Surah Ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) - سورة الشعراء



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ طسَمَ } الله أعلم بمراده بذلك .
Sahih International
Ta, Seen, Meem.
Taa, Siin, Miim.
{ تلك } أي هذه الآيات { آيات الكتاب } القرآن والإضافة بمعنى من { المبين } المظهر الحق من الباطل .
Tilka ayatu alkitabialmubeen
Sahih International
These are the verses of the clear Book.
Ini ialah ayat-ayat Kitab (Al-Quran) yang jelas nyata.
{ لعلك } يا محمد { باخعٌ نفسك } قاتلها غما من أجل { ألا يكونوا } أي أهل مكة { مؤمنين } ولعل هنا للإشفاق أي أشفق عليها بتخفيف هذا الغم .
LaAAallaka bakhiAAun nafsaka allayakoonoo mu/mineen
Sahih International
Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.
Jangan-jangan pula engkau (wahai Muhammad), membinasakan dirimu dengan menanggung dukacita, kerana mereka tidak menjadi orang-orang yang beriman.
{إن نشأ ننزل عليهم من السماء آية فظلّت} بمعنى المضارع: أي تظل، أي تدوم {أعناقهم لها خاضعين} فيؤمنون، ولما وصفت الأعناق بالخضوع الذي هو لأربابها جمعت الصفة جمع العقلاء .
In nasha/ nunazzil AAalayhim mina assama-iayatan fathallat aAAnaquhum lahakhadiAAeen
Sahih International
If We willed, We could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their necks would remain humbled.
Kalau Kami mahu, tentulah Kami akan turunkan kepada mereka satu mukjizat dari langit, yang menjadikan mereka tunduk kepadanya.
{ وما يأتيهم من ذكر } قرآن { من الرحمن مُحدّث } صفة كاشفة { إلا كانوا عنه معرضين } .
Wama ya/teehim min thikrin minaarrahmani muhdathin illa kanooAAanhu muAArideen
Sahih International
And no revelation comes to them anew from the Most Merciful except that they turn away from it.
Dan tidak datang kepada mereka peringatan serta pengajaran yang baharu dari (Allah) Ar-Rahman, melainkan mereka tetap berpaling mengingkarinya.
{ فقد كذبوا } به { فسيأتيهم أنباء } عواقب { ما كانوا به يستهزءُون } .
Faqad kaththaboo fasaya/teehim anbaoma kanoo bihi yastahzi-oon
Sahih International
For they have already denied, but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
Oleh kerana mereka telah mendustakan Al-Quran, maka sudah tentu akan datang kepada mereka berita-berita (azab) mengenai perkara yang mereka ejek-ejek itu.
{ أوَلم يروا } ينظروا { إلى الأرض كم أنبتنا فيها } أي كثيرا { من كل زوجِ كريم } نوع حسن.
Awa lam yaraw ila al-ardi kamanbatna feeha min kulli zawjin kareem
Sahih International
Did they not look at the earth - how much We have produced therein from every noble kind?
Masihkah mereka berdegil dan tidak memperhatikan bumi, berapa banyak kami tumbuhkan padanya dari berbagai jenis tanaman yang memberi banyak manfaat?
{ إن في ذلك لآية } دلالة على كمال قدرته تعالى { وما كان أكثرهم مؤمنين } في علم الله، وكان قال سيبويه: زائدة .
Inna fee thalika laayatan wamakana aktharuhum mu/mineen
Sahih International
Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers.
Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat satu tanda (yang membuktikan kekuasaan dan rahmat pengurniaan Allah); dan (dalam pada itu), kebanyakan mereka tidak juga beriman.
{ وإن ربك لهو العزيز } ذو العزة ينتقم من الكافرين { الرحيم } يرحم المؤمنين .
Wa-inna rabbaka lahuwa alAAazeezu arraheem
Sahih International
And indeed, your Lord - He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
Dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad) Dia lah sahaja Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
{ و } اذكر يا محمد لقومك { إذ نادى ربك موسى } ليلة رأى النار والشجرة { أن } أي: بأن { ائت القوم الظالمين } رسولا .
Wa-ith nada rabbukamoosa ani i/ti alqawma aththalimeen
Sahih International
And [mention] when your Lord called Moses, [saying], "Go to the wrongdoing people -
Dan (ingatkanlah peristiwa) ketika Tuhanmu menyeru Nabi Musa: "Hendaklah engkau mendatangi kaum yang zalim, -
{ قوم فرعون } معه ظلموا أنفسهم بالكفر بالله وبني إسرائيل باستعبادهم { ألا } الهمزة للاستفهام الإنكارى { يتقون } الله بطاعته فيوحدونه .
Qawma firAAawna ala yattaqoon
Sahih International
The people of Pharaoh. Will they not fear Allah ?"
"Iaitu kaum Firaun; tidakkah mereka mahu mengawal diri dari kemurkaanKu?"
{ قال } موسى { ربِ إني أخاف أن يكذّبون } .
Qala rabbi innee akhafu anyukaththiboon
Sahih International
He said, "My Lord, indeed I fear that they will deny me
Nabi Musa merayu dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku takut bahawa mereka akan mendustakan daku.
{ ويضيق صدري } من تكذيبهم لي { ولا ينطلق لساني } بأداء الرسالة للعقدة التي فيه { فأرسل إلى } أخي { هارون } معي .
Wayadeequ sadree walayantaliqu lisanee faarsil ila haroon
Sahih International
And that my breast will tighten and my tongue will not be fluent, so send for Aaron.
"Dan akan sempit pula dadaku serta tidak lancar lidahku; oleh itu utuskanlah perintahMu kepada Harun (supaya ia membantuku).
{ ولهم عليَّ ذنبٌ } بقتل القبطي منهم { فأخاف أن يقتلون } به .
Walahum AAalayya thanbun faakhafuan yaqtuloon
Sahih International
And they have upon me a [claim due to] sin, so I fear that they will kill me."
"Dan lagi mereka ada mengemukakan satu tuduhan jenayah terhadapku; oleh itu aku takut mereka akan membunuhku".
{ قال } تعالى: { كلا } لا يقتلونك { فاذهبا } أي أنت وأخوك، ففيه تغليب الحاضر على الغائب { بآياتنا إنا معكم مستمعون } ما تقولون وما يقال لكم، أجريا مجرى الجماعة .
Qala kalla fathhababi-ayatina inna maAAakum mustamiAAoon
Sahih International
[ Allah ] said, "No. Go both of you with Our signs; indeed, We are with you, listening.
Allah berfirman: "Jangan! Jangan fikir (akan berlaku apa yang engkau bimbangkan itu)! Oleh itu pergilah kamu berdua membawa mukjizat-mukjizat Kami (yang membuktikan kebenaran kamu); sesungguhnya Kami ada bersama-sama kamu: mendengar.
{ فأتِيَا فرعون فقولا إنا } كلاً منا { رسول رب العالمين } إليك .
Fa/tiya firAAawna faqoola innarasoolu rabbi alAAalameen
Sahih International
Go to Pharaoh and say, 'We are the messengers of the Lord of the worlds,
"Maka pergilah kamu kepada Firaun, kemudian katakanlah kepadanya: sesungguhnya kami adalah utusan Tuhan sekalian alam.
{ أن } أي: بأن { أرسل معنا } إلى الشام { بني إسرائيل } فأتياه فقالا له ما ذكر .
An arsil maAAana banee isra-eel
Sahih International
[Commanded to say], "Send with us the Children of Israel."'"
"Menyuruhmu membebaskan kaum Bani Israil mengikut kami".
{ قال } فرعون لموسى { ألم نربِّك فينا } في منازلنا { وليدا } صغيرا قريبا من الولادة بعد فطامه { ولبثت فينا من عمرك سنين } ثلاثين سنة يلبس من ملابس فرعون ويركب من مراكبه وكان يسمى ابنه .
Qala alam nurabbika feenawaleedan walabithta feena min AAumurika sineen
Sahih International
[Pharaoh] said, "Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you remained among us for years of your life?
Firaun menjawab: "Bukankah kami telah memeliharamu dalam kalangan kami semasa engkau kanak-kanak yang baharu lahir, serta engkau telah tinggal dalam kalangan kami beberapa tahun dari umurmu?
{ وفعلت فعلتك التي فعلت } هي قتله القبطي { وأنت من الكافرين } الجاحدين لنعمتي عليك بالتربية وعدم الاستعباد .
WafaAAalta faAAlataka allatee faAAaltawaanta mina alkafireen
Sahih International
And [then] you did your deed which you did, and you were of the ungrateful."
"Dan (bukankah) engkau telah melakukan satu perbuatan (jenayah) yang telah engkau lakukan dan (dengan itu) engkau dari orang-orang yang tidak mengenang budi?"
{ قال } موسى { فعلتها إذاً } أي حينئذ { وأنا من الضالين } عما آتاني الله بعدها من العلم والرسالة .
Qala faAAaltuha ithanwaana mina addalleen
Sahih International
[Moses] said, "I did it, then, while I was of those astray.
Nabi Musa berkata: "Aku melakukan perbuatan yang demikian sedang aku ketika itu dari orang-orang yang belum mendapat petunjuk.
{ ففررتُ منكم لما خفتكم فوهب لي ربي حكما } علما { وجعلني من المرسلين } .
Fafarartu minkum lamma khiftukumfawahaba lee rabbee hukman wajaAAalanee mina almursaleen
Sahih International
So I fled from you when I feared you. Then my Lord granted me wisdom and prophethood and appointed me [as one] of the messengers.
"Lalu aku melarikan diri dari kamu, ketika aku merasa takut kepada kamu; kemudian Tuhanku mengurniakan daku ilmu pengetahuan ugama, dan menjadikan daku seorang RasulNya.
{ وتلك نعمةٌ تمنُّها عليَّ } أصله تمن بها عليَّ { أن عبدت بني إسرائيل } بيان لتلك: أي اتخذتهم عبيدا ولم تستعبدني لا نعمة لك بذلك لظلمك باستعبادهم وقدر بعضهم أول الكلام همزة استفهام للإنكار .
Watilka niAAmatun tamunnuha AAalayyaan AAabbadta banee isra-eel
Sahih International
And is this a favor of which you remind me - that you have enslaved the Children of Israel?"
"Dan budimu memeliharaku yang engkau bangkit-bangkitkan itu adalah kerana engkau telah bertindak memperhambakan kaum Bani Israil.
{ قال فرعون } لموسى { وما رب العالمين } الذي قلت إنك رسوله أي: أي شيء هو ولما لم يكن سبيل للخلق إلى معرفة حقيقته تعالى وإنما يعرفونه بصفاته أجابه موسى عليه الصلاة والسلام ببعضها .
Qala firAAawnu wama rabbu alAAalameen
Sahih International
Said Pharaoh, "And what is the Lord of the worlds?"
Firaun berkata (dengan sombongnya): "Dan apa dia Tuhan sekalian alam itu?"
{ قال ربُّ السماوات والأرض وما بينهما } أي خالق ذلك { إن كنتم موقنين } بأنه تعالى خالقه فآمنوا به وحده .
Qala rabbu assamawatiwal-ardi wama baynahuma in kuntummooqineen
Sahih International
[Moses] said, "The Lord of the heavens and earth and that between them, if you should be convinced."
Nabi Musa menjawab. "Dia lah yang memiliki dan mentadbirkan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya, - kalaulah kamu mahu mendapat keyakinan dengan berdalil maka inilah jalannya".
{ قال } فرعون { لمن حوله } من أشراف قومه { ألا تستمعون } جوابه الذي لم يطابق السؤال .
Qala liman hawlahu alatastamiAAoon
Sahih International
[Pharaoh] said to those around him, "Do you not hear?"
Firaun berkata kepada orang-orang yang ada di sekelilingnya: "Tidakkah kamu dengar (apa yang dikatakan olehnya)?"
{ قال } موسى { ربكم ورب آبائكم الأولين } وهذا وإن كان داخلا فيما قبله يغيظ فرعون ولذلك .
Qala rabbukum warabbu aba-ikumual-awwaleen
Sahih International
[Moses] said, "Your Lord and the Lord of your first forefathers."
Nabi Musa menegaskan lagi: "Dia lah Tuhan yang memiliki dan memelihara kamu dan Tuhan datuk nenek kamu yang telah lalu."
{ قال إنَّ رسولكم الذي أرسل إليكم لمجنون } .
Qala inna rasoolakumu allatheeorsila ilaykum lamajnoon
Sahih International
[Pharaoh] said, "Indeed, your 'messenger' who has been sent to you is mad."
Firaun berkata (kepada orang-orangnya): "Sebenarnya Rasul yang diutuskan kepada kamu ini, sungguh gila?"
{ قال } موسى { ربُّ المشرق والمغرب وما بينهما إن كنتم تعقلون } إنه كذلك فآمنوا به وحده .
Qala rabbu almashriqi walmaghribiwama baynahuma in kuntum taAAqiloon
Sahih International
[Moses] said, "Lord of the east and the west and that between them, if you were to reason."
Nabi Musa (menerangkan lagi tentang keesaan Allah dan kekuasaanNya dengan) berkata: "Dia lah yang memiliki dan menguasai timur dan barat serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya; kalau kamu orang-orang yang berakal tentulah memahamiNya!"
{ قال } فرعون لموسى { لئن اتخذت إلها غيري لأجعلنَّك من المسجونين } كان سجنه شديدا يحبس الشخص في مكان تحت الأرض وحده لا يبصر ولا يسمع فيه أحدا .
Qala la-ini ittakhathta ilahanghayree laajAAalannaka mina almasjooneen
Sahih International
[Pharaoh] said, "If you take a god other than me, I will surely place you among those imprisoned."
Firaun berkata: "Demi sesungguhnya! Jika engkau menyembah Tuhan yang lain daripadaku, sudah tentu aku akan menjadikan engkau dari orang-orang yang dipenjarakan".
Next p.II (QS26) Ash 'Shu'ara:
Ash Shu`ara' (2)
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
26. Asy-Syu’araa’ Introduction
The Surah takes its name from verse 224 in which the word Ash-Shu`araa’ occurs.
Period of Revelation
The subject matter and the style show, and the traditions confirm, that it was revealed during the middle Makkan period. According to Ibn Abbas, Surah Ta Ha was revealed first, then Surah Al Waqiah, and then Surah Ash-Shu’araa.(Ruh-ul-Ma’ani, Vol. xx, p. 64). About Surah Ta Ha it is well known that it had been revealed before Hadrat Umar embraced Islam.
Subject Matter and Topics
The background of the Surah is that the disbelievers of Makkah were persistently refusing, on one pretext or the other, to accept the message of Islam given by the Holy Prophet. Sometimes they would say that he did not show them any sign to convince them of his Prophethood; sometimes they would brand him as a poet or a sorcerer and mock his message; and sometimes they would ridicule his Mission, saying that his followers were either a few foolish youth, or the poor people and slaves — whereas, they argued, if his Mission had really some value for the people, the nobles and the elders would have accepted it first. Thus, while on the one hand, the Holy Prophet was becoming wearied by his efforts to show them rationally the errors of their creeds and prove the truth of the Doctrines of Tauhid and the Hereafter, the disbelievers, on the other, were never tired of adopting one kind of obduracy after the other. This state of affairs was causing great anguish and grief to the Holy Prophet.
Such were the conditions when this Surah was revealed. It begins with words of consolation to the Holy Prophet, implying, “Why do you fret for their sake?If these people have not believed in you, it is not because they have not seen any Sign, but because they are obdurate. They will not listen to reason they want to see a Sign which makes them bow their heads in humility. When this Sign is shown in due course of time, they will themselves realize that what was being presented to them was the Truth.”
After this introduction, till verse 191, one and the same theme has been presented continuously, and it is said: “The whole earth abounds in such Signs as can guide a seeker after truth to Reality, but the stubborn and misguided people have never believed even after seeing the Signs, whether these were the Signs of the natural phenomena or the miracles of the Prophets. These wretched people have stubbornly adhered to their erroneous creeds till the Divine scourge actually overtook them.” It is to illustrate this that the history of seven of the ancient tribes has been told, who persisted in disbelief just like the disbelievers of Makkah. In this connection, the following points have been stressed:
The Signs are of two kinds:(a) Those which are scattered all over the earth, and by seeing which an intelligent person can judge for himself whether what the Prophet is presenting is the Truth or not and (b) those which were seen by Pharaoh and his people, Noah’s people, the Ad and the Thamud, Lot’s people and the people of Aiykah. Now it is for the disbelievers to decide which kind of the Signs they are eager to see.
The mentality of the disbeliever has been the same throughout the ages; their arguments and their objections, and their excuses and subterfuges for not believing have been similar and ultimately the fates that they met have also been the same. Likewise, the Prophets in every age presented the same teachings, their personal character and their reasoning and arguments against their opponents were the same, and they were all similarly blessed with mercy by Allah Almighty. Both these patterns of behavior and conduct are found in history, and the disbelievers could themselves see as to which respective patterns they and the Holy Prophet belonged.
Allah is All Mighty, All Powerful and All Merciful at the same time. History contains instances of His Wrath as well as of His Mercy. Now, therefore, it is for the people to decide whether they would like to deserve Allah’s Mercy or His Wrath.
Lastly, the discussion has been summed up, saying “O disbelievers, if at all you want to see the Signs, why should you insist on seeing those horrible Signs that visited the doomed communities of the past?Why don’t you see the Qur’an which is being presented in your own language?Why don’t you see Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace and mercy) and his Companions?Can the revelations of the Qur’an be the work of a satan or a jinn?Does the recipient of the Qur’an appear to be a sorcerer?Are Muhammad and his Companions no different from a poet and his admirers?Why don’t you give up disbelief and search your hearts for their judgment?When in the heart of your hearts you yourselves believe that the Revelations of the Qur’an have nothing in common with sorcery and poetry, then you should know that you are being cruel and unjust, and will certainly meet the doom meant for the cruel and unjust.”
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