Surah An Najm (The Star) - سورة النجم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{ والنَّجم } الثريا { إذا هوى } غاب .
Wannajmi itha hawa
Sahih International
By the star when it descends,
Demi bintang semasa ia menjunam, -
{ ما ضل صاحبكم } محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام عن طريق الهداية { وما غوى } ما لابس الغي وهو جهل من اعتقاد فاسد .
Ma dalla sahibukum wamaghawa
Sahih International
Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred,
Rakan kamu (Nabi Muhammad yang kamu tuduh dengan berbagai tuduhan itu), tidaklah ia menyeleweng (dari jalan yang benar), dan ia pula tidak sesat (dengan kepercayaan yang salah).
{ وما ينطق } بما يأتيكم به { عن الهوى } هوى نفسه .
Wama yantiqu AAani alhawa
Sahih International
Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.
Dan ia tidak memperkatakan (sesuatu yang berhubung dengan ugama Islam) menurut kemahuan dan pendapatnya sendiri.
{ إن } ما { هو إلا وحي يوحى } إليه .
In huwa illa wahyun yooha
Sahih International
It is not but a revelation revealed,
Segala yang diperkatakannya itu (sama ada Al-Quran atau hadis) tidak lain hanyalah wahyu yang diwahyukan kepadanya.
{ علمه } إياه ملك { شديد القوى } .
AAallamahu shadeedu alquwa
Sahih International
Taught to him by one intense in strength -
wahyu itu (disampaikan dan) diajarkan kepadanya oleh (malaikat jibril) yang amat kuat gagah, -
{ ذو مرة } قوة وشدة أو منظر حسن، أي جبريل عليه السلام { فاستوى } استقر .
Thoo mirratin fastawa
Sahih International
One of soundness. And he rose to [his] true form
Lagi yang mempunyai kebijaksanaan; kemudian ia memperlihatkan dirinya (kepada Nabi Muhammad) dengan rupanya asal, -
{ وهو بالأفق الأعلى } أفق الشمس، أي عند مطلعها على صورته التي خلق عليها فرآه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وكان بحراء قد سد الأفق إلى المغرب فخر مغشيا عليه وكان قد سأله أن يريه نفسه على صورته التي خلق عليها فواعده بحراء فنزل جبريل له في سورة الآدميين .
Wahuwa bil-ofuqi al-aAAla
Sahih International
While he was in the higher [part of the] horizon.
Sedang ia berada di arah yang tinggi (di langit);
{ ثم دنا } قرب منه { فتدلى } زاد في القرب .
Thumma dana fatadalla
Sahih International
Then he approached and descended
Kemudian ia mendekatkan dirinya (kepada Nabi Muhammad), lalu ia berjuntai sedikit demi sedikit,
{ فكان } منه { قاب } قدر { قوسين أو أدنى } من ذلك حتى أفاق وسكن روعه .
Fakana qaba qawsayni aw adna
Sahih International
And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer.
Sehingga menjadilah jarak (di antaranya dengan Nabi Muhammad) sekadar dua hujung busaran panah, atau lebih dekat lagi;
{ فأوحى } تعالى { إلى عبده } جبريل { ما أوحى } جبريل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ولم يذكر الموحي تفخيما لشأنه .
Faawha ila AAabdihi maawha
Sahih International
And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed.
Lalu Allah wahyukan kepada hambaNya (Muhammad, dengan perantaraan malaikat Jibril) apa yang telah diwahyukanNya.
{ ما كذب } بالتخفيف والتشديد أنكر { الفؤاد } فؤاد النبي { ما رأى } ببصره من صورة جبريل .
Ma kathaba alfu-adu maraa
Sahih International
The heart did not lie [about] what it saw.
Hati (Nabi Muhammad) tidak mendustakan apa yang dilihatnya.
{ أفتمارونه } تجادلونه وتغلبونه { على ما يرى } خطاب للمشركين المنكرين رؤية النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لجبريل .
Afatumaroonahu AAala mayara
Sahih International
So will you dispute with him over what he saw?
Jika demikian, patutkah kamu hendak membantahnya mengenai apa yang telah dilihatnya itu?
{ولقد رآه } على صورته { نزلةً } مرة { أخرى } .
Walaqad raahu nazlatan okhra
Sahih International
And he certainly saw him in another descent
Dan demi sesungguhnya! (Nabi Muhammad) telah melihat (malaikat Jibril, dalam bentuk rupanya yang asal) sekali lagi,
{ عند سدرة المنتهى } لما أسري به في السماوات، وهي شجرة نبق عن يمين العرش لا يتجاوزها أحد من الملائكة وغيرهم .
AAinda sidrati almuntaha
Sahih International
At the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary -
Di sisi "Sidratul-Muntaha";
{ عندها جنة المأوى } تأوي إليها الملائكة وأرواح الشهداء والمتقين .
AAindaha jannatu alma/wa
Sahih International
Near it is the Garden of Refuge -
Yang di sisinya terletak Syurga "Jannatul-Makwa".
{ إذ } حين { يغشى السدرة ما يغشى } من طير وغيره، وإذ معمولة لرآه .
Ith yaghsha assidratama yaghsha
Sahih International
When there covered the Lote Tree that which covered [it].
(Nabi Muhammad melihat jibril dalam bentuk rupanya yang asal pada kali ini ialah) semasa " Sidratul Muntaha" itu diliputi oleh makhluk-makhluk dari alam-alam ghaib, yang tidak terhingga.
{ ما زاغ البصر } من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم { وما طغى } أي ما مال بصره عن مرئيه المقصود له ولا جاوزه تلك الليلة .
Ma zagha albasaru wamatagha
Sahih International
The sight [of the Prophet] did not swerve, nor did it transgress [its limit].
Penglihatan (Nabi Muhammad) tidak berkisar daripada menyaksikan dengan tepat (akan pemandangan yang indah di situ yang diizinkan melihatnya), dan tidak pula melampaui batas.
{ لقد رأى } فيها { من آيات ربه الكبرى } العظام، أي بعضها فرأى من عجائب الملكوت رفرفا أخضر سد أفق السماء وجبريل له ستمائة جناح .
Laqad raa min ayatirabbihi alkubra
Sahih International
He certainly saw of the greatest signs of his Lord.
Demi sesungguhnya, ia telah melihat sebahagian dari sebesar-besar tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan luasnya pemerintahan dan kekuasaan) Tuhannya.
{ أفرأيتم اللات والعزى } .
Afaraaytumu allata walAAuzza
Sahih International
So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza?
(Setelah kamu - wahai kaum musyrik Makkah - mendengar keterangan yang membuktikan kekuasaan dan keagungan Allah) maka adakah kamu nampak bahawa "Al-Laat" dan "Al-Uzza" -
{ ومناة الثالثة } للتين قبلها { الأخرى } صفة ذم للثالثة وهي أصنام من حجارة كان المشركون يعبدونها ويزعمون أنها تشفع لهم عند الله، ومفعول أفرأيتم الأول اللات وما عطف عليه والثاني محذوف والمعنى أخبروني ألهذه الأصنام قدرة على شيء ما فتعبدونها دون الله القادر على ما تقدم ذكره، ولما زعموا أيضا أن الملائكة بنات الله مع كراهتهم البنات نزلت .
Wamanata aththalithataal-okhra
Sahih International
And Manat, the third - the other one?
Serta "Manaat" yang ketiga, yang bertaraf rendah lagi hina itu (layak disembah dan dianggap sebagai anak-anak perempuan Allah)?
{ ألكم الذكر وله الأنثى } .
Alakumu aththakaru walahual-ontha
Sahih International
Is the male for you and for Him the female?
Patutkah kamu membahagi untuk diri kamu sendiri anak lelaki (yang kamu sukai), dan untuk Allah anak perempuan (yang kamu benci)?
{ تلك إذا قسمة ضيزى } جائزة من ضازه يضيزه إذا ظلمه وجار عليه .
Tilka ithan qismatun deeza
Sahih International
That, then, is an unjust division.
Pembahagian yang demikian, sudah tentu suatu pembahagian yang tidak adil.
{ إن هي } أي ما المذكورات { إلا أسماء سميتموها } أي سميتم بها { أنتم وآباؤكم } أصناما تعبدونها { ما أنزل الله بها } أي بعبادتها { من سلطان } حجة وبرهان { إن } ما { يتبعون } في عبادتها { إلا الظن وما تهوى الأنفس } مما زين لهم الشيطان من أنها تشفع لهم عند الله تعالى { ولقد جاءهم من ربهم الهدى } على لسان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بالبرهان القاطع فلم يرجعوا عما هم عليه .
In hiya illa asmaonsammaytumooha antum waabaokum maanzala Allahu biha min sultanin inyattabiAAoona illa aththanna wamatahwa al-anfusu walaqad jaahum min rabbihimu alhuda
Sahih International
They are not but [mere] names you have named them - you and your forefathers - for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption and what [their] souls desire, and there has already come to them from their Lord guidance.
Benda-benda yang kamu sembah itu tidak lain hanyalah nama-nama yang kamu dan datuk nenek kamu menamakannya. Allah sekali-kali menurunkan sebarang bukti yang membenarkannya. Mereka yang berbuat demikian, tidak menurut melainkan sangkaan-sangkaan dan apa yang diingini oleh hawa nafsunya. Padahal demi sesungguhnya telah datang kepada mereka petunjuk dari Tuhan mereka.
{ أم للإنسان } أي لكل إنسان منهم { ما تمنى } من أن الأصنام تشفع لهم ؟ ليس الأمر كذلك .
Am lil-insani ma tamanna
Sahih International
Or is there for man whatever he wishes?
Adakah manusia tetap akan dapat mencapai segala yang dicita-citakannya? (Tidak!).
{ فلله الآخرة والأولى } أي الدنيا فلا يقع فيهما إلا ما يريده تعالى .
Falillahi al-akhiratu wal-oola
Sahih International
Rather, to Allah belongs the Hereafter and the first [life].
Kerana Allah jualah yang menguasai segala urusan akhirat dan urusan dunia.
( وكم من ملك ) أي وكثير من الملائكة ( في السماوات ) وما أكرمهم عند الله ( لا تغني شفاعتهم شيئا إلا من بعد أن يأذن الله ) لهم فيها ( لمن يشاء ) من عباده ( ويرضى ) عنه لقوله "" ولا يشفعون إلا لمن ارتضى "" ومعلوم أنها لا توجد منهم إلا بعد الإذن فيها "" من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه ".
Wakam min malakin fee assamawatila tughnee shafaAAatuhum shay-an illa minbaAAdi an ya/thana Allahu liman yashao wayarda
Sahih International
And how many angels there are in the heavens whose intercession will not avail at all except [only] after Allah has permitted [it] to whom He wills and approves.
(Golongan yang musyrik mengharapkan pertolongan benda-benda yang mereka sembah itu) padahal berapa banyak malaikat di langit, syafaat mereka tidak dapat mendatangkan sebarang faedah, kecuali sesudah Allah mengizinkan bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya dan diredhaiNya.
{ إن الذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة ليسمون الملائكة تسمية الأنثى } حيث قالوا: هم بنات الله .
Inna allatheena la yu/minoonabil-akhirati layusammoona almala-ikatatasmiyata al-ontha
Sahih International
Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter name the angels female names,
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada hari akhirat sahajalah, yang tergamak menamakan malaikat itu dengan nama perempuan,
{ وما لهم به } بهذا القول { من علم إن } ما { يتبعون } فيه { إلا الظن } الذي تخيلوه { وإن الظن لا يغني من الحق شيئا } أي عن العلم فيما المطلوب فيه العلم .
Wama lahum bihi min AAilmin inyattabiAAoona illa aththanna wa-innaaththanna la yughnee mina alhaqqishay-a
Sahih International
And they have thereof no knowledge. They follow not except assumption, and indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all.
Sedang mereka tidak mempunyai sebarang pengetahuan mengenainya. Mereka tidak lain hanyalah mengikut sangkaan semata-mata, padahal sesungguhnya sangkaan itu tidak dapat memenuhi kehendak menentukan sesuatu dari kebenaran (iktiqad).
{ فأعرض عن من تولى عن ذكرنا } أي القرآن { ولم يُرد إلا الحياة الدنيا } وهذا قبل الأمر بالجهاد .
FaaAArid AAan man tawalla AAanthikrina walam yurid illa alhayataaddunya
Sahih International
So turn away from whoever turns his back on Our message and desires not except the worldly life.
Oleh itu, janganlah engkau (wahai Muhammad) hiraukan orang yang berpaling dari pengajaran Kami, dan tidak mahu melainkan kehidupan dunia semata-mata.
{ ذلك } أي طلب الدنيا { مبلغهم من العلم } أي نهاية علمهم أن آثروا الدنيا على الآخرة { إن ربك هو أعلم بمن ضل عن سبيله وهو أعلم بمن اهتدى } عالم بهما فيجازيهما .
Thalika mablaghuhum mina alAAilmiinna rabbaka huwa aAAlamu biman dalla AAan sabeelihiwahuwa aAAlamu bimani ihtada
Sahih International
That is their sum of knowledge. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who strays from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided.
(Kepentingan dunia) itulah sahaja tujuan terakhir dari pengetahuan yang dicapai oleh mereka. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu, Dia lah jua yang lebih mengetahui akan orang yang sesat dari jalanNya, dan Dia lah jua yang lebih mengetahui akan orang yang mendapat hidayah petunjuk.
{ ولله ما في السماوات وما في الأرض } هو مالك لذلك، ومنه الضال والمهتدي يُضل من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء { ليجزي الذين أساءوا بما عملوا } من الشرك وغيره { ويجزي الذين أحسنوا } بالتوحيد وغيره من الطاعات { بالحسنى } الجنة وبيَّن المحسنين بقوله .
Walillahi ma fee assamawatiwama fee al-ardi liyajziya allatheena asaoobima AAamiloo wayajziya allatheena ahsanoobilhusna
Sahih International
And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth - that He may recompense those who do evil with [the penalty of] what they have done and recompense those who do good with the best [reward] -
Dan Allah jualah yang memiliki segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi; (diciptakan semuanya itu) untuk membalas orang-orang yang berbuat jahat menurut apa yang mereka lakukan, dan membalas orang-orang yang berbuat baik dengan balasan yang sebaik-baiknya.
{ الذين يجتنبون كبائر الإثم والفواحش إلا الَّلمَمَ } هو صغار الذنوب كالنظرة والقبلة واللمسة فهو استثناء منقطع والمعنى لكن اللمم يغفر باجتناب الكبائر { إن ربك واسع المغفرة } بذلك وبقبول التوبة، ونزل فيمن كان يقول: صلاتنا صيامنا حجنا: { هو أعلم } أي عالم { بكم إذ أنشأكم من الأرض } أي خلق آباكم آدم من التراب { وإذ أنتم أجنة } جمع جنين { في بطون أمهاتكم فلا تزكوا أنفسكم } لا تمدحوها على سبيل الإعجاب أما على سبيل الاعتراف بالنعمة فحسن { هو أعلم } أي عالم { بمن اتقى } .
Allatheena yajtaniboona kaba-iraal-ithmi walfawahisha illa allamama innarabbaka wasiAAu almaghfirati huwa aAAlamu bikum ithanshaakum mina al-ardi wa-ith antum ajinnatun feebutooni ommahatikum fala tuzakkoo anfusakumhuwa aAAlamu bimani ittaqa
Sahih International
Those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, only [committing] slight ones. Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He was most knowing of you when He produced you from the earth and when you were fetuses in the wombs of your mothers. So do not claim yourselves to be pure; He is most knowing of who fears Him.
(Iaitu) orang-orang yang menjauhi dosa-dosa besar serta perbuatan-perbuatan yang keji, kecuali salah silap yang kecil-kecil (yang mereka terlanjur melakukannya, maka itu dimaafkan). Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Luas keampunanNya. Ia lebih mengetahui akan keadaan kamu semenjak Ia mencipta kamu (berasal) dari tanah, dan semasa kamu berupa anak yang sedang melalui berbagai peringkat kejadian dalam perut ibu kamu; maka janganlah kamu memuji-muji diri kamu (bahawa kamu suci bersih dari dosa). Dia lah sahaja yang lebih mengetahui akan orang-orang yang bertaqwa.
{ أفرأيت الذي تولى } عن الإيمان ارتد لما عير به وقال إني خشيت عقاب الله فضمن له المعير له أن يحمل عنه عذاب الله إن رجع إلى شركه وأعطاه من ماله كذا فرجع .
Afaraayta allathee tawalla
Sahih International
Have you seen the one who turned away
Adakah engkau mengetahui (keburukan) orang yang berpaling (dari menurut kebenaran kerana ia dihasut)?
{ وأعطى قليلا } من المال المسمى { وأكدى } منع الباقي مأخوذ من الكدية وهي أرض صلبة كالصخرة تمنع حافر البئر إذا وصل إليها من الحفر .
WaaAAta qaleelan waakda
Sahih International
And gave a little and [then] refrained?
Dan setelah ia memberi sedikit pemberiannya, ia memutuskannya (kerana menurut hawa nafsunya)?
{ أعنده علم الغيب فهو يرى } يعلم جملته أن غيره يتحمل عنه عذاب الآخرة ؟ لا، وهو الوليد بن المغيرة أو غيره، وجملة أعنده المفعول الثاني لرأيت بمعنى أخبرني .
aAAindahu AAilmu alghaybi fahuwa yara
Sahih International
Does he have knowledge of the unseen, so he sees?
Adakah ia mempunyai pengetahuan mengenai perkara yang ghaib sehingga ia dapat mengetahui (bahawa orang lain boleh menghalang gantinya dari apa yang akan menimpanya pada hari akhirat)?
{ أم } بل { لم ينبأ بما في صحف موسى } أسفار التوراة أو صحف قبلها .
Am lam yunabba/ bima fee suhufimoosa
Sahih International
Or has he not been informed of what was in the scriptures of Moses
Atau belumkah ia diberitahu akan apa yang terkandung dalam Kitab-kitab Nabi Musa -
( و ) صحف ( إبراهيم الذي وفى ) تمم ما أمر به نحو "" وإذ ابتلى إبراهيم ربه بكلمات فأتمهن "" وبيان ما :
Wa-ibraheema allathee waffa
Sahih International
And [of] Abraham, who fulfilled [his obligations] -
Dan juga (dalam Kitab-kitab) Nabi Ibrahim yang memenuhi dengan sempurnanya (segala yang diperintahkan kepadanya)?
{ أ } ن { لا تزر وازرة وزر أخرى } إلخ وأن مخففة من الثقيلة، أي لا تحمل نفس ذنب غيرها .
Alla taziru waziratun wizraokhra
Sahih International
That no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another
(Dalam Kitab-kitab itu ditegaskan): Bahawa sesungguhnya seseorang yang boleh memikul tidak akan memikul dosa perbuatan orang lain (bahkan dosa usahanya sahaja);
{ وأن } بأنه { ليس للإنسان إلا ما سعى } من خير فليس له من سعي غيره الخير شيء .
Waan laysa lil-insani illa masaAAa
Sahih International
And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya tidak ada (balasan) bagi seseorang melainkan (balasan) apa yang diusahakannya;
{ وأن سعيه سوف يُرى } يبصر في الآخرة .
Waanna saAAyahu sawfa yura
Sahih International
And that his effort is going to be seen -
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya usahanya itu akan diperlihatkan (kepadanya, pada hari kiamat kelak);
{ ثم يجزاه الجزاء الأوفى } الأكمل يقال: جزيته سعيه وبسعيه .
Thumma yujzahu aljazaa al-awfa
Sahih International
Then he will be recompensed for it with the fullest recompense
Kemudian usahanya itu akan dibalas dengan balasan yang amat sempurna;
{ وأن } بالفتح عطفا وقرئ بالكسر استئنافا وكذا ما بعدها فلا يكون مضمون الجمل في الصحف على الثاني { إلى ربك المنتهى } المرجع والمصير بعد الموت فيجازيهم .
Waanna ila rabbika almuntaha
Sahih International
And that to your Lord is the finality
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya kepada hukum Tuhanmu lah kesudahan (segala perkara);
{ وأنه هو أضحك } من شاء أفرحه { وأبكى } من شاء أحزنه .
Waannahu huwa adhaka waabka
Sahih International
And that it is He who makes [one] laugh and weep
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah yang menyebabkan (seseorang itu bergembira) tertawa, dan menyebabkan (seseorang itu berdukacita) menangis;
{ وأنه هو أمات } في الدنيا { وأحيا } للبعث .
Waannahu huwa amata waahya
Sahih International
And that it is He who causes death and gives life
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah yang mematikan dan menghidupkan;
{ وأنه خلق الزوجين } الصنفين { الذكر والأنثى } .
Waannahu khalaqa azzawjayni aththakarawal-ontha
Sahih International
And that He creates the two mates - the male and female -
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah yang menciptakan pasangan - lelaki dan perempuan, -
{ من نطفة } منيٍّ { إذا تُمنى } تصب في الرحم .
Min nutfatin itha tumna
Sahih International
From a sperm-drop when it is emitted
Dari (setitis) air mani ketika dipancarkan (ke dalam rahim);
{ وأن عليه النَّشآءَةَ } بالمد والقصر { الأخرى } الخلقة الأخرى للبعث بعد الخلقة الأولى .
Waanna AAalayhi annash-ata al-okhra
Sahih International
And that [incumbent] upon Him is the next creation
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah yang tetap menghidupkan semula (makhluk-makhluk yang mati);
{ وأنه هو أغنى } الناس بالكفاية بالأموال { وأقنى } أعطى المال المتخذ قُنية .
Waannahu huwa aghna waaqna
Sahih International
And that it is He who enriches and suffices
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah yang memberikan (sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya) apa yang diperlukannya dan memberikannya tambahan yang boleh disimpan;
{ وأنه هو رب الشعرى } هي كوكب خلف الجوزاء كانت تعبد في الجاهلية .
Waannahu huwa rabbu ashshiAAra
Sahih International
And that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah Tuhan (Pencipta) "Bintang Syikra;
{ وأنه أهلك عادا الأولى } وفي قراءة بإدغام التنوين في اللام وضمها بلا همزة وهي قوم عاد والأخرى قوم صالح .
Waannahu ahlaka AAadan al-oola
Sahih International
And that He destroyed the first [people of] 'Aad
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dia lah yang membinasakan kaum "Aad" yang pertama (kaum Nabi Hud), -
{ وثمودا } بالصرف اسم للأب وبلا صرف للقبيلة وهو معطوف على عادا { فما أبقى } منهم أحدا .
Wathamooda fama abqa
Sahih International
And Thamud - and He did not spare [them] -
Dan kaum "Thamud" (kaum Nabi Soleh). Maka tidak ada seorangpun (dari kedua-dua kaum itu) yang dibiarkan hidup.
( وقوم نوح من قبل ) أي قبل عاد وثمود أهلكناهم ( إنهم كانوا هم أظلم وأطغى ) من عاد وثمود لطول لبث نوح فيهم "" فلبث فيهم ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاما "" وهم مع عدم إيمانهم به يؤذونه ويضربونه .
Waqawma noohin min qablu innahum kanoohum athlama waatgha
Sahih International
And the people of Noah before. Indeed, it was they who were [even] more unjust and oppressing.
Dan kaum Nabi Nuh sebelum itu (telah juga dibinasakan). Sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang sangat zalim dan sangat melampaui batas.
{ والمؤتفكة } وهي قرى قوم لوط { أهوى } أسقطها بعد رفعها إلى السماء مقلوبة إلى الأرض بأمره جبريل بذلك .
Walmu/tafikata ahwa
Sahih International
And the overturned towns He hurled down
Dan bandar-bandar yang ditunggang balikkan itu, Dia lah yang (mengangkatnya ke angkasa dan) menghempaskannya ke bumi;
{ فغشاها } من الحجارة بعد ذلك { ما غشى } أبْهم تهويلا، وفي هود: (جعلنا عاليها سافلها وأمطرنا عليها حجارة من سجيل) .
Faghashshaha ma ghashsha
Sahih International
And covered them by that which He covered.
Lalu (penduduk) bandar-bandar itu diliputi azab seksa yang meliputinya.
{ فبأي آلاء ربك } أنعمه الدالة على وحدانيته وقدرته { تتمارى } تتشكك أيها الإنسان أو تكذب .
Fabi-ayyi ala-i rabbika tatamara
Sahih International
Then which of the favors of your Lord do you doubt?
Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhanmu (yang tidak terhingga itu) engkau ragu-ragukan (wahai manusia)?
{ هذا } محمد { نذير من النذر الأولى } من جنسهم، أي رسول كالرسل قبله أرسل إليكم كما أرسلوا إلى أقوامهم .
Hatha natheerun mina annuthurial-oola
Sahih International
This [Prophet] is a warner like the former warners.
(Al-Quran) ini adalah pemberi amaran di antara jenis-jenis amaran yang telah lalu!
{ أزفت الآزفة } قربت القيامة .
Azifati al-azifat
Sahih International
The Approaching Day has approached.
Telah hampir masa datangnya saat yang dekat itu (hari kiamat);
{ ليس لها من دون الله } نفس { كاشفة } أي لا يكشفها ويظهرها إلا هو كقوله { لا يجليها لوقتها إلا هو } .
Laysa laha min dooni Allahi kashifat
Sahih International
Of it, [from those] besides Allah , there is no remover.
Tidak ada sesiapapun selain Allah yang dapat menahan atau menghapuskan huru-hara "hari kiamat" itu.
{ أفمن هذا الحديث } أي القرآن { تعجبون } تكذيبا .
Afamin hatha alhadeethitaAAjaboon
Sahih International
Then at this statement do you wonder?
Maka patutkah kamu merasa hairan terhadap keterangan-keterangan Al-Quran ini (sehingga kamu mengingkarinya)?
{ وتضحكون } استهزاءً { ولا تبكون } لسماع وعده ووعيده .
Watadhakoona wala tabkoon
Sahih International
And you laugh and do not weep
Serta kamu tertawa (mengejek-ejeknya), dan kamu tidak mahu menangis (menyesali kesalahan kamu serta takutkan balasan buruk yang akan menimpa kamu)?
{ وأنتم سامدون } لاهون غافلون عما يطلب منكم .
Waantum samidoon
Sahih International
While you are proudly sporting?
Sedang kamu adalah orang-orang yang sombong angkuh, lagi yang melalaikan kewajipan?
{ فاسجدوا لله } الذي خلقكم { واعبدوا } ولا تسجدوا للأصنام ولا تعبدوها .
Fasjudoo lillahi waAAbudoo
Sahih International
So prostrate to Allah and worship [Him].
Oleh yang demikian, hendaklah kamu sujud kepada Allah (yang telah menurunkan Al-Quran itu), dan beribadatlah kamu kepadaNya (dengan sepenuh-penuh tauhid).
Totally free edaran cetak atau email atau apa-apa untuk tujuan dakwah. Guna > Spread > > >
Semoga Allah Subha-nahu-wa-taala memberkati kita semua.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
53. An-Najm Introduction
The Sarah derives its name from the very first word wan Najm. This title also does not relate to the subject matter, but is a name given to the Surah as a symbol.
Period of Revelation
According to a Tradition related by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Da’ud and Nasai, on the authority of Hadrat Abdullah bin Mas’ud, the first Surah in which a versa requiring the performance of a sajdah (prostration) as sent down, is Surah An-Najm. The parts of this Hadith which have been reported by Aswad bin Yazid, Abu Ishaq and Zubair bin Mu’awiyah from Hadrat Ibn Mas’ud, indicate that this is the first Surah of the Qur’an, which the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had publicly recited before an assembly of the Quraish (and according to Ibn Marduyah, in the Ka’bah) in which both the believers and the disbelievers were present.
At the end, when he recited the verse requiring the performance of a sajdah and fell down in prostration, the whole assembly also fall down in prostration with him, and even those chiefs of the polytheists who were in the forefront of the opposition to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) could not resist falling down in prostration.
Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) says that he saw only one man, Umayyah bin Khalaf, from among the disbelievers, who did not fall down in prostration but took a little dust and rubbing it on his forehead said that that was enough for him. Later, as Ibn Mas’ud relates, he saw this man being killed in the state of disbelief.
Another eye witness of this incident is Hadrat Muttalib bin Abi Wada’ah, who had not yet become a Muslim. Nasai and Musnad Ahmad contain his own words to the effect: “When the Holy Prophet recited the Surah An-Najm and performed the sajdah and the whole assembly fell down in prostration along with him, I did not perform the sajdah. Now to compensate for the same whenever I recite this Surah I make sure never to abandon its performance.”
Ibn Sad says that before this, in the Rajab of the 5th year of Prophethood, a small group of the Companions had emigrated to Abyssinia. Then, when in the Ramadan of the same year this incident took place the news spread that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had recited Surah An-Najm publicly in the assembly of the Quraish and the whole assembly, including the believers as well as the disbelievers, had fallen down in prostration with him.
When the emigrants to Abyssinia heard this news they formed the impression that the disbelievers of Makkah had become Muslims. Thereupon, some of them returned to Makkah in the Shawwal of the 5th year of Prophethood, only to learn that the news was wrong and the conflict between Islam and disbelief was raging as furiously as before. Consequently, the second emigration to Abyssinia took place, in which many more people left Makkah.
Thus, it becomes almost certain that this Surah was revealed in the Ramadan of 5th year of Prophethood.
Historical Background
The details of the period of revelation as given above point to the conditions in which this Surah was revealed. During the first five years of his appointment as a Prophet, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had been extending invitation to Allah’s Religion by presenting the Divine Revelations before the people only in private and restricted meetings and assemblies.
During this whole period he could never have a chance to recite the Quran before a common gathering openly, mainly because of the strong opposition and resistance from the disbelievers. They were well aware of how magnetic and captivating was the Holy Prophet’s personality and his way of preaching and how impressive were the Revelations of the Qur’an.
Therefore, they tried their best to avoid hearing it them- selves and to stop others also from hearing it and to suppress his invitation by false propaganda by spreading every kind of suspicion against him. For this object, on the one hand, they were telling the people that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had gone astray and was now bent upon misleading others as well; on the other hand, they would raise on uproar whenever he tried to present the Qur’an before the people so that no one could know what it was for which he was being branded as a misled and misguided person.
Such were the conditions when the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) suddenly stood up one day to make a speech in the sacred precincts of the Ka’bah, where a large number of the Quraish had gathered together. Allah at that time made him deliver this discourse, which we have now in the form of the Surah An-Najm with us.
Such was the intensity of the impression that when the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) started reciting it the opponents were so completely overwhelmed that they could not think of raising any disorder, and when at the conclusion he fell down in prostration, they too fell down in prostration along with him.
Later they felt great remorse at the weakness they had involuntarily shown. The people also started taunting them to the effect that whereas they had been forbidding others to listen to the Qur’an, that day not only had they themselves listened to it, with complete absorption but had even fallen down in prostration along with Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
At last, they had to invent a story in order to get rid of the people’s taunt and ridicule. They said “After he had recited afara’ait-ul Lata wal Uzza wa Manat ath-thalitha-al ukhra, we heard from Muhammad the words: tilk al-gharaniqa- tal-’ula, wa anna shafa’at-u-hunna latarja: ‘They are exalted goddesses: indeed, their intercession may be expected.’ From this we understood that Muhammad had returned to our faith.” As a matter of fact, only a mad person could think that in the context of this Surah the sentences they claimed to have heard could have any place and relevance.(For details, please see E. N.’s 96 to 301 of Surah Al Hajj).
Subject Matter and Topics
The theme of the discourse is to warn the disbelievers of Makkah about the error of the attitude that they had adopted towards the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
The discourse starts in a way as if to say: “Muhammad is neither deluded nor gone astray, as you are telling others in your propaganda against him, nor has he fabricated this teaching of Islam and its message, as you seem to think he has. In fact, whatever he is presenting is nothing but Revelation which is sent down to him.
The verities that be presents before you, are not the product of his own surmise and speculation but realities of which he himself is an eye witness. He has himself seen the Angel through whom this knowledge is conveyed to him. He has been directly made to observe the great Signs of his Lord: whatever he says is not what he has himself thought out but what he has seen with his own eyes. Therefore, your disputing and wrangling with him is just like the disputing and wrangling of a blind man with a man of sight over a thing which the blind man cannot see but he can see.”
After this, three things have been presented in their successive order:
First, the listeners have been made to understand that: “The religion that you are following is based on mere conjecture and invented ideas. You have set up a few goddesses like Lat and Manat and Uzza as your deities, whereas they have no share whatever in divinity. You regard the angels as the daughters of Allah, whereas you regard a daughter as disgraceful for your own selves.
You think that these deities of fours can influence Allah in your favor, whereas the fact is that all the angels together, who are stationed closest to Allah, cannot influence Him even in their own favor. None of such beliefs that you have adopted, is based on knowledge and reason, but are wishes and desires for the sake of which you have taken some whims as realities.
This is a grave error. The right and true religion is that which is in conformity to the reality, and the reality is never subject to thee people’s wishes and desires so that whatever they may regard as a reality and truth should become the reality and truth. Speculation and conjecture cannot help to determine as to what is according to the truth and what is not; it is knowledge.
When that knowledge is presented before you, you turn away from it, and brand the one who tells you the truth as misguided. The actual cause of your being involved in this error is that you are heedless of the Hereafter. Only this world is your goal. Therefore, you have neither any desire for the knowledge of reality, nor you bother to see ‘whether the beliefs you hold are according to the truth or not.
Secondly, the people have been told that: Allah is the caster and Sovereign of the entire Universe. The righteous is he who follows His way, and the misguided he who has turned away from His way. The error of the misguided and the righteousness of the righteous are not hidden from Him. He knows whatever everyone is doing: He will requite the evil with evil and the good with good.
The final judgment will not depend on what you consider yourself to be, and on tall claims you make of your purity and chastity but on whether you are pious or impious, righteous or unrighteous, in the sight of God. If you refrain from major sins, He in His mercy will overlook your minor errors.” .
Thirdly, a few basic principles of the true Religion which had been presented hundreds of years before the revelation of the Qur’an in the Books of the Prophets Abraham and Moses have been reiterated so that the people did not remain involved in the misunderstanding that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had brought some new and novel religion, but they should know that these are the fundamental truths which the former Prophets of Allah have always been presenting in their respective ages.
Besides, the same Books have been quoted to confirm the historical facts that the destruction of the ‘Ad and the Thamud and of the people of the Prophets Noah and Lot was not the result of accidental calamities, but Allah has destroyed them in consequence of the same wickedness and rebellion from which the disbelievers of Makkah were not inclined to refrain and desist in any case.
After presenting these themes and discourses the Surah has been concluded, thus: “The Hour of Judgment has approached near at hand, which no one can avert. Before the occurrence of that Hour you are being warned through Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Quran in the like manner as the former people had been warned before. Now, is it this warning that you find novel and strange? Which you mock and ridicule?
Which you turn away from and cause disorder so that no one else also is able to hear what it is ? Don’t you feel like weeping at your folly and ignorance? Abandon this attitude and behavior, bow down to Allah and serve Him alone!”
This was that impressive conclusion hearing which even the most hardened deniers of the Truth were completely overwhelmed, and when after reciting these verses of Divine Word the Holy Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fell down in prostration, they too could not help falling down in prostration along with him.
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