Sahih International
They will call therein for every [kind of] fruit - safe and secure.
Mereka meminta - di dalam Syurga itu - tiap-tiap jenis buah-buahan (yang mereka ingini), dalam keadaan aman sentosa.
{ لا يذوقون فيها الموت إلا الموتة الأولى } أي التي في الدنيا بعد حياتهم فيها، قال بعضهم إلا بمعنى بعد { ووقاهم عذاب الجحيم } .
La yathooqoona feehaalmawta illa almawtata al-oola wawaqahum AAathabaaljaheem
Sahih International
They will not taste death therein except the first death, and He will have protected them from the punishment of Hellfire
Mereka tidak merasai kematian dalam Syurga itu selain daripada mati yang mereka rasai (di dunia) dahulu; dan Allah selamatkan mereka dari azab neraka;
{ فضلاً } مصدر بمعنى تفضلاً منصوب بتفضل مقدراً { من ربك ذلك هو الفوز العظيم } .
Fadlan min rabbika thalikahuwa alfawzu alAAatheem
Sahih International
As bounty from your Lord. That is what is the great attainment.
(Mereka diberikan semuanya itu) sebagai limpah kurnia dari Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad); yang demikian itulah kemenangan yang besar.
{ فإنما يسرناه } سهلنا القرآن { بلسانك } بلغتك لتفهمه العرب منك { لعلهم يتذكرون } يتعظون فيؤمنون لكنهم لا يؤمنون .
Fa-innama yassarnahu bilisanikalaAAallahum yatathakkaroon
Sahih International
And indeed, We have eased the Qur'an in your tongue that they might be reminded.
Maka sesungguhnya tujuan Kami memudahkan Al-Quran dengan bahasamu (wahai Muhammad), ialah supaya mereka (yang memahaminya) beringat dan insaf (untuk beriman dan mematuhinya).
{ فارتقب } انتظر هلاكهم { إنهم مرتقبون } هلاكك، وهذا قبل نزول الأمر بجهادهم .
Fartaqib innahum murtaqiboon
Sahih International
So watch, [O Muhammad]; indeed, they are watching [for your end].
(Kiranya mereka tidak berbuat demikian) maka tunggulah (wahai Muhammad akan kesudahan mereka), sesungguhnya mereka juga menunggu (akan kesudahanmu).
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Semoga Allah Subha-nahu-wa-taala memberkati kita semua.
44. Ad-Dukhan Introduction
The Surah takes its name from the word dukhan which occurs in verse 10.
Period of Revelation
Its period of revelation also could not be determined from any authentic tradition, but the internal evidence of the subject matter shows that this Surah too was sent down in the same period in which Surah Zukhruf and a few other earlier Surahs had been revealed.
However, this Surah was sent down somewhat later. Its historical background is this: When the disbelievers of Makkah became more and more antagonistic in their attitude and conduct, the Holy Prophet prayed: O God, help me with a famine like the famine of Joseph.
He thought that when the people would be afflicted with a calamity, they would remember God, their hearts would soften and they would accept the admonition. Allah granted his prayer, and the whole land was overtaken by such a terrible famine that the people were sorely distressed.
At last, some of the Quraish chiefs among whom Hadrat Abdullah bin Masud has particularly mentioned the name of Abu Sufyan came to the Holy Prophet and requested him to pray to Allah to deliver his people from the calamity. On this occasion Allah sent down this Surah.
However, this Surah was sent down somewhat later. Its historical background is this: When the disbelievers of Makkah became more and more antagonistic in their attitude and conduct, the Holy Prophet prayed: O God, help me with a famine like the famine of Joseph.
He thought that when the people would be afflicted with a calamity, they would remember God, their hearts would soften and they would accept the admonition. Allah granted his prayer, and the whole land was overtaken by such a terrible famine that the people were sorely distressed.
At last, some of the Quraish chiefs among whom Hadrat Abdullah bin Masud has particularly mentioned the name of Abu Sufyan came to the Holy Prophet and requested him to pray to Allah to deliver his people from the calamity. On this occasion Allah sent down this Surah.
Subject Matter and Topics
The introduction to the address revealed on this occasion for the admonition and warning of the people of Makkah contained some important points, which are as follows:
“You, O People of Makkah, are wrong in thinking that the Quran is being composed by Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace). This Book by itself bears the clear testimony that it is not the composition of a man but of Allah, Lord of the worlds.”
“You are making a wrong estimate of the worth of this Book. You think it is a calamity that has descended on you, whereas the Hour when Allah, out of sheer mercy, decided to send His Messenger and His Book to you was highly blessed.”
“You are foolishly involved in the misunderstanding that you will fight this Messenger and this Book and will win, whereas the fact is that the Messenger has been raised and the Book sent down in that particular Hour when Allah decides the destinies, and Allah’s decisions are not so weak that they may be changed to a person’s liking, nor are they based on ignorance and folly that there may be the likelihood of a mistake or error or weakness in them.
They are rather the firm and unalterable decisions of the Ruler of the Universe, Who is All Hearing, All Knowing and All Wise. Therefore, they cannot be treated lightly.
They are rather the firm and unalterable decisions of the Ruler of the Universe, Who is All Hearing, All Knowing and All Wise. Therefore, they cannot be treated lightly.
“You yourselves acknowledge that Allah alone is the Master and Lord of the earth and heavens and of everything in the Universe and also admit that life and death are only in His power, yet you insist on making others your deities, for which the only argument you offer is that that had been the practice since the time of your forefathers, whereas if a person has the conviction that Allah alone is the Master, Sustainer and Giver of life and death, he can never entertain the doubt that there can be other gods also beside Him, who can be worthy of worship.
If your forefathers had committed this folly, there is no reason why you also should continue committing it blindly. As a matter of fact, their Lord too was only One God, Who is your Lord, and they also should have worshiped only Him, Whom you should worship.”
If your forefathers had committed this folly, there is no reason why you also should continue committing it blindly. As a matter of fact, their Lord too was only One God, Who is your Lord, and they also should have worshiped only Him, Whom you should worship.”
“The only demand of Allah’s Providence and Mercifulness is not this that He should feed you, but also this that He should arrange guidance for you. For this very guidance He has sent His Messenger and His Book.”
After this introduction, the question of the famine that was raging in Makkah has been discussed. As already mentioned, this famine had occurred on the Holy Prophet’s prayer, and he had prayed for it so that when the calamity befell it would break the stubbornness of the disbelievers and then they would listen to the rebuke.
It looked as if this expectation was being fulfilled to some extent, for some of the most stubborn enemies of the Truth, on account of the severities of the famine, had cried out: “O Lord, avert this torment from us and we will believe.” At this, on the one hand, the Holy Prophet has been foretold : "These people will not learn any lesson from such calamities. When they have turned away from the Messenger, whose life, character, works and speech clearly show that he is Allah’s true Messenger, how will a mere famine help remove their disbelief?”
On the other, the unbelievers have been addressed, so as to say : “You lie when you say that you will believe as soon as the torment is removed from you. We shall just remove it to see how sincere you are in your promise. There is a graver disaster about to fall upon you. You need a much more crushing blow :minor misfortunes cannot set you right.”
It looked as if this expectation was being fulfilled to some extent, for some of the most stubborn enemies of the Truth, on account of the severities of the famine, had cried out: “O Lord, avert this torment from us and we will believe.” At this, on the one hand, the Holy Prophet has been foretold : "These people will not learn any lesson from such calamities. When they have turned away from the Messenger, whose life, character, works and speech clearly show that he is Allah’s true Messenger, how will a mere famine help remove their disbelief?”
On the other, the unbelievers have been addressed, so as to say : “You lie when you say that you will believe as soon as the torment is removed from you. We shall just remove it to see how sincere you are in your promise. There is a graver disaster about to fall upon you. You need a much more crushing blow :minor misfortunes cannot set you right.”
In this very connection, a reference has been made a little below to Pharaoh and his people, implying that those people also had met with precisely the same trial as the chiefs of the disbelieving Quraish are now afflicted.
To them also a similar noble and honorable Messenger had come; they also had seen those express pointers and signs which clearly showed that he had been appointed by Allah; they also had gone on witnessing one sign after the other but they did not give up their stubbornness, till at last they made up their mind to put an end to the Messenger’s life, and they met their doom, which has since become an object lesson for the people for ever.
To them also a similar noble and honorable Messenger had come; they also had seen those express pointers and signs which clearly showed that he had been appointed by Allah; they also had gone on witnessing one sign after the other but they did not give up their stubbornness, till at last they made up their mind to put an end to the Messenger’s life, and they met their doom, which has since become an object lesson for the people for ever.
After this the theme of the Hereafter has been taken up, which the disbelievers of Makkah vehemently denied. They said: “We have never seen anyone rising back to life after death. Raise our forefathers back to life if you are true in your claim about the life hereafter.” In response to this, 2 arguments for the Hereafter have been presented briefly
(1) That the denial of this creed has always proved destructive for the morals; and
(2) that the universe is not a plaything of a thoughtless diety, but it is a wise system and no work of wisdom is ever vain or useless. Then the disbelievers demand to bring their forefathers back to life has been answered, thus: “This cannot be done every day to meet the demand of the individuals, but Allah has appointed a time when He will resurrect all mankind simultaneously and will subject them to accountability in His Court. If one has to protect oneself there, one should think about it here. For no one will be able to save himself there by his own power, nor by the power of any one else.”
(1) That the denial of this creed has always proved destructive for the morals; and
(2) that the universe is not a plaything of a thoughtless diety, but it is a wise system and no work of wisdom is ever vain or useless. Then the disbelievers demand to bring their forefathers back to life has been answered, thus: “This cannot be done every day to meet the demand of the individuals, but Allah has appointed a time when He will resurrect all mankind simultaneously and will subject them to accountability in His Court. If one has to protect oneself there, one should think about it here. For no one will be able to save himself there by his own power, nor by the power of any one else.”
In connection with this Court of Allah, mention has been made of the fate of those who will be declared as culprits and of the rewards of those who will be declared as successful. The discourse has been concluded with this warning: “This Quran has been revealed in simple language in your own tongue so that you may understand it; yet if you do not understand it and insist on seeing your evil end, you may wait; Our Prophet too is waiting. Whatever is to happen, will happen at its own appointed time.”
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