Surat Al-Haj (The Pilgrimage) - سورة الحج



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ يا أيها الناس } أي أهل مكة وغيرهم { اتقوا ربكم } أي عقابه بأن تطيعوه { إنَّ زلزلة الساعة } أي الحركة الشديدة للأرض التي يكون بعدها طلوع الشمس من مغربها الذي هو قرب الساعة { شيء عظيم } في إزعاج الناس الذي هو نوع من العقاب .
Ya ayyuha annasuittaqoo rabbakum inna zalzalata assaAAati shay-onAAatheem
Sahih International
O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed, the convulsion of the [final] Hour is a terrible thing.
Wahai umat manusia, bertaqwalah kepada Tuhan kamu! Sesungguhnya gempa hari kiamat itu suatu perkara yang amat besar.
{ يوم ترَوْنها تذُهَلُ } بسببها { كل مرضعة } بالفعل { عما أرضعت } أي تنساه { وتضع كل ذات حمل } أي حبلى { حملها وترى الناس سكارى } من شدة الخوف { وما هم بسكارى } من الشراب { ولكن عذاب الله شديد } فهم يخافونه .
Yawma tarawnaha tathhalu kullumurdiAAatin AAamma ardaAAat watadaAAukullu thati hamlin hamlaha wataraannasa sukara wama hum bisukarawalakinna AAathaba Allahi shadeed
Sahih International
On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing] intoxicated while they are not intoxicated; but the punishment of Allah is severe.
Pada hari kamu melihat (peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengerikan) itu, tiap-tiap ibu penyusu akan melupakan anak yang disusukannya, dan tiap-tiap perempuan yang mengandung akan gugurkan anak yang dikandungnya; dan engkau akan melihat manusia mabuk, padahal mereka sebenarnya tidak mabuk, tetapi azab Allah amatlah berat, mengerikan.
ونزل في النضر بن الحارث وجماعته { ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم } قالوا: الملائكة بنات الله ، والقرآن أساطير الأولين، وأنكروا البعث وإحياء من صار ترابا { ويتبع } في جداله { كل شيطان مريد } أي متمرد .
Wamina annasi man yujadilufee Allahi bighayri AAilmin wayattabiAAu kulla shaytaninmareed
Sahih International
And of the people is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge and follows every rebellious devil.
Dan ada di antara manusia yang membantah perkara-perkara yang berhubung dengan Allah dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang pengetahuan, dan ia menurut tiap-tiap syaitan yang telah sebati dengan kejahatan.
{ كتب عليه } قضي على الشيطان { أنه من تولاه } أي اتبعه { فأنه يضله ويهديه } يدعوه { إلى عذاب السعير } أي النار .
Kutiba AAalayhi annahu man tawallahufaannahu yudilluhu wayahdeehi ila AAathabi assaAAeer
Sahih International
It has been decreed for every devil that whoever turns to him - he will misguide him and will lead him to the punishment of the Blaze.
Yang telah ditetapkan kepada (tiap-tiap) syaitan itu, bahawa sesiapa yang berketuakan dia, maka sesungguhnya ia akan menyesatkannya dan memimpinnya kepada azab neraka.
{ يا أيها الناس } أي أهل مكة { إن كنتم في ريب } شك { من البعث فإنا خلقناكم } أي أصلكم آدم { من تراب ثم } خلقنا ذريته { من نطفة } منيّ { ثم من علقة } وهي الدم الجامد { ثم من مضغة } وهي لحمة قدر ما يمضغ { مخلقة } مصورة تامة الخلق { وغير مخلقة } أي غير تامة الخلق { لنبين لكم } كمال قدرتنا لتستدلوا بها في ابتداء الخلق على إعادته { ونُقرُّ } مستأنف { في الأرحام ما نشاء إلى أجل مسمى } وقت خروجه { ثم نخرجكم } من بطون أمهاتكم { طفلا } بمعنى أطفالا { ثم } نعمركم { لتبلغوا أشدكم } أي الكمال والقوة وهو ما بين الثلاثين إلى الأربعين سنة { ومنكم من يُتوفى } يموت قبل بلوغ الأشد { ومنكم من يرد إلى أرذل العمر } أخسه من الهرم والخرف { لكيلا يعلم من بعد علم شيئا } قال عكرمة من قرأ القرآن لم يصر بهذه الحالة { وترى الأرض هامدة } يابسة { فإذا أنزلنا عليها الماء اهتزت } تحركت { وَرَبَتْ } ارتفعت وزادت { وأنبتت من } زائدة { كلّ زوج } صنف { بهيج } حسن .
Ya ayyuha annasuin kuntum fee raybin mina albaAAthi fa-inna khalaqnakummin turabin thumma min nutfatin thumma minAAalaqatin thumma min mudghatin mukhallaqatin waghayrimukhallaqatin linubayyina lakum wanuqirru fee al-arhami manashao ila ajalin musamman thumma nukhrijukum tiflanthumma litablughoo ashuddakum waminkum man yutawaffawaminkum man yuraddu ila arthali alAAumuri likaylayaAAlama min baAAdi AAilmin shay-an watara al-ardahamidatan fa-itha anzalna AAalayhaalmaa ihtazzat warabat waanbatat min kulli zawjin baheej
Sahih International
O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection, then [consider that] indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed - that We may show you. And We settle in the wombs whom We will for a specified term, then We bring you out as a child, and then [We develop you] that you may reach your [time of] maturity. And among you is he who is taken in [early] death, and among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit [old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing. And you see the earth barren, but when We send down upon it rain, it quivers and swells and grows [something] of every beautiful kind.
Wahai umat manusia, sekiranya kamu menaruh syak (ragu-ragu) tentang kebangkitan makhluk (hidup semula pada hari kiamat), maka (perhatilah kepada tingkatan kejadian manusia) kerana sebenarnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari tanah, kemudian dari setitik air benih, kemudian dari sebuku darah beku, kemudian dari seketul daging yang disempurnakan kejadiannya dan yang tidak disempurnakan; (Kami jadikan secara yang demikian) kerana Kami hendak menerangkan kepada kamu (kekuasaan Kami); dan Kami pula menetapkan dalam kandungan rahim (ibu yang mengandung itu) apa yang Kami rancangkan hingga ke suatu masa yang ditentukan lahirnya; kemudian Kami mengeluarkan kamu berupa kanak-kanak; kemudian (kamu dipelihara) hingga sampai ke peringkat umur dewasa; dan (dalam pada itu) ada di antara kamu yang dimatikan (semasa kecil atau semasa dewasa) dan ada pula yang dilanjutkan umurnya ke peringkat tua nyanyuk sehingga ia tidak mengetahui lagi akan sesuatu yang telah diketahuinya dahulu. Dan (ingatlah satu bukti lagi); Engkau melihat bumi itu kering, kemudian apabila Kami menurunkan hujan menimpanya, bergeraklah tanahnya (dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang merecup tumbuh), dan gembur membusutlah ia, serta ia pula menumbuhkan berjenis-jenis tanaman yang indah permai.
{ ذلك } المذكور من بدء خلق الإنسان إلى آخر إحياء الأرض { بأن } بسبب أن { الله هو الحق } الثابت الدائم { وأنه يحيى الموتى وأنه على كل شيء قدير } .
Thalika bi-anna Allaha huwa alhaqquwaannahu yuhyee almawta waannahu AAala kullishay-in qadeer
Sahih International
That is because Allah is the Truth and because He gives life to the dead and because He is over all things competent
(Kedua-dua kenyataan) yang tersebut membuktikan bahawa sesungguhnya Allah jualah Tuhan Yang Sebenar-benarnya (yang berhak disembah), dan sesungguhnya Dia lah yang menghidupkan makhluk-makhluk yang mati, dan Dia lah jua Yang Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
{ وأن الساعة آتية لا ريب } شك { فيها وأن الله يبعث من في القبور } ونزل في أبي جهل .
Waanna assaAAata atiyatunla rayba feeha waanna Allaha yabAAathu manfee alquboor
Sahih International
And [that they may know] that the Hour is coming - no doubt about it - and that Allah will resurrect those in the graves.
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya hari kiamat itu tetap akan datang, tidak ada sebarang syak padanya, dan bahawa sesungguhnya Allah akan membangkitkan (menghidupkan semula) orang-orang yang di dalam kubur.
{ ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم ولا هدى } معه { ولا كتاب منير } له نور معه .
Wamina annasi man yujadilufee Allahi bighayri AAilmin wala hudan walakitabin muneer
Sahih International
And of the people is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book [from Him],
Dan ada di antara manusia yang membantah dalam perkara-perkara yang berhubung dengan Allah dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang pengetahuan, dan tidak berdasarkan sebarang keterangan, dan tidak juga berdasarkan mana-mana Kitab Allah yang menerangi kebenaran;
{ ثانيَ عطفه } حال أي لاويَ عنقه تكبرا عن الإيمان والعطف الجانب عن يمين أو شمال { ليَضِلَّ } بفتح الياء وضمها { عن سبيل الله } أي دينه { له في الدنيا خزي } عذاب فقتل يوم بدر { ونذيقه يوم القيامة عذاب الحريق } أي الإحراق بالنار، ويقال له .
Thaniya AAitfihi liyudillaAAan sabeeli Allahi lahu fee addunyakhizyun wanutheequhu yawma alqiyamati AAathabaalhareeq
Sahih International
Twisting his neck [in arrogance] to mislead [people] from the way of Allah . For him in the world is disgrace, and We will make him taste on the Day of Resurrection the punishment of the Burning Fire [while it is said],
Ia membantah sambil memalingkan sebelah badannya dengan sombong angkuh sehingga menghalang dirinya dan orang lain dari jalan ugama Allah; ia akan beroleh kehinaan di dunia, dan Kami akan merasakannya azab yang membakar pada hari kiamat kelak;
{ ذلك بما قدمت يداك } أي قدمته عبر عنه بهما دون غيرهما لأن أكثر الأفعال تزاول بهما { وأن الله ليس بظلام } أي بذي ظلم { للعبيد } فيعذبهم بغير ذنب .
Thalika bima qaddamat yadakawaanna Allaha laysa bithallaminlilAAabeed
Sahih International
"That is for what your hands have put forth and because Allah is not ever unjust to [His] servants."
(Dengan dikatakan kepadanya): "Azab yang demikian ini ialah disebabkan perbuatan tanganmu sendiri, kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak sekali-kali berlaku zalim kepada hamba-hambaNya".
{ ومن الناس من يعبد الله على حرف } أي شك في عبادته، شبه بالحالِّ على حرف جبل في عدم ثباته { فإن أصابه خير } صحة وسلامة في نفسه وماله { اطمأن به وإن أصابته فتنة } محنة وسقم في نفسه وماله { انقلب على وجهه } أي رجع إلى الكفر { خسر الدنيا } بفوات ما أمله منها { والآخرة } بالكفر { ذلك هو الخسران المبين } البيِّن .
Wamina annasi man yaAAbuduAllaha AAala harfin fa-in asabahukhayrun itmaanna bihi wa-in asabat-hu fitnatuninqalaba AAala wajhihi khasira addunya wal-akhiratathalika huwa alkhusranu almubeen
Sahih International
And of the people is he who worships Allah on an edge. If he is touched by good, he is reassured by it; but if he is struck by trial, he turns on his face [to the other direction]. He has lost [this] world and the Hereafter. That is what is the manifest loss.
Dan ada di antara manusia yang menyembah Allah dengan sikap dan pendirian yang tidak tetap, iaitu kalau ia beroleh kebaikan, senanglah hatinya dengan keadaan itu; dan kalau pula ia ditimpa fitnah kesusahan, berbaliklah ia semula (kepada kekufurannya). (Dengan sikapnya itu) rugilah ia akan dunia dan akhirat, itulah kerugian yang terang nyata.
{ يدعو } يعبد { من دون الله } من الصنم { ما لا يضره } إن لم يعبده { وما لا ينفعه } إن عبده { ذلك } الدعاء { هو الضلال البعيد } عن الحق .
YadAAoo min dooni Allahi ma layadurruhu wama la yanfaAAuhu thalikahuwa addalalu albaAAeed
Sahih International
He invokes instead of Allah that which neither harms him nor benefits him. That is what is the extreme error.
Ia menyeru dan menyembah makhluk-makhluk yang lain dari Allah, yang tidak dapat membahayakannya dan tidak dapat mendatangkan kebaikan kepadanya; itulah kesesatan yang jauh terpesong.
{ يدعو لمن } اللام زائدة { ضره } بعبادته { أقرب من نفعه } إن نفع بتخيله { لبئس المولى } هو أي الناصر { ولبئس العشير } الصاحب هو، وعقب ذكر الشاك بالخسران بذكر المؤمنين بالثواب في .
YadAAoo laman darruhu aqrabu minnafAAihi labi/sa almawla walabi/sa alAAasheer
Sahih International
He invokes one whose harm is closer than his benefit - how wretched the protector and how wretched the associate.
Ia menyeru dan menyembah makhluk yang - dengan perbuatan demikian - mudaratnya lebih dekat dari manfaat yang diharapkannya; demi sesungguhnya seburuk-buruk penolong dan seburuk-buruk sahabat karib ialah makhluk yang diseru dan disembahnya itu.
{ إن الله يدخل الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات } من الفروض والنوافل { جناتِ تجري من تحتها الأنهار إن الله يفعل ما يريد } من إكرام من يعطيه وإهانة من يعصيه .
Inna Allaha yudkhilu allatheenaamanoo waAAamiloo assalihati jannatintajree min tahtiha al-anharu inna AllahayafAAalu ma yureed
Sahih International
Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Indeed, Allah does what He intends.
Sesungguhnya Allah akan memasukkan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh ke dalam Syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai; sesungguhnya Allah melakukan apa yang ditentukanNya.
{ من كان يظن أن لن ينصره الله } أي محمدا نبيه { في الدنيا والآخرة فليمدد بسبب } بحبل { إلى السماء } أي سقف بيته يشدّه فيه وفي عنقه { ثم ليقطع } أي ليختنق به بأن يقطع نفسه من الأرض كما في الصحاح { فلينظر هل يُذهبن كيده } في عدم نصرة النبي { ما يغيظ } منها المعنى فليختنق غيظا منها فلا بد منها .
Man kana yathunnu anlan yansurahu Allahu fee addunya wal-akhiratifalyamdud bisababin ila assama-i thummaliyaqtaAA falyanthur hal yuthhibannakayduhu ma yagheeth
Sahih International
Whoever should think that Allah will not support [Prophet Muhammad] in this world and the Hereafter - let him extend a rope to the ceiling, then cut off [his breath], and let him see: will his effort remove that which enrages [him]?
Sesiapa yang menyangka bahawa Allah tidak sekali-kali akan menolong Nabi Muhammad dalam dunia ini dan di akhirat kelak, maka hendaklah ia menghulurkan tali (serta mengikatnya) di bumbong rumahnya, kemudian hendaklah ia menjerut lehernya (supaya ia mati tercekek); dalam pada itu hendaklah ia memikirkan lebih dahulu, adakah tipu dayanya itu dapat menghapuskan sebab-sebab yang menimbulkan kemarahannya?
{ وكذلك } أي مثل إنزالنا الآية السابقة { أنزلناه } أي القرآن الباقي { آيات بينات } ظاهرات حال { وأن الله يهدي من يريد } هداه معطوف على هاء أنزلناه .
Wakathalika anzalnahu ayatinbayyinatin waanna Allaha yahdee man yureed
Sahih International
And thus have We sent the Qur'an down as verses of clear evidence and because Allah guides whom He intends.
Dan demikianlah pula Kami menurunkan Al-Quran itu sebagai ayat-ayat keterangan yang jelas nyata; dan sesungguhnya Allah memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut peraturan dan undang-undangNya).
{ إن الذين آمنوا والذين هادوا } هم اليهود { والصابئين } طائفة منهم { والنصارى والمجوس والذين أشركوا إن الله يفصل بينهم يوم القيامة } بإدخال المؤمنين الجنة وإدخال غيرهم النار { إن الله على كل شيء } من عملهم { شهيد } عالم به علم مشاهدة
Inna allatheena amanoo wallatheenahadoo wassabi-eena wannasarawalmajoosa wallatheena ashrakoo inna Allahayafsilu baynahum yawma alqiyamati inna AllahaAAala kulli shay-in shaheed
Sahih International
Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness.
Bahawasanya orang-orang yang beriman, dan orang-orang Yahudi, dan orang-orang Saabiein, dan orang-orang Nasrani, dan orang-orang Majusi, serta orang-orang Musyrik, sesungguhnya Allah akan memutuskan hukumNya di antara mereka pada hari kiamat, kerana sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Memerhati dan Menyaksikan tiap-tiap sesuatu.
{ ألم تر } تعلم { أن الله يسجد له من في السماوات ومن في الأرض والشمس والقمر والنجوم والجبال والشجر والدواب } أي يخضع له بما يراد منه { وكثير من الناس } وهم المؤمنون بزيادة على الخضوع في سجود الصلاة { وكثير حق عليه العذاب } وهم الكافرون لأنهم أبوا السجود المتوقف على الإيمان { ومن يهن الله } يشقه { فما له من مكرم } مسعد { إن الله يفعل ما يشاء } من الإهانة والإكرام .
Alam tara anna Allaha yasjudu lahuman fee assamawati waman fee al-ardiwashshamsu walqamaru wannujoomu waljibaluwashshajaru waddawabbu wakatheerun minaannasi wakatheerun haqqa AAalayhi alAAathabuwaman yuhini Allahu fama lahu min mukrimin inna AllahayafAAalu ma yasha/
Sahih International
Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified. And he whom Allah humiliates - for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills.
Tidakkah engkau mengetahui bahawa segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi tunduk sujud kepada Allah dan (di antaranya termasuklah) matahari dan bulan, dan bintang-bintang, dan gunung-ganang, dan pokok-pokok kayu, dan binatang-binatang, serta sebahagian besar dari manusia? Dan banyak pula (di antara manusia) yang berhak ditimpa azab (disebabkan kekufurannya dan maksiatnya); dan (ingatlah) sesiapa yang dihinakan oleh Allah maka ia tidak akan beroleh sesiapapun yang dapat memuliakannya. Sesungguhnya Allah tetap melakukan apa yang dirancangkanNya.
{ هذان خصمان } أي المؤمنون خصم، والكفار الخمسة خصم، وهو يطلق على الواحد والجماعة { اختصموا في ربهم } أي في دينه { فالذين كفروا قطعت لهم ثياب من نار } يلبسونها يعني أحيطت بهم النار { يصب من فوق رؤوسهم الحميم } الماء البالغ نهاية الحرارة .
Hathani khasmani ikhtasamoofee rabbihim fallatheena kafaroo quttiAAatlahum thiyabun min narin yusabbu min fawqiruoosihimu alhameem
Sahih International
These are two adversaries who have disputed over their Lord. But those who disbelieved will have cut out for them garments of fire. Poured upon their heads will be scalding water
Inilah dua golongan (mukmin dan kafir) yang berbantah-bantahan tentang Tuhan mereka. Maka orang-orang yang kafir akan disediakan untuk mereka pakaian dari api neraka, serta dicurahkan atas kepala mereka air panas yang menggelegak,
{ يصهر } يذاب { به ما في بطونهم } من شحوم وغيرها { و } تشوى به { الجلود } .
Yusharu bihi ma fee butoonihimwaljulood
Sahih International
By which is melted that within their bellies and [their] skins.
Yang dengannya dihancurkan apa yang ada dalam perut mereka, dan juga kulit badan mereka.
{ ولهم مقامع من حديد } لضرب رؤوسهم .
Walahum maqamiAAu min hadeed
Sahih International
And for [striking] them are maces of iron.
Dan mereka pula disediakan batang-batang besi untuk menyeksa mereka.
{ كلما أرادوا أن يخرجوا منها } أي النار { من غم } يلحقهم بها { أعيدوا فيها } ردوا إليها بالمقامع { و } قيل لهم { ذوقوا عذاب الحريق } أي البالغ نهاية الإحراق .
Kullama aradoo an yakhrujoominha min ghammin oAAeedoo feeha wathooqooAAathaba alhareeq
Sahih International
Every time they want to get out of Hellfire from anguish, they will be returned to it, and [it will be said], "Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire!"
Tiap-tiap kali mereka hendak keluar dari neraka itu, disebabkan mereka menderita azabnya, mereka dikembalikan padanya, serta dikatakan: "Rasalah kamu azab seksa yang membakar!"
وقال في المؤمنين { إن الله يدخل الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار يحلون فيها من أساور من ذهب ولؤلؤ } بالجرّ أي منهما بأن يرصع اللؤلؤ بالذهب، وبالنصب عطفا على محل من أساور { ولباسهم فيها حرير } هو المحرَّم لبسه على الرجال في الدنيا .
Inna Allaha yudkhilu allatheenaamanoo waAAamiloo assalihati jannatintajree min tahtiha al-anharu yuhallawnafeeha min asawira min thahabin walu/lu-anwalibasuhum feeha hareer
Sahih International
Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their garments therein will be silk.
Sesungguhnya Allah akan memasukkan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh ke dalam Syurga yang mengalir padanya beberapa sungai; mereka dihiaskan di situ dengan gelang-gelang emas dan mutiara, dan pakaian mereka di situ dari sutera.
{ وهدوا } في الدنيا { إلى الطيب من القول } وهو لا إله إلا الله { وهدوا إلى صراط الحميد } أي طريق الله المحمود ودينه .
Wahudoo ila attayyibimina alqawli wahudoo ila sirati alhameed
Sahih International
And they had been guided [in worldly life] to good speech, and they were guided to the path of the Praiseworthy.
Dan mereka diberi petunjuk kepada mengucapkan kata-kata yang baik, serta diberi petunjuk ke jalan Allah Yang Amat Terpuji.
{ إن الذين كفروا ويصدون عن سبيل الله } طاعته { و } عن { المسجد الحرام الذي جعلناه } منسكا ومتعبدا { للناس سواءً العاكف } المقيم { فيه والباد } الطارئ { ومن يرد فيه بإلحاد } الباء زائدة { بظلم } أي بسببه بأن ارتكب منهيا، ولو شتم الخادم { نذقه من عذاب أليم } مؤلم: أي بعضه، ومن هذا يؤخذ خبر إن: أي نذيقهم من عذاب أليم .
Inna allatheena kafaroo wayasuddoonaAAan sabeeli Allahi walmasjidi alharamiallathee jaAAalnahu linnasi sawaanalAAakifu feehi walbadi waman yurid feehibi-ilhadin bithulmin nuthiqhu min AAathabinaleem
Sahih International
Indeed, those who have disbelieved and avert [people] from the way of Allah and [from] al-Masjid al-Haram, which We made for the people - equal are the resident therein and one from outside; and [also] whoever intends [a deed] therein of deviation [in religion] or wrongdoing - We will make him taste of a painful punishment.
Sesungguhnya (amatlah zalim) orang-orang yang kafir serta menghalangi manusia dari jalan Allah (ugama Islam), dan dari memasuki Masjid Al-Haraam (Makkah) yang Kami jadikan dia tempat beribadat untuk seluruh umat manusia (yang beriman) - sama ada yang tinggal menetap di situ atau yang datang berziarah; dan sesiapa yang berazam melakukan di situ sebarang perbuatan yang di larang dengan cara yang zalim, Kami akan merasakannya azab yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
{ و } اذكر { إذ بوأنا } بينا { لإبراهيم مكان البيت } ليبنيه، وكان قد رفع زمن الطوفان، وأمرناه { أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي } من الأوثان { للطائفين والقائمين } المقيمين به { والركع السجود } جمع راكع وساجد: المصلين .
Wa-ith bawwa/na li-ibraheemamakana albayti an la tushrik bee shay-an watahhirbaytiya litta-ifeena walqa-imeenawarrukkaAAi assujood
Sahih International
And [mention, O Muhammad], when We designated for Abraham the site of the House, [saying], "Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate.
Dan (ingatkanlah peristiwa) ketika Kami tentukan bagi Nabi Ibrahim tempat Kaabah (untuk membinanya, lalu Kami berfirman kepadanya): "Janganlah engkau sekutukan sesuatu pun denganKu, dan bersihkanlah rumahKu (Kaabah ini) bagi orang-orang yang tawaf, dan orang-orang yang berdiri dan yang rukuk serta yang sujud (mengerjakan sembahyang).
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Semoga Allah Subha-nahu-wa-taala memberkati kita semua.
22. Al-Hajj Introduction
This Surah takes its name from v. 27.
Period of Revelation
As this Surah contains the characteristics of both the Makki and the Madani Surahs, the commentators have differed as to its period of revelation, but in the light of its style and themes we are of the opinion that a part of it (vv. 1-24) was sent down in the last stage of the Makki life of the Holy Prophet a little before migration and the rest (vv. 25-78) during the first stage of his Madani life. That is why this Surah combines the characteristics of both the Makki and the Madani Surahs.
The sudden change of the style from v. 25 shows that probably vv. 25-78 were sent down in the month of Zul-Hijjah in the very first year after Hijrah. This is indicated by vv. 25-41 and confirmed by the occasion of the revelation of vv. 39-40. It appears that the month of Zul-Hijjah must have brought to the immigrants nostalgic memories of their homes in Makkah and naturally they must have thought of their Sacred City and of their Hajj congregation there, and grieved to think that the mushrik Quraish had debarred them from visiting the Sacred Mosque. Therefore, they might even have been praying for and expecting Divine permission to wage war against those tyrants who had expelled them from their homes and deprived them of visiting the House of Allah and made it difficult for them to follow the way of Islam. It was at this psychological occasion that these verses were sent down. That is why the purpose for which Masjid-al- Haram was built has been specifically mentioned. It has been made plain that Hajj(pilgrimage) had been enjoined for the worship of One Allah. But it is an irony that afterwards it had been dedicated to the rituals of shirk and the worshipers of One Allah had been debarred from visiting it. Therefore, permission for waging war against those tyrants has been given to oust them from there and to establish the righteous way of life for establishing virtue and eradicating evil. According to Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Urwah bin Zubair, Zaid bin Aslam, Muqatil bin Hayyan, Qatadah and other great commentators, v. 39 is the first verse that grants the Muslims permission to wage war. Collections of Hadith and books on the life of the Holy Prophet confirm that after this permission actual preparations for war were started and the first expedition was sent to the coast of the Red Sea in Safar A.H. 2, which is known as the Expedition of Waddan or Al- Abwa.
Subject Matter and Theme
This Surah is addressed to: (1) The mushriks of Makkah, (2) the wavering Muslims, and (3) the True Believers. The mushriks have been warned in a forceful manner to this effect: “You have obdurately and impudently persisted in your ideas of ignorance and trusted in your deities instead of Allah, though they possess no power at all and you have repudiated the Divine Messenger. Now you will meet the same end as has been the doom of those like you before. You have only harmed yourselves by rejecting Our Prophet and by persecuting the best element of your own community; now your false deities shall not be able to save you from the wrath of God”. At the same time, they have been admonished time and again for their creed of shirkand sound arguments have been given in favour of Tauhid and the Hereafter.
The wavering Muslims, who had embraced Islam but were not prepared to endure any hardship in its way, have been admonished to this effect: “What is this faith of yours? On the one hand, you are ready to believe in Allah and become His servants provided you are given peace and prosperity but, on the other, if you meet with afflictions and hardships in His Way, you discard your Allah and cease to remain His servant. You should bear in mind that this wavering attitude of yours cannot avert those misfortunes and losses which Allah has ordained for you.”
As regards the true Believers, they have been addressed in two ways: (1) in a general way so as to include the common people of Arabia also, and (2) in an exclusive way:
The Believers have been told that the mushriks of Makkah had no right to debar them from visiting the Holy Mosque. They had no right to prevent anyone from performing Hajj because the Holy Mosque was not their private property. This objection was not only justified but it also acted as an effective political weapon against the Quraish. For it posed this question to the other clans of Arabia: Were the Quraish mere attendants of the Holy Mosque or its owners? It implied that if they succeeded in debarring the Muslims from Hajj without any protest from others, they would feel encouraged in future to debar from Hajj and Umrah the people of any other clan, who happened to have strained relations with the Quraish. In order to emphasize this point, the history of the construction of the Holy Mosque has been cited to show that it was built by Prophet Abraham by the Command of Allah and he had invited all the peoples to perform Hajj there. That is why those coming from outside had enjoyed equal rights by the local people from the very beginning. It has also been made clear that that House had not been built for the rituals of shirk but for the worship of One Allah. Thus it was sheer tyranny that the worship of Allah was being forbidden there while the worship of idols enjoyed full licence.
In order to counteract the tyranny of the Quraish, the Muslims were allowed to fight with them. They were also given instructions to adopt the right and just attitude as and when they acquired power to rule in the land. Moreover, the Believers have been officially given the name of “Muslims”, saying, “You are the real heirs to Abraham and you have been chosen to become witnesses of the Truth before mankind. Therefore you should establish salat and pay the zakat dues in order to become the best models of righteous life and perform Jihad for propagating the Word of Allah.” (vv. 41,77, 78.)
It will be worth while to keep in view the introductions to Chapters II (Al-Baqarah) and VIII (AlAnfal).
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