Surat Al-'Anbya' (The Prophets) - سورة الأنبياء



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ اقترب } قرب { للناس } أهل مكة منكري البعث { حسابهم } يوم القيامة { وهم في غفلة } عنه { معرضون } عن التأهب له بالإيمان .
Iqtaraba linnasi hisabuhumwahum fee ghaflatin muAAridoon
Sahih International
[The time of] their account has approached for the people, while they are in heedlessness turning away.
Telah hampir datangnya kepada manusia hari perhitungan amalnya sedang mereka dalam kelalaian, tidak hiraukan persediaan baginya.
{ ما يأتيهم من ذكر من ربهم محدث } شيئاً فشيئاً أي لفظ قرآن { إلا استمعوه وهم يلعبون } يستهزئون .
Ma ya/teehim min thikrin minrabbihim muhdathin illa istamaAAoohu wahumyalAAaboon
Sahih International
No mention comes to them anew from their Lord except that they listen to it while they are at play
Tidak datang kepada mereka itu sebarang peringatan yang diturunkan dari Tuhan mereka lepas satu: satu, melainkan mereka memasang telinga mendengarnya sambil mereka mempermain-mainkannya -
{ لاهية } غافلة { قلوبهم } عن معناه { وأسَرُّوا النجوى } الكلام { الذين ظلموا } بدل من واو { وأسروا النجوى الذين ظلموا } { هلْ هذا } أي محمد { إلا بشر مثلكم } فما يأتي به سحر { أفتأتون السحر } تتبعونه { وأنتم تبصرون } تعلمون أنه سحر .
Lahiyatan quloobuhum waasarroo annajwaallatheena thalamoo hal hatha illabasharun mithlukum afata/toona assihra waantum tubsiroon
Sahih International
With their hearts distracted. And those who do wrong conceal their private conversation, [saying], "Is this [Prophet] except a human being like you? So would you approach magic while you are aware [of it]?"
Dengan keadaan hati mereka leka daripada memahami dan mengamalkan maksudnya. Dan orang-orang yang zalim itu, berbisik-bisik sesama sendiri dengan berkata: "Bukankah (Muhammad) ini hanyalah seorang manusia biasa seperti kamu? Maka patutkah kamu turut hadir mendengar sihir yang dibawanya itu sedang kamu nampak dan mengetahui karutnya?"
{ قال } لهم { ربي يعلم القول } كائناً { في السماء والأرض وهو السميع } لما أسروه { العليم } به .
Qala rabbee yaAAlamu alqawla fee assama-iwal-ardi wahuwa assameeAAu alAAaleem
Sahih International
The Prophet said, "My Lord knows whatever is said throughout the heaven and earth, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing."
(Bagi menjawab mereka, Nabi Muhammad) berkata: "Tuhanku mengetahui tiap-tiap perkataan (yang dilahirkan atau disembunyikan oleh makhluk-makhluk) di langit dan di bumi; dan Dia lah jua yang Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui".
{ بل } للانتقال من غرض إلى آخر في المواضع الثلاثة { قالوا } فيما أتى به من القرآن هو { أضغاث أحلام } أخلاط رآها في النوم { بل افتراه } اختلقه { بل هو شاعر } فما أتى به شعر { فليأتنا بآية كما أرسل الأولون } كالناقة والعصا واليد قال تعالى :
Bal qaloo adghathu ahlaminbali iftarahu bal huwa shaAAirun falya/tinabi-ayatin kama orsila al-awwaloon
Sahih International
But they say, "[The revelation is but] a mixture of false dreams; rather, he has invented it; rather, he is a poet. So let him bring us a sign just as the previous [messengers] were sent [with miracles]."
(Mereka bukan sahaja menyifatkan Al-Quran itu sihir) bahkan mereka menuduh dengan berkata: "Al-Quran itu perkara karut yang dimimpikan oleh Muhammad, bahkan perkara yang diada-adakan olehnya, bahkan Muhammad sendiri seorang penyair. (Kalaulah ia sebenarnya seorang Rasul) maka hendaklah ia membawa kepada kita satu mukjizat sebagaimana mukjizat-mukjizat yang dibawa oleh Rasul-rasul yang telah diutus dahulu".
{ ما آمنت قبلهم من قرية } أي أهلها { أهلكناها } بتكذيبها ما أتاها من الآيات { أفهم يؤمنون } لا .
Ma amanat qablahum min qaryatinahlaknaha afahum yu/minoon
Sahih International
Not a [single] city which We destroyed believed before them, so will they believe?
Tidak ada penduduk sesebuah negeri pun yang Kami binasakan sebelum mereka, yang telah beriman kepada mukjizat yang diberi kepadanya; maka benarkah mereka yang meminta mukjizat itu mahu beriman?
{ وما أرسلنا قبلك إلا رجالاً نوحي } وفي قراءة بالياء وفتح الحاء { إليهم } لا ملائكة { فاسألوا أهل الذكر } العلماء بالتوراة والإنجيل { إن كنتم لا تعلمون } ذلك فإنهم يعلمونه، وأنتم إلى تصديقهم أقرب من تصديق المؤمنين بمحمد .
Wama arsalna qablaka illarijalan noohee ilayhim fas-aloo ahla aththikriin kuntum la taAAlamoon
Sahih International
And We sent not before you, [O Muhammad], except men to whom We revealed [the message], so ask the people of the message if you do not know.
Dan Kami tidak mengutus Rasul-rasul sebelummu (wahai Muhammad) melainkan orang-orang lelaki yang Kami wahyukan kepada mereka (bukan malaikat); maka bertanyalah kamu kepada AhluzZikri" jika kamu tidak mengetahui.
{ وما جعلناهم } أي الرسل { جسداً } بمعنى أجساداً { لا يأكلون الطعام } بل يأكلونه { وما كانوا خالدين } في الدنيا .
Wama jaAAalnahum jasadan laya/kuloona attaAAama wama kanookhalideen
Sahih International
And We did not make the prophets forms not eating food, nor were they immortal [on earth].
Dan Kami tidak menjadikan Rasul-rasul itu bertubuh badan yang tidak makan minum, dan mereka pula tidak akan kekal hidup selama-lamanya (di dunia).
{ ثم صدقناهم الوعد } بإنجائهم { فأنجيناهم ومن نشاء } المصدقين لهم { وأهلكنا المسرفين } المكذبين لهم .
Thumma sadaqnahumu alwaAAdafaanjaynahum waman nashao waahlaknaalmusrifeen
Sahih International
Then We fulfilled for them the promise, and We saved them and whom We willed and destroyed the transgressors.
Kemudian Kami tepati janji Kami kepada mereka, lalu Kami selamatkan mereka dan sesiapa yang Kami kehendaki, dan (sebaliknya) Kami binasakan orang-orang yang melampaui batas.
لقد أنزلنا إليكم } يا معشر قريش { كتاباً فيه ذكركم } لأنه بلغتكم { أفلا تعقلون } فتؤمنون به .
Laqad anzalna ilaykum kitabanfeehi thikrukum afala taAAqiloon
Sahih International
We have certainly sent down to you a Book in which is your mention. Then will you not reason?
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepada kamu sebuah Kitab (Al-Quran) yang mengandungi perkara yang menimbulkan sebutan baik dan kelebihan untuk kamu, maka mengapa kamu tidak memahaminya (dan bersyukur akan nikmat yang besar itu)?
{ وكم قصمنا } أهلكنا { من قرية } أي أهلها { كانت ظالمة } كافرة { وأنشأنا بعدها قوماً آخرين } .
Wakam qasamna min qaryatin kanatthalimatan waansha/na baAAdahaqawman akhareen
Sahih International
And how many a city which was unjust have We shattered and produced after it another people.
Dan berapa banyak Kami telah pecah-belahkan dan binasakan penduduk negeri yang melakukan kezaliman, dan Kami telah menjadikan sesudah mereka, kaum yang lain sebagai gantinya.
{ فلما أحسُّوا بأسنا } شعر أهل القرية بالإهلاك { إذا هم منها يركضون } يهربون مسرعين .
Falamma ahassoo ba/sanaitha hum minha yarkudoon
Sahih International
And when its inhabitants perceived Our punishment, at once they fled from it.
Maka ketika mereka merasai (kedatangan) azab Kami, mereka dengan serta-merta lari keluar dari negeri itu.
فقالت لهم الملائكة استهزاء { لا تركضوا وارجعوا إلى ما أترفتم } نعمتم { فيه ومساكنكم لعلكم تسألون } شيئاً من دنياكم على العادة .
La tarkudoo warjiAAooila ma otriftum feehi wamasakinikumlaAAallakum tus-aloon
Sahih International
[Some angels said], "Do not flee but return to where you were given luxury and to your homes - perhaps you will be questioned."
(Lalu dikatakan kepada mereka): "Janganlah kamu lari, dan sebaliknya kembalilah kepada kemewahan hidup yang telah diberikan kepada kamu, dan ke tempat-tempat tinggal kamu, supaya kamu dapat ditanya mengenai apa yang berlaku".
{ قالوا يا } للتنبيه { ويلنا } هلاكنا { إنا كنا ظالمين } بالكفر .
Qaloo ya waylana innakunna thalimeen
Sahih International
They said, "O woe to us! Indeed, we were wrongdoers."
(Akhirnya) mereka berkata: "Aduhai celakanya kami! Sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang berlaku zalim!"
{ فما زالت تلك } الكلمات { دعواهم } يدعون بها ويرددونها { حتى جعلناهم حصيداً } كالزرع المحصود بالمناجل بأن قتلوا بالسيف { خامدين } ميتين كخمود النار إذا طفئت .
Fama zalat tilka daAAwahumhatta jaAAalnahum haseedan khamideen
Sahih International
And that declaration of theirs did not cease until We made them [as] a harvest [mowed down], extinguished [like a fire].
Maka demikianlah seterusnya jeritan dan keluhan mereka, sehingga Kami jadikan mereka hancur lebur dan sunyi-sepi.
{ وما خلقنا السماء والأرض وما بينهما لاعبين } عابثين بل دالين على قدرتنا ونافعين عبادنا .
Wama khalaqna assamaawal-arda wama baynahuma laAAibeen
Sahih International
And We did not create the heaven and earth and that between them in play.
Dan (ingatlah) tidaklah Kami menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antaranya, secara main-main.
{ لو أردنا أن نتخذ لهواً } ما يلهى به من زوجة أو ولد { لاتخذناه من لدنا } من عندنا من الحور العين والملائكة { إن كنا فاعلين } ذلك، لكنا لم نفعله فلم نُرده .
Law aradna an nattakhithalahwan lattakhathnahu min ladunna inkunna faAAileen
Sahih International
Had We intended to take a diversion, We could have taken it from [what is] with Us - if [indeed] We were to do so.
Sekiranya Kami hendak mengambil sesuatu untuk hiburan, tentulah Kami akan mengambilnya dari sisi Kami; Kami tidak melakukannya.
{ بل نقذف } نرمي { بالحق } الإيمان { على الباطل } الكفر { فيدمغه } يذهبه { فإذا هو زاهق } ذاهب، ودمغه في الأصل: أصاب دماغه بالضرب وهو مقتل { ولكم } يا كفار مكة { الويْل } العذاب الشديد { مما تصفون } الله به من الزوجة أو الولد .
Bal naqthifu bilhaqqiAAala albatili fayadmaghuhu fa-itha huwa zahiqunwalakumu alwaylu mimma tasifoon
Sahih International
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe.
Bahkan Kami sentiasa mengarahkan yang benar menentang yang salah, lalu ia menghancurkannya, maka dengan serta-merta hilang lenyaplah dia. Dan (tetaplah) kecelakaan akan menimpa kamu disebabkan apa yang kamu sifatkan (terhadap Kami).
{ وله } تعالى { من في السماوات والأرض } ملكاً { ومن عنده } أي الملائكة مبتدأ خبره { لا يستكبرون عن عبادته ولا يستحسرون } لا يعيون .
Walahu man fee assamawatiwal-ardi waman AAindahu la yastakbiroonaAAan AAibadatihi wala yastahsiroon
Sahih International
To Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And those near Him are not prevented by arrogance from His worship, nor do they tire.
Dan (ingatlah) segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi adalah milik kepunyaan Allah jua; dan malaikat-malaikat yang ada di sisiNya tidak membesarkan diri dan tidak enggan daripada beribadat kepadaNya, dan tidak pula mereka merasa penat dan letih.
{ يسبحون الليل والنهار لا يفترون } عنه فهو منهم كالنفس منا لا يشغلنا عنه شاغل .
Yusabbihoona allayla wannaharala yafturoon
Sahih International
They exalt [Him] night and day [and] do not slacken.
Mereka beribadat malam dan siang, dengan tidak berhenti-henti.
{ أم } بمعني بل للانتقال والهمزه للإنكار { اتخذوا آلهة } كائنة { من الأرض } كحجر وذهب وفضة { هم } أي الآلهة { ينشرون } أي يحيون الموتى ؟ لا، ولا يكون إلهاً إلا من يحيي الموتى .
Ami ittakhathoo alihatan minaal-ardi hum yunshiroon
Sahih International
Or have men taken for themselves gods from the earth who resurrect [the dead]?
Adakah benda-benda dari bumi yang mereka jadikan tuhan-tuhan itu, dapat menghidupkan semula sesuatu yang mati?
{ لو كان فيهما } أي السماوات والأرض { آلهة إلا الله } أي غيره { لفسدتا } أي خرجتا عن نظامهما المشاهد، لوجود التمانع بينهم على وفق العادة عند تعدد الحاكم من التمانع في الشيء وعدم الاتفاق عليه { فسبحان } تنزيه { الله رب } خالق { العرش } الكرسي { عما يصفون } الكفار الله به من الشريك له وغيره .
Law kana feehima alihatunilla Allahu lafasadata fasubhana Allahirabbi alAAarshi AAamma yasifoon
Sahih International
Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah , they both would have been ruined. So exalted is Allah , Lord of the Throne, above what they describe.
Kalau ada di langit dan di bumi tuhan-tuhan yang lain dari Allah, nescaya rosaklah pentadbiran kedua-duanya. Maka (bertauhidlah kamu kepada Allah dengan menegaskan): Maha Suci Allah, Tuhan yang mempunyai Arasy, dari apa yang mereka sifatkan.
{ لا يُسأل عما يفعل وهم يسألون } عن أفعالهم .
La yus-alu AAamma yafAAaluwahum yus-aloon
Sahih International
He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.
Ia tidak boleh ditanya tentang apa yang Ia lakukan, sedang merekalah yang akan ditanya kelak.
{ أم اتخذوا من دونه } تعالى أي سواه { آلهة } فيه استفهام توبيخ { قل هاتوا برهانكم } على ذلك ولا سبيل إليه { هذا ذكر من معي } أمتي وهو القرآن { وذكر من قبلي } من الأمم وهو التوراة والإنجيل وغيرهما من كتب الله ليس في واحد منها أن مع الله إلهاً مما قالوا، تعالى عن ذلك { بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون الحق } توحيد الله { فهم معرضون } عن النظر الموصل إليه .
Ami ittakhathoo min doonihi alihatanqul hatoo burhanakum hatha thikru manmaAAiya wathikru man qablee bal aktharuhum layaAAlamoona alhaqqa fahum muAAridoon
Sahih International
Or have they taken gods besides Him? Say, [O Muhammad], "Produce your proof. This [Qur'an] is the message for those with me and the message of those before me." But most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away.
Patutkah mereka menyembah tuhan-tuhan yang lain dari Allah? Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Bawalah keterangan dan bukti kamu; kandungan Al-Quran ini menjadi peringatan dan bukti tauhid umatku, juga peringatan dan bukti tauhid umat-umat yang dahulu daripadaku". (Kaum musyrik tidak mempunyai sebarang keterangan) bahkan kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui mana yang benar dan mana yang salah, dengan sebab itulah maka mereka berpaling ingkar.
{ وما أرسلنا من قبلك من رسول إلا نوحي } وفي قراءة بالياء وفتح الحاء { إليه أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدون } أي وحدوني .
Wama arsalna min qablika minrasoolin illa noohee ilayhi annahu la ilahailla ana faAAbudoon
Sahih International
And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me."
Dan Kami tidak mengutus sebelummu (wahai Muhammad) seseorang Rasul pun melainkan Kami wahyukan kepadanya: "Bahawa sesungguhnya tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Aku; oleh itu, beribadatlah kamu kepadaKu".
{ وقالوا اتخذ الرحمن ولداً } من الملائكة { سبحانه بل } هم { عباد مكرمون } عنده والعبودية تنافي الولادة .
Waqaloo ittakhatha arrahmanuwaladan subhanahu bal AAibadun mukramoon
Sahih International
And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, they are [but] honored servants.
Dan mereka (yang musyrik) berkata: "(Allah) Ar-Rahman mempunyai anak". Maha Sucilah Ia. Bahkan (mereka yang dikatakan menjadi anak Allah itu) ialah hamba-hambaNya yang dimuliakan.
{ لا يسبقونه بالقول } لا يأتون بقولهم إلا بعد قوله { وهم بأمره يعملون } أي بعده .
La yasbiqoonahu bilqawliwahum bi-amrihi yaAAmaloon
Sahih International
They cannot precede Him in word, and they act by His command.
Mereka tidak mendahuluiNya dengan perkataan dan mereka pula mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkanNya.
{ يعلم ما بين أيديهم وما خلفهم } ما عملوا وما هم عاملون { ولا يشفعون إلا لمن ارتضى } تعالى أن يشفع له { وهم من خشيته } تعالى { مشفقون } خائفون.
YaAAlamu ma bayna aydeehim wamakhalfahum wala yashfaAAoona illa limani irtadawahum min khashyatihi mushfiqoon
Sahih International
He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they cannot intercede except on behalf of one whom He approves. And they, from fear of Him, are apprehensive.
Allah mengetahui apa yang di hadapan mereka (yang telah mereka lakukan), dan apa yang di belakang mereka (yang akan mereka lakukan); dan mereka tidak memohon syafaat melainkan bagi sesiapa yang diredhai Allah; dan mereka pula sentiasa cemas takut daripada ditimpa azabNya.
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Semoga Allah Subha-nahu-wa-taala memberkati kita semua.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
21. Al-Anbiyaa’ Introduction
The name of this Surah has not been taken from any verse but it has been called Al Anbiyaa because it contains a continuous account of many Anbiyaa (Prophets). Nevertheless, it is a symbolic name and not a title.
Period of Revelation
Both the subject matter and the style of the Surah indicate that it was sent down in the third stage of the life of the Holy Prophet at Makkah.(Sea Introduction to Chapter VI).
Subject and Topics
This Surah discusses the conflict between the Holy Prophet and the chiefs of Makkah, which was rampant at the time of its Revelation and answers those objections and doubts which were being put forward concerning his Prophethood and the Doctrines of Tauhid and the Hereafter. The chiefs of Makkah have also been rebuked for their machinations against the Holy Prophet and warned of the evil consequences of their wicked activities. They have been admonished to give up their indifference and heedlessness that they were showing about the Message. At the end of the Surah, they have been told that the person whom they considered to be a “distress and affliction” had in reality come to them as a blessing.
Main Themes
In vv. 1-47, the following themes have been discussed in particular :
The objection of the disbelievers that a human being could not be a Messenger and therefore they could not accept Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a Prophet, has been refuted.
They have been taken to task for raising multifarious and contradictory objections against the Holy Prophet and the Qur’an.
Their wrong conception of life has been proved to be false because it was responsible for their indifferent and heedless attitude towards the Message of the Holy Prophet. They believed that life was merely a sport and pastime and had no purpose behind or before it and there was no accountability or reward or punishment.
The main cause of the conflict between the disbelievers and the Holy Prophet was their insistence on the doctrine of shirk and antagonism to the Doctrine of Tauhid. So the doctrine of skirk has been refuted and the Doctrine of Tauhid reinforced by weighty and impressive though brief arguments.
Arguments and admonitions have been used to remove another misunderstanding of theirs. They presumed that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a false prophet and his warnings of a scourge from God were empty threats, just because no scourge was visiting them in spite of their persistent rejection of the Prophet.
In vv. 48-91, instances have been cited from the important events of the life stories of the Prophets to show that all the Prophets, who were sent by God, were human beings and had all the characteristics of a man except those which were exclusive to Prophethood. They had no share in Godhead and they had to implore Allah to fulfill each and every necessity of theirs.
Along with these 2 other things have also been mentioned:
All the Prophets had to pass through distress and affliction; their opponents did their worst to thwart their mission, but in spite of it they came out successful by the extraordinary succour from Allah.
All the Prophets had one and the same “way of life’, the same as was being presented by Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him), and that was the only Right Way of Life and all other ways invented and introduced by mischievous people were utterly wrong.
In vv. 92-106, it has been declared that only those who follow the Right Way, will come out successful in the final judgment of God and those who discard it shall meet with the worst consequences.
In vv. 107-112, the people have been told that it is a great favour of Allah that He has sent His Messenger to inform them beforehand of this Reality and that those, who consider his coming to be an affliction instead of a blessing, are foolish people.
Tags: Al Anbiyaa'