Surat Yusuf (Joseph) - سورة يوسف



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ الر } الله أعلم بمراده بذلك { تلك } هذه الآيات { آيات الكتاب } القرآن والإضافة بمعنى من { المبين } المظهر للحق من الباطل .
Alif-lam-ra tilka ayatualkitabi almubeen
Sahih International
Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the clear Book.
Alif, Laam, Raa'. Ini ialah ayat-ayat Kitab Al-Quran yang menyatakan kebenaran.
{ إنا أنزلناه قرآنا عربيا } بلغة العرب { لعلكم } يا أهل مكة { تعقلون } تفقهون معانيه .
Inna anzalnahu qur-ananAAarabiyyan laAAallakum taAAqiloon
Sahih International
Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand.
Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan kitab itu sebagai Quran yang dibaca dengan bahasa Arab, supaya kamu (menggunakan akal untuk) memahaminya.
{ نحن نقص عليك أحسن القصص بما أوحينا } بإيحائنا { إليك هذا القرآن وإن } مخففة أي وإنه { كنت من قبله لمن الغافلين } .
Nahnu naqussu AAalayka ahsanaalqasasi bima awhayna ilayka hathaalqur-ana wa-in kunta min qablihi lamina alghafileen
Sahih International
We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur'an although you were, before it, among the unaware.
Kami ceritakan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) seindah-indah kisah dengan jalan Kami wahyukan kepadamu Al-Quran ini, padahal sebenarnya engkau sebelum datangnya wahyu itu, adalah dari orang-orang yang tidak pernah menyedari akan halnya.
اذكر { إذ قال يوسف لأبيه } يعقوب { يا أبت } بالكسر دلالة على ياء الإضافة المحذوفة والفتح دلالة على ألف محذوفة قلبت عن الياء { إني رأيت } في المنام { أحد عشر كوكبا والشمس والقمر رأيتهم } تأكيد { لي ساجدين } جمع بالياء والنون للوصف بالسجود الذي هو من صفات العقلاء .
Ith qala yoosufu li-abeehi yaabati innee raaytu ahada AAashara kawkaban washshamsawalqamara raaytuhum lee sajideen
Sahih International
[Of these stories mention] when Joseph said to his father, "O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me."
(Ingatlah peristiwa) ketika Nabi Yusuf berkata kepada bapanya: "Wahai ayahku! Sesungguhnya aku mimpi melihat sebelas bintang dan matahari serta bulan; aku melihat mereka tunduk memberi hormat kepadaku".
{ قال يا بني لا تقصص رؤياك على إخوتك فيكيدوا لك كيدا } يحتالون في هلاكك حسدا لعلمهم بتأويلها من أنهم الكواكب والشمس أمك والقمر أبوك { إن الشيطان للإنسان عدو مبين } ظاهر العداوة .
Qala ya bunayya la taqsusru/yaka AAala ikhwatika fayakeedoo laka kaydan innaashshaytana lil-insani AAaduwwun mubeen
Sahih International
He said, "O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.
Bapanya berkata:" Wahai anakku! Janganlah engkau ceritakan mimpimu kepada saudara-saudaramu, kerana aku khuatir mereka akan menjalankan sesuatu rancangan jahat terhadapmu. Sesungguhnya syaitan adalah musuh yang nyata bagi manusia.
{ وكذلك } كما رأيت { يجتبيك } يختارك { ربك ويعلمك من تأويل الأحاديث } تعبير الرؤيا { ويتم نعمته عليك } بالنبوة { وعلى آل يعقوب } أولاده { كما أتمها } بالنبوة { على أبويك من قبل إبراهيم وإسحاق إن ربك عليم } بخلقه { حكيم } في صنعه بهم .
Wakathalika yajtabeeka rabbukawayuAAallimuka min ta/weeli al-ahadeethi wayutimmuniAAmatahu AAalayka waAAala ali yaAAqooba kamaatammaha AAala abawayka min qablu ibraheemawa-ishaqa inna rabbaka AAaleemun hakeem
Sahih International
And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of narratives and complete His favor upon you and upon the family of Jacob, as He completed it upon your fathers before, Abraham and Isaac. Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise."
Dan demikianlah caranya Tuhanmu memilihmu, dan akan mengajarmu takbir mimpi, serta akan menyempurnakan nikmatNya kepadamu dan kepada keluarga Yaakub: sebagaimana Ia telah menyempurnakannya kepada datuk nenekmu dahulu: Ibrahim dan Ishak. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana".
{ لقد كان في } خبر { يوسف وإخوته } وهم أحد عشر { آيات } عبر { للسائلين } عن خبرهم.
Laqad kana fee yoosufa wa-ikhwatihi ayatunlissa-ileen
Sahih International
Certainly were there in Joseph and his brothers signs for those who ask,
Demi sesungguhnya! (Kisah) Nabi Yusuf dengan saudara-saudaranya itu mengandungi beberapa pengajaran bagi orang-orang yang bertanya (tentang hal mereka untuk mengambil iktibar).
اذكر { إذ قالوا } أي بعض إخوة يوسف لبعضهم { ليوسف } مبتدأ { وأخوه } شقيقه بنيامين { أحب } خبر { إلى أبينا منا ونحن عصبة } جماعة { إن أبانا لفي ضلال } خطأ { مبين } بين بإيثارهما علينا .
Ith qaloo layoosufu waakhoohu ahabbuila abeena minna wanahnu AAusbatuninna abana lafee dalalin mubeen
Sahih International
When they said, "Joseph and his brother are more beloved to our father than we, while we are a clan. Indeed, our father is in clear error.
(Kisah itu bermula) ketika saudara-saudara Yusuf berkata (sesama sendiri): "Sesungguhnya Yusuf dan adiknya, lebih disayangi oleh bapa kita daripada kita, padahal kita ini satu kumpulan (yang ramai dan berguna). Sesungguhnya bapa kita adalah dalam keadaan tidak adil yang nyata."
{ اقتلوا يوسف أو اطرحوه أرضا } أي بأرض بعيدة { يخل لكم وجه أبيكم } بأن يقبل عليكم ولا يلتفت لغيركم { وتكونوا من بعده } أي بعد قتل يوسف أو طرحه { قوما صالحين } بأن تتوبوا.
Oqtuloo yoosufa awi itrahoohuardan yakhlu lakum wajhu abeekum watakoonoo min baAAdihiqawman saliheen
Sahih International
Kill Joseph or cast him out to [another] land; the countenance of your father will [then] be only for you, and you will be after that a righteous people."
(Ramai di antara mereka berkata):" Bunuhlah Yusuf atau buanglah dia ke suatu tempat yang jauh, supaya perhatian dan kasih sayang bapa kamu tertumpu kepada kamu semata-mata, dan supaya kamu sesudah itu menjadi orang-orang yang baik dan berguna".
{ قال قائل منهم } هو يهوذا { لا تقتلوا يوسف وألقوه } اطرحوه { في غيابت الجب } مظلم البئر في قراءة بالجمع { يلتقطه بعض السيارة } المسافرين { إن كنتم فاعلين } ما أردتم من التفريق فاكتفوا بذلك .
Qala qa-ilun minhum lataqtuloo yoosufa waalqoohu fee ghayabati aljubbi yaltaqithubaAAdu assayyarati in kuntum faAAileen
Sahih International
Said a speaker among them, "Do not kill Joseph but throw him into the bottom of the well; some travelers will pick him up - if you would do [something]."
Salah seorang di antara mereka berkata: "Janganlah kamu membunuh Yusuf, tetapi buanglah dia ke dalam pergi, supaya ia dipungut oleh sebahagian dari orang-orang musafir (yang lalu di situ), kalaulah kamu tetap hendak menjalankan rancangan kamu itu".
{ قالوا يا أبانا مالك لا تأمنا على يوسف وإنا له لناصحون } لقائمون بمصالحه .
Qaloo ya abana malaka la ta/manna AAala yoosufa wa-innalahu lanasihoon
Sahih International
They said, "O our father, why do you not entrust us with Joseph while indeed, we are to him sincere counselors?
Mereka pun (pergi berjumpa dengan bapa mereka lalu) berkata: Wahai ayah kami! Mengapa ayah tidak percaya kepada kami tentang Yusuf, padahal sesungguhnya kami sentiasa tulus ikhlas mengambil berat kepadanya?
{ أرسله معنا غدا } إلى الصحراء { نرتع ونلعب } بالنون والياء فيهما ننشط ونتسع { وإنَّا له لحافظون } .
Arsilhu maAAana ghadan yartaAAwayalAAab wa-inna lahu lahafithoon
Sahih International
Send him with us tomorrow that he may eat well and play. And indeed, we will be his guardians.
Biarkan dia pergi bersama-sama kami esok, supaya ia bersuka ria makan minum dan bermain-main dengan bebasnya; dan sesungguhnya kami akan menjaganya dengan sebaik-baiknya".
{ قال إني ليحزنني أن تذهبوا } أي ذهابكم { به } لفراقه { وأخاف أن يأكله الذئب } المراد به الجنس وكانت أرضهم كثيرة الذئاب { وأنتم عنه غافلون } مشغلون .
Qala innee layahzununee an thathhaboobihi waakhafu an ya/kulahu aththi/buwaantum AAanhu ghafiloon
Sahih International
[Jacob] said, "Indeed, it saddens me that you should take him, and I fear that a wolf would eat him while you are of him unaware."
Bapa mereka menjawab: "Permergian kamu membawanya bersama sangatlah mendukacitakan daku, dan aku pula bimbang ia akan dimakan oleh serigala, ketika kamu lalai dari mengawalnya ".
{ قالوا لإن } لام قسم { أكله الذئب ونحن عصبة } جماعة { إنا إذا لخاسرون } عاجزون فأرسله معهم .
Qaloo la-in akalahu aththi/buwanahnu AAusbatun inna ithan lakhasiroon
Sahih International
They said, " If a wolf should eat him while we are a [strong] clan, indeed, we would then be losers."
Mereka berkata: "Kalau dia dimakan oleh serigala, sedang kami ramai bilangannya, sesungguhnya kami sudah tentu menjadilah orang-orang yang rugi".
{ فلما ذهبوا به وأجمعوا } عزموا { أن يجعلوه في غيابت الجب } وجواب لما محذوف أي فعلوا ذلك بأن نزعوا قميصه بعد ضربه وإهانته وإرادة قتله وأدلوه فلما وصل إلى نصف البئر ألقوه ليموت فسقط في الماء ثم أوى إلى صخرة فنادوه فأجابهم يظن رحمتهم فأرادوا رضخه بصخرة فمنعهم يهوذا { وأوحينا إليه } في الجب وحي حقيقة وله سبع عشرة سنة أو دونها تطمينا لقلبه { لتنبئنهم } بعد اليوم { بأمرهم } بصنيعهم { هذا وهم لا يشعرون } بك حال الإنباء .
Falamma thahaboo bihiwaajmaAAoo an yajAAaloohu fee ghayabati aljubbi waawhaynailayhi latunabi-annahum bi-amrihim hatha wahum layashAAuroon
Sahih International
So when they took him [out] and agreed to put him into the bottom of the well... But We inspired to him, "You will surely inform them [someday] about this affair of theirs while they do not perceive [your identity]."
Setelah mereka pergi dengan membawanya bersama dan setelah mereka sekata hendak melepaskan dia ke dalam perigi, (mereka pun melakukan yang demikian), dan kami pula ilhamkan kepadanya:" Sesungguhnya engkau (wahai Yusuf, akan terselamat, dan) akan memberi tahu mereka tentang hal perbuatan mereka ini, sedang mereka tidak sedar (dan tidak mengingatinya lagi) ".
{ وجاءُوا أباهم عِشاءً } وقت المساء { يبكون } .
Wajaoo abahum AAishaanyabkoon
Sahih International
And they came to their father at night, weeping.
Dan sesudah itu datanglah mereka mendapatkan bapa mereka pada waktu senja sambil (buat-buat) menangis.
{ قالوا يا أبانا إنا ذهبا نستبقُ } نرمي { وتركنا يوسف عند متاعنا } ثيابنا { فأكله الذئب وما أنت بمؤمن } بمصدق { لنا ولو كنا صادقين } عندك لاتهمتنا في هذه القصة لمحبة يوسف فكيف وأنت تسيء الظن بنا .
Qaloo ya abanainna thahabna nastabiqu wataraknayoosufa AAinda mataAAina faakalahu aththi/buwama anta bimu/minin lana walaw kunna sadiqeen
Sahih International
They said, "O our father, indeed we went racing each other and left Joseph with our possessions, and a wolf ate him. But you would not believe us, even if we were truthful."
Mereka berkata: "Wahai ayah kami! Sesungguhnya kami telah pergi berlumba-lumba berburu dan kami telah tinggalkan Yusuf menjaga barang-barang kami, lalu ia dimakan oleh serigala; dan sudah tentu ayah tidak akan percaya kepada kata-kata kami ini, sekalipun kami adalah orang-orang yang benar".
{ وجاءُوا على قميصه } محله نصب على الظرفية أي فوقه { بدم كذب } أي ذي كذب بأن ذبحوا سخلة ولطخوه بدمها وذهلوا عن شقه وقالوا إنه دمه { قال } يعقوب لما رآه صحيحا وعلم كذبهم { بل سوَّلت } زينت { لكم أنفسكم أمرا } ففعلتموه به { فصبر جميل } لا جزع فيه، وهو خبر مبتدأ محذوف أي أمري { والله المستعان } المطلوب منه العون { على ما تصفون } تذكرون من أمر يوسف .
Wajaoo AAala qameesihibidamin kathibin qala bal sawwalat lakum anfusukumamran fasabrun jameelun wallahu almustaAAanuAAala ma tasifoon
Sahih International
And they brought upon his shirt false blood. [Jacob] said, "Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. And Allah is the one sought for help against that which you describe."
Dan (bagi mengesahkan dakwaan itu) mereka pula melumurkan baju Yusuf dengan darah palsu. Bapa mereka berkata: "Tidak! Bahkan nafsu kamu memperelokkan kepada kamu suatu perkara (yang tidak diterima akal). Kalau demikian, bersabarlah aku dengan sebaik-baiknya, dan Allah jualah yang dipohonkan pertolonganNya, mengenai apa yang kamu katakan itu."
{ وجاءت سيارة } مسافرون من مدين إلى مصر فنزلوا قريبا من جب يوسف { فأرسلوا واردهم } الذي يرد الماء ليستقي منه { فأدلى } أرسل { دلوه } في البئر فتعلق بها يوسف فأخرجه فلما رآه { قال يا بشراي } وفي قراءة بشرى ونداؤها مجاز أي احضري فهذا وقتك { هذا غلام } فعلم به إخوته فأتوه { وأسَرُّوه } أي أخفوا أمره جاعليه { بضاعة } بأن قالوا هذا عبدنا أبق، وسكت يوسف خوفا من أن يقتلوه { والله عليم بما يعملون } .
Wajaat sayyaratun faarsaloo waridahumfaadla dalwahu qala ya bushra hathaghulamun waasarroohu bidaAAatan wallahuAAaleemun bima yaAAmaloon
Sahih International
And there came a company of travelers; then they sent their water drawer, and he let down his bucket. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy." And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise; and Allah was knowing of what they did.
Dan (semasa Yusuf dalam perigi) datanglah ke tempat itu satu rombongan (ahli perniagaan) yang sedang dalam perjalanan; lalu mereka menghantarkan seorang pencari air bagi mereka; (setelah sampainya ke perigi itu) dia pun menghulurkan timbanya (dan manakala ia melihat Yusuf bergantung pada timbanya) ia berseru dengan katanya: "Hai, (ini) sungguh mengembirakan! Ini adalah seorang budak lelaki (yang cantik parasnya)". (Setelah mengetahui hal itu, saudara-saudara Yusuf pun datang) serta mereka sembunyikan keadaan Yusuf yang sebenarnya (untuk dijual) sebagai barang dagangan. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui akan apa yang mereka lakukan.
{ وشروه } باعوه منهم { بثمن بخس } ناقص { دراهم معدودة } عشرين أو اثنين وعشرين { وكانوا } أي إخوته { فيه من الزاهدين } فجاءت به السيارة إلى مصر فباعه الذي اشتراه بعشرين دينارا وزوجي نعل وثوبين .
Washarawhu bithamanin bakhsin darahimamaAAdoodatin wakanoo feehi mina azzahideen
Sahih International
And they sold him for a reduced price - a few dirhams - and they were, concerning him, of those content with little.
Dan (setelah berlaku perundingan) mereka menjualnya dengan harga yang murah, iaitu beberapa dirham sahaja bilangannya; dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang tidak menghargainya.
{ وقال الذي اشتراه من مصر } وهو قطفير العزيز { لامرأته } زليخا { أكرمي مثواه } مقامه عندنا { عسى أن ينفعنا أو نتخذه ولدا } وكان حصورا { وكذلك } كما نجيناه من القتل والجب وعطفنا عليه قلب العزيز { مكنَّا ليوسف في الأرض } أرض مصر حتى بلغ ما بلغ { ولنعلِّمه من تأويل الأحاديث } تعبير الرؤيا عطف على مقدر متعلق بمكنا أي لنملكه أو الواو زائدة { والله غالب على أمره } تعالى لا يعجزه شيء { ولكن أكثر الناس } وهم الكفار { لا يعلمون } ذلك .
Waqala allathee ishtarahumin misra limraatihi akrimee mathwahu AAasaan yanfaAAana aw nattakhithahu waladan wakathalikamakkanna liyoosufa fee al-ardi walinuAAallimahu minta/weeli al-ahadeethi wallahu ghalibunAAala amrihi walakinna akthara annasila yaAAlamoon
Sahih International
And the one from Egypt who bought him said to his wife, "Make his residence comfortable. Perhaps he will benefit us, or we will adopt him as a son." And thus, We established Joseph in the land that We might teach him the interpretation of events. And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know.
Dan (setelah Yusuf dijualkan di negeri Mesir), berkatalah orang yang membeli Yusuf kepada isterinya: "Berilah dia layanan yang sebaik-baiknya; semoga ia berguna kepada kita, atau kita jadikan dia anak". Dan demikianlah caranya kami menetapkan kedudukan Yusuf di bumi (Mesir untuk dihormati dan disayangi), dan untuk kami mengajarnya sebahagian dari ilmu takbir mimpi. Dan Allah Maha Kuasa melakukan segala perkara yang telah ditetapkanNya, akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui.
{ ولما بلغ أشده } وهو ثلاثون سنة أو وثلاث { آتيناه حكما } حكمة { وعلما } فقها في الدين قبل أن يبعث نبيا { وكذلك } كما جزيناه { نجزي المحسنين } لأنفسهم .
Walamma balagha ashuddahu ataynahuhukman waAAilman wakathalika najzee almuhsineen
Sahih International
And when Joseph reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge. And thus We reward the doers of good.
Dan ketika Yusuf sampai ke peringkat umurnya yang sempurna kekuatannya, Kami beri kepadanya kebijaksanaan serta ilmu pengetahuan; dan demikianlah kami membalas orang-orang yang berusaha memperbaiki amalannya.
{ وراودته التي هو في بيتها } هي زليخا { عن نفسه } أي طلبت منه أن يواقعها { وغلَّقت الأبواب } للبيت { وقالت } له { هيْت لك } أي هلم واللام للتبيين وفي قراءة بكسر الهاء وأخرى بضم التاء { قال معاذ الله } أعوذ بالله من ذلك { إنه } الذي اشتراني { ربي } سيدي { أحسن مثواي } مقامي فلا أخونه في أهله { إنه } أي الشأن { لا يفلح الظالمون } الزناة .
Warawadat-hu allatee huwa fee baytihaAAan nafsihi waghallaqati al-abwaba waqalat haytalaka qala maAAatha Allahi innahu rabbee ahsanamathwaya innahu la yuflihu aththalimoon
Sahih International
And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him. She closed the doors and said, "Come, you." He said, "[I seek] the refuge of Allah . Indeed, he is my master, who has made good my residence. Indeed, wrongdoers will not succeed."
Dan perempuan yang Yusuf tinggal di rumahnya, bersungguh-sungguh memujuk Yusuf berkehendakkan dirinya; dan perempuan itupun menutup pintu-pintu serta berkata: "Marilah ke mari, aku bersedia untukmu". Yusuf menjawab: "Aku berlindung kepada Allah (dari perbuatan yang keji itu); sesungguhnya Tuhanku telah memuliharaku dengan sebaik-baiknya; sesungguhnya orang-orang yang zalim tidak akan berjaya".
{ ولقد همَّت به } قصدت منه الجماع { وهمَّ بها } قصد ذلك { لولا أن رأى برهان ربه } قال ابن عباس مَثُل له يعقوب فضرب صدره فخرجت شهوته من أنامله وجواب لولا لجامعها { كذلك } أريناه البرهان { لنصرف عنه السوء } الخيانة { والفحشاء } الزنا { إنه من عبادنا المخلصين } في الطاعة وفي قراءة بفتح اللام أي المختارين .
Walaqad hammat bihi wahamma biha lawlaan raa burhana rabbihi kathalika linasrifaAAanhu assoo-a walfahshaa innahumin AAibadina almukhlaseen
Sahih International
And she certainly determined [to seduce] him, and he would have inclined to her had he not seen the proof of his Lord. And thus [it was] that We should avert from him evil and immorality. Indeed, he was of Our chosen servants.
Dan sebenarnya perempuan itu telah berkeinginan sangat kepadanya, dan Yusuf pula (mungkin timbul) keinginannya kepada perempuan itu kalaulah ia tidak menyedari kenyataan Tuhannya (tentang kejinya perbuatan zina itu). Demikianlah (takdir Kami) untuk menjauhkan dari Yusuf perkara-perkara yang tidak baik dan perbuatan-perbuatan yang keji, kerana sesungguhnya ia dari hamba-hamba Kami yang dibersihkan dari segala dosa.
{ واستبقا الباب } بادر إليه يوسف للفرار وهي للتشبث به فأمسكت ثوبه وجذبته إليها { وقدَّت } شقت { قميصه من دبر وألفيا } وجدا { سيدها } زوجها { لدى الباب } فنزعت نفسها ثم { قالت ما جزاء من أراد بأهلك سوءا } زنا { إلا أن يسجن } يحبس في سجن { أو عذاب أليم } مؤلم بأن يضرب .
Wastabaqa albabawaqaddat qameesahu min duburin waalfaya sayyidahalada albabi qalat ma jazao manarada bi-ahlika soo-an illa an yusjana aw AAathabunaleem
Sahih International
And they both raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, and they found her husband at the door. She said, "What is the recompense of one who intended evil for your wife but that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment?"
Dan mereka berdua pun berkejaran ke pintu, serta perempuan itu mengoyakkan baju Yusuf dari belakang; lalu terserempaklah keduanya dengan suami perempuan itu di muka pintu. Tiba-tiba perempuan itu berkata (kepada suaminya): Tidak ada balasan bagi orang yang mahu membuat jahat terhadap isterimu melainkan dipenjarakan dia atau dikenakan azab yang menyiksanya".
{ قال } يوسف متبرئا { هي راودتني عن نفسي وشهد شاهد من أهلها } ابن عمها، روي أنه كان في المهد فقال { إن كان قميصه قُدَّ من قُبل } قدام { فصدقت وهو من الكاذبين }
Qala hiya rawadatnee AAannafsee washahida shahidun min ahliha in kanaqameesuhu qudda min qubulin fasadaqat wahuwa minaalkathibeen
Sahih International
[Joseph] said, "It was she who sought to seduce me." And a witness from her family testified. "If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars.
Yusuf pula berkata: "Dia lah yang memujukku berkehendakkan diriku". (Suaminya tercengang mendengarnya) dan seorang dari keluarga perempuan itu (yang ada bersama-sama) tampil memberi pendapatnya dengan berkata:" "Jika baju Yusuf koyak dari depan maka benarlah tuduhan perempuan itu, dan menjadilah Yusuf dari orang-orang yang dusta.
{ وإن كان قميصه قُدَّ من دبُر } خلف { فكذبت وهو من الصادقين } .
Wa-in kana qameesuhu qudda minduburin fakathabat wahuwa mina assadiqeen
Sahih International
But if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful."
Dan jika bajunya koyak dari belakang, maka dustalah perempuan itu, dan Yusuf adalah dari orang-orang yang benar".
{ فلما رأى } زوجها { قميصه قُدّ من دبر قال إنه } أي قولك (ما جزاء من أراد) إلخ { من كيدكن } أيها النساء { إن كيدكن عظيم } .
Falamma raa qameesahuqudda min duburin qala innahu min kaydikunna innakaydakunna AAatheem
Sahih International
So when her husband saw his shirt torn from the back, he said, "Indeed, it is of the women's plan. Indeed, your plan is great.
Setelah suaminya melihat baju Yusuf koyak dari belakang, berkatalah ia: "Sesungguhnya ini adalah dari tipu daya kamu orang-orang perempuan; sesungguhnya tipu daya kamu amatlah besar pengaruhnya.
ثم قال يا { يوسف أعرض عن هذا } الأمر ولا تذكره لئلا يشيع { واستغفري } يا زليخا { لذنبك إنك كنت من الخاطئين } الآثمين، واشتهر الخبر وشاع .
Yoosufu aAArid AAan hatha wastaghfireelithanbiki innaki kunti mina alkhati-een
Sahih International
Joseph, ignore this. And, [my wife], ask forgiveness for your sin. Indeed, you were of the sinful."
Wahai Yusuf, lupakanlah hal ini. Dan engkau (Wahai Zulaikha), mintalah ampun bagi dosamu, sesungguhnya engkau adalah dari orang-orang yang bersalah!"
{ وقال نسوة في المدينة } مدينة مصر { امرأة العزيز تراود فتاها } عبدها { عن نفسه قد شغفها حبا } تمييز، أي دخل حبه شغاف قلبها، أي غلافه { إنا لنراها في ضلال } أي في خطأ { مبين } بيِّن بحبها إياه .
Waqala niswatun fee almadeenatiimraatu alAAazeezi turawidu fataha AAannafsihi qad shaghafaha hubban inna lanarahafee dalalin mubeen
Sahih International
And women in the city said, "The wife of al-'Azeez is seeking to seduce her slave boy; he has impassioned her with love. Indeed, we see her [to be] in clear error."
Dan (sesudah itu) perempuan-perempuan di bandar Mesir (mencaci hal Zulaikha dengan) berkata: Isteri Al-Aziz itu memujuk hambanya (Yusuf) berkehendakkan dirinya, sesungguhnya cintanya (kepada Yusuf) itu sudahlah meresap ke dalam lipatan hatinya; sesungguhnya kami memandangnya berada dalam kesesatan yang nyata."
{ فلما سمعت بمكرهن } غيبتهن لها { أرسلت إليهن وأعتدت } أعدت { لهن متكأ } طعاما يقطع بالسكين للاتكاء عنده وهو الأترج { وآتت } أعطت { كل واحدة منهن سكينا وقالت } ليوسف { اخرج عليهن فلما رأينه أكبرنه } أعظمنه { وقطَّعن أيديهن } بالسكاكين ولم يشعرن بالألم لشغل قلبهن بيوسف { وقلن حاش لله } تنزيها له { ما هذا } أي يوسف { بشرا إن } ما { هذا إلا ملك كريم } لما حواه من الحسن الذي لا يكون عادة في النسمة البشرية، وفي الحديث (أنه أعطي شطر الحسن) .
Falamma samiAAat bimakrihinna arsalatilayhinna waaAAtadat lahunna muttakaan waatat kulla wahidatinminhunna sikkeenan waqalati okhruj AAalayhinna falammaraaynahu akbarnahu waqattaAAna aydiyahunna waqulna hashalillahi ma hatha basharan in hathailla malakun kareem
Sahih International
So when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared for them a banquet and gave each one of them a knife and said [to Joseph], "Come out before them." And when they saw him, they greatly admired him and cut their hands and said, "Perfect is Allah ! This is not a man; this is none but a noble angel."
Maka apabila ia (Zulaikha) mendengar cacian mereka, dia pun menjemput mereka dan menyediakan satu jamuan untuk mereka, serta memberi kepada - tiap seorang di antara mereka sebilah pisau. Dan pada ketika itu berkatalah ia (kepada Yusuf): "Keluarlah di hadapan mereka". Maka ketika mereka melihatnya, mereka tercengang melihat kecantikan parasnya, dan mereka dengan tidak sedar melukakan tangan mereka sambil berkata: "Jauhnya Allah dari kekurangan! Ini bukanlah seorang manusia, ini tidak lain melainkan malaikat yang mulia!"
{ قالت } امرأة العزيز لما رأت ما حل بهن { فذلكن } فهذا هو { الذي لمتنني فيه } في حبه بيان لعذرها { ولقد راودته عن نفسه فاستعصم } امتنع { ولإن لم يفعل ما آمره } به { ليسجنن وليكونا من الصاغرين } الذليلين فقلن له أطع مولاتك .
Qalat fathalikunna allatheelumtunnanee feehi walaqad rawadtuhu AAan nafsihi fastAAsamawala-in lam yafAAal ma amuruhu layusjanannawalayakoonan mina assaghireen
Sahih International
She said, "That is the one about whom you blamed me. And I certainly sought to seduce him, but he firmly refused; and if he will not do what I order him, he will surely be imprisoned and will be of those debased."
(Zulaikha) berkata: "Inilah orangnya yang kamu tempelak aku mengenainya! Sebenarnya aku telah memujuknya berkehendakkan dirinya tetapi ia menolak dan berpegang teguh kepada kesuciannya; dan demi sesungguhnya kalau ia tidak mahu melakukan apa yang aku suruh tentulah ia akan dipenjarakan, dan akan menjadi dari orang-orang yang hina."
{ قال رب السجن أحبُ إليّ مما يدعونني إليه وإلا تصرف عني كيدهن أصْبُ } أمل { إليهن وأكن } أصر { من الجاهلين } المذنبين والقصد بذلك الدعاء فلذا قال تعالى .
Qala rabbi assijnu ahabbuilayya mimma yadAAoonanee ilayhi wa-illa tasrifAAannee kaydahunna asbu ilayhinna waakun mina aljahileen
Sahih International
He said, "My Lord, prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. And if You do not avert from me their plan, I might incline toward them and [thus] be of the ignorant."
Yusuf (merayu kehadrat Allah Taala dengan) berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku! Aku lebih suka kepada penjara dari apa yang perempuan-perempuan itu ajak aku kepadanya. Dan jika Engkau tidak menjauhkan daripadaku tipu daya mereka, mungkin aku akan cenderung kepada mereka, dan aku menjadi dari orang-orang yang tidak mengamalkan ilmunya".
{ فاستجاب له ربه } دعاءه { فصرف عنه كيدهن إنه هو السميع } للقول { العليم } بالفعل .
Fastajaba lahu rabbuhu fasarafaAAanhu kaydahunna innahu huwa assameeAAu alAAaleem
Sahih International
So his Lord responded to him and averted from him their plan. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
Maka Tuhannya memperkenankan doanya, lalu dijauhkan daripadanya tipu daya mereka; sesungguhnya Allah jualah yang Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
{ ثم بدا } ظهر { لهم من بعد ما رأوا الآيات } الدالات على براءة يوسف أن يسجنوه دل على هذا { ليسجننه حتى } إلى { حين } ينقطع فيه كلام الناس فسجن .
Thumma bada lahum min baAAdi maraawoo al-ayati layasjununnahu hatta heen
Sahih International
Then it appeared to them after they had seen the signs that al-'Azeez should surely imprison him for a time.
Kemudian timbul fikiran bagi suami perempuan itu, serta orang-orangnya hendak memenjarakan Yusuf sesudah mereka nampak tanda-tanda (yang menghendaki supaya Yusuf dijauhkan) hingga ke suatu masa.
{ ودخل معه السجن فتيان } غلامان للملك أحدهما ساقيه والآخر صاحب طعامه فرأياه يعبر الرؤيا فقالا لنختبرنه { قال أحدهما } وهو الساقي { إني أراني أعصر خمرا } أي عنبا { وقال الآخر } وهو صاحب الطعام { إني أراني أحمل فوق رأسي خبزا تأكل الطير منه نبئنا } خبرنا { بتأويله } بتعبيره { إنا نراك من المحسنين } .
Wadakhala maAAahu assijna fatayaniqala ahaduhuma innee aranee aAAsirukhamran waqala al-akharu innee aranee ahmilufawqa ra/see khubzan ta/kulu attayru minhu nabbi/nabita/weelihi inna naraka mina almuhsineen
Sahih International
And there entered the prison with him two young men. One of them said, "Indeed, I have seen myself [in a dream] pressing wine." The other said, "Indeed, I have seen myself carrying upon my head [some] bread, from which the birds were eating. Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you to be of those who do good."
Dan masuklah bersama-samanya ke penjara dua orang khadam raja. Salah seorang di antaranya (bertanya kepada Yusuf dengan) berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku bermimpi melihat diriku memerah anggur ". Dan berkata pula yang seorang lagi: "Sesungguhnya aku bermimpi melihat diriku menjunjung roti atas kepalaku, yang sebahagiannya dimakan oleh burung." (kemudian keduanya berkata): "Terangkanlah kepada kami akan takbirnya. Sesungguhnya kami memandangmu: dari orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan (untuk umum)".
{ قال } لهما مخبرا أنه عالم بتعبير الرؤيا { لا يأتيكما طعام ترزقانه } في منامكما { إلا نبأتكما بتأويله } في اليقظة { قبل أن يأتيكما } تأويله { ذلكما مما علمني ربي } فيه حث على إيمانهما ثم قوّاه بقوله { إني تركت ملة } دين { قوم لا يؤمنون بالله وهم بالآخرة هم } تأكيد { كافرون } .
Qala la ya/teekuma taAAamunturzaqanihi illa nabba/tukuma bita/weelihiqabla an ya/tiyakuma thalikuma mimmaAAallamanee rabbee innee taraktu millata qawmin layu/minoona billahi wahum bil-akhiratihum kafiroon
Sahih International
He said, "You will not receive food that is provided to you except that I will inform you of its interpretation before it comes to you. That is from what my Lord has taught me. Indeed, I have left the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah , and they, in the Hereafter, are disbelievers.
Yusuf menjawab: "(Aku bukan sahaja dapat menerangkan takbir mimpi kamu itu, bahkan) tidak datang kepada kamu sesuatu makanan yang diberikan kepada kamu (tiap-tiap hari dalam penjara), melainkan aku juga dapat memberitahu kepada kamu akan nama dan jenisnya, sebelum ia dibawa kepada kamu. Yang demikian itu ialah sebahagian dari apa yang diajarkan kepadaku oleh Tuhanku. Dengan sebab itu aku meninggalkan ugama kaum yang tidak beriman kepada Allah serta tidak pula percayakan hari akhirat.
{ واتبعت ملة آبائي إبراهيم وإسحاق ويعقوب ما كان } ينبغي { لنا أن نشرك بالله من } زائدة { شيء } لعصمتنا { ذلك } التوحيد { من فضل الله علينا وعلى الناس ولكن أكثر الناس } وهم الكفار { لا يشكرون } الله فيشركون ثم صرح بدعائهما إلى الإيمان فقال .
WattabaAAtu millata aba-eeibraheema wa-ishaqa wayaAAqooba ma kanalana an nushrika billahi min shay-in thalikamin fadli Allahi AAalayna waAAala annasiwalakinna akthara annasi layashkuroon
Sahih International
And I have followed the religion of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And it was not for us to associate anything with Allah . That is from the favor of Allah upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful.
"Dan aku menurut ugama bapa dan datuk nenekku: Ibrahim dan Ishak serta Yaakub. Tidaklah sepatutnya kita mempersekutukan sesuatupun dengan Allah. Mentauhid - mengesakan Allah ialah hasil dari limpah kurnia Allah kepada kita dan kepada umat manusia. Tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak bersyukur.
{ يا صاحبي } ساكني { السجن أأرباب متفرقون خير أم الله الواحد القهار } خير ؟ استفهام تقرير .
Ya sahibayi assijniaarbabun mutafarriqoona khayrun ami Allahu alwahidualqahhar
Sahih International
O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah , the One, the Prevailing?
"Wahai sahabatku berdua yang sepenjara, memuja dan menyembah berbilang-bilang tuhan yang bercerai-berai itukah yang lebih baik atau menyembah Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, lagi Maha Kuasa?
{ ما تعبدون من دونه } أي غيره { إلا أسماء سميتموها } سميتم بها أصناما { أنتم وآباؤكم ما أنزل الله بها } بعادتها { من سلطان } حجة وبرهان { إن } ما { الحكم } القضاء { إلا لله } وحده { أمر ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه ذلك } التوحيد { الدين القيم } المستقيم { ولكنَّ أكثر الناس } وهم الكفار { لا يعلمون } ما يصيرون إليه من العذاب فيشركون .
Ma taAAbudoona min doonihi illaasmaan sammaytumooha antum waabaokumma anzala Allahu biha min sultaninini alhukmu illa lillahi amara allataAAbudoo illa iyyahu thalika addeenualqayyimu walakinna akthara annasi layaAAlamoon
Sahih International
You worship not besides Him except [mere] names you have named them, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority. Legislation is not but for Allah . He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.
Apa yang kamu sembah, yang lain dari Allah, hanyalah nama-nama yang kamu menamakannya, kamu dan datuk nenek kamu, Allah tidak pernah menurunkan sebarang bukti yang membenarkannya. Sebenarnya hukum (yang menentukan amal ibadat) hanyalah bagi Allah. Ia memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah melainkan Dia. Yang demikian itulah Ugama yang betul, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui.
{ يا صاحبي السجن أما أحدكما } أي الساقي فيخرج بعد ثلاث { فيسقي ربه } سيده { خمرا } على عادته { وأما الآخر } فيخرج بعد ثلاث { فيصلب فتأكل الطير من رأسه } هذا تأويل رؤياكما فقالا ما رأينا شيئا فقال { قضي } تمَّ { الأمر الذي فيه تستفتيان } سألتما عنه صدقتما أم كذبتما .
Ya sahibayi assijniamma ahadukuma fayasqee rabbahu khamranwaamma al-akharu fayuslabu fata/kulu attayrumin ra/sihi qudiya al-amru allathee feehi tastaftiyan
Sahih International
O two companions of prison, as for one of you, he will give drink to his master of wine; but as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head. The matter has been decreed about which you both inquire."
"Wahai sahabatku berdua yang sepenjara! (Takbir mimpi kamu itu ialah): adapun salah seorang dari kamu, maka ia akan memberi minum arak kepada tuannya. Ada pun yang seorang lagi, maka ia akan dipalang, serta burung pula akan makan dari kepalanya. Telah selesailah (dan tetaplah berlakunya) perkara yang kamu tanyakan itu".
{ وقال للذي ظن } أيقن { أنه ناج منهما } وهو الساقي { اذكرني عند ربك } سيدك فقل له إن في السجن غلاما محبوسا ظلما فخرج { فأنساه } أي الساقي { الشيطان ذكْرَ } يوسف عند { ربه فلبث } مكث يوسف { في السجن بضع سنين } قيل سبعا وقيل اثنتي عشرة.
Waqala lillathee thannaannahu najin minhuma othkurnee AAindarabbika faansahu ashshaytanu thikrarabbihi falabitha fee assijni bidAAa sineen
Sahih International
And he said to the one whom he knew would go free, "Mention me before your master." But Satan made him forget the mention [to] his master, and Joseph remained in prison several years.
Dan berkatalah Yusuf kepada orang yang ia percaya akan terselamat di antara mereka berdua: "Sebutkanlah perihalku kepada tuanmu". (Setelah orang itu dibebaskan dari penjara) maka ia dilupakan oleh syaitan untuk menyebutkan (hal Yusuf) kepada tuannya. Dengan sebab itu tinggalah Yusuf dalam penjara beberapa tahun.
{ وقال الملك } ملك مصر الريان بن الوليد { إني أرى } أي رأيت { سبع بقرات سمان يأكلهن } يبتلعهن { سبع } من البقر { عجاف } جمع عجفاء { وسبع سنبلات خضر وأخر } أي سبع سنبلات { يابسات } قد التوت على الخضر وعلت عليها { يا أيها الملأ أفتوني في رؤياي } بينوا لي تعبيرها { إن كنتم للرؤيا تعبرون } فاعبروها .
Waqala almaliku innee arasabAAa baqaratin simanin ya/kuluhunna sabAAun AAijafunwasabAAa sunbulatin khudrin waokhara yabisatinya ayyuha almalao aftoonee fee ru/yaya inkuntum lirru/ya taAAburoon
Sahih International
And [subsequently] the king said, "Indeed, I have seen [in a dream] seven fat cows being eaten by seven [that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry. O eminent ones, explain to me my vision, if you should interpret visions."
Dan (pada suatu hari) raja Mesir berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku mimpi melihat: tujuh ekor lembu yang gemuk dimakan oleh tujuh ekor lembu yang kurus, dan aku melihat tujuh tangkai (biji-bijian) yang hijau dan tujuh tangkai lagi yang kering. Wahai ketua-ketua kaum (yang hadir, terangkanlah kepadaku tentang mimpiku ini, kalau kamu orang yang pandai menafsirkan mimpi".
{ قالوا } هذه { أضغاث أحلام } أخلاط { وما نحن بتأويل الأحلام بعالمين } .
Qaloo adghathu ahlaminwama nahnu bita/weeli al-ahlami biAAalimeen
Sahih International
They said, "[It is but] a mixture of false dreams, and we are not learned in the interpretation of dreams."
Mereka menjawab: "Yang demikian itu ialah mimpi-mimpi yang bercampur aduk, dan kami bukanlah orang-orang yang mengetahui mimpi-mimpi (yang sedemikian) itu".
{ وقال الذي نجا منهما } أي من الفَتَيِيْنِ وهو الساقي { وادَّكر } فيه إبدال التاء في الأصل دالا وإدغامها في الدال أي تذكر { بعد أُمَّةٍ } حينِ حال يوسف { أنا أنبئكم بتأويله فأرسلون } فأرسلوه فأتى يوسف فقال .
Waqala allathee najaminhuma waddakara baAAda ommatin anaonabbi-okum bita/weelihi faarsiloon
Sahih International
But the one who was freed and remembered after a time said, "I will inform you of its interpretation, so send me forth."
Dan (pada saat itu) berkatalah orang yang terselamat di antara mereka yang berdua itu, dan yang baharu mengingati (akan pesanan Yusuf) sesudah berlalu suatu masa yang lanjut: "Aku akan memberi tahu kepada kamu tafsirannya. Oleh itu hantarkanlah daku pergi (kepada orang yang mengetahui tafsirannya) ".
يا { يوسف أيها الصدّيق } الكثير الصدق { أفتنا في سبع بقرات سمان يأكلهن سبع عجاف وسبع سنبلات خضر وأخر يابسات لعلي أرجع إلى الناس } أي الملك وأصحابه { لعلهم يعلمون } تعبيرها .
Yoosufu ayyuha assiddeequaftina fee sabAAi baqaratin simaninya/kuluhunna sabAAun AAijafun wasabAAi sunbulatinkhudrin waokhara yabisatin laAAallee arjiAAuila annasi laAAallahum yaAAlamoon
Sahih International
[He said], "Joseph, O man of truth, explain to us about seven fat cows eaten by seven [that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry - that I may return to the people; perhaps they will know [about you]."
(Setelah ia berjumpa dengan Yusuf, berkatalah ia): "Yusuf, Wahai orang yang benar (pada segala-galanya)! tafsirkanlah kepada kami (seorang bermimpi melihat): tujuh ekor lembu yang gemuk dimakan oleh tujuh ekor lembu yang kurus; dan tujuh tangkai (biji-bijian) yang hijau serta tujuh tangkai lagi yang kering; (tafsirkanlah) supaya aku kembali kepada orang-orang yang mengutusku itu, semoga mereka dapat mengetahui tafsirannya".
{ قال تزرعون } أي ازرعوا { سبع سنين دأبا } متتابعة وهي تأويل السبع السمان { فما حصدتم فذروه } أي اتركوه { في سنبله } لئلا يفسد { إلا قليلا مما تأكلون } فادرسوه .
Qala tazraAAoona sabAAa sineenadaaban fama hasadtum fatharoohu feesunbulihi illa qaleelan mimma ta/kuloon
Sahih International
[Joseph] said, "You will plant for seven years consecutively; and what you harvest leave in its spikes, except a little from which you will eat.
Yusuf menjawab: "Hendaklah kamu menanam bersungguh-sungguh tujuh tahun berturut-turut, kemudian apa yang kamu ketam biarkanlah dia pada tangkai-tangkainya; kecuali sedikit dari bahagian yang kamu jadikan untuk makan.
{ ثم يأتي من بعد ذلك } أي السبع المخصبات { سبع شداد } مجدبات صعاب وهي تأويل السبع العجاف { يأكلن ما قدمتم لهن } من الحب المزروع في السنين المخصبات أي تأكلونه { إلا قليلا مما تحصنون } تدخرون .
Thumma ya/tee min baAAdi thalikasabAAun shidadun ya/kulna ma qaddamtum lahunna illaqaleelan mimma tuhsinoon
Sahih International
Then will come after that seven difficult [years] which will consume what you saved for them, except a little from which you will store.
Kemudian akan datang selepas tempoh itu, tujuh tahun kemaraun yang besar, yang akan menghabiskan makanan yang kamu sediakan baginya; kecuali sedikit dari apa yang kamu simpan (untuk dijadikan benih).
{ ثم يأتي من بعد ذلك } أي السبع المجدبات { عام فيه يغاث الناس } بالمطر { وفيه يعصرون } الأعناب وغيرها لخصبه .
Thumma ya/tee min baAAdi thalika AAamunfeehi yughathu annasu wafeehi yaAAsiroon
Sahih International
Then will come after that a year in which the people will be given rain and in which they will press [olives and grapes]."
"Kemudian akan datang pula sesudah itu tahun yang padanya orang ramai beroleh rahmat hujan, dan padanya mereka dapat memerah (hasil anggur, zaitun dan sebagainya)".
{ وقال الملك } لما جاءه الرسول وأخبره بتأويلها { ائتوني به } أي بالذي عبرها { فلما جاءه } أي يوسف { الرسول } وطلبه للخروج { قال } قاصدا إظهار براءته { ارجع إلى ربك فاسأله } أن يسأل { ما بال } حال { النسوة اللاتي قطعن أيديهن إن ربي } سيدي { بكيدهن عليم } فرجع فأخبر الملك فجمعهن .
Waqala almaliku i/toonee bihi falammajaahu arrasoolu qala irjiAA ilarabbika fas-alhu ma balu anniswatiallatee qattaAAna aydiyahunna inna rabbeebikaydihinna AAaleem
Sahih International
And the king said, "Bring him to me." But when the messenger came to him, [Joseph] said, "Return to your master and ask him what is the case of the women who cut their hands. Indeed, my Lord is Knowing of their plan."
Dan (apabila mendengar tafsiran itu) berkatalah raja Mesir:" Bawalah dia kepadaku! "Maka tatkata utusan raja datang kepada Yusuf (menjemputnya mengadap raja), Yusuf berkata kepadanya: Kembalilah kepada tuanmu kemudian bertanyalah kepadanya: "Apa halnya perempuan-perempuan yang melukakan tangan mereka ? Sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Mengetahui tipu daya mereka".
{ قال ما خطبكن } شأنكن { إذ راودتن يوسف عن نفسه } هل وجدتن منه ميلا إليكن { قلن حاش لله ما علمنا عليه من سوء قالت امرأة العزيز الآن حصحص } وضح { الحق أنا راودته عن نفسه وإنه لمن الصادقين } في قوله (هي راودتني عن نفسي) فأخبر يوسف بذلك فقال .
Qala ma khatbukunna ithrawadtunna yoosufa AAan nafsihi qulna hasha lillahima AAalimna AAalayhi min soo-in qalatiimraatu alAAazeezi al-ana hashasa alhaqquana rawadtuhu AAan nafsihi wa-innahu lamina assadiqeen
Sahih International
Said [the king to the women], "What was your condition when you sought to seduce Joseph?" They said, "Perfect is Allah ! We know about him no evil." The wife of al-'Azeez said, "Now the truth has become evident. It was I who sought to seduce him, and indeed, he is of the truthful.
Setelah perempuan-perempuan itu dipanggil), raja bertanya kepada mereka: "Apahal kamu, semasa kamu memujuk Yusuf mengenai dirinya?" Mereka menjawab: JauhNya Allah dari segala cacat cela, kami tidak mengetahui sesuatu kejahatan terhadap Yusuf". Isteri Al-Aziz pun berkata: "Sekarang ternyatalah kebenaran (yang selama ini tersembunyi), akulah yang memujuk Yusuf berkehendakkan dirinya (tetapi ia telah menolak); dan sesungguhnya adalah ia dari orang-orang yang benar.
{ ذلك } أي طلب البراءة { ليعلم } العزيز { أني لم أخنه } في أهله { بالغيب } حال { وأن الله لا يهدي كيد الخائنين } ثم تواضع لله فقال.
Thalika liyaAAlama annee lam akhunhubilghaybi waanna Allaha la yahdee kaydaalkha-ineen
Sahih International
That is so al-'Azeez will know that I did not betray him in [his] absence and that Allah does not guide the plan of betrayers.
"(Pengakuanku) yang demikian supaya ia mengetahui, bahawa aku tidak mengkhianatinya semasa ia tidak hadir (bersama di sini); dan bahawa Allah tidak menjayakan tipu daya orang-orang yang khianat.
{ وما أبري نفسي } من الزلل { إن النفس } الجنس { لأمَّارة } كثيرة الأمر { بالسوء إلا ما } بمعنى من { رحم ربي } فعصمه { إن ربي غفور رحيم } .
Wama obarri-o nafsee inna annafsalaammaratun bissoo-i illa ma rahimarabbee inna rabbee ghafoorun raheem
Sahih International
And I do not acquit myself. Indeed, the soul is a persistent enjoiner of evil, except those upon which my Lord has mercy. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful."
"Dan tiadalah aku berani membersihkan diriku; sesungguhnya nafsu manusia itu sangat menyuruh melakukan kejahatan, kecuali orang-orang yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanku (maka terselamatlah ia dari hasutan nafsu itu). Sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."
{ وقال الملك ائتوني به أستخلصه لنفسي } أجعله خالصا لي دون شريك فجاءه الرسول وقال: أجب الملك فقام وودع أهل السجن ودعا لهم ثم اغتسل ولبس ثيابا حسانا ودخل عليه { فلما كلمه قال } له { إنك اليوم لدينا مكين أمين } ذو مكانة وأمانة على أمرنا فماذا ترى أن نفعل ؟ قال: اجمع الطعام وازرع زرعا كثيرا في هذه السنين المخصبة وادخر الطعام في سنبله فتأتي إليك الخلق ليمتاروا منك فقال: ومن لي بهذا ؟ .
Waqala almaliku i/toonee bihiastakhlishu linafsee falamma kallamahu qalainnaka alyawma ladayna makeenun ameen
Sahih International
And the king said, "Bring him to me; I will appoint him exclusively for myself." And when he spoke to him, he said, "Indeed, you are today established [in position] and trusted."
Dan (setelah mendengar pengakuan perempuan-perempuan itu), raja berkata: "Bawalah Yusuf kepadaku, aku hendak menjadikan dia orang yang khas untuk aku bermesyuarat dengannya. Setelah (Yusuf dibawa mengadap, dan raja) berkata-kata dengannya (serta mengetahui kebijaksanaannya) berkatalah raja kepadanya: "Sesungguhnya engkau pada hari ini (wahai Yusuf), seorang yang berpangkat tinggi, lagi dipercayai di kalangan kami ".
{ قال } يوسف { اجعلني على خزائن الأرض } أرض مصر { إني حفيظ عليم } ذو حفظ وعلم بأمرها، وقيل كاتب حاسب .
Qala ijAAalnee AAala khaza-inial-ardi innee hafeethun AAaleem
Sahih International
[Joseph] said, "Appoint me over the storehouses of the land. Indeed, I will be a knowing guardian."
Yusuf berkata: "Jadikanlah daku pengurus perbendaharaan hasil bumi (Mesir); sesungguhnya aku sedia menjaganya dengan sebaik-baiknya, lagi mengetahui cara mentadbirkannya".
{ وكذلك } كإنعامنا عليه بالخلاص من السجن { مكنَّا ليوسف في الأرض } أرض مصر { يتبوّأُ } ينزل { منها حيث يشاء } بعد الضيق والحبس وفي القصة أن الملك توَّجه وختَّمه وولاه مكان العزيز وعزله ومات بعد، فزوجه امرأته فوجدها عذراء وولدت له ولدين، وأقام العدل بمصر ودانت له الرقاب { نصيب برحمتنا من نشاء ولا نضيع أجر المحسنين } .
Wakathalika makanna liyoosufafee al-ardi yatabawwao minha haythu yashaonuseebu birahmatina man nashao walanudeeAAu ajra almuhsineen
Sahih International
And thus We established Joseph in the land to settle therein wherever he willed. We touch with Our mercy whom We will, and We do not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.
Dan demikianlah caranya, Kami tetapkan kedudukan Yusuf memegang kuasa di bumi Mesir; ia bebas tinggal di negeri itu di mana sahaja yang disukainya. Kami limpahkan rahmat Kami kepada sesiapa sahaja yang Kami kehendaki, dan Kami tidak menghilangkan balasan baik orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
{ ولأجر الآخرة خير } من أجر الدنيا { للذين آمنوا وكانوا يتقون } ودخلت سنو القحط وأصاب أرض كنعان والشام .
Walaajru al-akhirati khayrun lillatheenaamanoo wakanoo yattaqoon
Sahih International
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and were fearing Allah .
Dan sesungguhnya pahala hari akhirat lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang beriman serta mereka pula sentiasa bertaqwa.
{ وجاء إخوة يوسف } إلا بنيامين ليمتاروا لما بلغهم أن عزيز مصر يعطي الطعام بثمنه { فدخلوا عليه فعرفهم } أنهم إخوته { وهم له منكرون } لا يعرفونه لبعد عهدهم به وظنهم هلاكه فكلموه بالعبرانية فقال كالمنكر عليهم: ما أقدمكم بلادي ؟ فقالوا للميرة فقال لعلكم عيون قالوا معاذ الله قال فمن أين أنتم ؟ قالوا من بلاد كنعان وأبونا يعقوب نبي الله، قال وله أولاد غيركم ؟ قالوا نعم كنا اثني عشر فذهب أصغرنا هلك في البرية وكان أحبَّنا إليه وبقي شقيقه فاحتبسه ليتسلى به عنه فأمر بإنزالهم وإكرامهم .
Wajaa ikhwatu yoosufa fadakhalooAAalayhi faAAarafahum wahum lahu munkiroon
Sahih International
And the brothers of Joseph came [seeking food], and they entered upon him; and he recognized them, but he was to them unknown.
Dan (setelah tiba musim kemarau) datanglah saudara-saudara Yusuf (ke Mesir), lalu masuklah mereka mendapatkannya; Yusuf dengan serta merta kenal mereka, sedang mereka tidak mengenalnya.
{ ولما جهزهم بجهازهم } وفى لهم كيلهم { قال ائتوني بأخ لكم من أبيكم } أي بنيامين لأعلم صدقكم فيما قلتم { ألا ترون أني أوفي الكيل } أتمه من غير بخس { وأنا خير المنزلين } .
Walamma jahhazahum bijahazihimqala i/toonee bi-akhin lakum min abeekum alatarawna annee oofee alkayla waana khayru almunzileen
Sahih International
And when he had furnished them with their supplies, he said, "Bring me a brother of yours from your father. Do not you see that I give full measure and that I am the best of accommodators?
Dan ketika Yusuf menyediakan untuk mereka bekalan mereka, berkatalah ia:" (Pada kali yang lain) bawalah kepadaku saudara kamu yang sebapa. Tidakkah kamu melihat, bahawa aku menyempurnakan bekalan makanan kamu, dan bahawa aku sebaik-baik penerima tetamu?
{ فإن لم تأتوني به فلا كيل لكم عندي } أي ميرة { ولا تقربون } نهي أو عطف على محل فلا كيل أي تحرموا ولا تقربوا .
Fa-in lam ta/toonee bihi fala kaylalakum AAindee wala taqraboon
Sahih International
But if you do not bring him to me, no measure will there be [hereafter] for you from me, nor will you approach me."
Oleh itu, kalau kamu tidak membawanya kepadaku, maka tidak ada hak bagi kamu mendapat bekalan makanan di sisiku, dan janganlah kamu menghampiriku lagi".
{ قالوا سنراود عنه أباه } سنجتهد في طلبه منه { وإنا لفاعلون } ذلك .
Qaloo sanurawidu AAanhu abahuwa-inna lafaAAiloon
Sahih International
They said, "We will attempt to dissuade his father from [keeping] him, and indeed, we will do [it]."
Mereka menjawab: "Kami akan memujuk bapanya melepaskan dia bersama-sama kami, dan sesungguhnya kami akan melakukannya".
{ وقال لفتيته } وفي قراءة لفتيانه غلمانه { اجعلوا بضاعتهم } التي أتوا بها ثمن الميرة وكانت دراهم { في رحالهم } أوعيتهم { لعلهم يعرفونها إذا انقلبوا إلى أهلهم } وفرغوا أوعيتهم { لعلم يرجعون } إلينا لأنهم لا يستحلون إمساكها .
Waqala lifityanihi ijAAaloo bidaAAatahumfee rihalihim laAAallahum yaAArifoonaha ithainqalaboo ila ahlihim laAAallahum yarjiAAoon
Sahih International
And [Joseph] said to his servants, "Put their merchandise into their saddlebags so they might recognize it when they have gone back to their people that perhaps they will [again] return."
Dan (selepas itu) berkatalah Yusuf kepada orang-orang suruhannya. "Masukkanlah barang-barang dagangan mereka pada tempat simpanan barang di kenderaan mereka, supaya mereka mengetahuinya kelak ketika mereka kembali kepada keluarga mereka, dan supaya mereka datang lagi (ke negeri ini)".
{ فلما رجعوا إلى أبيهم قالوا: يا أبانا منع منا الكيل } إن لم ترسل أخانا إليه { فأرسل معنا أخانا نكتل } بالنون والياء { وإنا له لحافظون } .
Falamma rajaAAoo ila abeehim qalooya abana muniAAa minna alkaylufaarsil maAAana akhana naktal wa-innalahu lahafithoon
Sahih International
So when they returned to their father, they said, "O our father, [further] measure has been denied to us, so send with us our brother [that] we will be given measure. And indeed, we will be his guardians."
Maka ketika mereka kembali kepada bapa mereka, berkatalah mereka: "Wahai ayah kami! Kami (tetap diberi amaran bahawa kami) tidak akan mendapat lagi bekalan makanan (kiranya Bunyamin tidak pergi bersama). Oleh itu, hantarkanlah dia bersama-sama kami, supaya kami dapat lagi bekalan makanan; dan sesungguhnya kami akan menjaganya dengan sebaik-baiknya".
{ قال هل } ما { آمنكم عليه إلا كما أمنتكم على أخيه } يوسف { من قبل } وقد فعلتم به ما فعلتم { فالله خير حفظا } وفي قراءة حافظا تمييز كقولهم لله دره فارسا { وهو أرحم الراحمين } فأرجو أن يمن بحفظه .
Qala hal amanukum AAalayhi illakama amintukum AAala akheehi min qablu fallahukhayrun hafithan wahuwa arhamu arrahimeen
Sahih International
He said, "Should I entrust you with him except [under coercion] as I entrusted you with his brother before? But Allah is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful."
Bapa mereka berkata: "(Jika aku lepaskan dia pergi bersama-sama kamu), aku tidak menaruh kepercayaan kepada kamu menjaganya melainkan seperti kepercayaanku kepada kamu menjaga saudaranya dahulu (yang telah kamu hampakan. Oleh itu aku hanya menaruh kepercayaan kepada Allah), kerana Allah jualah Penjaga yang sebaik-baiknya, dan Dia lah jua Yang Maha Mengasihani dari sesiapa sahaja yang menaruh belas kasihan".
{ ولما فتحوا متاعهم وجدوا بضاعتهم ردت إليهم قالوا يا أبانا ما نبغي } ما استفهامية أي أيَّ نطلب من إكرام الملك أعظم من هذا وقرئ بالفوقانية خطابا ليعقوب وكانوا ذكروا له إكرامه لهم { هذه بضاعتنا ردت إلينا ونمير أهلنا } تأتي بالميرة لهم وهي الطعام { ونحفظ أخانا ونزداد كيل بعير } لأخينا { ذلك كيل يسير } سهل على الملك لسخائه .
Walamma fatahoo mataAAahumwajadoo bidaAAatahum ruddat ilayhim qaloo yaabana ma nabghee hathihi bidaAAatunaruddat ilayna wanameeru ahlana wanahfathuakhana wanazdadu kayla baAAeerin thalikakaylun yaseer
Sahih International
And when they opened their baggage, they found their merchandise returned to them. They said, "O our father, what [more] could we desire? This is our merchandise returned to us. And we will obtain supplies for our family and protect our brother and obtain an increase of a camel's load; that is an easy measurement."
Dan semasa mereka membuka barang-barang mereka, mereka dapati barang-barang dagangan mereka telah dikembalikan kepada mereka. Mereka berkata dengan gembiranya: "Wahai ayah kami! Apa yang kita kehendaki lagi? Ini dia barang-barang dagangan yang kita jadikan tukaran (bagi mendapat gandum) itu telah dikembalikan kepada kita. Dan (dengan kemurahan hati menteri yang berbudi itu) akan dapatlah kami membawa lagi bekalan makanan kepada keluarga kami, dan kami pula akan dapat menjaga saudara kami, serta akan dapat tambahan benda-benda makanan sebanyak muatan seekor unta lagi. Pemberian tambahan yang sebanyak itu mudah sekali ditunaikannya".
{ قال لن أرسله معكم حتى تؤتون موثقا } عهدا { من الله } بأن تحلفوا { لتأتنني به إلا أن يحاط بكم } بأن تموتوا أو تغلبوا فلا تطيقوا الإتيان به فأجابوه إلى ذلك { فلما آتوه موثقهم } بذلك { قال الله على ما نقول } نحن وأنتم { وكيل } شهيد وأرسله معهم .
Qala lan orsilahu maAAakum hattatu/tooni mawthiqan mina Allahi lata/tunnanee bihi illaan yuhata bikum falamma atawhu mawthiqahum qalaAllahu AAala ma naqoolu wakeel
Sahih International
[Jacob] said, "Never will I send him with you until you give me a promise by Allah that you will bring him [back] to me, unless you should be surrounded by enemies." And when they had given their promise, he said, " Allah , over what we say, is Witness."
Bapa mereka berkata:" Aku tidak sekali-kali akan melepaskan dia (Bunyamin) pergi bersama-sama kamu, sehingga kamu memberi kepadaku satu perjanjian yang teguh (bersumpah) dengan nama Allah, bahawa kamu akan membawanya kembali kepadaku dengan selamat, kecuali jika kamu semua dikepong dan dikalahkan oleh musuh". Maka ketika mereka memberikan perjanjian yang teguh (bersumpah) kepadanya, berkatalah ia: "Allah jualah yang menjadi Saksi dan Pengawas atas apa yang kita semua katakan itu."
{ وقال يا بني لا تدخلوا } مصر { من باب واحد وادخلوا من أبواب متفرقة } لئلا تصيبكم العين { وما أغني } أدفع { عنكم } بقولي ذلك { من الله من } زائدة { شيء } قدَّره عليكم وإنما ذلك شفقة { إن } ما { الحكم إلا لله } وحده { عليه توكلت } به وثقت { وعليه فليتوكل المتوكلون } .
Waqala ya baniyya latadkhuloo min babin wahidin wadkhuloo minabwabin mutafarriqatin wama oghnee AAankum mina Allahimin shay-in ini alhukmu illa lillahiAAalayhi tawakkaltu waAAalayhi falyatawakkali almutawakkiloon
Sahih International
And he said, "O my sons, do not enter from one gate but enter from different gates; and I cannot avail you against [the decree of] Allah at all. The decision is only for Allah ; upon Him I have relied, and upon Him let those who would rely [indeed] rely."
Dan ia berkata lagi: "Wahai anak-anakku! Janganlah kamu masuk (ke bandar Mesir) dari sebuah pintu sahaja, tetapi masuklah dari beberapa buah pintu yang berlainan. Dan aku (dengan nasihatku ini), tidak dapat menyelamatkan kamu dari sesuatu takdir yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah. Kuasa menetapkan sesuatu (sebab dan musabab) itu hanya tertentu bagi Allah. KepadaNyalah aku berserah diri, dan kepadaNyalah hendaknya berserah orang-orang yang mahu berserah diri".
{ قال تعالى: { ولما دخلوا من حيث أمرهم أبوهم } أي متفرقين { ما كان يغني عنهم من الله } أي قضائه { من } زائدة { شيء إلا } لكن { حاجة في نفس يعقوب قضاها } وهي إرادة دفع العين شفقة { وإنه لذو علم لما علمناه } لتعليمنا إياه { ولكن أكثر الناس } وهم الكفار { لا يعلمون } إلهام الله لأصفيائه .
Walamma dakhaloo min haythuamarahum aboohum ma kana yughnee AAanhum mina Allahimin shay-in illa hajatan fee nafsi yaAAqooba qadahawa-innahu lathoo AAilmin lima AAallamnahuwalakinna akthara annasi layaAAlamoon
Sahih International
And when they entered from where their father had ordered them, it did not avail them against Allah at all except [it was] a need within the soul of Jacob, which he satisfied. And indeed, he was a possessor of knowledge because of what We had taught him, but most of the people do not know.
Dan ketika mereka masuk menurut arah yang diperintahkan oleh bapa mereka, tidaklah perintahnya itu dapat menyelamatkan mereka dari apa yang telah ditakdirkan oleh Allah sedikitpun, tetapi yang demikian itu hanyalah melahirkan hajat yang terpendam dalam hati Nabi Yaakub. Dan sesungguhnya ia orang yang berilmu, kerana kami telah mengajarnya (dengan perantaraan wahyu); tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui (akan rahsia takdir Tuhan).
{ ولما دخلوا على يوسف آوى } ضم { إليه أخاه قال إني أنا أخوك فلا تبتئس } تحزن { بما كانوا يعملون } من الحسد لنا وأمره ألا يخبرهم وتواطأ معه على أنه سيحتال على أن يبقيه عنده .
Walamma dakhaloo AAala yoosufaawa ilayhi akhahu qala innee anaakhooka fala tabta-is bima kanoo yaAAmaloon
Sahih International
And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his brother to himself; he said, "Indeed, I am your brother, so do not despair over what they used to do [to me]."
Dan semasa mereka masuk mendapatkan Yusuf, ia menempatkan saudara kandungnya (Bunyamin) bersama-samanya, sambil berkata kepadanya:" Akulah saudara engkau Yusuf), oleh itu janganlah engkau berdukacita lagi disebabkan apa yang mereka lakukan".
{ فلما جهزهم بجهازهم جعل السقاية } هي صاع من الذهب مرصع بالجوهر { في رحل أخيه } بنيامين { ثم أذن مؤذن } نادى مناد بعد انفصالهم عن مجلس يوسف { أيتها العير } القافلة { إنكم لسارقون } .
Falamma jahhazahum bijahazihimjaAAala assiqayata fee rahli akheehi thummaaththana mu-aththinun ayyatuha alAAeeruinnakum lasariqoon
Sahih International
So when he had furnished them with their supplies, he put the [gold measuring] bowl into the bag of his brother. Then an announcer called out, "O caravan, indeed you are thieves."
Maka ketika ia membekalkan mereka dengan bekalan makan (yang mencukupi keperluan) mereka, lalu ia meletakkan bijana minuman raja di kenderaan saudaranya (Bunyamin), kemudian menyeru seorang penyeru:" Wahai orang-orang kafilah ini, sesungguhnya kamu adalah pencuri ".
{ قالوا و } قد { أقبلوا عليهم ماذا } ما الذي { تفقدونـ } ـه .
Qaloo waaqbaloo AAalayhim mathatafqidoon
Sahih International
They said while approaching them, "What is it you are missing?"
Mereka bertanya sambil mengadap ke arah orang-orang menteri yang menuduh itu: "Apa benda kamu yang kehilangan?"
{ قالوا نفقد صواع } صاع { الملك ولمن جاء به حمل بعير } من الطعام { وأنا به } بالحمل { زعيم } كفيل .
Qaloo nafqidu suwaAAaalmaliki waliman jaa bihi himlu baAAeerin waanabihi zaAAeem
Sahih International
They said, "We are missing the measure of the king. And for he who produces it is [the reward of] a camel's load, and I am responsible for it."
Orang-orang menteri menjawab: "Kami kehilangan cupak raja. Dan sesiapa yang memulangkannya akan diberi (benda-benda makanan) sebanyak muatan seekor unta, dan akulah yang menjamin pemberian itu".
{ قالوا تالله } قسم فيه معنى التعجب { لقد علمتم ما جئنا لنفسد في الأرض وما كنا سارقين } ما سرقنا قط .
Qaloo tallahi laqadAAalimtum ma ji/na linufsida fee al-ardi wamakunna sariqeen
Sahih International
They said, "By Allah , you have certainly known that we did not come to cause corruption in the land, and we have not been thieves."
Mereka berkata: "Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya kamu sedia mengetahui bahawa kedatangan kami bukanlah untuk berbuat kerosakan di bumi (Mesir ini), dan kami pula bukanlah pencuri".
{ قالوا } أي المؤذن وأصحابه { فما جزاؤه } أي السارق { إن كنتم كاذبين } في قولكم ما كنا سارقين ووجد فيكم .
Qaloo fama jazaohu inkuntum kathibeen
Sahih International
The accusers said, "Then what would be its recompense if you should be liars?"
(Orang-orang menteri) bertanya: "Maka apa balasan pencuri itu, jika kamu berdusta?"
{ قالوا جزاؤه } مبتدأ خبره { من وجد في رحله } يُسْتَرق ثم أكد بقوله { فهو } أي السارق { جزاؤه } أي المسروق لا غير وكانت سنة آل يعقوب { كذلك } الجزاء { نجزي الظالمين } بالسرقة فصرحوا ليوسف بتفتيش أوعيتهم .
Qaloo jazaohu man wujida feerahlihi fahuwa jazaohu kathalika najzee aththalimeen
Sahih International
[The brothers] said, "Its recompense is that he in whose bag it is found - he [himself] will be its recompense. Thus do we recompense the wrongdoers."
Mereka menjawab: "Balasannya: sesiapa yang didapati benda itu di kenderaannya, maka dia lah sendiri yang menjadi balasannya. Demikianlah kami membalas orang-orang yang zalim".
{ فبدأ بأوعيتهم } ففتشها { قبل وعاء أخيه } لئلا يتهم { ثم استخرجها } أي السقاية { من وعاء أخيه } قال تعالى: { كذلك } الكيد { كدنا ليوسف } علمناه الاحتيال في أخذ أخيه { ما كان } يوسف { ليأخذ أخاه } رقيقا عن السرقة { في دين الملك } حكم ملك مصر لأن جزاءه عنده الضرب وتغريم مثلي المسروق لا الاسترقاق { إلا أن يشاء الله } أخذه بحكم أبيه أي لم يتمكن من أخذه إلا بمشيئة الله بإلهامه سؤال إخوته وجوابهم بسنتهم { نرفع درجاتِ من نشاء } بالإضافة والتنوين في العلم كيوسف { وفوق كل ذي علم } من المخلوقين { عليم } أعلم منه حتى ينتهي إلى الله تعالى.
Fabadaa bi-awAAiyatihim qabla wiAAa-iakheehi thumma istakhrajaha min wiAAa-i akheehi kathalikakidna liyoosufa ma kana liya/khuthaakhahu fee deeni almaliki illa an yashaa AllahunarfaAAu darajatin man nashao wafawqa kulli theeAAilmin AAaleem
Sahih International
So he began [the search] with their bags before the bag of his brother; then he extracted it from the bag of his brother. Thus did We plan for Joseph. He could not have taken his brother within the religion of the king except that Allah willed. We raise in degrees whom We will, but over every possessor of knowledge is one [more] knowing.
Maka Yusuf pun mulailah memeriksa tempat-tempat barang mereka sebelum memeriksa tempat barang saudara kandungnya (Bunyamin) kemudian ia mengeluarkan benda yang hilang itu dari tempat simpanan barang saudara kandungnya. Demikianlah Kami jayakan rancangan untuk (menyampaikan hajat) Yusuf. Tidaklah ia akan dapat mengambil saudara kandungnya menurut undang-undang raja, kecuali jika dikehendaki oleh Allah. (Dengan ilmu pengetahuan), Kami tinggikan pangkat kedudukan sesiapa yang Kami kehendaki, dan tiap-tiap orang yang berilmu pengetahuan, ada lagi di atasnya yang lebih mengetahui,
{ قالوا إن يسرق فقد سرق أخ له من قبل } أي يوسف وكان سرق لأبي أمه صنما من ذهب فكسره لئلا يعبده { فأسرها يوسف في نفسه ولم يبدها } يظهرها { لهم } والضمير للكلمة التي في قوله { قال } في نفسه { أنتم شر مكانا } من يوسف وأخيه لسرقتكم أخاكم من أبيكم وظلمكم له { والله أعلم } عالم { بما تصفون } تذكرون من أمره .
Qaloo in yasriq faqad saraqa akhunlahu min qablu faasarraha yoosufu fee nafsihi walam yubdihalahum qala antum sharrun makanan wallahuaAAlamu bima tasifoon
Sahih International
They said, "If he steals - a brother of his has stolen before." But Joseph kept it within himself and did not reveal it to them. He said, "You are worse in position, and Allah is most knowing of what you describe."
Mereka berkata:" Kalau dia mencuri, maka (tidaklah pelik), kerana sesungguhnya saudara kandungnya pernah juga mencuri dahulu. (Mendengar kata-kata yang menyinggung itu) maka Yusuf pun menyembunyikan perasaannya, dan tidak menyatakannya kepada mereka, sambil berkata (dalam hati): "Kamulah yang lebih buruk keadaannya; dan Allah Maha Mengetahui akan apa yang kamu katakan itu".
{ قالوا يا أيها العزيز إن له أبا شيخا كبيرا } يحبه أكثر منا ويتسلى به عن ولده الهالك ويحزنه ففراقه { فخذ أحدنا } استبعده { مكانه } بدلا منه { إنا نراك من المحسنين } في أفعالك .
Qaloo ya ayyuhaalAAazeezu inna lahu aban shaykhan kabeeran fakhuth ahadanamakanahu inna naraka mina almuhsineen
Sahih International
They said, "O 'Azeez, indeed he has a father [who is] an old man, so take one of us in place of him. Indeed, we see you as a doer of good."
Merekapun merayu dengan berkata: "Wahai datuk menteri! Sesungguhnya ia (Bunyamin), mempunyai bapa yang sudah tua, lagi berpangkat. Oleh itu, ambilah salah seorang di antara kami sebagai gantinya; sesungguhnya kami memandangmu dari orang-orang yang sentiasa berbudi ".
{ قال معاذ الله } نصب على المصدر حذف فعله وأضيف إلى المفعول أي نعوذ بالله من { أن نأخذ إلا من وجدنا متاعنا عنده } لم يقل من سرق تحرّزا من الكذب { إنا إذا } إن أخذنا غيره { لظالمون } .
Qala maAAatha Allahi anna/khutha illa man wajadna mataAAanaAAindahu inna ithan lathalimoon
Sahih International
He said, "[I seek] the refuge of Allah [to prevent] that we take except him with whom we found our possession. Indeed, we would then be unjust."
Yusuf berkata: "Kami berlindung kepada Allah daripada mengambil sesiapapun kecuali orang yang kami dapati barang kami dalam simpanannya. Sesungguhnya jika kami mengambil orang lain, nescaya menjadilah kami orang-orang yang zalim".
{ فلما استيأسوا } يئسوا { منه خلصوا } اعتزلوا { نجيا } مصدر يصلح للواحد وغيره أي يناجي بعضهم بعضا { قال كبيرهم } سنًّا روبيل أو رأيا: يهوذا { ألم تعلموا أن أباكم قد أخذ عليكم موثقا } عهدا { من الله } في أخيكم { ومن قبل ما } زائد { فرطتم في يوسف } وقيل ما مصدرية مبتدأ خبره من قبل { فلن أبرح } أفارق { الأرض } أرض مصر { حتى يأذن لي أبي } بالعود إليه { أو يحكم الله لي } بخلاص أخي { وهو خير الحاكمين } أعدلهم .
Falamma istay-asoo minhu khalasoonajiyyan qala kabeeruhum alam taAAlamoo anna abakumqad akhatha AAalaykum mawthiqan mina Allahi waminqablu ma farrattum fee yoosufa falan abrahaal-arda hatta ya/thana lee abee aw yahkumaAllahu lee wahuwa khayru alhakimeen
Sahih International
So when they had despaired of him, they secluded themselves in private consultation. The eldest of them said, "Do you not know that your father has taken upon you an oath by Allah and [that] before you failed in [your duty to] Joseph? So I will never leave [this] land until my father permits me or Allah decides for me, and He is the best of judges.
Maka apabila mereka berputus asa daripada mendapat pertolongannya, merekapun mengasingkan diri lalu bermesyuarat tentang hal itu. Berkatalah ketua mereka (saudaranya yang sulung): "Tidakkah kamu ketahui bahawa bapa kita telah mengambil janji dari kamu yang dikuatkan dengan nama Allah, dan dahulu pun kamu telah mencuaikan janji dan sumpah kamu dalam perkara menjaga keselamatan Yusuf? Oleh itu, aku tidak sekali-kali akan meninggalkan negeri (Mesir) ini sehingga bapaku izinkan aku (kembali atau sehingga Allah menghukum bagiku (untuk meninggalkan negeri ini), dan Dia lah Hakim yang seadil-adilnya.
{ ارجعوا إلى أبيكم فقولوا يا أبانا إن ابنك سرق وما شهدنا } عليه { إلا بما علمنا } تيقنَّا من مشاهدة الصاع في رحله { وما كنا للغيب } لما غاب عنا حين إعطاء الموثق { حافظين } ولو علمنا أنه يسرق لم نأخذه .
IrjiAAoo ila abeekum faqooloo yaabana inna ibnaka saraqa wama shahidnailla bima AAalimna wama kunnalilghaybi hafitheen
Sahih International
Return to your father and say, "O our father, indeed your son has stolen, and we did not testify except to what we knew. And we were not witnesses of the unseen,
Kembalilah kamu kepada bapa kamu, dan katakanlah, wahai ayah kami! Sesungguhnya anakmu (Bunyamin) telah mencuri, dan kami tidak menjadi saksi (terhadapnya) melainkan dengan apa yang kami ketahui dan kami tidaklah dapat menjaga perkara yang ghaib.
{ واسأل القرية التي كنا فيها } هي مصر أي أرسل إلى أهلها فاسألهم { والعير } أصحاب العير { التي أقبلنا فيها } وهم قوم من كنعان { وإنا لصادقون } في قولنا فرجعوا إليه وقالوا له ذلك .
Was-ali alqaryata allatee kunnafeeha walAAeera allatee aqbalna feehawa-inna lasadiqoon
Sahih International
And ask the city in which we were and the caravan in which we came - and indeed, we are truthful,"
Dan bertanyalah kepada penduduk negeri (Mesir) tempat kami tinggal (berdagang) dan kepada orang-orang kafilah yang kami balik bersamanya. Sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang benar".
{ قال بل سولت } زينت { لكم أنفسكم أمرا } ففعلتموه اتهمهم لما سبق منهم من أمر يوسف { فصبر جميل } صبري { عسى الله أن يأتيني بهم } بيوسف وأخويه { جميعا إنه هو العليم } بحالي { الحكيم } في صنعه .
Qala bal sawwalat lakum anfusukumamran fasabrun jameelun AAasa Allahu anya/tiyanee bihim jameeAAan innahu huwa alAAaleemu alhakeem
Sahih International
[Jacob] said, "Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. Perhaps Allah will bring them to me all together. Indeed it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise."
(Setelah mereka kembali dan menyampaikan hal itu kepada bapa mereka) berkatalah ia: "(Tidaklah benar apa yang kamu katakan itu) bahkan nafsu kamu telah memperelokkan pada pandangan kamu suatu perkara (yang kamu rancangkan). Jika demikian, bersabarlah aku dengan sebaik-baiknya, mudah-mudahan Allah mengembalikan mereka semua kepadaku. Sesungguhnya Dia lah jua Yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ وتولى عنهم } تاركا خطابهم { وقال يا أسفى } الألف بدل من ياء الإضافة أي يا حزني { على يوسف وابيضت عيناه } انمحق سوادهما وبدل بياضا من بكائه { من الحزن } عليه { فهو كظيم } مغموم مكروب لا يظهر كربه .
Watawalla AAanhum waqala yaasafa AAala yoosufa wabyaddat AAaynahumina alhuzni fahuwa katheem
Sahih International
And he turned away from them and said, "Oh, my sorrow over Joseph," and his eyes became white from grief, for he was [of that] a suppressor.
Dan (bapa mereka - Nabi Yaakub) pun berpaling dari mereka (kerana berita yang mengharukan itu) sambil berkata: Aduhai sedihnya aku kerana Yusuf, dan putihlah dua belah matanya disebabkan ratap tangis dukacitanya kerana ia orang yang memendamkan marahnya di dalam hati.
{ قالوا تالله } لا { تفتأ } تزال { تذكر يوسف حتى تكون حرضا } مشرفا على الهلاك لطول مرضك وهو مصدر يستوي فيه الواحد وغيره { أو تكون من الهالكين } الموتى .
Qaloo tallahi taftaotathkuru yoosufa hatta takoona haradanaw takoona mina alhalikeen
Sahih International
They said, "By Allah , you will not cease remembering Joseph until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish."
Mereka berkata: "Demi Allah, ayah tak habis-habis ingat kepada Yusuf, sehingga ayah menjadi sakit merana, atau menjadi dari orang-orang yang binasa".
{ قال } لهم { إنما أشكو بثي } هو عظيم الحزن الذي لا يصبر عليه حتى يبث إلى الناس { وحزني إلى الله } لا إلى غيره فهو الذي تنفع الشكوى إليه { وأعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون } من أن رؤيا يوسف صدق وهو حي ثم قال .
Qala innama ashkoo baththee wahuzneeila Allahi waaAAlamu mina Allahi ma lataAAlamoon
Sahih International
He said, "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah , and I know from Allah that which you do not know.
(Nabi Yaakub) menjawab: "Sesungguhnya aku hanyalah mengadukan kesusahan dan dukacitaku kepada Allah dan aku mengetahui (dengan perantaraan wahyu) dari Allah, apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya.
{ يا بني اذهبوا فتحسسوا من يوسف وأخيه } اطلبوا خبرهما { ولا تيأسوا } تقنطوا { من روح الله } رحمته { إنه لا ييأس من روح الله إلا القوم الكافرون } فانطلقوا نحو مصر ليوسف .
Ya baniyya ithhaboo fatahassasoomin yoosufa waakheehi wala tay-asoo min rawhi Allahiinnahu la yay-asu min rawhi Allahi illaalqawmu alkafiroon
Sahih International
O my sons, go and find out about Joseph and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah . Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people."
Wahai anak-anakku! Pergilah dan intiplah khabar berita mengenai Yusuf dan saudaranya (Bunyamin), dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat serta pertolongan Allah. Sesungguhnya tidak berputus asa dari rahmat dan pertolongan Allah itu melainkan kaum yang kafir".
{ فلما دخلوا عليه قالوا يا أيها العزيز مسنا وأهلنا الضر } الجوع { وجئنا ببضاعة مزجاة } مدفوعة يدفعها كل من رآها لرداءتها وكانت دراهم زيوفا أو غيرها { فأوف } أتم { لنا الكيل وتصدق علينا } بالمسامحة عن رداءة بضاعتنا { إن الله يجزي المتصدقين } يثيبهم فَرَقَّ لهم وأدركته الرحمة ورفع الحجاب بينه وبينهم .
Falamma dakhaloo AAalayhi qalooya ayyuha alAAazeezu massana waahlanaaddurru waji/na bibidaAAatin muzjatinfaawfi lana alkayla watasaddaq AAalayna innaAllaha yajzee almutasaddiqeen
Sahih International
So when they entered upon Joseph, they said, "O 'Azeez, adversity has touched us and our family, and we have come with goods poor in quality, but give us full measure and be charitable to us. Indeed, Allah rewards the charitable."
Maka (bertolaklah mereka ke Mesir, dan) setelah mereka masuk mengadap Yusuf, berkatalah mereka: "Wahai Datuk Menteri, kami dan keluarga kami telah menderita kesusahan (kemarau), dan kami datang dengan membawa barang-barang yang kurang baik dan tidak berharga (untuk menjadi tukaran bagi benda-benda makanan negeri ini). Oleh itu, sempurnakanlah sukatan bekalan makanan bagi kami dan mendermalah kepada kami, sesungguhnya Allah membalas dengan sebaik-baik balasan kepada orang-orang yang bermurah hati menderma".
ثم { قال } لهم توبيخا { هل علمتم ما فعلتم بيوسف } من الضرب والبيع وغير ذلك { وأخيه } من هضمكم له بعد فراق أخيه { إذ أنتم جاهلون } ما يئول إليه أمر يوسف .
Qala hal AAalimtum mafaAAaltum biyoosufa waakheehi ith antum jahiloon
Sahih International
He said, "Do you know what you did with Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?"
Yusuf berkata: "Tahukah kamu (betapa buruknya) apa yang kamu telah lakukan kepada Yusuf dan adiknya, semasa kamu masih jahil (tentang buruknya perbuatan yang demikian)?"
{ قالوا } بعد أن عرفوه لما ظهر من شمائله متثبتين { أإنك } بتحقيق الهمزتين وتسهيل الثانية وإدخال ألف بينهما على الوجهين { لأنت يوسف قال أنا يوسف وهذا أخي قد منَّ } أنعم { الله علينا } بالاجتماع { إنه من يتق } يخف الله { ويصبر } على ما يناله { فإن الله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين } فيه وضع الظاهر موضع المضمر .
Qaloo a-innaka laanta yoosufa qalaana yoosufu wahatha akhee qad manna AllahuAAalayna innahu man yattaqi wayasbir fa-inna Allahala yudeeAAu ajra almuhsineen
Sahih International
They said, "Are you indeed Joseph?" He said "I am Joseph, and this is my brother. Allah has certainly favored us. Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good."
Mereka bertanya (dengan hairan): "Engkau ini Yusufkah? " Ia menjawab: "Akulah Yusuf dan ini adikku (Bunyamin). Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengurniakan nikmatNya kepada kami. Sebenarnya sesiapa yang bertaqwa dan bersabar, maka sesungguhnya Allah tidak menghilangkan pahala orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
{ قالوا تالله لقد آثرك } فضلك { الله علينا } بالملك وغيره { وإن } مخففة أي إنَّا { كنا لخاطئين } آثمين في أمرك فأذللناك .
Qaloo tallahi laqad atharakaAllahu AAalayna wa-in kunna lakhati-een
Sahih International
They said, "By Allah , certainly has Allah preferred you over us, and indeed, we have been sinners."
Mereka berkata: "Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya Allah telah melebihkan dan memuliakan engkau daripada kami (disebabkan taqwa dan kesabaranmu); dan sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang bersalah".
{ قال لا تثريب } عتب { عليكم اليوم } خصه بالذكر لأنه مظنة التثريب فغيره أولى { يغفر الله لكم وهو أرحم الراحمين } وسألهم عن أبيه فقالوا ذهبت عيناه فقال .
Qala la tathreeba AAalaykumualyawma yaghfiru Allahu lakum wahuwa arhamu arrahimeen
Sahih International
He said, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful."
Yusuf berkata: "Kamu pada hari ini tidak akan ditempelak atau disalahkan (tentang perbuatan kamu yang telah terlanjur itu), semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa kamu, dan Dia lah jua Yang Maha Mengasihani daripada segala yang lain yang mengasihani.
{ اذهبوا بقميصي هذا } وهو قميص إبراهيم الذي لبسه حين ألقي في النار كان في عنقه في الجب وهو من الجنة أمره جبريل بإرساله وقال إن فيه ريحها ولا يُلقى على مبتلًى إلا عوفي { فألقوه على وجه أبي يأت } يصر { بصيرا وائتوني بأهلكم أجمعين } .
Ithhaboo biqameesee hathafaalqoohu AAala wajhi abee ya/ti baseeran wa/tooneebi-ahlikum ajmaAAeen
Sahih International
Take this, my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father; he will become seeing. And bring me your family, all together."
Pergilah dengan membawa bajuku ini, kemudian letakkan pada muka ayahku supaya ia dapat melihat, dan selepas itu bawalah kepadaku keluarga kamu semuanya".
{ ولما فصلت العير } خرجت من عريش مصر { قال أبوهم } لمن حضر من بنيه وأولادهم { إني لأجد ريح يوسف } أوصلته إليه الصبا بإذنه تعالى من مسير ثلاثة أيام أو ثمانية أو أكثر { لولا أن تفندونِ } تسفهون لصدقتموني .
Walamma fasalati alAAeeru qalaaboohum innee laajidu reeha yoosufa lawla antufannidoon
Sahih International
And when the caravan departed [from Egypt], their father said, "Indeed, I find the smell of Joseph [and would say that he was alive] if you did not think me weakened in mind."
Dan semasa kafilah (mereka meninggalkan Mesir menunju ke tempat bapa mereka di Palestin), berkatalah bapa mereka (kepada kaum kerabatnya yang ada di sisinya): "Sesungguhnya aku ada terbau akan bau Yusuf. Jika kamu tidak menyangka aku sudah nyanyuk (tentulah kamu akan percaya)".
{ قالوا } له { تالله إنك لفي ضلالك } خطئك { القديم } من إفراطك في محبته ورجاء لقائه على بعد العهد .
Qaloo tallahi innakalafee dalalika alqadeem
Sahih International
They said, "By Allah , indeed you are in your [same] old error."
Mereka berkata: "Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya ayah masih berada dalam keadaan tidak siumanmu yang lama".
{ فلما أن } زائدة { جاء البشير } يهوذا بالقميص وكان قد حمل قميص الدم فأحب أن يفرحه كما أحزنه { ألقاه } طرح القميص { على وجهه فارتد } رجع { بصيرا قال ألم أقل لكم إني أعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون } .
Falamma an jaa albasheeru alqahuAAala wajhihi fartadda baseeran qalaalam aqul lakum innee aAAlamu mina Allahi ma lataAAlamoon
Sahih International
And when the bearer of good tidings arrived, he cast it over his face, and he returned [once again] seeing. He said, "Did I not tell you that I know from Allah that which you do not know?"
Maka sebaik-baik sahaja datang pembawa khabar berita yang mengembirakan itu, dia pun meletakkan baju Yusuf pada muka Nabi Yaakub, lalu menjadilah ia celik kembali seperti sediakala. Nabi Yaakub berkata: "Bukankah aku telah katakan kepada kamu, sesungguhnya aku mengetahui (dengan perantaraan wahyu) dari Allah akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya?"
{ قالوا يا أبانا استغفر لنا ذنوبنا إنا كنا خاطئين } .
Qaloo ya abanaistaghfir lana thunoobana inna kunnakhati-een
Sahih International
They said, "O our father, ask for us forgiveness of our sins; indeed, we have been sinners."
Mereka berkata: "Wahai ayah kami! Mintalah ampun bagi kami akan dosa-dosa kami; sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang bersalah".
{ قال سوف أستغفر لكم ربي إنه الغفور الرحيم } أخَّر ذلك إلى السحر ليكون أقرب إلى الإجابة أو إلى ليلة الجمعة ثم توجهوا إلى مصر وخرج يوسف والأكابر لتلقيهم .
Qala sawfa astaghfiru lakum rabbeeinnahu huwa alghafooru arraheem
Sahih International
He said, "I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
Nabi Yaakub berkata: "Aku akan meminta ampun bagi kamu dari Tuhanku; sesungguhnya Dia lah jua Yang Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani".
{ فلما دخلوا على يوسف } في مضربه { آوى } ضم { إليه أبويه } أباه وأمه أو خالته { وقال } لهم { ادخلوا مصر إن شاء الله آمنين } فدخلوا وجلس يوسف على سريره .
Falamma dakhaloo AAala yoosufaawa ilayhi abawayhi waqala odkhuloo misrain shaa Allahu amineen
Sahih International
And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his parents to himself and said, "Enter Egypt, Allah willing, safe [and secure]."
Maka ketika mereka (Nabi Yaakub dan keluarganya) masuk (ke Mesir) menemui Yusuf, Yusuf segera menyambut serta memeluk kedua ibu bapanya, sambil berkata: "Masuklah kamu ke negeri Mesir, insya Allah kamu berada di dalam aman.
{ ورفع أبويه } أحلهما معه { على العرش } السرير { وخروا } أي أبواه وإخوته { له سجدا } سجود انحناء لا وضع جبهة وكان تحيتهم في ذلك الزمان { وقال يا أبت هذا تأويل رؤياي من قبل قد جعلها ربي حقا وقد أحسن بي } إليَّ { إذ أخرجني من السجن } لم يقل من الحب تكرما لئلا تخجل إخوته { وجاء بكم من البدو } البادية { من بعد أن نزغ } أفسد { الشيطان بيني وبين إخوتي إن ربي لطيف لما يشاء إنه هو العليم } بخلقه { الحكيم } في صنعه وأقام عنده أبوه أربعا وعشرين سنة أو سبع عشرة سنة وكانت مدة فراقه ثماني عشرة أو أربعين أو ثمانين سنة وحضره الموت فوصى يوسف أن يحمله ويدفنه عند أبيه فمضى بنفسه ودفنه ثمة، ثم عاد إلى مصر وأقام بعده ثلاثا وعشرين سنة ولما تم أمره وعلم أنه لا يدوم تاقت نفسه إلى الملك الدائم فقال .
WarafaAAa abawayhi AAala alAAarshiwakharroo lahu sujjadan waqala ya abati hathata/weelu ru/yaya min qablu qad jaAAalaha rabbee haqqanwaqad ahsana bee ith akhrajanee mina assijniwajaa bikum mina albadwi min baAAdi an nazagha ashshaytanubaynee wabayna ikhwatee inna rabbee lateefun limayashao innahu huwa alAAaleemu alhakeem
Sahih International
And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, "O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.
Dan ia dudukkan kedua ibu bapanya (bersama-samanya) di atas kerusi kebesaran. Dan setelah itu mereka semuanya tunduk memberi hormat kepada Yusuf. Dan (pada saat itu) berkatalah Yusuf: "Wahai ayahku! Inilah dia tafsiran mimpiku dahulu. Sesungguhnya Allah telah menjadikan mimpiku itu benar. Dan sesungguhnya Ia telah melimpahkan kebaikan kepadaku ketika Ia mengeluarkan daku dari penjara; dan Ia membawa kamu ke mari dari dosa sesudah Syaitan (dengan hasutannya) merosakkan perhubungan antaraku dengan saudara-saudaraku. Sesungguhnya Tuhanku lemah-lembut tadbirNya bagi apa yang dikehendakiNya; sesungguhnya Dia lah yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
{ رب قد آتيتني من الملك وعلمتني من تأويل الأحاديث } تعبير الرؤيا { فاطر } خالق { السماوات والأرض أنت وليي } متولي مصالحي { في الدنيا والآخرة توفني مسلما وألحقني بالصالحين } من آبائي فعاش بعد ذلك أسبوعا أو أكثر ومات وله مائة وعشرون سنة وتشاح المصريون في قبره فجعلوه في صندوق من مرمر ودفنوه في أعلى النيل لتعم البركة جانبيه فسبحان من لا انقضاء لملكه .
Rabbi qad ataytanee mina almulkiwaAAallamtanee min ta/weeli al-ahadeethi fatira assamawatiwal-ardi anta waliyyee fee addunyawal-akhirati tawaffanee musliman waalhiqneebissaliheen
Sahih International
My Lord, You have given me [something] of sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of dreams. Creator of the heavens and earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim and join me with the righteous."
"Wahai Tuhanku! Sesungguhnya Engkau telah mengurniakan daku sebahagian dari kekuasaan (pemerintahan) dan mengajarku sebahagian dari ilmu tafsiran mimpi. Wahai Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi Engkau Penguasa dan Pelindungku di dunia dan di akhirat; sempurnakanlah ajalku (ketika mati) dalam keadaan Islam, dan hubungkanlah daku dengan orang-orang yang soleh".
{ ذلك } المذكور من أمر يوسف { من أنباء } أخبار { الغيب } ما غاب عنك يا محمد { نوحيه إليك وما كنت لديهم } لدى إخوة يوسف { إذ أجمعوا أمرهم } في كيده أي عزموا عليه { وهم يمكرون } به أي لم تحضرهم فتعرف قصتهم فتخبر بها وإنما حصل لك علمها من جهة الوحي.
Thalika min anba-i alghaybinooheehi ilayka wama kunta ladayhim ithajmaAAoo amrahum wahum yamkuroon
Sahih International
That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal, [O Muhammad], to you. And you were not with them when they put together their plan while they conspired.
(Kisah nabi Yusuf) yang demikian ialah dari berita-berita yang ghaib yang kami wahyukan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad), sedang engkau tidak ada bersama-sama mereka semasa mereka sekata mengambil keputusan (hendak membuang Yusuf ke dalam perigi) dan semasa mereka menjalankan rancangan jahat (terhadapnya untuk membinasakannya).
{ وما أكثر الناس } أي أهل مكة { ولو حرصت } على إيمانهم { بمؤمنين } .
Wama aktharu annasiwalaw harasta bimu/mineen
Sahih International
And most of the people, although you strive [for it], are not believers.
Dan kebanyakan manusia tidak akan beriman walaupun engkau terlalu ingin (supaya mereka beriman).
{ وما تسألهم عليه } أي القرآن { من أجر } تأخذه { إن } ما { هو } أي القرآن { إلا ذكر } عظة { للعالمين } .
Wama tas-aluhum AAalayhi min ajrinin huwa illa thikrun lilAAalameen
Sahih International
And you do not ask of them for it any payment. It is not except a reminder to the worlds.
Padahal engkau tidak meminta kepada mereka sebarang upah tentang ajaran Al-Quran, sedang Al-Quran itu tidak lain hanyalah peringatan dan pengajaran dari Allah bagi umat manusia seluruhnya.
{ وكأين } وكم { من آية } دالة على وحدانية الله { في السماوات والأرض يمرون عليها } يشاهدونها { وهم عنها معرضون } لا يتفكرون بها .
Wakaayyin min ayatin fee assamawatiwal-ardi yamurroona AAalayha wahum AAanhamuAAridoon
Sahih International
And how many a sign within the heavens and earth do they pass over while they, therefrom, are turning away.
Dan berapa banyak tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah di langit dan di bumi yang mereka menyaksikannya berulang-ulang semasa mereka pagi dan datang, sedang mereka tidak juga menghiraukan dan memikirkannya.
{ وما يؤمن أكثرهم بالله } حيث يقرون بأنه الخالق الرزاق { إلا وهم مشركون } به بعبادة الأصنام ولذا كانوا يقولون في تلبيتهم: لبيك لا شريك لك، إلا شريكا هو لك، تملكه وما ملك يعنونها .
Wama yu/minu aktharuhum billahiilla wahum mushrikoon
Sahih International
And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate others with Him.
Dan (orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah), kebanyakan mereka tidak beriman kepada Allah melainkan mereka mempersekutukannya juga dengan yang lain.
{ أفأمِنوا أن تأتيهم غاشية } نقمة تغشاهم { من عذاب الله أو تأتيهم الساعة بغتة } فجأة { وهم لا يشعرون } بوقت إتيانها قبله .
Afaaminoo an ta/tiyahum ghashiyatunmin AAathabi Allahi aw ta/tiyahumu assaAAatubaghtatan wahum la yashAAuroon
Sahih International
Then do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming [aspect] of the punishment of Allah or that the Hour will not come upon them suddenly while they do not perceive?
(Mengapa mereka bersikap demikian?) Adakah mereka merasa aman dari didatangi azab Allah yang meliputi mereka, atau didatangi hari kiamat secara mengejut, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya?
{ قل } لهم { هذه سبيلي } وفسرها بقوله { أدعو إلى } دين { الله على بصيرة } حجة واضحة { أنا ومن أتبعني } آمن بي عطف على أنا المبتدأ المخبر عنه بما قبله { وسبحان الله } تنزيها له عن الشركاء { وما أنا من المشركين } من جملة سبيله أيضا .
Qul hathihi sabeelee adAAoo ilaAllahi AAala baseeratin ana wamaniittabaAAanee wasubhana Allahi wama anamina almushrikeen
Sahih International
Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah ; and I am not of those who associate others with Him."
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Inilah jalanku, aku dan orang-orang yang menurutku, menyeru manusia umumnya kepada ugama Allah dengan berdasarkan keterangan dan bukti yang jelas nyata. Dan aku menegaskan: Maha suci Allah (dari segala iktiqad dan perbuatan syirik); dan bukanlah aku dari golongan yang mempersekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu yang lain."
{ وما أرسلنا من قبلك إلا رجالا يوحى } وفي قراءة بالنون وكسر الحاء { إليهم } لا ملائكة { من أهل القرى } الأمصار لأنهم أعلم وأحلم بخلاف أهل البوادي لجفائهم وجهلهم { أفلم يسيروا } أهل مكة { في الأرض فينظروا كيف كان عاقبة الذين من قبلهم } أي آخر أمرهم من إهلاكهم بتكذيبهم رسلهم { ولدار الآخرة } أي الجنة { خير للذين اتقوا } الله { أفلا تعقلون } بالياء والتاء يا أهل مكة هذا فتؤمنون .
Wama arsalna min qablika illarijalan noohee ilayhim min ahli alquraafalam yaseeroo fee al-ardi fayanthurookayfa kana AAaqibatu allatheena min qablihimwaladaru al-akhirati khayrun lillatheenaittaqaw afala taAAqiloon
Sahih International
And We sent not before you [as messengers] except men to whom We revealed from among the people of cities. So have they not traveled through the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah ; then will you not reason?
Dan tiadalah Kami mengutus Rasul - sebelummu (wahai Muhammad) melainkan orang-orang lelaki dari penduduk bandar, yang kami wahyukan kepada mereka. Maka mengapa orang-orang (yang tidak mahu beriman) itu tidak mengembara di muka bumi, supaya memerhatikan bagaimana akibat orang-orang kafir yang terdahulu dari mereka? Dan (ingatlah) sesungguhnya negeri akhirat lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. Oleh itu, mengapa kamu (wahai manusia) tidak mahu memikirkannya?
{ حتى } غاية لما دل عليه (وما أرسلنا من قبلك إلا رجالا) أي فتراخى نصرهم حتى { إذا استيئس } يئس { الرسل وظنوا } أيقن الرسل { أنهم قد كذِّبوا } بالتشديد تكذيبا لا إيمان بعده والتخفيف أي ظن الأمم أن الرسل أخلفوا ما وعدوا به من النصر { جاءهم نصرنا فَنُنَجِّي } بنونين مشددا ومخففا وبنون مشددا ماض { من نشاء ولا يرد بأسنا } عذابنا { عن القوم المجرمين } المشركين .
Hatta itha istay-asa arrusuluwathannoo annahum qad kuthiboo jaahumnasruna fanujjiya man nashao walayuraddu ba/suna AAani alqawmi almujrimeen
Sahih International
[They continued] until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals.
(Orang-orang yang mendustakan ugama Allah itu telah diberi tempoh yang lanjut sebelum ditimpakan dengan azab) hingga apabila Rasul-rasul berputus asa terhadap kaumnya yang ingkar dan menyangka bahawa mereka telah disifatkan oleh kaumnya sebagai orang-orang yang berdusta, datanglah pertolongan Kami kepada mereka, lalu diselamatkanlah sesiapa yang Kami kehendaki. Dan (ingatlah bahawa) azab Kami tidak akan dapat ditolak oleh sesiapapun daripada menimpa kaum yang berdosa.
{ لقد كان في قصصهم } أي الرسل { عبرة لأولي الألباب } أصحاب العقول { ما كان } هذا القرآن { حديثا يفترى } يختلق { ولكن } كان { تصديق الذي بين يديه } قبله من الكتب { وتفصيل } تبيين { كل شيء } يحتاج إليه في الدين { وهدى } من الضلالة { ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون } خصوا بالذكر لانتفاعهم به دون غيرهم .
Laqad kana fee qasasihimAAibratun li-olee al-albabi ma kana hadeethanyuftara walakin tasdeeqa allatheebayna yadayhi watafseela kulli shay-in wahudan warahmatanliqawmin yu/minoon
Sahih International
There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qur'an a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.
Demi sesungguhnya, kisah Nabi-nabi itu mengandungi pelajaran yang mendatangkan iktibar bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai akal fikiran. (Kisah Nabi-nabi yang terkandung dalam Al-Quran) bukanlah ia cerita-cerita yang diada-adakan, tetapi ia mengesahkan apa yang tersebut di dalam Kitab-kitab ugama yang terdahulu daripadanya, dan ia sebagai keterangan yang menjelaskan tiap-tiap sesuatu, serta menjadi hidayah petunjuk dan rahmat bagi kaum yang (mahu) beriman.
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12. Yusuf Introduction
When and Why Revealed?
The subject matter of this Surah indicates that it was revealed during the last stage of the Holy Prophet’s residence at Makkah, when the Quraish were considering the question of killing or exiling or imprisoning him.
At that time some of the unbelievers put this question (probably at the instigation of the Jews) to test him: "Why did the Israelites go to Egypt?” This question was asked because they knew that their story was not known to the Arabs for there was no mention of it whatever in their traditions and the Holy Prophet had never even referred to it before.
Therefore they expected that he would not be able to give any satisfactory answer to this question or would first evade it, and afterwards try to enquire about it from some Jew, and thus he would be totally exposed.
But, contrary to their expectations, the tables were turned on them, for Allah revealed the whole story of Prophet Joseph then and there, and the Holy Prophet recited it on the spot.
This put the Quraish in a very awkward position because it not only foiled their scheme but also administered a warning to them by aptly applying it to their case, as if to say, “As you are behaving towards this Prophet, exactly in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph behaved towards him; so you shall meet with the same end.”
At that time some of the unbelievers put this question (probably at the instigation of the Jews) to test him: "Why did the Israelites go to Egypt?” This question was asked because they knew that their story was not known to the Arabs for there was no mention of it whatever in their traditions and the Holy Prophet had never even referred to it before.
Therefore they expected that he would not be able to give any satisfactory answer to this question or would first evade it, and afterwards try to enquire about it from some Jew, and thus he would be totally exposed.
But, contrary to their expectations, the tables were turned on them, for Allah revealed the whole story of Prophet Joseph then and there, and the Holy Prophet recited it on the spot.
This put the Quraish in a very awkward position because it not only foiled their scheme but also administered a warning to them by aptly applying it to their case, as if to say, “As you are behaving towards this Prophet, exactly in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph behaved towards him; so you shall meet with the same end.”
Objects of Revelation
From the above it is clear that this Surah was sent down for 2 objects:
The first object was to give the proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him), and that too, the one demanded by the opponents themselves so as to prove conclusively that his knowledge was not based on mere hearsay, but was gained through Revelation. This aspect has been stated explicitly in its introductory verses and explained plainly in its concluding portion.
The second object was to apply it to the Quraish and warn them that ultimately the conflict between them and the Holy Prophet would end in his victory over them. As they were then persecuting their brother, the Holy Prophet, in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph had treated him.
The Quraish were told indirectly that they would also fail in their evil designs just as the brothers of Prophet Joseph had failed in his case, even after casting him into the well. This is because none has the power to defeat the Divine will.
And just as the brothers of Prophet Joseph had to humble themselves before him, so one day the Quraish shall have to beg forgiveness from their brother whom they were then trying to crush down. This, too, has been made quite plain in v. 7: “Indeed there are signs in this story of Joseph and his brothers for these inquirers from among the Quraish.”
The Quraish were told indirectly that they would also fail in their evil designs just as the brothers of Prophet Joseph had failed in his case, even after casting him into the well. This is because none has the power to defeat the Divine will.
And just as the brothers of Prophet Joseph had to humble themselves before him, so one day the Quraish shall have to beg forgiveness from their brother whom they were then trying to crush down. This, too, has been made quite plain in v. 7: “Indeed there are signs in this story of Joseph and his brothers for these inquirers from among the Quraish.”
The fact is that by applying this story to the conflict, the Quran had made a bold and clear prophecy, which was fulfilled literally by the events that happened in the succeeding ten years. Hardly two years had passed after its revelation, when the Quraish conspired to kill the Holy Prophet like the brothers of Prophet Joseph, and he had to emigrate from Makkah to Al Madinah, where he gained the same kind of power as Prophet Joseph had gained in Egypt.
Again, in the end the Quraish had to humble themselves before him just like the brothers of Prophet Joseph, when they humbly requested, “Show mercy to us for Allah rewards richly those who show mercy” (V. 88), and Prophet Joseph generously forgave them, (though he had complete power to wreak vengeance on them,) saying,” today no penalty shall be inflicted on you. May Allah forgive you:He is the greatest of all those who forgive” (V. 92).
The same story of mercy was repeated, when after the conquest of Makkah, the crest fallen Quraish stood meekly before the Holy Prophet, who had full power to wreak his vengeance on them for each and every cruelty committed by them. But instead, he merely asked them, “What treatment do you expect from me now?”
They replied, “You are a generous brother and the son of a generous brother.” At this, he very generously forgave them, saying, “I will give the same answer to your request that Joseph gave to his brothers: ‘. . . today, no penalty shall be inflicted on you: you are forgiven.”
Again, in the end the Quraish had to humble themselves before him just like the brothers of Prophet Joseph, when they humbly requested, “Show mercy to us for Allah rewards richly those who show mercy” (V. 88), and Prophet Joseph generously forgave them, (though he had complete power to wreak vengeance on them,) saying,” today no penalty shall be inflicted on you. May Allah forgive you:He is the greatest of all those who forgive” (V. 92).
The same story of mercy was repeated, when after the conquest of Makkah, the crest fallen Quraish stood meekly before the Holy Prophet, who had full power to wreak his vengeance on them for each and every cruelty committed by them. But instead, he merely asked them, “What treatment do you expect from me now?”
They replied, “You are a generous brother and the son of a generous brother.” At this, he very generously forgave them, saying, “I will give the same answer to your request that Joseph gave to his brothers: ‘. . . today, no penalty shall be inflicted on you: you are forgiven.”
Topics of Discussion
Moreover, the Quran does not relate this story as a mere narrative but uses it, as usual, for the propagation of the Message in the following ways:-
Throughout the narrative the Quran has made it clear that the Faith of Prophets Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph (Allah’s peace be upon them all) was the same as that of Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) and they invited the people to the same Message to which Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) was inviting them.
Then it places the characters of Prophet Jacob and Prophet Joseph side by side with the characters of the brothers of Joseph, the members of the trade caravan, the court dignitary; Al Aziz of Egypt and his wife, the “ladies” of Egypt and the rulers of Egypt and poses a silent question to the reader, as if to say, “Contrast the former characters moulded by Islam on the bedrock of the worship of Allah and accountability in the Hereafter with the latter moulded by kufr and “ignorance” on the worship of the world and disregard of Allah and the Hereafter, and decide for yourselves which of these two patterns you would choose.”
The Quran has used this story to bring forth another truth: whatever Allah wills, He fulfills it anyhow, and man can never defeat His plan with his counterplans nor prevent it from happening nor change it in any way whatever. Nay, it often so happens that man adopts some measure to fulfill his own design and believes that he has done that very thing which would fulfill his design, but in the end he finds to his dismay that he had done something which was against his own and conducive to the Divine purpose.
When the brothers of Prophet Joseph cast him into the well, they believed that they had once for all got rid of the obstacle in their way but in fact, they had paved the way for the Divine purpose of making him the ruler of Egypt, before whom they would have to humble themselves in the end.
Likewise, the wife of Aziz had sent Prophet Joseph to the prison, floating over the thought that she had wreaked her vengeance on him, but, in fact, she had provided for him the opportunity for becoming the ruler of Egypt and for putting herself to the shame of confessing her own sin publicly.
When the brothers of Prophet Joseph cast him into the well, they believed that they had once for all got rid of the obstacle in their way but in fact, they had paved the way for the Divine purpose of making him the ruler of Egypt, before whom they would have to humble themselves in the end.
Likewise, the wife of Aziz had sent Prophet Joseph to the prison, floating over the thought that she had wreaked her vengeance on him, but, in fact, she had provided for him the opportunity for becoming the ruler of Egypt and for putting herself to the shame of confessing her own sin publicly.
And these are not the solitary instances which prove the truth that even if the whole world united to bring about the down fall of the one whom Allah willed to raise high, it could not succeed. Nay, the very “sure and effective” measures that were adopted by the brothers to degrade Joseph were used by Allah for the success of Joseph and for the humiliation and disgrace of his brothers.
On the other hand, if Allah willed the fall of one, no measure, howsoever effective, could raise him high : nay, it helped to bring about his fall and the disgrace of those who adopted them.
On the other hand, if Allah willed the fall of one, no measure, howsoever effective, could raise him high : nay, it helped to bring about his fall and the disgrace of those who adopted them.
Moreover, the story contains other lessons for those who intend to follow the way of Allah. The first lesson it teaches is that one should remain within the limits, prescribed by the Divine Law, in one’s aims and objects and measures, for success and failure are entirely in the hands of Allah.
Therefore if one adopts pure aims and lawful measures but fails, at least one will escape ignominy and disgrace. On the other hand, the one who adopts an impure aim and unlawful measures to achieve it, shall not only inevitably meet with ignominy and disgrace in the Hereafter, but also runs the risk of ignominy and disgrace in this world.
Therefore if one adopts pure aims and lawful measures but fails, at least one will escape ignominy and disgrace. On the other hand, the one who adopts an impure aim and unlawful measures to achieve it, shall not only inevitably meet with ignominy and disgrace in the Hereafter, but also runs the risk of ignominy and disgrace in this world.
The second lesson it teaches is that those who exert for the cause of truth and righteousness and put their trust in Allah and entrust all their affairs to Him, get consolation and comfort from Him, for this helps them face their opponents with confidence and courage and they do not lose heart, when they encounter the apparently terrifying measures of the powerful enemies. They will persevere in their task without fear and leave the results to Allah.
But the greatest lesson this story teaches is that if the Believer possesses true Islamic character and is endowed with wisdom, he can conquer a whole country with the strength of his character alone. The marvelous example of Prophet Joseph teaches us that a man of high and pure character comes out successful even under the most adverse circumstances.
When Prophet Joseph went to Egypt, he was only a lad of seventeen years, a foreigner, all alone and without any provisions; nay, he had been sold there as a slave. And the horrible condition of the slaves during that period is known to every student of history. Then he was charged with a heinous moral Crime and sent to prison for an indefinite term. But throughout this period of affliction, he evinced the highest moral qualities which raised him to the highest rank in the country.
When Prophet Joseph went to Egypt, he was only a lad of seventeen years, a foreigner, all alone and without any provisions; nay, he had been sold there as a slave. And the horrible condition of the slaves during that period is known to every student of history. Then he was charged with a heinous moral Crime and sent to prison for an indefinite term. But throughout this period of affliction, he evinced the highest moral qualities which raised him to the highest rank in the country.
Historical and Geographical Background
The following historical and geographical details will help understand the story:-
Prophet Joseph was a son of Prophet Jacob and a grandson of Prophet Isaac and a great grandson of Prophet Abraham (Allah’s peace be upon them all). The Bible says (and the allusions in the Quran also confirm this) that Prophet Jacob had twelve sons from four wives.
Prophet Joseph and his younger brother Benjamin were from one wife and the other ten from the other wives. Prophet Jacob had settled at Hebron (Palestine) where his father Prophet Isaac and before him Prophet Abraham lived and owned a piece of land at Shechem as well.
Prophet Joseph and his younger brother Benjamin were from one wife and the other ten from the other wives. Prophet Jacob had settled at Hebron (Palestine) where his father Prophet Isaac and before him Prophet Abraham lived and owned a piece of land at Shechem as well.
According to the research scholars of the Bible, Prophet Joseph was born in or about 906 B. C. and the incident with which this story begins happened in or about 890 B. C. He was seventeen when he saw the dream and was thrown into the well.
This well was near Dothan to the north of Shechem according to Biblical and Talmudic traditions, and the caravan, which took him out of the well, was coming from Gilead (Trans-Jordan), and was on its way to Egypt.
This well was near Dothan to the north of Shechem according to Biblical and Talmudic traditions, and the caravan, which took him out of the well, was coming from Gilead (Trans-Jordan), and was on its way to Egypt.
At that time Fifteenth Dynasty ruled over Egypt, whose rulers are known in history as the Hyksos kings. They belonged to the Arab race, but had migrated from Palestine and Syria to Egypt in or about 2000 B. C. and taken possession of the country.
The Arab historians and the commentators of the Quran have given them the name of Amaliq (the Amalekites), and this has been corroborated by the recent researches made by the Egyptologists. They were foreign invaders who had got the opportunity of establishing their kingdom because of the internal feuds in the country.
That is why there was no prejudice in the way of Prophet Joseph’s ascendancy to power and in the subsequent settlement of the Children of Israel in the most fertile region of Egypt. They could gain that power and influence which they did, because they belonged to the same race as the foreign rulers of Egypt.
The Arab historians and the commentators of the Quran have given them the name of Amaliq (the Amalekites), and this has been corroborated by the recent researches made by the Egyptologists. They were foreign invaders who had got the opportunity of establishing their kingdom because of the internal feuds in the country.
That is why there was no prejudice in the way of Prophet Joseph’s ascendancy to power and in the subsequent settlement of the Children of Israel in the most fertile region of Egypt. They could gain that power and influence which they did, because they belonged to the same race as the foreign rulers of Egypt.
The Hyksos ruled over Egypt up to the end of the fifteenth century B. C., and practically all the powers remained in the hands of the Israelites. The Quran has made a reference to this in v. 20 of Al-Ma’idah: . . . He raised Prophets among you and made you rulers. . ., Then there arose a great nationalist movement which overthrew the power of this dynasty and exiled 250,000 or so of the Amalekites.
As a result of this, a very bigoted dynasty of Copts came into power and uprooted everything connected with the Amalekites. Then started that persecution of the Israelites which has been mentioned in connection with the story of Prophet Moses.
As a result of this, a very bigoted dynasty of Copts came into power and uprooted everything connected with the Amalekites. Then started that persecution of the Israelites which has been mentioned in connection with the story of Prophet Moses.
We also learn from the history of Egypt that the “Hyksos kings” did not acknowledge the gods of Egypt and, therefore, had imported their own gods from Syria, with a view to spreading their own religion in Egypt.
This is the reason why the Quran has not called the king who was the contemporary of Prophet Joseph by the title of “Pharaoh,” because this title was associated with the religion of the original people of Egypt and the Hyksos did not believe in it, but the Bible erroneously calls him “Pharaoh”. It appears that the editors of the Bible had the misunderstanding that all the kings of Egypt were “Pharaohs.”
This is the reason why the Quran has not called the king who was the contemporary of Prophet Joseph by the title of “Pharaoh,” because this title was associated with the religion of the original people of Egypt and the Hyksos did not believe in it, but the Bible erroneously calls him “Pharaoh”. It appears that the editors of the Bible had the misunderstanding that all the kings of Egypt were “Pharaohs.”
The modern research scholars who have made a comparative study of the Bible and the Egyptian history are generally of the opinion that Apophis was the Hyksos king, who was the contemporary of Prophet Joseph.
At that time Memphis was the capital of Egypt, whose ruins are still found on the Nile at a distance of 4 miles south of Cairo. When Prophet Joseph was taken there, he was 17 or 18 years old. He remained in the house of Aziz for three years and spent 9 years in prison, and then became the ruler of the land at the age of 30 and ruled over Egypt independently for 8 years.
In the ninth or tenth year of his rule he sent for his father, Prophet Jacob, to come from Palestine to Egypt with all the members of his family and, according to the Bible, settled them in the land of Goshen, where they lived up to the time of Prophet Moses.
The Bible says that before his death, Prophet Joseph bound his kindred by an oath: “when you return from this country to the house of your forefathers you must take my bones out of this country with you. So he died a 110 years old, and they embalmed him . . .”
In the ninth or tenth year of his rule he sent for his father, Prophet Jacob, to come from Palestine to Egypt with all the members of his family and, according to the Bible, settled them in the land of Goshen, where they lived up to the time of Prophet Moses.
The Bible says that before his death, Prophet Joseph bound his kindred by an oath: “when you return from this country to the house of your forefathers you must take my bones out of this country with you. So he died a 110 years old, and they embalmed him . . .”
Though the story of Prophet Joseph as given in the Quran differs very much in its details from that given in the Bible and the Talmud, the 3 generally agree in regard to its component parts. We shall explain the differences, when and where necessary, in our Explanatory Notes.
Tags: Yusuf