Surah Ţaha (Ta-Ha) - سورة طه



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{طه} الله أعلم بمراده بذلك.
Sahih International
Ta, Ha.
Taa' Haa.
{ ما أنزلنا عليك القرآن } يا محمد { لتشقى } لتتعب بما فعلت بعد نزوله من طول قيامك بصلاة الليل أي خفف عن نفسك .
Ma anzalna AAalayka alqur-analitashqa
Sahih International
We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed
Kami tidak menurunkan Al-Quran kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) supaya engkau menanggung kesusahan.
{ إلا } لكن أنزلناه { تذكرة } به { لمن يخشى } يخاف الله .
Illa tathkiratan liman yakhsha
Sahih International
But only as a reminder for those who fear [ Allah ] -
Hanya untuk menjadi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang takut melanggar perintah. Allah
{ تنزيلا } بدل من اللفظ بفعله الناصب له { ممن خلق الأرض والسماوات العلى } جمع عليا ككبرى وكبر .
Tanzeelan mimman khalaqa al-arda wassamawatialAAula
Sahih International
A revelation from He who created the earth and highest heavens,
(Al-Quran) diturunkan dari (Tuhan) yang menciptakan bumi dan langit yang tinggi.
هو { الرحمن على العرش } وهو في اللغة سرير الملك { استوى } اكتفاء يليق به .
Arrahmanu AAalaalAAarshi istawa
Sahih International
The Most Merciful [who is] above the Throne established.
Iaitu (Allah) Ar-Rahman, yang bersemayam di atas Arasy.
{ له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وما بينهما } من المخلوقات { وما تحت الثرى } هو التراب الندي، والمراد الأرضون السبع لأنها تحته .
Lahu ma fee assamawatiwama fee al-ardi wama baynahuma wamatahta aththara
Sahih International
To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is on the earth and what is between them and what is under the soil.
Dia lah jua yang memiliki segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi serta yang ada di antara keduanya dan juga yang ada di bawah tanah basah di perut bumi.
{ وإن تجهر بالقول } في ذكر أو دعاء فالله غني عن الجهر به { فإنه يعلم السر وأخفى } منه: أي ما حدثت به النفس وما خطر ولم تحدث به فلا تجهد نفسك بالجهر .
Wa-in tajhar bilqawli fa-innahuyaAAlamu assirra waakhfa
Sahih International
And if you speak aloud - then indeed, He knows the secret and what is [even] more hidden.
Dan jika engkau menyaringkan suara dengan doa permohonanmu, (maka yang demikian tidaklah perlu), kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui segala rahsia dan segala yang tersembunyi.
{ الله لا إله إلى هو له الأسماء الحسنى } التسعة والتسعون الوارد بها الحديث والحسنى مؤنث الأحسن .
Allahu la ilaha illahuwa lahu al-asmao alhusna
Sahih International
Allah - there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names.
Allah! Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Dia, bagiNyalah segala nama yang baik.
{ وهل } قد { أتاك حديث موسى } .
Wahal ataka hadeethu moosa
Sahih International
And has the story of Moses reached you? -
Dan sudahkah sampai kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) perihal Nabi Musa?
{ إذا رأى نارا فقال لأهله } لامرأته { امكثوا } هنا، وذلك في مسيره من مدين طالبا مصر { إني آنست } أبصرت { نارا لعلي آتيكم منها بقبس } بشعلة في رأس فتيلة أو عود { أو أجد على النار هدى } أي هاديا يدلني على الطريق وكان أخطأها لظلمة الليل، وقال لعل لعدم الجزم بوفاء الوعد .
Ith raa naran faqalali-ahlihi omkuthoo innee anastu naran laAAallee ateekumminha biqabasin aw ajidu AAala annarihuda
Sahih International
When he saw a fire and said to his family, "Stay here; indeed, I have perceived a fire; perhaps I can bring you a torch or find at the fire some guidance."
Ketika ia melihat api, lalu berkatalah ia kepada isterinya: "Berhentilah! Sesungguhnya aku ada melihat api semoga aku dapat membawa kepada kamu satu cucuhan daripadanya, atau aku dapat di tempat api itu: penunjuk jalan.
{ فلما أتاها } وهي شجرة عوسج { نُوديَ يا موسى } .
Falamma ataha noodiya yamoosa
Sahih International
And when he came to it, he was called, "O Moses,
Maka apabila ia sampai ke tempat api itu (kedengaran) ia diseru: "Wahai Musa! " -
{ إني } بكسر الهمزة بتأويل نودي بقيل وفتحها بتقدير الباء { أنا } تأكيد لياء المتكلم { ربُّك فاخلع نعليك إنك بالواد المقدس } المطهر أو المبارك { طُوى } بدل أو عطف بيان، بالتنوين وتركه مصروف باعتبار المكان وغير مصروف لتأنيث باعتبار البقعة مع العلمية .
Innee ana rabbuka fakhlaAAnaAAlayka innaka bilwadi almuqaddasi tuwa
Sahih International
Indeed, I am your Lord, so remove your sandals. Indeed, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.
"Sesungguhnya Aku Tuhanmu! Maka bukalah kasutmu, kerana engkau sekarang berada di Wadi Tuwa yang suci.
{ وأنا اخترتك } من قومك { فاستمع لما يُوحى } إليك مني .
Waana ikhtartuka fastamiAAlima yooha
Sahih International
And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed [to you].
"Dan Aku telah memilihmu menjadi Rasul maka dengarlah apa yang akan diwahyukan kepadamu.
{ إنني أنا الله لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدني وأقم لصلاة لذكري } فيها .
Innanee ana Allahu lailaha illa ana faAAbudnee waaqimi assalatalithikree
Sahih International
Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.
"Sesungguhnya Akulah Allah; tiada tuhan melainkan Aku; oleh itu, sembahlah akan Daku, dan dirikanlah sembahyang untuk mengingati Daku.
{ إن الساعة آتية أكاد أخفيها } عن الناس ويظهر لهم قربها بعلاماتها { لتجزى } فيها { كل نفس بما تسعى } به من خير أو شر .
Inna assaAAata atiyatunakadu okhfeeha litujza kullu nafsin bimatasAAa
Sahih International
Indeed, the Hour is coming - I almost conceal it - so that every soul may be recompensed according to that for which it strives.
"Sesungguhnya hari kiamat itu tetap akan datang - yang Aku sengaja sembunyikan masa datangnya - supaya tiap-tiap diri dibalas akan apa yang ia usahakan.
{ فلا يَصُدنَّكَ } يصرفنَّك { عنها } أي عن الإيمان بها { من لا يؤمن بها واتبع هواه } في إنكارها { فَتَردى } أي فتهلك إن صددت عنها .
Fala yasuddannaka AAanhaman la yu/minu biha wattabaAAa hawahufatarda
Sahih International
So do not let one avert you from it who does not believe in it and follows his desire, for you [then] would perish.
"Maka janganlah engkau dihalangi daripada mempercayainya oleh orang yang tidak beriman kepadanya serta ia menurut hawa nafsunya; kerana dengan itu engkau akan binasa.
{ وما تلك } كائنة { بيمينك يا موسى } الاستفهام للتقرير ليرتب عليه المعجزة فيها .
Wama tilka biyameenika ya moosa
Sahih International
And what is that in your right hand, O Moses?"
"Dan apa (bendanya) yang di tangan kananmu itu wahai Musa?"
{ قال هي عصاي أتوكَّأ } أعتمد { عليها } عند الوثوب والمشي { وأهش } أخبط ورق الشجر { بها } ليسقط { على غنمي } فتأكله { ولي فيها مآرب } جمع مأربة مثلث الراء أي: حوائج { أخرى } كحمل الزاد والسقاء وطرد الهوام زاد في الجواب بيان حاجاته بها .
Qala hiya AAasaya atawakkaoAAalayha waahushshu biha AAala ghanameewaliya feeha maaribu okhra
Sahih International
He said, "It is my staff; I lean upon it, and I bring down leaves for my sheep and I have therein other uses."
Nabi Musa menjawab: "Ini ialah tongkatku; aku bertekan atasnya semasa, berjalan, dan aku memukul dengannya daun-daun kayu supaya gugur kepada kambing-kambingku, dan ada lagi lain-lain keperluanku pada tongkat itu".
{ قال ألقها يا موسى } .
Qala alqiha ya moosa
Sahih International
[ Allah ] said, "Throw it down, O Moses."
Allah Taala berfirman: "Campakkanlah tongkatmu itu wahai Musa!"
{ فألقاها فإذا هي حية } ثعبان عظيم { تسعى } تمشي على بطنها سريعا كسرعة الثعبان الصغير المسمى بالجان المعبر به فيها في آية أخرى .
Faalqaha fa-itha hiya hayyatuntasAAa
Sahih International
So he threw it down, and thereupon it was a snake, moving swiftly.
Lalu ia mencampakkannya, maka tiba-tiba tongkatnya itu menjadi seekor ular yang bergerak menjalar.
{ قال خذها ولا تخف } منها { سنعيدها سيرتها } منصوب بنزع الخافض أي: إلى حالتها { الأولى } فأدخل يده في فمها فعادت عصا، فتبين أن موضع الإدخال موضع مسكها بين شعبتيها، وأي ذلك السيد موسى لئلا يجزع إذا انقلبت حية لدى فرعون .
Qala khuthha walatakhaf sanuAAeeduha seerataha al-oola
Sahih International
[ Allah ] said, "Seize it and fear not; We will return it to its former condition.
Allah berfirman: "Tangkaplah akan dia, dan janganlah engkau takut, Kami akan mengembalikannya kepada keadaannya yang asal.
{ واضمم يدك } اليمنى بمعنى الكف { إلى جناحك } أي جنبك الأيسر تحت العضد إلى الإبط وأخرجها { تخرج } خلاف ما كانت عليه من الأدمة { بيضاء من غير سوءٍ } أي بَرَص تضيء كشعاع الشمس تغشى البصر { آية أخرى } وهي بيضاء حالان من ضمير تخرج .
Wadmum yadaka ila janahikatakhruj baydaa min ghayri soo-in ayatan okhra
Sahih International
And draw in your hand to your side; it will come out white without disease - another sign,
"Dan kepitlah tanganmu di celah lambungmu; nescaya keluarlah ia putih bersinar-sinar dengan tidak ada cacat; sebagai satu mukjizat yang lain.
{ لنريك } بها إذا فعلت ذلك لإظهارها { من آياتنا } الآية { الكبرى } أي العظمى على رسالتك، وإذا أراد عودها إلى حالتها الأولى ضمها إلى جناحه كما تقدم وأخرجها .
Linuriyaka min ayatinaalkubra
Sahih International
That We may show you [some] of Our greater signs.
"(Berlakunya yang demikian itu) kerana Kami hendak memperlihatkan kepadamu sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami yang besar.
{ اذهب } رسولا { إلى فرعون } ومن معه { إنه طغى } جاوز الحد في كفره إلى ادعاء الإلهية .
Ithhab ila firAAawna innahu tagha
Sahih International
Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed."
"Pergilah kepada Firaun, sesungguhnya ia telah melampaui batas".
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
20. Ta-ha Introduction
This Surah takes its name from its “first word “Ta Ha“. This name, like the names of many other Surahs, is merely symbolic.
Period of Revelation
The period of its revelation is the same as of Surah Maryam. It is just possible that it was sent down during the Migration to Habash or just after it. Anyhow, it is certain that this Surah was revealed before Hadrat Umar embraced Islam.
According to a well known and authentic tradition when Hadrat Umar set out to kill the Holy Prophet, he met a certain person, who said, “Before you do anything else, you should know that your own sister and brother-in-law have embraced Islam” Hearing this, he directly went to the house of his sister. There he found his sister, Fatimah, and his brother-in-law, Said bin Zaid, learning the contents of a scroll from Khabbab bin Art. When Fatimah saw him coming she hid the scroll at once, but Hadrat Umar had heard the recital, so he began to interrogate them about it. Then he began to thrash his brother-in-law, and wounded his sister, who tried to protect him. At last both of them confessed, “We have become Muslims; you may do whatever you like.” As Hadrat Umar was moved to see blood running down from her head, he said, “Show me the thing you were reading.” The sister asked him to promise on oath that he would not tear it, and added, “You cannot touch it unless you have a bath.” Accordingly, Hadrat Umar took his bath and when he began to read the scroll, which contained this Surah, he spontaneously spoke out, “What an excellent thing!” At this Hadrat Khabbab, who had hidden himself at the sound of his footsteps, came out of his hiding and said, “By God, I have high expectations that Allah will get great service from you to propagate the Message of His Prophet, for just yesterday I heard the Holy Prophet praying to Allah, ‘My Lord, make Abul Hakam bin Hisham (Abu Jahl) or Umar bin Khattab a supporter of Islam. So O Umar, turn to Allah, turn to Allah.” These words proved to be so persuasive that he at once accompanied Hadrat Khabbab and went to the Holy Prophet to embrace Islam. This happened a short time after the Migration to Habash.
Theme and Topics of Discussion
This Surah begins with the enunciation of the object of the Revelation of the Qur’an to this effect:”O Muhammad, this Quran has not been sent down to you to put you unnecessarily to some great affliction. It does not demand from you to perform the impossible task of imbuing the hearts of the obdurate disbelievers with Faith. It is merely an admonition meant to guide on to the Right Path those who fear God and want to save themselves from His punishment. This Quran is the Word of the Master of the earth and the heavens and God-head belongs to Him alone:These two facts are eternal whether one believes them or not.”
After this introduction, the Surah abruptly moves on to relate the story of Prophet Moses without any apparent relevancy and without even hinting at its applicability to the events of the period. However, if we read between the lines, we realize that the discourse is addressed very relevantly to the people of Makkah. But before we explain the hidden meaning of the discourse, we must keep in view the fact that the Arabs in general acknowledged Moses as a Prophet of God. This was so because they had “been influenced by the large number of the Jews around them and by” the neighboring Christian kingdoms. Now let us state those things which are hidden between the lines of the story:
Allah does not appoint a Prophet by the beat of drums or My celebrating the occasion in a regular and formal ceremony, as if to say, “We are appointing such and such a person as Our Prophet from today.” On the contrary, He bestows Prophethood in a confidential manner just as He did in the case of Prophet Moses. Therefore you should not consider it strange if Hadrat Muhammad has been appointed as a Prophet all of a sudden and without any public proclamation.
The fundamental principles presented by Prophet Muhammad — Tauhid and the Hereafter — are just the same as were taught to Prophet Moses at the time of his appointment.
Prophet Muhammad has been made the standard bearer of the Message of the Truth among the people of the Quraish all by himself without material provisions, just as Prophet Moses was entrusted with the Mission to go to a tyrant king like Pharaoh and ask him to give up his attitude of rebellion. These are the mysterious ways of Allah. He catches hold of a way farer of Midian on his way to Egypt and says, “Go and fight with the greatest tyrant of the time.” He did not provide him with armies and provisions for this Mission. The only thing He did was to appoint his brother as his assistant at his request.
You, O People of Makkah, should note it well that Pharaoh employed the same devices against Prophet Moses as you are employing against Prophet Muhammad — frivolous objections, accusations, and cruel persecutions. You should know that Allah’s Prophet came out victorious over Pharaoh, who possessed large armies and war equipments. Incidentally, the Muslims have been consoled and comforted, though not in so many words, that they should not be afraid of fighting with the Quraish against fearful odds, for the mission which is supported by Allah comes out victorious in the end. At the same time, the Muslims have been exhorted to follow the excellent example of the magicians of Egypt, who remained steadfast in their Faith, though Pharaoh threatened them with horrible vengeance.
An incident from the story of the Israelites has been cited to show in what ridiculous manner the idolization of false gods and goddesses starts and that the Prophets of God do not tolerate even the slightest tinge of this preposterous practice. Likewise, Prophet Muhammad is following the former Prophets in opposing shirk and idol worship today.
Thus, the story of Moses has been used to throw light on all those matters which were connected with the conflict between the Holy Prophet and the Quraish. Then at the end of the story, the. Quraish have been briefly admonished, as if to say, “The Quran has been sent down in your tongue for your own good. If you listen to it and follow its admonition, you will be doing so for your own good but if you reject it, you will yourselves meet with an evil end.”
After this the story of Prophet Adam has been related, as if to tell the Quraish, “The way you are following is the way of Satan, whereas the right way for a man is to follow his father Adam. He was beguiled by Satan, but when he realized his error, he plainly confessed it and repented and again turned back to the service of Allah and won His favour. On the other hand, if a person follows Satan and sticks to his error obdurately in spite of admonition, he does harm to himself alone like Satan.”
In the end, the Holy Prophet and the Muslims have been advised not to be impatient in regard to the punishment to the disbelievers, as if to say, “Allah has His Own scheme concerning them. He does not seize them at once but gives them sufficient respite. Therefore you should not grow impatient but bear the persecutions with fortitude and go on conveying the Message.”
In this connection, great emphasis has been laid on Salat so that it may create in the believers the virtues of patience, forbearance, contentment, resignation to the will of God and self analysis for these are greatly needed in the service of the Message of the Truth.