Surat At-Tawbah (The Repentance) - سورة التوبة




هذه { براءة من الله ورسوله } وأصله { إلى الذين عاهدتم من المشركين } عهدا مطلقا أو دون أربعة أشهر أو فوقها ونص العهد بما يذكر في قوله .
Baraatun mina Allahiwarasoolihi ila allatheena AAahadtum minaalmushrikeen
Sahih International
[This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.
(Ini adalah) pemutusan tanggungjawab (pembatalan perjanjian) dari Allah dan RasulNya terhadap kaum kafir musyrik yang kamu mengikat perjanjian setia (dengan mereka).
{ فسيحوا } سيروا آمنين أيها المشركون { في الأرض أربعة أشهر } أولها شوال بدليل ما سيأتي ولا أمان لكم بعدها { واعلموا أنكم غيرُ معجزي الله } أي فائتي عذابه { وأنَّ الله مخزي الكافرين } مذلُّهم في الدنيا بالقتل والأخرى بالنار .
Faseehoo fee al-ardi arbaAAataashhurin waAAlamoo annakum ghayru muAAjizee Allahiwaanna Allaha mukhzee alkafireen
Sahih International
So travel freely, [O disbelievers], throughout the land [during] four months but know that you cannot cause failure to Allah and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers.
Oleh itu hendaklah kamu (hai kaum musyrik) bergerak di muka bumi (dengan bebasnya) selama empat bulan, dan ketahuilah bahawa kamu tidak terlepas dari (azab seksa) Allah. Dan (ingatlah) sesungguhnya Allah akan menghina orang-orang yang kafir (dengan bala bencana di dunia dan azab seksa di akhirat).
( وأذان ) إعلام ( من الله ورسوله إلى الناس يوم الحج الأكبر ) يوم النحر ( أن ) أي بأن ( الله برئ من المشركين ) وعهودهم ( ورسوله ) برئ أيضا "" وقد بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عليا من السنة وهي سنة تسع فأذن يوم النحر بمنى بهذه الآيات وأن لا يحج بعد العام مشرك ولا يطوف بالبيت عريان "" رواه البخاري ( فإن تبتم ) من الكفر ( فهو خير لكم وإن توليتم ) عن الإيمان ( فاعلموا أنكم غير معجزي الله وبشر ) أخبر ( الذين كفروا بعذاب أليم ) مؤلم وهو القتل والأسر في الدنيا والنار في الآخرة .
Waathanun mina Allahiwarasoolihi ila annasi yawma alhajjial-akbari anna Allaha baree-on mina almushrikeenawarasooluhu fa-in tubtum fahuwa khayrun lakum wa-in tawallaytumfaAAlamoo annakum ghayru muAAjizee Allahiwabashshiri allatheena kafaroo biAAathabin aleem
Sahih International
And [it is] an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger. So if you repent, that is best for you; but if you turn away - then know that you will not cause failure to Allah . And give tidings to those who disbelieve of a painful punishment.
Dan inilah perisytiharan dari Allah dan RasulNya kepada umat manusia, (diisytiharkan) pada Hari Raya Haji yang terbesar, bahawa sesungguhnya Allah dan RasulNya memutuskan tanggungjawab terhadap orang-orang musyrik; oleh itu jika kamu (wahai kaum musyrik) bertaubat (dari kufur) maka yang demikian adalah baik bagi kamu; dan jika kamu berpaling (ingkar), maka ketahuilah sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat melepaskan diri dari (azab seksa) Allah. Dan khabarkanlah (wahai Muhammad) kepada orang-orang kafir (bahawa mereka akan ditimpakan) dengan azab yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
{ إلا الذين عاهدتم من المشركين ثم لم ينقصوكم شيئا } من شروط العهد { ولم يظاهروا } يعاونوا { عليكم أحدا } من الكفار { فأتموا إليهم عهدهم إلى } انقضاء { مدتهم } التي عاهدتم عليها { إن الله يحب المتقين } بإتمام العهود .
Illa allatheena AAahadtummina almushrikeena thumma lam yanqusookum shay-an walam yuthahirooAAalaykum ahadan faatimmoo ilayhim AAahdahum ilamuddatihim inna Allaha yuhibbu almuttaqeen
Sahih International
Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].
Kecuali mereka yang kamu mengikat perjanjian setia (dengannya) dari orang-orang musyrik, kemudian mereka tidak mencabuli perjanjian kamu itu sedikitpun, dan mereka tidak menolong seorangpun yang memusuhi kamu, maka sempurnakanlah kepada mereka perjanjian mereka sehingga (habis) tempohnya. Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang bertaqwa.
{ فإذا انسلخ } خرج { الأشهر الحرم } وهي آخر مدة التأجيل { فاقتلوا المشركين حيث وجدتموهم } في حل أو حرم { وخذوهم } بالأسر { واحصروهم } في القلاع والحصون حتى يضطروا إلى القتل أو الإسلام { واقعدوا لهم كلَّ مرصد } طريق يسلكونه ونصب كل على نزع الخافض { فإن تابوا } من الكفر { وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فخلُّوا سبيلهم } ولا تتعرضوا لهم { إن الله غفور رحيم } لمن تاب .
Fa-itha insalakha al-ashhuru alhurumufaqtuloo almushrikeena haythu wajadtumoohum wakhuthoohumwahsuroohum waqAAudoo lahum kulla marsadinfa-in taboo waaqamoo assalatawaatawoo azzakata fakhalloo sabeelahum innaAllaha ghafoorun raheem
Sahih International
And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Kemudian apabila habislah (masa) bulan-bulan yang dihormati itu maka bunuhlah orang-orang musyrik itu di mana sahaja kamu menemuinya, dan tawanlah mereka, dan juga keponglah mereka, serta tunggulah mereka di tiap-tiap tempat mengintipnya. Kemudian jika mereka bertaubat (dari kekufurannya) dan mendirikan sembahyang serta memberi zakat, maka biarkanlah mereka (jangan diganggu). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
{ وإن أحد من المشركين } مرفوع بفعل يفسره { استجارك } استأمنك من القتل { فأجره } أمِّنه { حتى يسمع كلام الله } القرآن { ثم أبلغه مأمنه } وهو دار قومه إن لم يؤمن لينظر في أمره { ذلك } المذكور { بأنهم قوم لا يعلمون } دين الله فلا بد لهم من سماع القرآن ليعلموا .
Wa-in ahadun mina almushrikeena istajarakafaajirhu hatta yasmaAAa kalama Allahithumma ablighhu ma/manahu thalika bi-annahum qawmun layaAAlamoon
Sahih International
And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.
Dan jika seseorang dari kaum musyrik meminta perlindungan kepadamu (untuk memahami Islam), maka berilah perlindungan kepadanya sehingga ia sempat mendengar keterangan-keterangan Allah (tentang hakikat Islam itu), kemudian hantarlah dia ke mana-mana tempat yang ia beroleh aman. Perintah yang tersebut ialah kerana mereka itu kaum yang tidak mengetahui (hakikat Islam).
{ كيف } أي لا { يكون للمشركين عهد عند الله وعند رسوله } وهم كافرون بالله ورسوله غادرون { إلا الذين عاهدتم عند المسجد الحرام } يوم الحديبية وهم قريش المستثنون من قبل { فما استقاموا لكم } أقاموا على العهد ولم ينقضوه { فاستقيموا لهم } على الوفاء به وما شرطية { إن الله يحب المتقين } وقد استقام النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على عهدهم حتى نقضوا بإعانة بني بكر على خزاعة .
Kayfa yakoonu lilmushrikeena AAahdun AAindaAllahi waAAinda rasoolihi illa allatheena AAahadtumAAinda almasjidi alharami fama istaqamoolakum fastaqeemoo lahum inna Allaha yuhibbualmuttaqeen
Sahih International
How can there be for the polytheists a treaty in the sight of Allah and with His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at al-Masjid al-Haram? So as long as they are upright toward you, be upright toward them. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].
Bagaimanakah dapat diakui adanya perjanjian (keamanan) di sisi Allah dan RasulNya bagi orang-orang musyrik (sedang mereka mencabulinya)? Kecuali orang-orang (musyrik) yang kamu telah mengikat perjanjian setia dengan mereka dekat Masjid Al-Haraam. Maka selagi mereka berlaku lurus terhadap kamu, hendaklah kamu berlaku lurus pula terhadap mereka; sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang bertaqwa.
{ كيف } يكون لهم عهد { وإن يظهروا عليكم } يظفروا بكم { لا يرقبوا } يراعوا { فيكم إلاّ } قرابة { ولا ذمة } عهدا بل يؤذوكم ما استطاعوا وجملة الشرط حال { يرضونكم بأفواههم } بكلامهم الحسن { وتأبى قلوبهم } الوفاء به { وأكثرهم فاسقون } ناقضون للعهد .
Kayfa wa-in yathharoo AAalaykumla yarquboo feekum illan wala thimmatan yurdoonakumbi-afwahihim wata/ba quloobuhum waaktharuhum fasiqoon
Sahih International
How [can there be a treaty] while, if they gain dominance over you, they do not observe concerning you any pact of kinship or covenant of protection? They satisfy you with their mouths, but their hearts refuse [compliance], and most of them are defiantly disobedient.
Bagaimana (boleh dikekalkan perjanjian kaum kafir musyrik itu) padahal kalau mereka dapat mengalahkan kamu, mereka tidak akan menghormati perhubungan kerabat terhadap kamu, dan tidak akan menghormati perjanjian setianya. Mereka menjadikan kamu bersenang hati hanya dengan mulut mereka, sedang hati mereka menolaknya; dan kebanyakan mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik.
{ اشترَوا بآيات الله } القرآن { ثمنا قليلا } من الدنيا أي تركوا اتباعها للشهوات والهوى { فصدُّوا عن سبيله } دينه { إنهم ساء } بئس { ما كانوا يعملونـ } ـه عملهم هذا .
Ishtaraw bi-ayati Allahithamanan qaleelan fasaddoo AAan sabeelihi innahum saama kanoo yaAAmaloon
Sahih International
They have exchanged the signs of Allah for a small price and averted [people] from His way. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing.
Mereka menukarkan ayat-ayat Allah dengan harga yang sedikit (dari faedah-faedah dunia), lalu mereka menghalangi (dirinya dan orang-orang lain) dari ugama Allah; sesungguhnya amatlah buruknya apa yang mereka telah kerjakan.
{ لا يرقُبون في مؤمن إلاّ ولا ذمَّة وأولئك هم المعتدون } .
La yarquboona fee mu/minin illan walathimmatan waola-ika humu almuAAtadoon
Sahih International
They do not observe toward a believer any pact of kinship or covenant of protection. And it is they who are the transgressors.
Mereka tidak menghormati pertalian kerabat dan perjanjian terhadap orang-orang yang beriman, dan merekalah orang-orang yang menceroboh.
{ فإن تابوا وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فإخوانكم } أي فهم إخوانكم { في الدين ونفصِّل } نبين { الآيات لقوم يعلمون } يتدبرون .
Fa-in taboo waaqamoo assalatawaatawoo azzakata fa-ikhwanukum feeaddeeni wanufassilu al-ayatiliqawmin yaAAlamoon
Sahih International
But if they repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, then they are your brothers in religion; and We detail the verses for a people who know.
Oleh itu, jika mereka bertaubat (dari kekufuran), dan mendirikan sembahyang serta memberi zakat, maka mereka itu adalah saudara kamu yang seugama; dan Kami menjelaskan ayat-ayat keterangan Kami satu persatu bagi kaum yang mahu mengetahui.
{ وإن نكثوا } نقضوا { أيمانهم } مواثيقهم { من بعد عهدهم وطعنوا في دينكم } عابوه { فقاتلوا أئمة الكفر } رؤساءه، فيه وضع الظاهر موضع المضمر { إنهم لا أيمان } عهود { لهم } وفي قراءة بالكسر { لعلهم ينتهون } عن الكفر .
Wa-in nakathoo aymanahum min baAAdiAAahdihim wataAAanoo fee deenikum faqatilooa-immata alkufri innahum la aymana lahumlaAAallahum yantahoon
Sahih International
And if they break their oaths after their treaty and defame your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, for indeed, there are no oaths [sacred] to them; [fight them that] they might cease.
Dan jika mereka mencabuli sumpahnya sesudah mengikat perjanjian setia, dan mereka pula mencela ugama kamu, maka perangilah ketua-ketua dan pemimpin-pemimpin kaum yang kafir itu, kerana sesungguhnya mereka tidak menghormati sumpah janjinya, supaya mereka berhenti (dari kekufuran dan bertaubat).
{ ألا } للتحضيض { تقاتلون قوما نكثوا } نقضوا { أيمانهم } عهودهم { وهمُّوا بإخراج الرسول } من مكة لما تشاوروا فيه بدار الندوة { وهم بدءوكم } بالقتال { أوَّل مرَّة } حيث قاتلوا خزاعة حلفاءكم مع بني بكر فما يمنعكم أن تقاتلوهم { أتخشونهم } أتخافونهم { فاللهُ أحق أن تخشوه } في ترك قتالهم { إن كنتم مؤمنين } .
Ala tuqatiloona qawmannakathoo aymanahum wahammoo bi-ikhraji arrasooliwahum badaookum awwala marratin atakhshawnahum fallahuahaqqu an takhshawhu in kuntum mu/mineen
Sahih International
Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun [the attack upon] you the first time? Do you fear them? But Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are [truly] believers.
Mengapa kamu tidak memerangi suatu kaum yang telah mencabuli sumpah janjinya, dan mereka pula telah berazam hendak mengusir Rasulullah, dan merekalah juga yang mula-mula memerangi kamu? Tidak patut kamu takut kepada mereka (sehingga kamu tidak mahu memeranginya) kerana Allah jualah yang berhak kamu takuti (melanggar perintahNya), jika betul kamu orang-orang yang beriman?
{ قاتلوهم يعذبهم الله } يقتلهم { بأيديكم ويخزهم } يذلهم بالأسر والقهر { وينصركم عليهم ويشف صدور قوم مؤمنين } بما فُعل بهم هم بنو خزاعة .
Qatiloohum yuAAaththibhumu Allahubi-aydeekum wayukhzihim wayansurkum AAalayhim wayashfi sudooraqawmin mu/mineen
Sahih International
Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people
Perangilah mereka, nescaya Allah akan menyeksa mereka dengan (perantaraan) tangan kamu, dan Allah akan menghinakan mereka serta menolong kamu menewaskan mereka, dan Ia akan memuaskan hati orang-orang yang beriman.
{ ويذُهب غيظ قلوبهم } كربها { ويتوب الله على من يشاء } بالرجوع إلى الإسلام كأبي سفيان { والله عليم حكيم } .
Wayuthhib ghaythaquloobihim wayatoobu Allahu AAala man yashaowallahu AAaleemun hakeem
Sahih International
And remove the fury in the believers' hearts. And Allah turns in forgiveness to whom He wills; and Allah is Knowing and Wise.
Dan Ia juga akan menghapuskan kemarahan hati orang-orang yang beriman itu, dan Allah akan menerima taubat orang-orang yang dikehendakiNya; dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ أم } بمعنى همزة الإنكار { حسبتم أن تُتركوا ولما } لم { يعلم الله } علم ظهور { الذين جاهدوا منكم } بإخلاص { ولم يتخذوا من دون الله ولا رسوله ولا المؤمنين وليجة } بطانة وأولياء، المعنى ولم يظهر المخلصون وهم الموصوفون بما ذكر من غيرهم { والله خبير بما تعملون } .
Am hasibtum an tutrakoo walammayaAAlami Allahu allatheena jahadoo minkumwalam yattakhithoo min dooni Allahi walarasoolihi wala almu/mineena waleejatan wallahukhabeerun bima taAAmaloon
Sahih International
Do you think that you will be left [as you are] while Allah has not yet made evident those among you who strive [for His cause] and do not take other than Allah , His Messenger and the believers as intimates? And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.
Adakah kamu menyangka, bahawa kamu akan dibiarkan (dalam keadaan kamu yang ada itu), padahal belum lagi terbukti kepada Allah (sebagaimana yang diketahuiNya) orang-orang yang berjihad di antara kamu dan yang tidak mengambil teman-teman rapat (untuk mencurahkan rahsia kepada mereka), selain daripada Allah dan RasulNya serta orang-orang yang beriman? Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui secara mendalam akan apa yang kamu kerjakan.
{ ما كان للمشركين أن يعمُروا مَسْجِدَ الله } بالإفراد والجمع بدخوله والقعود فيه { شاهدين على أنفسهم بالكفر أولئك حبطت } بطلت { أعمالهم } لعدم شرطها { وفي النار هم خالدون } .
Ma kana lilmushrikeena anyaAAmuroo masajida Allahi shahideena AAalaanfusihim bilkufri ola-ika habitataAAmaluhum wafee annari hum khalidoon
Sahih International
It is not for the polytheists to maintain the mosques of Allah [while] witnessing against themselves with disbelief. [For] those, their deeds have become worthless, and in the Fire they will abide eternally.
Tidaklah layak orang-orang kafir musyrik itu memakmurkan (menghidupkan) masjid-masjid Allah, sedang mereka menjadi saksi (mengakui) akan kekufuran diri mereka sendiri. Mereka itu ialah orang-orang yang rosak binasa amal-amalnya dan mereka pula kekal di dalam neraka.
{ إنما يعمُر مساجد الله من آمن بالله واليوم الآخر وأقام الصلاة وآتى الزكاة ولم يخش } أحدا { إلا الله فعسى أولئك أن يكونوا من المهتدين } .
Innama yaAAmuru masajida Allahiman amana billahi walyawmi al-akhiriwaaqama assalata waataazzakata walam yakhsha illa AllahafaAAasa ola-ika an yakoonoo mina almuhtadeen
Sahih International
The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah , for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided.
Hanyasanya yang layak memakmurkan (menghidupkan) masjid-masjid Allah itu ialah orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat serta mendirikan sembahyang dan menunaikan zakat dan tidak takut melainkan kepada Allah, (dengan adanya sifat-sifat yang tersebut) maka adalah diharapkan mereka menjadi dari golongan yang mendapat petunjuk.
{ أجعلتم سقاية الحاج وعمارة المسجد الحرام } أي أهل ذلك { كمن آمن بالله واليوم الآخر وجاهد في سبيل الله لا يستوون عند الله } في الفضل { والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين } الكافرين، نزلت ردا على من قال ذلك وهو العباس أو غيره .
AjaAAaltum siqayata alhajjiwaAAimarata almasjidi alharami kaman amanabillahi walyawmi al-akhiri wajahadafee sabeeli Allahi la yastawoona AAinda Allahiwallahu la yahdee alqawma aththalimeen
Sahih International
Have you made the providing of water for the pilgrim and the maintenance of al-Masjid al-Haram equal to [the deeds of] one who believes in Allah and the Last Day and strives in the cause of Allah ? They are not equal in the sight of Allah . And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
Adakah kamu sifatkan hanya perbuatan memberi minum kepada orang-orang yang mengerjakan Haji, dan (hanya perbuatan) memakmurkan Masjid Al-Haraam itu sama seperti orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat serta berjihad pada jalan Allah? Mereka (yang bersifat demikian) tidak sama di sisi Allah, dan Allah tidak memberikan hidayah petunjuk kepada kaum yang zalim.
{ الذين آمنوا وهاجروا وجاهدوا في سبيل الله بأموالهم وأنفسهم أعظم درجة } رتبة { عند الله } من غيرهم { وأولئك هم الفائزون } الظافرون بالخير .
Allatheena amanoo wahajaroowajahadoo fee sabeeli Allahi bi-amwalihimwaanfusihim aAAthamu darajatan AAinda Allahiwaola-ika humu alfa-izoon
Sahih International
The ones who have believed, emigrated and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah . And it is those who are the attainers [of success].
(Sesungguhnya) orang-orang yang beriman dan berhijrah serta berjihad pada jalan Allah dengan harta benda dan jiwa mereka adalah lebih besar dan tinggi darjatnya di sisi Allah (daripada orang-orang yang hanya memberi minum orang-orang Haji dan orang yang memakmurkan masjid sahaja); dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang berjaya.
{ يبشرهم ربهم برحمة منه ورضوان وجنات لهم فيها نعيم مقيم } دائم .
Yubashshiruhum rabbuhum birahmatinminhu waridwanin wajannatin lahum feehanaAAeemun muqeem
Sahih International
Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy from Him and approval and of gardens for them wherein is enduring pleasure.
Mereka digembirakan oleh Tuhan mereka dengan pemberian rahmat daripadanya dan keredaan serta Syurga; mereka beroleh di dalam Syurga itu nikmat kesenangan yang kekal.
{ خالدين } حال مقدرة { فيها أبدا إن الله عنده أجر عظيم } .
Khalideena feeha abadan innaAllaha AAindahu ajrun AAatheem
Sahih International
[They will be] abiding therein forever. Indeed, Allah has with Him a great reward.
Mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Sesungguhnya Allah, menyediakan di sisiNya pahala yang besar.
ونزل فيمن ترك الهجرة لأجل أهله وتجارته: { يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا آباءكم وإخوانكم أولياء إن استحبوا } اختاروا { الكفر على الإيمان ومن يتولهم منكم فأولئك هم الظالمون } .
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoola tattakhithoo abaakum wa-ikhwanakumawliyaa ini istahabboo alkufra AAala al-eemaniwaman yatawallahum minkum faola-ika humu aththalimoon
Sahih International
O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among you - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu menjadikan bapa-bapa kamu dan saudara-saudara kamu sebagai orang-orang yang didampingi jika mereka memilih kufur dengan meninggalkan iman; dan sesiapa di antara kamu yang menjadikan mereka orang-orang yang didampingi, maka merekalah orang-orang yang zalim.
{ قل إن كان آباؤكم وأبناؤكم وإخوانكم وأزواجكم وعشيرتكم } أقرباؤكم وفي قراءة عشيرتكم { وأموال اقترفتموها } اكتسبتموها { وتجارة تخشون كسادها } عدم نفادها { ومساكن ترضونها أحبَّ إليكم من الله ورسوله وجهادِ في سبيله } فقعدتم لأجله عن الهجرة والجهاد { فتربَّصوا } انتظروا { حتى يأتي الله بأمره } تهديد لهم { والله لا يهدي القوم الفاسقين } .
Qul in kana abaokumwaabnaokum wa-ikhwanukum waazwajukumwaAAasheeratukum waamwalun iqtaraftumooha watijaratuntakhshawna kasadaha wamasakinu tardawnahaahabba ilaykum mina Allahi warasoolihi wajihadinfee sabeelihi fatarabbasoo hatta ya/tiya Allahubi-amrihi wallahu la yahdee alqawma alfasiqeen
Sahih International
Say, [O Muhammad], "If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, wealth which you have obtained, commerce wherein you fear decline, and dwellings with which you are pleased are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and jihad in His cause, then wait until Allah executes His command. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people."
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Jika bapa-bapa kamu, dan anak-anak kamu, dan saudara-saudara kamu, dan isteri-isteri (atau suami-suami) kamu, dan kaum keluarga kamu, dan harta benda yang kamu usahakan, dan perniagaan yang kamu bimbang akan merosot, dan rumah-rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, - (jika semuanya itu) menjadi perkara-perkara yang kamu cintai lebih daripada Allah dan RasulNya dan (daripada) berjihad untuk ugamaNya, maka tunggulah sehingga Allah mendatangkan keputusanNya (azab seksaNya); kerana Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasik (derhaka).
{ لقد نصركم الله في مواطن } للحرب { كثيرة } كبدر وقريظة والنضير { و } اذكر { يوم حنين } واد بين مكة والطائف أي يوم قتالكم فيه هوازن وذلك في شوّال سنة ثمان { إذ } بدل من يوم { أعجبتكم كثرتكم } فقلتم لن نُغلب اليوم من قلة وكانوا اثني عشر ألفا والكفار أربعة آلاف { فلم تغن عنكم شيئا وضاقت عليكم الأرض بما رحبت } ما مصدرية أي مع رحبها أي سعتها فلم تجدوا مكانا تطمئنون إليه لشدة ما لحقكم من الخوف { ثم وليتم مدبرين } منهزمين وثبت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على بغلته البيضاء وليس معه غير العباس وأبو سفيان آخذ بركابه .
Laqad nasarakumu Allahu feemawatina katheeratin wayawma hunaynin ithaAAjabatkum kathratukum falam tughni AAankum shay-an wadaqatAAalaykumu al-ardu bima rahubat thummawallaytum mudbireen
Sahih International
Allah has already given you victory in many regions and [even] on the day of Hunayn, when your great number pleased you, but it did not avail you at all, and the earth was confining for you with its vastness; then you turned back, fleeing.
Sesungguhnya Allah telah menolong kamu mencapai kemenangan dalam banyak medan-medan perang dan di medan perang Hunain, iaitu semasa kamu merasa megah dengan sebab bilangan kamu yang ramai; maka bilangan yang ramai itu tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada kamu sedikitpun; dan (semasa kamu merasa) bumi yang luas itu menjadi sempit kepada kamu; kemudian kamu berpaling undur melarikan diri.
{ ثم أنزل الله سكينته } طمأنينته { على رسوله وعلى المؤمنين } فردوا إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لما ناداهم العباس بإذنه وقاتلوا { وأنزل جنودا لم تروها } ملائكة { وعذَّب الذين كفروا } بالقتل والأسر { وذلك جزاء الكافرين } .
Thumma anzala Allahu sakeenatahu AAalarasoolihi waAAala almu/mineena waanzala junoodan lamtarawha waAAaththaba allatheena kafaroo wathalikajazao alkafireen
Sahih International
Then Allah sent down His tranquillity upon His Messenger and upon the believers and sent down soldiers angels whom you did not see and punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense of the disbelievers.
Kemudian Allah menurunkan semangat tenang tenteram kepada RasulNya dan kepada orang-orang yang beriman, dan Allah menurunkan tentera yang kamu tidak melihatnya, serta Ia menyeksa orang-orang kafir itu (dengan kekalahan yang membawa kehancuran); dan yang demikian itu ialah balasan bagi orang-orang yang kafir.
{ ثم يتوب الله من بعد ذلك على من يشاء } منهم بالإسلام { والله غفور رحيم } .
Thumma yatoobu Allahu min baAAdi thalikaAAala man yashao wallahu ghafoorunraheem
Sahih International
Then Allah will accept repentance after that for whom He wills; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Kemudian Allah menerima taubat orang-orang yang dikehendaki (dengan memberi taufiq untuk memeluk Islam), sesudah (orang-orang kafir itu ditimpakan dengan azab); dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
{ يا أيها الذين آمنوا إنما المشركون نجس } قذر لخبث باطنهم { فلا يقربوا المسجد الحرام } أي لا يدخلوا الحرم { بعد عامهم هذا } عام تسع من الهجرة { وإن خفتم عَيْلةٌ } فقرا بانقطاع تجارتهم عنكم { فسوف يغنيكم الله من فضله إن شاء } وقد أغناهم بالفتوح والجزية { إن الله عليم حكيم } .
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooinnama almushrikoona najasun fala yaqrabooalmasjida alharama baAAda AAamihim hathawa-in khiftum AAaylatan fasawfa yughneekumu Allahu min fadlihiin shaa inna Allaha AAaleemun hakeem
Sahih International
O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Haram after this, their [final] year. And if you fear privation, Allah will enrich you from His bounty if He wills. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Wise.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Sesungguhnya (kepercayaan) orang-orang kafir musyrik itu najis, oleh itu janganlah mereka menghampiri Masjid Al-Haraam sesudah tahun ini; dan jika kamu bimbangkan kepapaan, maka Allah akan memberi kekayaan kepada kamu dari limpah kurniaNya, jika dia kehendaki. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ قاتلوا الذين لا يؤمنون بالله ولا باليوم الآخر } وإلا لآمنوا بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم { ولا يحرِّمون ما حرَّم الله ورسوله } كالخمر { ولا يدينون دين الحق } الثابت الناسخ لغيره من الأديان وهو دين الإسلام
Qatiloo allatheena layu/minoona billahi wala bilyawmial-akhiri wala yuharrimoona ma harramaAllahu warasooluhu wala yadeenoona deena alhaqqimina allatheena ootoo alkitaba hattayuAAtoo aljizyata AAan yadin wahum saghiroon
Sahih International
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
Perangilah orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan tidak beriman kepada hari akhirat, dan mereka pula tidak mengharamkan apa yang telah diharamkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya, dan tidak berugama dengan ugama yang benar, iaitu dari orang-orang yang diberikan Kitab (kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani), sehingga mereka membayar "Jizyah" dengan keadaan taat dan merendah diri.
{ وقالت اليهود عُزَيْرٌ ابن الله وقالت النصارى المسيح } عيسى { ابن الله ذلك قولهم بأفواههم } لا مستند لهم عليه بل { يضاهئون } يشابهون به { قول الذين كفروا من قبل } من آبائهم تقليدا لهم { قاتلهم } لعنهم { الله أنَّى } كيف { يُؤفكون } يُصرفون عن الحق مع قيام الدليل.
Waqalati alyahoodu AAuzayrun ibnu Allahiwaqalati annasara almaseehuibnu Allahi thalika qawluhum bi-afwahihim yudahi-oonaqawla allatheena kafaroo min qablu qatalahumu Allahuanna yu/fakoon
Sahih International
The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?
Dan orang-orang Yahudi berkata: "Uzair ialah anak Allah" dan orang-orang Nasrani berkata: "Al-Masih ialah anak Allah". Demikianlah perkataan mereka dengan mulut mereka sendiri, (iaitu) mereka menyamai perkataan orang-orang kafir dahulu; semoga Allah binasakan mereka. Bagaimanakah mereka boleh berpaling dari kebenaran?
{ اتَّخذوا أحبارهم } علماء اليهود { ورهبانهم } عبَّاد النصارى { أربابا من دون الله } حيث اتبعوهم في تحليل ما حرم الله وتحريم ما أحل { والمسيح بن مريم وما أمروا } في التوراة والإنجيل { إلا ليعبدوا } أي بأن يعبدوا { إلها واحدا لا إله إلا هو سبحانه } تنزيها له { عما يشركون } .
Ittakhathoo ahbarahumwaruhbanahum arbaban min dooni Allahi walmaseehaibna maryama wama omiroo illa liyaAAbudoo ilahanwahidan la ilaha illa huwa subhanahuAAamma yushrikoon
Sahih International
They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah , and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.
Mereka menjadikan pendita-pendita dan ahli-ahli ugama mereka sebagai pendidik-pendidik selain dari Allah, dan juga (mereka mempertuhankan) Al-Masih ibni Maryam, padahal mereka tidak diperintahkan melainkan untuk menyembah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa; tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia. Maha Suci Allah dari apa yang mereka sekutukan.
{ يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله } شرعه وبراهينه { بأفواههم } بأقوالهم فيه { ويأبى الله إلا أن يتم } يظهر { نوره ولو كره الكافرون } ذلك .
Yureedoona an yutfi-oo noora Allahibi-afwahihim waya/ba Allahu illa anyutimma noorahu walaw kariha alkafiroon
Sahih International
They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
Mereka hendak memadamkan cahaya Allah (ugama Islam) dengan mulut mereka, sedang Allah tidak menghendaki melainkan menyempurnakan cahayaNya, sekalipun orang-orang kafir tidak suka (akan yang demikian).
{ هو الذي أرسل رسوله } محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم { بالهدى ودين الحق ليُظهره } يعليه { على الدين كله } جميع الأديان المخالفة له { ولو كره المشركون } ذلك .
Huwa allathee arsala rasoolahu bilhudawadeeni alhaqqi liyuthhirahu AAala addeenikullihi walaw kariha almushrikoon
Sahih International
It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.
Dia lah yang telah mengutus RasulNya (Muhammad) dengan membawa petunjuk dan ugama yang benar (ugama Islam), untuk dimenangkan dan ditinggikannya atas segala ugama yang lain, walaupun orang-orang musyrik tidak menyukainya.
{ يا أيها الذين آمنوا إن كثيرا من الأحبار والرهبان ليأكلون } يأخذون { أموال الناس بالباطل } كالرشا في الحكم { ويصدون } الناس { عن سبيل الله } دينه { والذين } مبتدأ { يكنزون الذهب والفضة ولا ينفقونها } أي الكنوز { في سبيل الله } أي لا يأدون منها حقه من الزكاة والخير { فبشرهم } أخبرهم { بعذاب أليم } مؤلم .
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooinna katheeran mina al-ahbari warruhbanilaya/kuloona amwala annasi bilbatiliwayasuddoona AAan sabeeli Allahi wallatheenayaknizoona aththahaba walfiddatawala yunfiqoonaha fee sabeeli Allahifabashshirhum biAAathabin aleem
Sahih International
O you who have believed, indeed many of the scholars and the monks devour the wealth of people unjustly and avert [them] from the way of Allah . And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give them tidings of a painful punishment.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Sesungguhnya banyak di antara pendita-pendita dan ahli-ahli ugama (Yahudi dan Nasrani) memakan harta orang ramai dengan cara yang salah, dan mereka menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah (ugama Islam). Dan (ingatlah) orang-orang yang menyimpan emas dan perak serta tidak membelanjakannya pada jalan Allah, maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan (balasan) azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
{ يوم يحمى عليها في نار جهنم فتكوى } تحرق { بها جباههم وجنوبهم وظهورهم } وتوسع جلودهم حتى توضع عليها كلها ويقال لهم { هذا ما كنزتم لأنفسكم فذوقوا ما كنتم تكنزون } أي جزاءه .
Yawma yuhma AAalayhafee nari jahannama fatukwa biha jibahuhumwajunoobuhum wathuhooruhum hatha makanaztum li-anfusikum fathooqoo ma kuntum taknizoon
Sahih International
The Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, [it will be said], "This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard."
(Iaitu) pada hari dibakar emas perak (dan harta benda) itu dalam neraka jahanam, lalu diselar dengannya dahi mereka, dan rusuk mereka, serta belakang mereka (sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): "Inilah apa yang telah kamu simpan untuk diri kamu sendiri, oleh itu rasalah (azab dari) apa yang kamu simpan itu.
{ إن عدة الشهور } المعتد بها للسنة { عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله } اللوح المحفوظ { يوم خلق السماوات والأرض منها } أي الشهور { أربعة حرم } محرَّمة ذو القعدة وذو الحجة والمحرم ورجب { ذلك } أي تحريمها { الدين القيم } المستقيم { فلا تظلموا فيهن } أي الأشهر الحرم { أنفسكم } بالمعاصي فإنها فيها أعظم وزرا وقيل في الأشهر كلها { وقاتلوا المشركين كافة } جميعا في كل الشهور { كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا أن الله مع المتقين } بالعون والنصر .
Inna AAiddata ashshuhoori AAinda Allahiithna AAashara shahran fee kitabi Allahiyawma khalaqa assamawati wal-ardaminha arbaAAatun hurumun thalika addeenualqayyimu fala tathlimoo feehinna anfusakumwaqatiloo almushrikeena kaffatan kama yuqatiloonakumkaffatan waAAlamoo anna Allaha maAAaalmuttaqeen
Sahih International
Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him].
Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan-bulan di sisi (hukum) Allah ialah dua belas bulan, (yang telah ditetapkan) dalam Kitab Allah semasa Ia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan yang dihormati. Ketetapan yang demikian itu ialah ugama yang betul lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan-bulan yang dihormati itu (dengan melanggar laranganNya); dan perangilah kaum kafir musyrik seluruhnya sebagaimana mereka memerangi kamu seluruhnya; dan ketahuilah sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertaqwa.
{ إنما النسيء } أي التأخير لحرمة شهر إلى آخر كما كانت الجاهلية تفعله من تأخير حرمة المحرم إذا هلَّ وهم في القتال إلى صفر { زيادة في الكفر } لكفرهم بحكم الله فيه { يُضَلٌ } بضم الياء وفتحها { به الذين كفروا يحلونه } أي النسيء { عاما ويحرمونه عاما ليواطئوا } يوافقوا بتحليل شهر وتحريم آخر بدله { عدة } عدد { ما حرم الله } من الأشهر فلا يزيدوا على تحريم أربعة ولا ينقصوا ولا ينظروا إلى أعيانها { فيحلوا ما حرم الله زُيِّن لهم سوء أعمالهم } فظنوه حسنا { والله لا يهدي القوم الكافرين } .
Innama annasee-o ziyadatunfee alkufri yudallu bihi allatheena kafaroo yuhilloonahuAAaman wayuharrimoonahu AAaman liyuwati-ooAAiddata ma harrama Allahu fayuhillooma harrama Allahu zuyyina lahum soo-o aAAmalihimwallahu la yahdee alqawma alkafireen
Sahih International
Indeed, the postponing [of restriction within sacred months] is an increase in disbelief by which those who have disbelieved are led [further] astray. They make it lawful one year and unlawful another year to correspond to the number made unlawful by Allah and [thus] make lawful what Allah has made unlawful. Made pleasing to them is the evil of their deeds; and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.
Sesungguhnya perbuatan mengundurkan (kehormatan itu dari satu bulan ke satu bulan yang lain) adalah menambah kekufuran yang menjadikan orang-orang kafir itu tersesat kerananya. Mereka menghalalkannya pada satu tahun dan mengharamkannya pada tahun yang lain, supaya mereka dapat menyesuaikan bilangan (bulan-bulan yang empat) yang telah diharamkan Allah (berperang di dalamnya); dengan itu mereka menghalalkan apa yang telah diharamkan oleh Allah. Perbuatan buruk mereka itu dihias dan dijadikan indah (oleh Syaitan) untuk dipandang baik oleh mereka. Dan (ingatlah) Allah tidak memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang kafir.
ونزل لما دعا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الناس إلى غزوة تبوك وكانوا في عسرة وشدة حر فشق عليهم { يا أيها الذين آمنوا مالكم إذا قيل لكم انفروا في سبيل الله اثاقلتم } بإدغام التاء في الأصل في المثلثة واجتلاب همزة الوصل أي تباطأتم وملتم عن الجهاد { إلى الأرض } والقعود فيها والاستفهام للتوبيخ { أرضيتم بالحياة الدنيا } ولذاتها { من الآخرة } أي بدل نعيمها { فما متاع الحياة الدنيا في } جنب متاع { الآخرة إلا قليل } حقير .
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooma lakum itha qeela lakumu infiroo fee sabeeli Allahiiththaqaltum ila al-ardi aradeetum bilhayatiaddunya mina al-akhirati fama mataAAualhayati addunya fee al-akhiratiilla qaleel
Sahih International
O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah , you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mengapa kamu, apabila dikatakan kepada kamu: "Pergilah beramai-ramai untuk berperang pada jalan Allah", kamu merasa keberatan (dan suka tinggal menikmati kesenangan) di tempat (masing-masing)? Adakah kamu lebih suka dengan kehidupan dunia daripada akhirat? (Kesukaan kamu itu salah) kerana kesenangan hidup di dunia ini hanya sedikit jua berbanding dengan (kesenangan hidup) di akhirat kelak.
{ إلاّ } بإدغام لا في نون إن الشرطية في الموضعين { تنفروا } تخرجوا مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم للجهاد { يعذبكم عذابا أليما } مؤلماً { ويستبدل قوما غيركم } أي يأت بهم بدلكم { ولا تضروه } أي الله أو النبيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم { شيئا } بترك نصره فإن الله ناصر دينه { والله على كل شيء قدير } ومنه نصر دينه ونبيه.
Illa tanfiroo yuAAaththibkumAAathaban aleeman wayastabdil qawman ghayrakum walatadurroohu shay-an wallahu AAalakulli shay-in qadeer
Sahih International
If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. And Allah is over all things competent.
Jika kamu tidak pergi beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah - membela ugamaNya), Allah akan menyeksa kamu dengan azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya dan Ia akan menggantikan kamu dengan kaum yang lain, dan kamu tidak akan dapat mendatangkan bahaya sedikitpun kepadaNya. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
{ إلاّ تنصروه } أي النبيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم { فقد نصره الله إذ } حين { أخرجه الذين كفروا } من مكة أي الجؤوه إلى الخروج لما أرادوا قتله أو حبسه أو نفيه بدار الندوة { ثاني اثنين } حال أي أحد اثنين والآخر أبو بكر - المعنى نصره الله في مثل تلك الحالة فلا يخذله في غيرها - { إذ } بدل من إذ قبله { هما في الغار } نقب في جبل ثور { إذ } بدل ثان { يقول لصاحبه } أبي بكر وقد قال له لما رأى أقدام المشركين لو نظر أحدهم تحت قدميه لأبصرنا { لا تحزن إن الله معنا } بنصره { فأنزل الله سكينته } طمأنينته { عليه } قيل على النبي * وقيل على أبي بكر { وأيَّده } أي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم { بجنود لم تروها } ملائكة في الغار ومواطن قتاله { وجعل كلمة الذين كفروا } أي دعوة الشرك { السفلى } المغلوبة { وكلمة الله } أي كلمة الشهادة { هي العليا } الظاهرة الغالبة { والله عزيز } في ملكه { حكيم } في صنعه .
Illa tansuroohu faqad nasarahuAllahu ith akhrajahu allatheena kafaroo thaniyaithnayni ith huma fee alghari ithyaqoolu lisahibihi la tahzan inna AllahamaAAana faanzala Allahu sakeenatahu AAalayhiwaayyadahu bijunoodin lam tarawha wajaAAala kalimata allatheenakafaroo assufla wakalimatu Allahi hiyaalAAulya wallahu AAazeezun hakeem
Sahih International
If you do not aid the Prophet - Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out [of Makkah] as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, "Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us." And Allah sent down his tranquillity upon him and supported him with angels you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah - that is the highest. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
Kalau kamu tidak menolongnya (Nabi Muhammad) maka sesungguhnya Allah telahpun menolongnya, iaitu ketika kaum kafir (di Makkah) mengeluarkannya (dari negerinya Makkah) sedang ia salah seorang dari dua (sahabat) semasa mereka berlindung di dalam gua, ketika ia berkata kepada sahabatnya: "Janganlah engkau berdukacita, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita". Maka Allah menurunkan semangat tenang tenteram kepada (Nabi Muhammad) dan menguatkannya dengan bantuan tentera (malaikat) yang kamu tidak melihatnya. Dan Allah menjadikan seruan (syirik) orang-orang kafir terkebawah (kalah dengan sehina-hinanya), dan Kalimah Allah (Islam) ialah yang tertinggi (selama-lamanya), kerana Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ انفِروا خفافا وثقالا } نشاطا وغير نشاط، وقيل أقوياء وضعفاء، أو أغنياء وفقراء، وهي منسوخة بآية (ليس على الضعفاء) { وجاهدوا بأموالكم وأنفسكم في سبيل الله ذلكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون } أنه خير لكم فلا تثاقلوا .
Infiroo khifafan wathiqalanwajahidoo bi-amwalikum waanfusikum fee sabeeli Allahithalikum khayrun lakum in kuntum taAAlamoon
Sahih International
Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah . That is better for you, if you only knew.
Pergilah kamu beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah), sama ada dengan keadaan ringan (dan mudah bergerak) ataupun dengan keadaan berat (disebabkan berbagai-bagai tanggungjawab); dan berjihadlah dengan harta benda dan jiwa kamu pada jalan Allah (untuk membela Islam). Yang demikian amatlah baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui.
ونزل في المنافقين الذين تخلفوا { لو كان } ما دعوتهم إليه { عرضا } متاعا من الدنيا { قريبا } سهل المأخذ { وسفرا قاصدا } وسطا { لاتَّبعوك } طلبا للغنيمة { ولكن بعدت عليهم الشُّقَّةُ } المسافة فتخلفوا { وسيحلفون بالله } إذا رجعتم إليهم { لو استطعنا } الخروج { لخرجنا معكم يهلكون أنفسهم } بالحلف الكاذب { والله يعلم إنهم لكاذبون } في قولهم ذلك .
Law kana AAaradan qareebanwasafaran qasidan lattabaAAooka walakinbaAAudat AAalayhimu ashshuqqatu wasayahlifoona billahilawi istataAAna lakharajna maAAakumyuhlikoona anfusahum wallahu yaAAlamu innahum lakathiboon
Sahih International
Had it been an easy gain and a moderate trip, the hypocrites would have followed you, but distant to them was the journey. And they will swear by Allah , "If we were able, we would have gone forth with you," destroying themselves [through false oaths], and Allah knows that indeed they are liars.
Kalau apa yang engkau serukan kepada mereka (wahai Muhammad) sesuatu yang berfaedah yang sudah didapati, dan satu perjalanan yang sederhana (tidak begitu jauh), nescaya mereka (yang munafik itu) akan mengikutmu; tetapi tempat yang hendak dituju itu jauh bagi mereka. Dan mereka akan bersumpah dengan nama Allah dengan berkata: "Kalau kami sanggup, tentulah kami akan pergi bersama kamu". (Dengan sumpah dusta itu) mereka membinasakan diri mereka sendiri, sedang Allah mengetahui bahawa sesungguhnya mereka itu orang-orang yang berdusta (tentang tidak sanggupnya mengikutmu).
وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم أذن لجماعة في التخلف باجتهاد منه، فنزل عتابا له وقدم العفو تطمينا لقلبه { عفا الله عنك لِمَ أذنت لهم } في التخلف وهلا تركتهم { حتى يتبين لك الذين صدقوا } في العذر { وتعلم الكاذبين } فيه .
AAafa Allahu AAanka lima athintalahum hatta yatabayyana laka allatheena sadaqoowataAAlama alkathibeen
Sahih International
May Allah pardon you, [O Muhammad]; why did you give them permission [to remain behind]? [You should not have] until it was evident to you who were truthful and you knew [who were] the liars.
Allah memaafkanmu (wahai Muhammad), mengapa engkau izinkan mereka (tidak turut berperang) sebelum nyata bagimu orang-orang yang benar dan (sebelum) engkau mengetahui orang-orang yang berdusta?
{ لا يستأذنك الذين يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر } في التخُّلف عن { أن يجاهدوا بأموالهم وأنفسهم والله عليم بالمتقين } .
La yasta/thinuka allatheenayu/minoona billahi walyawmi al-akhirian yujahidoo bi-amwalihim waanfusihim wallahuAAaleemun bilmuttaqeen
Sahih International
Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask permission of you to be excused from striving with their wealth and their lives. And Allah is Knowing of those who fear Him.
Orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, tidak akan meminta izin kepadamu untuk (tidak turut) berjihad dengan harta benda dan jiwa mereka. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui akan orang-orang yang bertaqwa.
{ إنما يستأذنك } في التخلُّف { الذين لا يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر وارتابت } شكت { قلوبهم } في الدين { فهم في ريبهم يترددون } يتحيرون .
Innama yasta/thinuka allatheenala yu/minoona billahi walyawmi al-akhiriwartabat quloobuhum fahum fee raybihimyataraddadoon
Sahih International
Only those would ask permission of you who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and whose hearts have doubted, and they, in their doubt, are hesitating.
Sesungguhnya yang akan meminta izin kepadamu hanyalah orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, dan yang hati mereka (sangat) ragu-ragu. Oleh itu mereka sentiasa bingung teragak-agak dalam keraguannya.
{ ولو أرادوا الخروج } معك { لأعدوا له عدة } أهبة من الآلة والزاد { ولكن كره الله انبعاثهم } أي لم يرد خروجهم { فثبطهم } كسَّلهم { وقيل } لهم { اقعدوا مع القاعدين } المرضى والنساء والصبيان، أي قدر الله تعالى ذلك .
Walaw aradoo alkhurooja laaAAaddoolahu AAuddatan walakin kariha Allahu inbiAAathahumfathabbatahum waqeela oqAAudoo maAAa alqaAAideen
Sahih International
And if they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared for it [some] preparation. But Allah disliked their being sent, so He kept them back, and they were told, "Remain [behind] with those who remain."
Dan kalaulah mereka mahu keluar (untuk turut berperang), tentulah mereka menyediakan persiapan untuknya; tetapi Allah tidak suka pemergian mereka, lalu dilemahkanNya semangat mereka, dan dikatakan (oleh Syaitan): "Tinggalah kamu bersama-sama orang-orang yang tinggal".
{ لو خرجوا فيكم ما زادوكم إلا خبالا } فسادا بتخذيل المؤمنين { ولأوضعوا خلالكم } أي أسرعوا بينكم بالمشي بالنميمة { يبغونكم } يطلبون لكم { الفتنة } بإلقاء العداوة { وفيكم سماعون لهم } ما يقولون سماع قبول { والله عليم بالظالمين } .
Law kharajoo feekum ma zadookumilla khabalan walaawdaAAoo khilalakumyabghoonakumu alfitnata wafeekum sammaAAoona lahum wallahuAAaleemun biththalimeen
Sahih International
Had they gone forth with you, they would not have increased you except in confusion, and they would have been active among you, seeking [to cause] you fitnah. And among you are avid listeners to them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.
Kalaulah mereka keluar bersama kamu, tidaklah mereka menambahkan kamu melainkan kerosakan, dan tentulah mereka segera menjalankan hasutan di antara kamu, (dengan tujuan) hendak menimbulkan fitnah (kekacauan) dalam kalangan kamu; sedang di antara kamu ada orang yang suka mendengar hasutan mereka. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui akan orang-orang yang zalim.
{ لقد ابتغوا } لك { الفتنة من قبل } أول ما قدمت المدينة { وقلَّبوا لك الأمور } أي أحالوا الفكر في كيدك وإبطال دينك { حتى جاء الحق } النصر { وظهر } عَزَّ { أمر الله } دينه { وهم كارهون } له فدخلوا فيه ظاهرا .
Laqadi ibtaghawoo alfitnata min qabluwaqallaboo laka al-omoora hatta jaa alhaqquwathahara amru Allahi wahum karihoon
Sahih International
They had already desired dissension before and had upset matters for you until the truth came and the ordinance of Allah appeared, while they were averse.
Sesungguhnya mereka telah lakukan fitnah semenjak dahulu lagi, dan mereka merancangkan terhadapmu (wahai Muhammad) berbagai tipu daya, sehingga datanglah kebenaran, dan nyatalah (kemenangan) ugama Allah (Islam), sedang mereka tidak suka kepadanya.
{ ومنهم من يقول ائذن لي } في التخلف { ولا تفتنِّي } وهو الجد بن قيس قال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم هل لك في جلاد بني الأصفر ؟ فقال : إني مغرّم بالنساء وأخشى إن رأيت ُ نساء بني الأصفر ألا أصبر عنهن فأُفتتن، قال تعالى : { ألا في الفتنة سقطوا } بالتخلُّف، وقرئ سقط { وإن جهنم لمحيطة بالكافرين } لا محيص لهم عنها .
Waminhum man yaqoolu i/than lee walataftinnee ala fee alfitnati saqatoo wa-innajahannama lamuheetatun bilkafireen
Sahih International
And among them is he who says, "Permit me [to remain at home] and do not put me to trial." Unquestionably, into trial they have fallen. And indeed, Hell will encompass the disbelievers.
Dan di antara mereka (yang munafik itu) ada yang berkata: "Izinkanlah aku (supaya tidak pergi berperang) dan janganlah engkau menjadikan daku dipengaruhi oleh fitnah ". Ketahuilah, mereka telah pun tercebur ke dalam fitnah (dengan dalihan yang dusta itu). Dan sesungguhnya azab Jahannam meliputi orang-orang yang kafir.
{ إن تصبك حسنة } كنصر وغنيمة { تسؤهم وإن تصبك مصيبة } شدة { يقولوا قد أخذنا أمرنا } بالحزم حين تخلفنا { من قبل } قبل هذه المعصية { ويتولَّوا وهم فرحون } بما أصابك .
In tusibka hasanatun tasu/humwa-in tusibka museebatun yaqooloo qad akhathnaamrana min qablu wayatawallaw wahum farihoon
Sahih International
If good befalls you, it distresses them; but if disaster strikes you, they say, "We took our matter [in hand] before," and turn away while they are rejoicing.
Jika engkau (wahai Muhammad) beroleh sesuatu kebaikan, (maka) kebaikan itu menyebabkan mereka sakit hati; dan jika engkau ditimpa sesuatu bencana, mereka berkata: "Sesungguhnya kami telahpun mengambil keputusan (tidak turut berperang) sebelum itu", dan mereka berpaling (meninggalkanmu) sambil mereka bergembira.
{ قل } لهم { لن يصيبنا إلا ما كتب الله لنا } إصابته { هو مولانا } ناصرنا ومتولي أمورنا { وعلى الله فيتوكل المؤمنون } .
Qul lan yuseebana illama kataba Allahu lana huwa mawlanawaAAala Allahi falyatawakkali almu/minoon
Sahih International
Say, "Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector." And upon Allah let the believers rely.
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Tidak sekali-kali akan menimpa kami sesuatu pun melainkan apa yang telah ditetapkan Allah bagi kami. Dia lah Pelindung yang menyelamatkan kami, dan (dengan kepercayaan itu) maka kepada Allah jualah hendaknya orang-orang yang beriman bertawakal".
{ قل هل تربصون } فيه حذف إحدى التاءين من الأصل أي تنتظرون أن يقع { بنا إلا إحدى } العاقبتين { الحسنيين } تثنية حسنى تأنيث أحسن : النصر أو الشهادة { ونحن نتربص } ننتظر { بكم أن يصيبكم الله بعذاب من عنده } بقارعة من السماء { أو بأيدينا } بأن يؤذن لنا في قتالكم { فتربصوا } بنا ذلك { إنا معكم متربِّصون } عاقبتكم .
Qul hal tarabbasoona bina illaihda alhusnayayni wanahnu natarabbasubikum an yuseebakumu Allahu biAAathabin minAAindihi aw bi-aydeena fatarabbasoo innamaAAakum mutarabbisoon
Sahih International
Say, "Do you await for us except one of the two best things while we await for you that Allah will afflict you with punishment from Himself or at our hands? So wait; indeed we, along with you, are waiting."
Katakanlah: "(Sebenarnya) tidak ada yang kamu tunggu-tunggu untuk kami melainkan salah satu dari dua perkara yang sebaik-baiknya (iaitu kemenangan atau mati syahid); dan kami menunggu-nunggu pula untuk kamu bahawa Allah akan menimpakan kamu dengan azab dari sisiNya, atau dengan perantaraan tangan kami. Oleh itu tunggulah, sesungguhnya kami juga menunggu bersama-sama kamu".
{ قل أنفقوا } في طاعة الله { طوعا أو كرها لن يتقبل منكم } ما أنفقتموه { إنكم كننتم قوما فاسقين } والأمر هنا بمعنى الخبر .
Qul anfiqoo tawAAan aw karhan lanyutaqabbala minkum innakum kuntum qawman fasiqeen
Sahih International
Say, "Spend willingly or unwillingly; never will it be accepted from you. Indeed, you have been a defiantly disobedient people."
Katakanlah: "Dermakanlah harta kamu sama ada dengan sukarela atau kerana terpaksa, tidak sekali-kali akan diterima daripada kamu, (kerana) sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang-orang yang fasik".
{ وما منعهم أن تُقبل } بالياء والتاء { منهم نفقاتهم إلا أنهم } فاعل وأن تقبل مفعول { كفروا بالله وبرسوله ولا يأتون الصلاة إلا وهم كسالى } متثاقلون { ولا ينفقون إلا وهم كارهون } النفقة لأنهم يعدونها مغرما .
Wama manaAAahum an tuqbala minhumnafaqatuhum illa annahum kafaroo billahiwabirasoolihi wala ya/toona assalatailla wahum kusala wala yunfiqoona illawahum karihoon
Sahih International
And what prevents their expenditures from being accepted from them but that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His Messenger and that they come not to prayer except while they are lazy and that they do not spend except while they are unwilling.
Dan tidak ada yang menghalangi mereka, untuk diterima derma-derma mereka melainkan kerana mereka kufur kepada Allah dan RasulNya, dan (kerana) mereka tidak mengerjakan sembahyang melainkan dengan keadaan malas dan mereka pula tidak mendermakan hartanya melainkan dengan perasaan benci.
{ فلا تعجبْك أموالهم ولا أولادهم } أي لا تستحسن نعمنا عليهم فهي استدراج { إنَّمَا يريد الله ليعذبهم } أي أن يعذبهم { بها في الحياة الدنيا } بما يلقون في جمعها من المشقة وفيها من المصائب { وتزهَق } تخرج { أنفسهم وهم كافرون } فيعذبهم في الآخرة أشد العذاب .
Fala tuAAjibka amwaluhum walaawladuhum innama yureedu Allahu liyuAAaththibahumbiha fee alhayati addunyawatazhaqa anfusuhum wahum kafiroon
Sahih International
So let not their wealth or their children impress you. Allah only intends to punish them through them in worldly life and that their souls should depart [at death] while they are disbelievers.
Oleh itu, janganlah engkau tertarik hati kepada harta benda dan anak-anak mereka, (kerana) sesungguhnya Allah hanya hendak menyeksa mereka dengan harta benda dan anak-anak itu dalam kehidupan dunia, dan hendak menjadikan nyawa mereka tercabut sedang mereka berkeadaan kafir (untuk mendapat azab akhirat pula).
{ ويحلفون بالله إنهم لمنكم } أي مؤمنون { وما هم منكم ولكنهم قوم يفرقون } يخافون أن تفعلوا بهم كالمشركين فيحلفون تقية .
Wayahlifoona billahiinnahum laminkum wama hum minkum walakinnahumqawmun yafraqoon
Sahih International
And they swear by Allah that they are from among you while they are not from among you; but they are a people who are afraid.
Dan mereka (yang munafik itu) bersumpah dengan nama Allah bahawa sesungguhnya mereka dari golongan kamu, padahal mereka bukanlah dari golongan kamu, tetapi mereka ialah suatu kaum yang pengecut.
{ لو يجدون ملجأً } يلجأون إليه { أو مغارات } سراديب { أو مُدَّخَلا } موضعاً يدخلونه { لَوَلَّوْا إليه وهم يجمحون } يسرعون في دخوله والانصراف عنكم إسراعا لا يرده شيء كالفرس الجموح .
Law yajidoona maljaan aw magharatinaw muddakhalan lawallaw ilayhi wahum yajmahoon
Sahih International
If they could find a refuge or some caves or any place to enter [and hide], they would turn to it while they run heedlessly.
Kalau mereka dapat tempat perlindungan, atau gua-gua, atau lubang-lubang dalam tanah, nescaya mereka segera menuju ke arahnya serta melompat masuk ke dalamnya.
{ ومنهم من يلمزك } يعيبك { في } قَسْم { الصدقات فإن أُعطوا منها رضوا وإن لم يُعْطوْا منها إذا هم يسخطون } .
Waminhum man yalmizuka fee assadaqatifa-in oAAtoo minha radoo wa-in lam yuAAtawminha itha hum yaskhatoon
Sahih International
And among them are some who criticize you concerning the [distribution of] charities. If they are given from them, they approve; but if they are not given from them, at once they become angry.
Dan di antara mereka ada yang mencelamu (wahai Muhammad) mengenai (pembahagian) sedekah-sedekah (zakat); oleh itu jika mereka diberikan sebahagian daripadanya (menurut kehendak mereka), mereka suka (dan memandangnya adil); dan jika mereka tidak diberikan dari zakat itu (menurut kehendaknya), (maka) dengan serta merta mereka marah.
{ ولو أنهم رضوا ما آتاهم الله ورسوله } من الغنائم ونحوها { وقالوا حسبنا } كافينا { الله سيؤتينا الله من فضله ورسوله } من غنيمة أخرى ما يكفينا { إنا إلى الله راغبون } أن يغنينا وجواب لو لكان خيرا لهم .
Walaw annahum radoo ma atahumuAllahu warasooluhu waqaloo hasbunaAllahu sayu/teena Allahu min fadlihiwarasooluhu inna ila Allahi raghiboon
Sahih International
If only they had been satisfied with what Allah and His Messenger gave them and said, "Sufficient for us is Allah ; Allah will give us of His bounty, and [so will] His Messenger; indeed, we are desirous toward Allah ," [it would have been better for them].
Dan (amatlah baiknya) kalau mereka berpuas hati dengan apa yang diberikan oleh Allah dan RasulNya kepada mereka, sambil mereka berkata: "Cukuplah Allah bagi kami; Allah akan memberi kepada kami dari limpah kurniaNya, demikian juga RasulNya; sesungguhnya kami sentiasa berharap kepada Allah"
{ إنما الصدقات } الزكوات مصروفة { للفقراء } الذين لا يجدون ما يقع موقعا من كفايتهم { والمساكين } الذين لا يجدون ما يكفيهم { والعاملين عليها } أي الصدقات من جاب وقاسم وكاتب وحاشر { والمؤلفة قلوبهم } ليسلموا أو يثبت إسلامهم أو يسلم نظراؤهم أو يذبوا عن المسلمين أقسام، الأول والأخير لا يعطيان اليوم عند الشافعي رضي الله تعالى عنه لعز الإسلام بخلاف الآخرين فيعطيان على الأصح { وفي } فك { الرقاب } أي المكاتبين { والغارمين } أهل الدَّين إن استدانوا لغير معصية أو تابوا وليس لهم وفاء أو لإصلاح ذات البين ولو أغنياء { وفي سبيل الله } أي القائمين بالجهاد ممن لا فيء لهم ولو أغنياء { وابن السبيل } المنقطع في سفره { فريضة } نصب بفعله المقدر { من الله والله عليم } بخلقه { حكيم } في صنعه فلا يجوز صرفها لغير هؤلاء ولا منع صنف منهم إذا وجد فيقسمها الإمام عليهم على السواء وله تفضيل بعض آحاد الصنف على بعض، وأفادت اللام وجوب استغراق أفراده لكن لا يجب على صاحب المال إذا قسم لعسره بل يكفي إعطاء ثلاثة من كل صنف ولا يكفي دونها كما أفادته صيغة الجمع وبيَّنت السنة أن شرط المعطى منها الإسلام وأن لا يكون هاشميا ولا مطلبيا .
Innama assadaqatulilfuqara-i walmasakeeni walAAamileenaAAalayha walmu-allafati quloobuhum wafee arriqabiwalgharimeena wafee sabeeli Allahi wabniassabeeli fareedatan mina Allahi wallahuAAaleemun hakeemun
Sahih International
Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise.
Sesungguhnya sedekah-sedekah (zakat) itu hanyalah untuk orang-orang fakir, dan orang-orang miskin, dan amil-amil yang mengurusnya, dan orang-orang muallaf yang dijinakkan hatinya, dan untuk hamba-hamba yang hendak memerdekakan dirinya, dan orang-orang yang berhutang, dan untuk (dibelanjakan pada) jalan Allah, dan orang-orang musafir (yang keputusan) dalam perjalanan. (Ketetapan hukum yang demikian itu ialah) sebagai satu ketetapan (yang datangnya) dari Allah. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ ومنهم } أي المنافقين { الذين يؤذون النبي } بعيبه وبنقل حديثه { ويقولن } إذا نُهوا عن ذلك لئلا يبلغه { هو أُذُنُ } أي يسمع كل قيل ويقبله فإذا حلفنا له أنَّا لم نقل صدَّقنا { قل } هو { أُذُن } مستمع { خيرٍ لكم } لا مستمع شر { يؤمن بالله ويؤمن } يصدق { للمؤمنين } فيما أخبروه به لا لغيرهم واللام زائدة للفرق بين إيمان التسليم وغيره { ورحمةٌ } بالرفع عطفا على أذن والجر عطفا على خير { للذين آمنوا منكم والذين يؤذون رسول الله لهم عذاب أليم } .
Waminhumu allatheena yu/thoonaannabiyya wayaqooloona huwa othunun qul othunukhayrin lakum yu/minu billahi wayu/minulilmu/mineena warahmatun lillatheena amanoominkum wallatheena yu/thoona rasoola Allahilahum AAathabun aleem
Sahih International
And among them are those who abuse the Prophet and say, "He is an ear." Say, "[It is] an ear of goodness for you that believes in Allah and believes the believers and [is] a mercy to those who believe among you." And those who abuse the Messenger of Allah - for them is a painful punishment.
Dan di antara mereka (yang munafik itu) ada orang-orang yang menyakiti Nabi sambil mereka berkata: "Bahawa dia (Nabi Muhammad) orang yang suka mendengar (dan percaya pada apa yang didengarnya)". Katakanlah: "Dia mendengar (dan percaya) apa yang baik bagi kamu, ia beriman kepada Allah dan percaya kepada orang mukmin, dan ia pula menjadi rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu". Dan orang-orang yang menyakiti Rasulullah itu, bagi mereka azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
{ يحلفون بالله لكم } أيها المؤمنين فيما بلغكم عنهم من أذى الرسول أنهم ما آذوه { ليرضوكم والله ورسوله أحقُّ أن يرضوه } بالطاعة { إن كانوا مؤمنين } حقا وتوحيد الضمير لتلازم الرضاءين أو خبر الله ورسوله محذوف .
Yahlifoona billahilakum liyurdookum wallahu warasooluhu ahaqquan yurdoohu in kanoo mu/mineen
Sahih International
They swear by Allah to you [Muslims] to satisfy you. But Allah and His Messenger are more worthy for them to satisfy, if they should be believers.
Mereka bersumpah kepada kamu dengan nama Allah untuk mendapat keredaan kamu, padahal Allah dan RasulNya jualah yang lebih berhak mereka mendapat keredaanNya, jika betul mereka orang-orang yang beriman.
Next p.II (QS 9) Surah 'At Taubah:
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
9. At-Taubah Introduction
This Surah is known by 2 names AT TAUBAH and AL BARA’AT. It is called AT TAUBAH because it enunciates the nature of taubah (repentance) and mentions the conditions of its acceptance.(vv. 102. 118). The second name BARA’ AT (Release) is taken from the first word of the Surah. Why
Omission of Bismillah
This is the only Surah of the Quran to which Bismillah is not prefixed. Though the commentators have given different reasons for this, the correct one that which has been given by Imam Razi: namely,this is because the Holy Prophet himself did not dictate it at the beginning of the Surah.
Therefore the Companions did not prefix it and their successors followed them., This is a further proof of the fact that utmost care has been taken to keep the Quran intact so that it should remain in its complete and original form.
Therefore the Companions did not prefix it and their successors followed them., This is a further proof of the fact that utmost care has been taken to keep the Quran intact so that it should remain in its complete and original form.
Discourses and Periods of Revelation
This Surah comprises three discourses:-
The first discourse (vv. 1-37), was revealed in Zil-Qa’adah A. H. 9 or thereabout. As the importance of the subject of the discourse required its declaration on the occasion of Haj the Holy Prophet despatched Hadrat Ali to follow Hadrat Abu Bakr, who had already left for Makkah as leader of the Pilgrims to the Ka’abah. He instructed Hadrat Ali to deliver the discourse before the representatives of the different clans of Arabia so as to inform them of the new policy towards the mushriks.
The second discourse (vv., 38-72) was sent down in Rajab A. H. 9 or a little before this, when the Holy Prophet was engaged in making preparations for the Campaign, of Tabuk. In this discourse, the Believers were urged to take active part in Jihad, and the shirkers were severely rebuked for holding back their wealth and for hesitation to sacrifice their lives in the way of Allah because of their hypocrisy, weak faith or negligence.
The third discourse (vv. 73-I 29) was revealed on his return from the Campaign of Tabuk. There are some pieces in this discourse that were sent down on different occasions during the same period and were afterwards consolidated by the Holy Prophet into the Surah in accordance with inspiration from Allah. But this caused no interruption in its continuity because they dealt with the same subject and formed part of the same series of events.
This discourse warns the hypocrites of their evil deeds and rebukes those Believers who had stayed behind in the Campaign of Tabuk. Then after taking them to task, Allah pardons those true Believers who had not taken part in the Jihad in the Way of Allah for one reason or the other.
This discourse warns the hypocrites of their evil deeds and rebukes those Believers who had stayed behind in the Campaign of Tabuk. Then after taking them to task, Allah pardons those true Believers who had not taken part in the Jihad in the Way of Allah for one reason or the other.
Chronologically, the first discourse should have come last; but being the most important of the three in regard to its subject-matter, it was placed first in the order of compilation.
Historical Background
Now let us consider the historical background of the Surah. The series of events that have been discussed in this Surah took place after the Peace Treaty of Hudaibiyah. By that time, one-third of Arabia had come under the sway of Islam which had established itself as a powerful, well organized and civilized Islamic State. This Treaty afforded further opportunities to Islam to spread its influence in the comparatively peaceful atmosphere created by it. After this Treaty, two events took place, which led to very important results:
Conquest of Arabia
The first was the Conquest of Arabia. The Holy Prophet was able to send missions among different clans for the propagation of Islam. The result was that during the short period of two years, it became such a great power that it made the old order of ignorance’ feel helpless before it.
So much so that the zealous elements from among the Quraish were so exasperated that they broke the Treaty in order to encounter Islam in a decisive combat. But the Holy Prophet took prompt action after the breach so as not to allow them any opportunity to gather enough force for this. He made a sudden invasion on Makkah in the month of Ramadan in A. H. 8 and conquered it.
Though this conquest broke the backbone of the order of ignorance, it made still another attack on Islam in the battle-field of Hunain, which proved to be its death-knell. The clans of Hawazin Thaqif, Naur, Jushm and others gathered their entire forces in the battle field in order to crush the reformative Revolution, but they utterly failed in their evil designs.
The defeat of ‘ignorance’ at Hunain paved the way for making the whole of Arabia the ‘Abode of Islam’ (Dar-ul-Islam). The result was that hardly a year had Passed after the Battle of Hunain, when the major portion of Arabia came within the fold of Islam and only a few upholders of the old order remained scattered over some corners of the country.
So much so that the zealous elements from among the Quraish were so exasperated that they broke the Treaty in order to encounter Islam in a decisive combat. But the Holy Prophet took prompt action after the breach so as not to allow them any opportunity to gather enough force for this. He made a sudden invasion on Makkah in the month of Ramadan in A. H. 8 and conquered it.
Though this conquest broke the backbone of the order of ignorance, it made still another attack on Islam in the battle-field of Hunain, which proved to be its death-knell. The clans of Hawazin Thaqif, Naur, Jushm and others gathered their entire forces in the battle field in order to crush the reformative Revolution, but they utterly failed in their evil designs.
The defeat of ‘ignorance’ at Hunain paved the way for making the whole of Arabia the ‘Abode of Islam’ (Dar-ul-Islam). The result was that hardly a year had Passed after the Battle of Hunain, when the major portion of Arabia came within the fold of Islam and only a few upholders of the old order remained scattered over some corners of the country.
The second event that contributed towards making Islam a formidable power was the Campaign of Tabuk, which was necessitated by the provocative activities of the Christians living within or near the boundaries of the Roman Empire to the north of Arabia. Accordingly, the Holy Prophet, with an army of thirty thousand marched boldly towards the Roman Empire but the Romans evaded the encounter.
The result was that the power of the Holy Prophet and Islam increased manifold and deputations from all corners of Arabia began to wait upon him on his return from Tabuk in order to offer their allegiance to Islam and obedience to him. The Holy Quran has described this triumph in Surah AN-NASR: “When the succour of Allah came and victory was attained and you saw people entering the fold of Islam in large numbers.
The result was that the power of the Holy Prophet and Islam increased manifold and deputations from all corners of Arabia began to wait upon him on his return from Tabuk in order to offer their allegiance to Islam and obedience to him. The Holy Quran has described this triumph in Surah AN-NASR: “When the succour of Allah came and victory was attained and you saw people entering the fold of Islam in large numbers.
Campaign to Tabuk
The Campaign to Tabuk was the result of conflict with the Roman Empire, that had started even before the conquest of Makkah. One of the missions sent after the Treaty of Hudaibiyah to different parts of Arabia visited the clans which lived in the northern areas adjacent to Syria. The majority of these people were Christians, who were under the influence of the Roman Empire.
Contrary to all the principles of the commonly accepted international law, they killed fifteen members of the delegation near a place known as Zat-u-Talah (or Zat-i-Itlah). Only Ka’ab bin Umair Ghifari, the head of the delegation, succeeded in escaping and reporting the sad incident. Besides this, Shurahbll bin Amr, the Christian governor of Busra, who was directly under the Roman Caesar, had also put to death Haritli bin Umair, the ambassador of the Holy Prophet, who had been sent to him on a similar minion.
Contrary to all the principles of the commonly accepted international law, they killed fifteen members of the delegation near a place known as Zat-u-Talah (or Zat-i-Itlah). Only Ka’ab bin Umair Ghifari, the head of the delegation, succeeded in escaping and reporting the sad incident. Besides this, Shurahbll bin Amr, the Christian governor of Busra, who was directly under the Roman Caesar, had also put to death Haritli bin Umair, the ambassador of the Holy Prophet, who had been sent to him on a similar minion.
These events convinced the Holy Prophet that a strong action should be taken in order to make the territory adjacent to the Roman Empire safe and secure for the Muslims. Accordingly, in the month of Jamadi-ul-Ula A. H. 8, he sent an army of three thousand towards the Syrian border.
When this army reached near Ma’an, the Muslims learnt that Shurahbil was marching with an army of one hundred thousand to fight-with them and that the Caesar, who himself was at Hims, had sent another army consisting of one hundred thousand soldiers under his brother Theodore.
But in spite of such fearful news, the brave small band of the Muslims marched on fearlessly and encountered the big army of Shurahbil at M’utah. And the result of the encounter in which the Muslims were fighting against fearful odds (the ratio of the two armies was 1:33), as very favorable, for the enemy utterly failed to defeat them. This proved very helpful for the propagation of Islam.
As a result, those Arabs who were living in a state of semi. independence in Syria and near Syria and the clans of Najd near Iraq, who were under the influence of the Iranian Empire, turned towards Islam and embraced it in thousands. For example, the people of Bani Sulaim (whose chief was Abbas bin Mirdas Sulaimi), Ashja’a, Ghatafan, Zubyan, Fazarah, etc., came into the fold of Islam at the same time.
Above all, Farvah bin ‘Amral Juzami, who was the commander of the Arab armies of the Roman Empire, embraced Islam during that time, and underwent the trial of his Faith in a way that filled the whole territory with wonder. When the Caesar came to know that Farvah had embraced Islam, he ordered that he should be arrested and brought to his court.
Then the Caesar said to him, “You will have to choose one of the two things. Either give up your Islam and win your liberty and your former rank, or remain a Muslim and face death.” He calmly chose Islam and sacrificed his life in the way of the Truth.
When this army reached near Ma’an, the Muslims learnt that Shurahbil was marching with an army of one hundred thousand to fight-with them and that the Caesar, who himself was at Hims, had sent another army consisting of one hundred thousand soldiers under his brother Theodore.
But in spite of such fearful news, the brave small band of the Muslims marched on fearlessly and encountered the big army of Shurahbil at M’utah. And the result of the encounter in which the Muslims were fighting against fearful odds (the ratio of the two armies was 1:33), as very favorable, for the enemy utterly failed to defeat them. This proved very helpful for the propagation of Islam.
As a result, those Arabs who were living in a state of semi. independence in Syria and near Syria and the clans of Najd near Iraq, who were under the influence of the Iranian Empire, turned towards Islam and embraced it in thousands. For example, the people of Bani Sulaim (whose chief was Abbas bin Mirdas Sulaimi), Ashja’a, Ghatafan, Zubyan, Fazarah, etc., came into the fold of Islam at the same time.
Above all, Farvah bin ‘Amral Juzami, who was the commander of the Arab armies of the Roman Empire, embraced Islam during that time, and underwent the trial of his Faith in a way that filled the whole territory with wonder. When the Caesar came to know that Farvah had embraced Islam, he ordered that he should be arrested and brought to his court.
Then the Caesar said to him, “You will have to choose one of the two things. Either give up your Islam and win your liberty and your former rank, or remain a Muslim and face death.” He calmly chose Islam and sacrificed his life in the way of the Truth.
No wonder that such events as these made the Caesar realize the nature of the danger that was threatening his Empire from Arabia. Accordingly, in 9 A. H. he began to make military preparations to avenge the insult he had suffered at M’utah. The Ghassanid and other Arab chiefs also began to muster armies under him. When the Holy Prophet, who always kept himself well-informed even of the minutest things that could affect the Islamic Movement favorably or adversely, came to know of these preparations, he at once under- stood their meaning.
Therefore, without the least hesitation he decided to fight against the great power of the Caesar. He knew that the show of the slightest weakness would result in the utter failure of the Movement which was facing three great dangers at that time. First the dying power of ‘ignorance’ that had almost been crushed in the battle-field of Hunain might revive again.
Secondly, the Hypocrites of Al: Madinah, who were always on the look-out for such an opportunity, might make full use of this to do the greatest possible harm to it. For they had already made preparations for this and had, through a monk called Abu Amir, sent secret messages of their evil designs to the Christian king of Ghassan and the Caesar himself.
Besides this, they had also built a mosque near Al-Madinah for holding secret meetings for this purpose. The third danger was of an attack by the Caesar himself, who had already defeated Iran, the other great power of that period, and filled with awe the adjacent territories.
Therefore, without the least hesitation he decided to fight against the great power of the Caesar. He knew that the show of the slightest weakness would result in the utter failure of the Movement which was facing three great dangers at that time. First the dying power of ‘ignorance’ that had almost been crushed in the battle-field of Hunain might revive again.
Secondly, the Hypocrites of Al: Madinah, who were always on the look-out for such an opportunity, might make full use of this to do the greatest possible harm to it. For they had already made preparations for this and had, through a monk called Abu Amir, sent secret messages of their evil designs to the Christian king of Ghassan and the Caesar himself.
Besides this, they had also built a mosque near Al-Madinah for holding secret meetings for this purpose. The third danger was of an attack by the Caesar himself, who had already defeated Iran, the other great power of that period, and filled with awe the adjacent territories.
It is obvious that if all these 3 elements had been given an opportunity of taking a concerted action against the Muslims, Islam would have lost the fight it had almost won. That is why in this case the Holy Prophet made an open declaration for making preparations for the Campaign against the Roman Empire, which was one of the two greatest empires of the world of that period.
The declaration was made though all the apparent circumstances were against such a decision: for there was famine in the country and the long awaited crops were about to ripen: the burning heat of the scorching summer season of Arabia was at, its height and there was not enough money for preparations in general, and for equipment and conveyance in particular. But in spite of these handicaps, when the Messenger of Allah realized the urgency of the occasion, he took this step which was to decide whether the Mission of the Truth was - going to survive or perish.
The very fact that he made an open declaration for making preparations for such a campaign to Syria against the Roman Empire showed how important it was, for this was contrary to his previous practice. Usually he took every precaution not to reveal beforehand the direction to which he was going nor the name of the enemy whom he was going to attack; nay, he did not move out of Al- Madinah even in the direction of the campaign.
The declaration was made though all the apparent circumstances were against such a decision: for there was famine in the country and the long awaited crops were about to ripen: the burning heat of the scorching summer season of Arabia was at, its height and there was not enough money for preparations in general, and for equipment and conveyance in particular. But in spite of these handicaps, when the Messenger of Allah realized the urgency of the occasion, he took this step which was to decide whether the Mission of the Truth was - going to survive or perish.
The very fact that he made an open declaration for making preparations for such a campaign to Syria against the Roman Empire showed how important it was, for this was contrary to his previous practice. Usually he took every precaution not to reveal beforehand the direction to which he was going nor the name of the enemy whom he was going to attack; nay, he did not move out of Al- Madinah even in the direction of the campaign.
All the parties in Arabia fully realized the grave consequences of this critical decision. The remnants of the lovers of the old order of ‘ignorance’ were anxiously waiting for the result of the Campaign, for they had pinned all their hopes on the defeat of Islam by the Romans.
The ‘hypocrites’ also considered it to be their last chance of crushing the power of Islam by internal rebellion, if the Muslims suffered a defeat in Syria. They had, therefore, made full use of the Mosque built by them for hatching plots and had employed all their devices to render the Campaign a failure.
On the other side, the true Believers also realized fully that the fate of the Movement for which they had been exerting their utmost for the last 22 years was now hanging in the balance. If they showed courage on that critical occasion, the doors of the whole outer world would be thrown open for the Movement to spread. But if they showed weakness or cowardice, then all the work they had done in Arabia would -end in smoke.
The ‘hypocrites’ also considered it to be their last chance of crushing the power of Islam by internal rebellion, if the Muslims suffered a defeat in Syria. They had, therefore, made full use of the Mosque built by them for hatching plots and had employed all their devices to render the Campaign a failure.
On the other side, the true Believers also realized fully that the fate of the Movement for which they had been exerting their utmost for the last 22 years was now hanging in the balance. If they showed courage on that critical occasion, the doors of the whole outer world would be thrown open for the Movement to spread. But if they showed weakness or cowardice, then all the work they had done in Arabia would -end in smoke.
That is why these lovers of Islam began to make enthusiastic preparations for the Campaign. Everyone of them tried to surpass the other in making contributions for the provision of equipment for it. Hadrat Uthman and Hadrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf presented large sums of money for this purpose. Hadrat Umar contributed half of the earnings of his life and Hadrat Abu Bakr the entire earnings of his life.
The indigent Companions did not lag behind and presented whatever they could earn by the sweat of their labor and the women parted with their ornaments. Thousands of volunteers, who were filled with the desire of sacrificing their lives for Islam, came to the Holy Prophet and requested that arrangements for weapons and conveyance be made for them so that they should join the expedition.
Those who could not be provided with these shed tears of sorrow; the scene was so pathetic that it made the Holy Prophet sad because of his inability to arm them. In short, the occasion became the touchstone for discriminating a true believer from a hypocrite.
For, to lag behind in the Campaign meant that the very relationship of a person to Islam was doubtful. Accordingly, whenever a person lagged behind during the journey to Tabuk, the Holy Prophet, on being informed, would spontaneously say, “Leave him alone. If there be any good in him, Allah will again join him with you, and if there be no good in him, then thank Allah that He relieved you of his evil company”.
The indigent Companions did not lag behind and presented whatever they could earn by the sweat of their labor and the women parted with their ornaments. Thousands of volunteers, who were filled with the desire of sacrificing their lives for Islam, came to the Holy Prophet and requested that arrangements for weapons and conveyance be made for them so that they should join the expedition.
Those who could not be provided with these shed tears of sorrow; the scene was so pathetic that it made the Holy Prophet sad because of his inability to arm them. In short, the occasion became the touchstone for discriminating a true believer from a hypocrite.
For, to lag behind in the Campaign meant that the very relationship of a person to Islam was doubtful. Accordingly, whenever a person lagged behind during the journey to Tabuk, the Holy Prophet, on being informed, would spontaneously say, “Leave him alone. If there be any good in him, Allah will again join him with you, and if there be no good in him, then thank Allah that He relieved you of his evil company”.
In short, the Holy Prophet marched out towards Syria in Rajab A. H. 9, with thirty thousand fighters for the cause of Islam. The conditions in which the expedition was undertaken may be judged from the fact that the number of camels with them was so small that many of them were obliged to walk on foot and to wait for their turns for several had to ride at a time on each camel.
To add to this, there was the burning heat of the desert and the acute shortage of water. But they were richly rewarded for their firm resolve and sincere adherence to the cause and for their perseverance in the face of those great difficulties and obstacles.
To add to this, there was the burning heat of the desert and the acute shortage of water. But they were richly rewarded for their firm resolve and sincere adherence to the cause and for their perseverance in the face of those great difficulties and obstacles.
When they arrived at Tabuk, they learnt that the Caesar and his allies had withdrawn their troops from the frontier and there was no enemy to fight with. Thus they won a moral victory that increased their prestige manifold and, that too, without shedding a drop of blood.
In this connection, it is pertinent to point out that the general impression given by the historians of the campaigns of the Holy Prophet about the Campaign of Tabuk is not correct. They relate the event in a way as if the news of the mustering of the Roman armies near the Arabian frontier was itself false. The fact is that the Caesar had begun to muster his armies, but the Holy Prophet forestalled him and arrived on the scene before he could make full preparations for the invasion.
Therefore, believing that “discretion is the better part of valor,” he withdrew his armies from the frontier. For he had not forgotten that the three thousand fighters for the cause of Islam had rendered helpless his army one hundred thousand strong at M’utah. He could not, therefore, even with an army of 2 hundred thousand, dare to fight against an army of thirty thousand, and that, too, under the leadership of the Holy Prophet himself.
Therefore, believing that “discretion is the better part of valor,” he withdrew his armies from the frontier. For he had not forgotten that the three thousand fighters for the cause of Islam had rendered helpless his army one hundred thousand strong at M’utah. He could not, therefore, even with an army of 2 hundred thousand, dare to fight against an army of thirty thousand, and that, too, under the leadership of the Holy Prophet himself.
When the Holy Prophet found that the Caesar had withdrawn his forces from the frontier, he considered thee question whether it would be worthwhile to march into the Syrian territory or to halt at Tabuk and turn his moral victory to political and strategical advantage. He decided on the latter course and made a halt for 20 days at Tabuk.
During this time, he brought pressure on the small states that lay between the Roman Empire and the Islamic State and were at that time under the influence of the Romans, and subdued and made them the tributaries of the Islamic State. For instance, some Christian chiefs Ukaidir bin Abdul Malik Kindi of Dumatul Jaiidal, Yuhanna bin D’obah of Allah, and the chiefs of Maqna, Jarba’ and Azruh also submitted and agreed to pay Jizyah to the Islamic State of Al Madinah.
As a result of this, the boundaries of the Islamic State were extended right up to the Roman Empire, and the majority of the Arab clans, who were being used by the Caesar against Arabia, became the allies of the Muslims against the Romans.
During this time, he brought pressure on the small states that lay between the Roman Empire and the Islamic State and were at that time under the influence of the Romans, and subdued and made them the tributaries of the Islamic State. For instance, some Christian chiefs Ukaidir bin Abdul Malik Kindi of Dumatul Jaiidal, Yuhanna bin D’obah of Allah, and the chiefs of Maqna, Jarba’ and Azruh also submitted and agreed to pay Jizyah to the Islamic State of Al Madinah.
As a result of this, the boundaries of the Islamic State were extended right up to the Roman Empire, and the majority of the Arab clans, who were being used by the Caesar against Arabia, became the allies of the Muslims against the Romans.
Above all, this moral victory of Tabuk afforded a golden opportunity to the Muslims to strengthen their hold on Arabia before entering into a long conflict with the Romans. For it broke the back of those who had still been expecting that the old order of ‘ignorance’ might revive in the near future, whether they were the open upholders of shirk or the hypocrites who were hiding their shirk under the garb of Islam.
The majority of such people were compelled by the force of circumstances to enter into the fold of Islam and, at least, make it possible for their descendants to become true Muslims. After this a mere impotent minority of the upholders of the old order was left in the field, but it could not stand in the way of the Islamic Revolution for the perfection of which Allah had sent His Messenger.
The majority of such people were compelled by the force of circumstances to enter into the fold of Islam and, at least, make it possible for their descendants to become true Muslims. After this a mere impotent minority of the upholders of the old order was left in the field, but it could not stand in the way of the Islamic Revolution for the perfection of which Allah had sent His Messenger.
Problems of the Period
If we keep in view the preceding background, we can easily find out the problems that were confronting the Community at that time. They were:
to make the whole of Arabia a perfect Dar-ul-Islam,
to extend the influence of Islam to the adjoining countries,
to crush the mischiefs of the hypocrites, and
to prepare the Muslims for Jihad against the non- Muslim world.
Now that the administration of the whole of Arabia had come in the hands of the Believers, and all the opposing powers had become helpless, it was necessary to make a clear declaration of that policy which was to be adopted to make her a perfect Dar-ul-Islam. Therefore the following measures were adopted:
A clear declaration was made that all the treaties with the mushriks were abolished and the Muslims would be released from the treaty obligations with them after a respite of four months.(vv. 1-3). This declaration was necessary for uprooting completely the system of life based on shirk and to make Arabia exclusively the center of Islam so that it should not in any way interfere with the spirit of Islam nor become an internal danger for it.
A decree was issued that the guardianship of the Ka`abah, which held central position in all the affairs of Arabia, should be wrested from the mushriks and placed permanently in the hands of the Believers, (vv. 12-18) that all the customs and practices of the shirk of the era of ‘ignorance’ should be forcibly abolished: that the mushriks should not be allowed even to come near the “House” (v. 28). This was to eradicate every trace of shirk from the “House” that was dedicated exclusively to the worship of Allah.
The evil practice of Nasi, by which they used to tamper with the sacred months in the days of ‘ignorance’, was forbidden as an act of kufr(v. 37). This was also to serve as an example to the Muslims for eradicating every vestige of the customs of ignorance from the life of Arabia (and afterwards from the lives of the Muslims everywhere).
In order to enable the Muslims to extend the influence of Islam outside Arabia, they were enjoined to crush with sword the non- Muslim powers and to force them to accept the sovereignty of the Islamic State. As the great Roman and Iranian Empires were the biggest hindrances in the way, a conflict with them was inevitable.
The object of Jihad was not to coerce them to accept Islam they were free to accept or not to accept it-but to prevent them from thrusting forcibly their deviations upon others and the coming generations. The Muslims were enjoined to tolerate their misguidance only to the extent that they might have the freedom to remain misguided, if they chose to be so, provided that they paid Jizyah (v. 29) as a sign of their subjugation to the Islamic State.
The object of Jihad was not to coerce them to accept Islam they were free to accept or not to accept it-but to prevent them from thrusting forcibly their deviations upon others and the coming generations. The Muslims were enjoined to tolerate their misguidance only to the extent that they might have the freedom to remain misguided, if they chose to be so, provided that they paid Jizyah (v. 29) as a sign of their subjugation to the Islamic State.
The third important problem was to crush the mischiefs of the hypocrites, who had hitherto been tolerated in spite of their flagrant crimes. Now that there was practically no pressure upon them from outside, the Muslims were enjoined to treat them openly as disbelievers (v. 73).
Accordingly, the Holy Prophet set on fire the house of Swailim, where the hypocrites used to gather for consultations in order to dissuade the people from joining the expedition to Tabuk. Likewise on his return from Tabuk, he ordered to pull down and burn the ‘Mosque’ that had been built to serve as a cover for the hypocrites for hatching plots against the true Believers.
Accordingly, the Holy Prophet set on fire the house of Swailim, where the hypocrites used to gather for consultations in order to dissuade the people from joining the expedition to Tabuk. Likewise on his return from Tabuk, he ordered to pull down and burn the ‘Mosque’ that had been built to serve as a cover for the hypocrites for hatching plots against the true Believers.
In order to prepare the Muslims for Jihad against the whole non-Muslim world, it was necessary to cure them even of that slight weakness of faith from which they were still suffering. For there could be no greater internal danger to the Islamic Community than the weakness of faith, especially where it was going to engage itself single-handed in a’ conflict with the whole non-Muslim world.
That is why those people who had lagged behind in the Campaign to Tabuk or had shown the least negligence were severely taken to task, and were considered as hypocrites if they had no plausible excuse for not fulfilling that obligation. Moreover, a clear declaration was made that in future the sole criterion of a Muslim’s faith shall be the exertions he makes for the uplift of the Word of Allah and the role he plays in the conflict between Islam and kufr.
Therefore, if anyone will show any hesitation in sacrificing his life, money, time and energies, his faith shall not be regarded as genuine. (vv. 81-96). If the above-mentioned important points are kept in view during the study of this Surah, it will facilitate the understanding of its contents.
That is why those people who had lagged behind in the Campaign to Tabuk or had shown the least negligence were severely taken to task, and were considered as hypocrites if they had no plausible excuse for not fulfilling that obligation. Moreover, a clear declaration was made that in future the sole criterion of a Muslim’s faith shall be the exertions he makes for the uplift of the Word of Allah and the role he plays in the conflict between Islam and kufr.
Therefore, if anyone will show any hesitation in sacrificing his life, money, time and energies, his faith shall not be regarded as genuine. (vv. 81-96). If the above-mentioned important points are kept in view during the study of this Surah, it will facilitate the understanding of its contents.
Subject: Problems of Peace and War
In continuation of Surah AL-ANFAL, this Surah also deals with the problems of peace and war and bases the theme on the Tabuk Expedition.
Topics and their Interconnection
This portion deals with the sanctity of treaties and lays down principles, rules and regulations which must be kept in view before breaking them, in case the other party does not observe them sincerely. 1 – 12
In this portion the Muslims have been urged to fight in the Way of Allah with the mushrik Arabs, the Jews and the Christians, who were duly warned of the consequences of their mischievous and inimical behaviour. 13 – 37
In this discourse, the Muslims have been told clearly and explicitly that they will inherit the rewards promised by Allah only if they take active part in the conflict with kufr, for that is the criterion which distinguishes true Muslims from hypocrites. Therefore true Muslims should take active part in Jihad, without minding dangers, obstacles, difficulties, temptations and the like. 38 – 72
This portion deals with the problems of hypocrites and lays down rules and regulations governing the treatment that should be meted out to them and points out their distinctive marks from true Muslims. 73 – 90
This portion deals with the case of those who remained behind and did not accompany the Holy Prophet for Jihad to Tabuk. For this purpose they have been separated in different categories, that is, the disabled, the sick, the indigent, the hypocrites, the believers who realized their guilt and punished themselves before the return of the Holy Prophet from Tabuk and those who confessed their error. Their cases have been dealt with in accordance with the nature and extent of their offence. 91 – 110
In order to make their noble qualities look all the more conspicuous and dignified by contrast, the characteristics of the Believers have been mentioned, and they have been reassured that Allah, the Sovereign of the Universe, is their helper and guardian. Accordingly, because of their sincerity, He has forgiven the Three Believers who did not take part in the expedition. 111 – 118
In the concluding portion, general instructions have been given to the Believers for their guidance. 119 – 127
This is the conclusion: “Follow the Messenger who is gentle and compassionate and your greatest well-wisher, and trust in Allah, the Lord of the Universe”. 128 – 129
Tags: At Taubah (The Repentance)